



1、八年级(上) unit 4 自学讲义一. 词汇目标: a. 单词英汉互译:1. 搭乘(车) 2. 走, 步行 3. 火车 4. 四十 5. 五十 6. subway 7. eighty 8. 六十 9. 七十 10. 九十 11. 一百 12. 分钟 13. 花费 14. 远的 15. 公里 16. 淋浴 17. 快的 18. 车站 19. 早的 20. 自行车 21. 英里 22. 停靠点 23. 北方的 24. 地区 25. 事物 26. 另外的 27. depend 28. means 29. 河, 江 30. 船 31. 一定 32. 更多的 33. 比 34. 小汽车 35. 城镇

2、36. 生病的 37. 担心 38. 这么, 那么 39. 十分, 非常 b. 记住并能用下列词组造句:1. take the subway / train 乘地铁/ 乘火车 2. by bus / by train 乘汽车 / 乘火车, 表方式3. walk to school 步行上学 4. how long 多长时间 ; 多长 . 表时间和长度 = go to school on foot 5. how far 多远 , 表示距离6. fromto从到 7. (be) far from 离远8. leave for + 地点 ,动身去某地 9. the bus station 公共汽车站

3、10. take sb to + 地点,带某人去某地 the bus stop 公告汽车停靠点11. north america 北美洲 the train station 火车站12. around / all over the world 全世界 the subway station 地铁站13. in other parts of the world 在世界的其它地区 14. depend on 视而定,取决于15. go to school by boat 乘船上学 16. must be 一定,表示有把握的猜测17. not all + 复数名词 “ 并非所有的” 18. ways

4、/ means of transportation 交通方式19. the number of 。的数量 20. a number of = many 许多,接复数名词21. be ill in hospital 生病住院 22. look at 看着, 朝。看23. 10 miles from school 离学校十英里远 24. a lot more fun 更加有趣25. the bus ride 乘火车( 名词短语) 26. ride a bicycle 骑自行车二. 功能性项目及语言目标: 谈论去某地的方式1. how do you get to school ? 你怎样到校的 ?

5、i ride my bike . i get to school by bike . 我骑自行车到校的.2. how does she get to school ? she takes the school bus .3. how long does it take you to walk to home ? 步行回家要花费你多长时间? it takes me about 25 minutes . 大约25分钟.4. - how far is it from his home to school ? 从他家到学校有多远? its three miles . 三英里.5. lin feis h

6、ome is about 10 kilometers from school . 林飞的家离学校大约10公里远。6. the bus ride usually takes him about 25 minutes . 乘公共汽车通常花他约25分钟. = it usually takes him about 25 minutes to take a / the bus .7. i live 10 miles from school . 我住在离学校10英里远的地方. =its 10 miles from my home to school .8. let me look at your map

7、. 让我看看你的地图.9. if you have a problem , you can ask the policemen for help. 如果你遇到困难,你可以向警察求助.10. it depends on where you are . 它取决于你在哪里。三. 语法: 学习交通方式的表达方法及相关句型交通方式的表达方法一般采用一下几种:1. take the / a + 交通工具名词 + to + 地点 take the/a bus take the/a car take the/a taxi take the/a train take the/a subway take the/

8、a plane take the/a boat如: he never takes the bus to school because his home isnt far from school .2. by + 交通工具名词 , “ 乘” , 方式状语, 放在动词后, 用how提问. 常构成短语: go to + 地点 + by + 交通工具名词; 此短语可用on the/a .代替. 如:my father went new york by plane / on the plane / by air last week .= my father took the plane to new y

9、ork last week . 我父亲上周乘飞机去了纽约.3. 其它动词短语: ride a bicycle to = go to by bicycle = go to on the/a bicycle walk to = go to on foot fly to = go to by plane/ by air / on the plane = take the/a plane to drive a car to = go to by car/in ones car 如: they will fly to london for a meeting . 他们将乘飞机去伦敦开会. = they

10、will go to london by plane / on a plane for a meeting .4. 注意这些表达方法之间的相互转换:1>.it takes my mother about half an hour to go to work by bike / on a bike .= it takes my mother about half an hour to ride ( her bike ) to work .= the bike ride takes my mother about half an hour to work .= my mother spend

11、s about half an hour going to work by bike . 2>. it takes about 25 minutes to walk / on foot . 步行大约需要25分钟. it takes 10 minutes to take a bus / by bus . 乘公共汽车要花10分钟.3>. a: how far is your school from the bank ? 你们学校离银行多远? b: its around 8 miles . 大约8 英里. 或: it is around 15 minutes by bike / to r

12、ide a bike . = its around 15 minutes bike ride . 骑自行车大约15分钟的路程. ( 表距离 )四. 知识点复习:1. how far 对距离提问:beijing is about 400 kilometers from tianjin . how far is beijing from tianjin ?2. how long 对一段时间和长度提问, 如:1> .the great wall is over 6300 kilometers long . 长城长6300多公里.how long is the great wall ? 表示长度

