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1、advanced english liu chun-fangenglish department advice1.make new terms resolution (proper and sound)2.never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.3.think on the end before you begin.unit one camille by joseph p. blank teaching pointsi. background knowledgeii. introduction to the passageii

2、i. text analysisiv. rhetorical devicesv. questionsteaching contents1. the literary style 2. detailed study of the text3. organizational pattern4. language features5. rhetorical devices6.exercises aims 1.to know the writing technique of a narrative.2.to be acquainted with some literary terms3.to lear

3、n to use words to describe disasters and violence4.to appreciate the language features5.to learn to write a story about disasters. i. background knowledge1. hurricane2. gulf of mexico3. louisiana, mississippi, alabama theme - man vs naturethe literary style a piece of narration is mainly developed i

4、n the actual time sequence. the writer tells the readers what happens first , what next. chronological developmentthe literary termsnarration - story tellingextended narration - novels histories biographies autobiographies traveloguesthe literary termsthe essentials of narration:1. characters2. plot

5、a good story has a beginning, a middle, an end, even though it may start in the middle or at some other point in the action and move backward to the earlier happenings.the literary terms narration is concerned with action. it goes around people called characters in some kind of struggle or conflict

6、against other people, nature, society or themselves.the literary terms protagonist - leading character antagonist - the people or forces protagonist fights against suspense - a state of uncertaintythe literary terms interposition - a passage which is put between the action the purpose is to add more

7、 information to create suspensethe literary termsflashback - interruption of chronological sequence by interjection of event of earlier occurrenceclimax - the most exciting, important interesting part on the story, denouement - the ending of a story climax falling action denouement rising action con

8、flict beginning suspense ending introduction to the passage organization: -introduction (para 1- 6)-development (para 7 26)-climax (para 27)-conclusion organizational patternsect i. para 1-6 introduction the setting of the storybackground information time place characters reasons actionsorganization

9、al patternsect ii para 7-27-how the family was brought face to face with the hurricane.-how the family was fighting against it and survived.-how many onslaughts did the hurricane make on the koshaks?developmentthe writer builds up and sustains the suspense in the story by describing in detail and vi

10、vidly the incidents showing how the koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane.4 onslaughts1. (p7) on the first floor the house was leaking. they used all kinds of utensils to fight against the water.2. (p 8-13 ) on the staircase when the sea water reached the house,

11、 they retreated to the staircase4 onslaughts3. (p 14-21) in the bedroomwhen the stirs were broken, they retreated to the bedroom.(p 19-20) interposition1.giving additional information about the devastating force of the hurricane, implying if anyone could survive, it must be a miracle.2.creating susp

12、ense4 onslaughts4. (p22-26) in the tv room when the bedroom walls collapsed, they had to retreat to the tv room.organization of the textclimax (p. 27)the writer gives order an logical movement to the sequence of happenings by describing a series of actions in the order of their occurrence.the story

13、reaches its climax in paragraph 27.organizational patternsect. iii para 2739 conclusion (a bit too long) the scene after the storm the relief work done by the state the relief work done by the koshaksorganizational patternthe most important part is the last para. i realize we lost nothing important.

14、the theme in the storyhuman lives are important and not material possessions. the family survived the storm.orface to face with hurricane camille describes the heroic struggle of the koshaks and their friends against the forces of a devastating hurricane.organizational pattern- what s the purpose be

15、hind the story by giving us a reflection from grandmother?human beings are more important than anything else in the world. ( the material things)the detailed study of the texthurricane -1. strong tropical storm2. strong fast wind which speeds more than 75 mph3. western atlantic ocean4. given a girls

16、 name; named alphabetically / ordered according to the initial letterthe detailed study of the texttyphoon -1. western pacific ocean or china sea2. numberedhurricane whirlwind - a general term/ circular windtornado -visible as a tube-shaped cloud of dust which moves in a relatively narrow path can b

17、e devastating in its destructivenesscyclone - a vortex, usually hundreds of miles in diametergale- a general term for a very strong wind capable of doing considerable damage to property the beaufort (蒲福)scalethe beaufort scale defines a storm as a wind having velocity of between 64 and 75 miles an h

18、our.weather forecast the weather forecast says cloudy today, with a strong wind from the northwest, grade five to six on the beaufort scale. the lowest temperature during the daytime will be eight degrees centigrade below zero. the detailed study of the textaugust 17 hurricane devastated the area fo

19、r 2 daysbad - destructive /devastating / terribly forcefullash - to strike with great force to move violently or suddenlythe waves lashed the racksthe rain was lashing against the windows. pummel pummel - spelled pommel to beat suddenly or attack vigorously to hit with repeated blows reasons to stay