13、2>. the bike ride takes her 15 minutes . 骑自行车花她15分钟时间 . how long / how many minutes does the bike ride take her ?3. take 做 “ 花费” 将时多用于指花费时间, 构成如下句型:it takes sb some time to do sth . 某人花费多长时间做某事. 做某事花费某人多长时间. = sb spends some time on sth / <in> doing sth . 如:it took us two hours to do our ho

14、mework yesterday. 昨天我们花了两小时做作业.= we spent two hours on / <in> doing our homework yesterday .4. far “ 遥远的”, 可以构成词组 be far from + 地点 “离某地远” . 但不能表示具体的距离; 若要表达具体的距离, 就用 “ 数词+ 单位名词+ from + 地点”. 如:her home isnt far from the hospital . 她家医院不远 . the cinema is more than two kilometers from the post of

15、fice . 电影院离邮局有两公里多远。how far is the cinema from the post office ?5. else ,“别的, 其它的”,不能接名词,只能放在特殊疑问词和不定代词之后 ;other, “另外的,其他的” , 后接名词; 若表示两者中的另一个或另一部分, 则用成the other . 如:what else do you need ? 你还需要别的什么? nothing else . 什么都不要了。helping other people makes us happy . 帮助他人使我们快乐。here are two books . one is mi

16、ne, the other is yours .6. a lot 后接形容词或副词时要用比较级,相当于much . “多” 。如:im a lot / much younger than you . 我比你年轻得多. 7. must be “ 一定” , 表示有把握的猜测, 注意其否定句和反意疑问句的特殊变换方法. 如:tomorrow must be fine . tomorrow cant be fine . 明天不可能是晴天.明天一定是晴天. tomorrow must be fine , isnt it ? 明天一定是晴天, 是吗?8. not all “ 并非所有的” , 表示部分否

17、定 , 后面多接复数名词, 做主语时动词用复数形式. 如: not all sharks are dangerous . 并非所有的鲨鱼都危险 . 9. a number of = many = a lot of = lots of , “许多”, 修饰复数名词,做主语时动词不用单三形式;the number of the + 复数名词 “ 数量”, 做主语时动词必须用单三形式 .如: the number of the students in our class is fifty-three , a number of us get to school on foot. 我们班学生的数量是5

18、3,我们当中很多人是步行上学的。 a large number of girls like wearing colorful clothes . 许多女孩子喜欢穿鲜艳的衣服。10. want to know 后常跟疑问意思的陈述句做宾语从句 . 如: thomas wants to know how she gets to school . 五exercises :一>. 根据句意和首字母提示填词:1. which p of china do you come from ? 2. therere sixty m in an hour .3. he lives fifteen m from

19、 the bus station . 4. do you often w to school ?5. his home isnt far from the train station, so he often t the train to other places.6. to get from my home to school t me twenty-five minutes .7. how f is it from your school to the subway station ?9. another word for “ bike” is b . 10. li lei is i in

20、 hospital .11. you dont have to w about your study . i can help you .二>. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. it took them a year (finish) the work .2. a small number of (child) like to eat junk food .3. its about 20 (minute) walk from my home to your home .4. the number of the students in our school (be) over nine hu

21、ndred .5. it depends on where your friend (live) .6. in japan, the three most popular ways of (get) to school are bus , train and bike.7. kate usually spends two or three hours (go) shopping on weekends .8. they must be from australia , (not be) they ?9. his car is a lot (good)yours .10. how long do

22、es it take you (ride) school? 11. he needs (have) a rest.三>. 认真读下列各题,根据括号内所给的汉语意思, 用句末括号内给的提示词完成句子:1. he ( 动身去襄樊) for a meeting tomorrow . ( leave)2. when it rains , i (乘出租车上学) 。(take)3. (并非所有的东西都很贵) in the shop . ( not all)4. the greens (住在离两千米) the bus station . ( from)5. ( 许多学生步行) to school in

23、 our class . (number)6. (工人数超过) 3000 in that factory . (number)7. (你妈妈怎样去上班)? (how) she (骑自行车) 。(ride) 或: she ( 骑自行车上班) 。( by)8. 你们工厂离超市多远? ? 乘公共汽车大约20分钟的路程。 . (ride)9. it ( 花她49分钟) go to the airport by subway .( take) = to the airport by subway .10. ( 花多长时间) you to get from home to school ? ( long)

24、it (取决于) how you get there . (depend)11. i dont know ( 他住多远)from his school . ( far)12. my new house ( 距离200米远) the old one .(be)13. in (一些其它的国家) ,we can also hear people speaking english (other)14. can we (看看你的新自行车) ? (look)二. 用所给词的正确形式填空:1. my mother goes to beijing (two) a year.2. (eat) an apple

25、a day is good for your health .3. can you find the (different) between these two boxes ?4. the old man likes (exercise) a lot , so he is very healthy .5. good eating habit can help us keep in good (healthy) .6. how ( more ) milk would you like ?7. most apples ( be ) good . but most of this one ( be ) bad . 8. how often do you go ( swim ) ?9. he often ( play ) basketball , but he hardly ever ( go ) the movies .10. its good for us ( eat ) a lot of vegetables every day .11. his father always tries ( visit ) his grandpar


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