20、 1. he is a self-employed businessman magna product - the name of his companyimplication: how great the loss it would be if the house was destroyed.2. his present house was in a better condition than his former house.batten downbatten - a strip of wood used in construction and oft. used in the old d

21、ays in ship building.to batten down - metaphor to secure with battens the elder koshak is talking about preparing and securing the house for the storm to come.blends motel (motor+hotel) boatel (boat+hotel) brunch (breakfast + lunch)chunnel (channel + tunnel) 运河地下道slurbs (slum + suburbs)slanguage (sl

22、ang + language)blends cafetorium (cafe + auditorium)talkthon ( talk + marathon)filmusical( film + musical)comsat (communications + satellite)blendssitcom (situatin + comedy )情景喜剧narcokleptocracy (narcotic麻醉剂的) + (kleptomania 偷窃癖+ cracy 统治阶层) 官贩毒magalog ( magazine + catalog) 杂志目录blends comint ( commu

23、nications + intelligence) 通讯情报sportscasters ( spots + broadcaster) 体育节目广播员masscult (mass + culture) 平民文化scud - move swiftly the speed of these clouds is an indication of the swiftness with which the storm is approaching.the boat scudded before the strong west wind came.scud missiles disintegrate - c

24、ollapse, crumble. fall apart break into many small pieces and is destroyedis society beginning to ?since the soviet union ed, the cold war came to an end.blast 1. (an explosion) burst, explosion 2. ( a loud sound) roar, bang, noiseunexpected quick strong movement of wind or rain 一阵;一股a blast of wind

25、wintry blastshove- push with a quick, rather violent movementhe dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street.the car wont start. can you give it a shove?douse - immerse, soak, submerge, drenchhe doused the clothes in soapy water.on the verge of - very near to the actionshe was so unhap

26、py that she was on the verge of (committing) suicide.the country is on the verge of disaster.the child is on the verge of tears.the company is on the verge of insolvency.to the verge of the attack brought the country to the verge of war. the old man had been driven to the verge of despair.crushing-

27、devastating / defeating /people feel upset or shockedthe final lecture was interrupted by the crushing news of president kennedys death.it was a crushing result for the labor party.ferocity - the quality of being violent / strength/ intensity 凶猛程度 uviolence broke out in greater amount and ferocity.h

28、e had never heard such ferocity in a mans voice.maroon - v. (uau. p.p.) to leave one or more people alone, with no means of getting away. if one is marooned, he is left in a place, which is difficult or impossible to escape from. five fishermen were marooned on a rock in a gale.grade - classify by g

29、radesapples are graded according to size and quality.poultrymen grade their eggs from small to extra large.mph - mile per hour rpm revolutions(旋转) per minutegpm - gallons per minutefps - feet per secondswaththe width of a scythe stroke or a mowing-machine blade.刈幅:镰刀或割草机刃一刈的宽度something likened to a

30、swath; a strip.长而宽的地带:类似于刈幅宽的东西;一条cut a swathto create a great stir, impression, or display:出风头:造成极大的轰动、留下深刻印象或炫耀:“he cut a bold and even sacrificial swath across american politics”spectacular- very impressive, dramatic, breathtaking 壮观的,引人注目的,激动人心the man gave a spectacular display of horse riding.h

31、e made a spectacular jump from the burning building.some films present spectacular scenes like battles, processions, storms, races etc,vantage point(s)point of vantage - a good position from which you can see a lot of things1.the tv tower will provide a vantage point from which we can have a birds e

32、ye view of the city.2.they fired upon the enemy from behind trees, walls and any other point of vantage they could find.para 19 20 two paras were put in to provide further official account to show how strong and forceful the hurricane was. they were convincing.dear lord, give me. why no quotation ma

33、rks? the writer wants to make his account smooth. he purposely omits quotation marks. the action is quickened and smooth.frustrate - cause sb to have feelings of annoys and disappointment if sth frustrates you, it makes you feel upset and angry because you are unable to deal with the difficulties an

34、d problems it gives you.frustrate -giving a child problems he cant solve will only frustrate him.-he was frustrated by his poverty.-the lack of money and facilities depressed and frustrated him.-there must be nothing more frustrating than having a job you dont like .frustration u.- without public su

35、pport our efforts will end in frustration.a lean-to 1 a building joined to one of the sides of a larger building with which it shares one wall:a cottage with a lean-to garage2 us a shelter or simple building with a roof that slopes in one direction, which is slept in when campinghere “a lean-to” is

36、a support thrust - onslaught, attack, push, drivestrew - spread, cover, scatter- his clothes were strewn all over the room.- the floor is strewn with broken glass.- after the riot, the street was strewn with broken bottles and stones. festoon - decorate the garden was festooned with colored lights.n

37、ational guard each state has its own organization of the national guard. it is composed of ordinary citizens who may be called to duty at any time. 国民警卫队civil defense unit - 民防队play much the same role, but are not military in naturethe salvation army a world-wide christian organization founded by wi

38、lliam booth in white chapel, london in 1865. the salvation army is concerned with spreading the christian message and with social reform. its officers have military titles and members wear uniforms.*1image-5*red cross an international organization concerned with the alleviation of human suffering an

39、d the promotion of public health. a red cross on a white background is the symbol.rake its way - meta. if raking a surface, you move a rake across it in order to make it smooth and level- to attack and devastate as it swept alongrampage if people or animal rampage, they rush about in a wild or viole

40、nt way, often causing damages or destruction.the elephants are rampaging through the bush. ( hard to control/ mad/ violent / raging)seabees - c.b. members of the construction battalions of the civil engineer corps of the us navy, that build harbor facilities airfields etc 海军工程队wreckage - you refer t

41、o what remains of a plane, car, building etc, that has been very badly damaged as wreckageassume/ presumethe meaning of these words are quite closeassume - to come to a conclusion on the basis of what is known or felt to be truepresume - to come to a conclusion by supposing / connotes an arrogation

42、(claim) of boldness and of unwarranted inference ( which might well be unjustified)assume/ presume 1. after talking with you yesterday, i assumed you were going to the party. 2. i saw them together and presumed they had reconciled their differences, but from what you tell me, i know i was wrong. ass

43、umption/ presumptiontilt / slant / slopetilt - action to tilt sth is to incline it at an angle lowering or raising one sideslant - state general word if sth slants, it lies along a line that is neither horizontal nor vertical an oblique placement or positiontilt / slant / slope fig. suggesting a bia

44、s toward a particular point of view we call news so slanted propaganda.我们把这种倾斜性的新闻称之为宣传。slope almost the same as slant, but is most often applied to a lay of landa slanted linea sloping lawndiminish / minimizediminish - make smaller less or less important, reduce, shrink-the aspirin tablets will dim

45、inish your pain.diminish / minimizeminimize - reduce to the smallest possible amount, degree, size, belittle-it is always unwise to minimize the horrors of war.-since i am doing the best i am, you should not try to minimize my efforts.-minimize is an absolute term and should not be accompanied by ad

46、verbs somewhat, greatlysalvage / save / rescue salvage - save from loss or damage by wrecking , fire etc things a difficult situationsave if you save someone or sth, you help them to avoid harm or failure or to escape from dangerous or unpleasant situation- an artificial heart could his life.- they

47、prayed for rain to save the village.- she saved him from drowning.- they were trying to save their marriage.salvage / save / rescuerescue - if you rescue sb or sth, you take an action to help them get away from a dangerous or harmful situation.* all my attempts to him were in vain.* they decided not

48、 to the factory.language features1. the effective use of verbs the effective use of verbs is the only way to focus on action, esp. one syllable verbs, because one syllable verbs save time. lash, lap, skim, scud, yell, dump, shot, snap, hit, whiplanguage features2. short elliptical sentences a) incre

49、ase the tempo(节奏,拍子) of action b) create the atmosphere of tension, danger and urgency language features3. successful achievement of chronological developmentchronological development is achieved by :connectors - so, then, but.transitional phrases - seconds later, after that , for an instant, by thi

50、s time, etclanguage features4. the words with which vividly describe the violence of the hurricane. - quick, unpleasant effect lash, crack, snap, slashing, smash, shatter, rampage, collapse, lapexercise1. how much do you know about hurricanes?2. what is the main idea of the text ?3. how is the story

51、 organized ? 4. whom do you admire most in the story ?5. why did john koshak decide to stay and face the dangers of devastating hurricane ?effective use of verbs1. lash - strike with great force“camille lashed morthwestward across the gulf of mexico”.2. pummel - beat repeatedly with the fists“it was

52、 certain to pummel gulfport”.3. whip - fall heavily on“wind and rain now whipped the house”.effective use of verbs4. kill - stop“ the electrical systems had been killed by water”.5. inch ones way - rising little by little“water inched its way up the steps”.6. bother - do damage to“no hurricane has e

53、ver bothered it”.effective use of verbs7. lap - rise slowly“john watched the water lap at the steps”.8. skim - throw away“ the hurricane lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air”.effective use of verbs9. seize - it seems that the hurricane had a very strong and lar

54、ge hand“ it seized a 600,000 gallon gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3.5 miles away”.10. crack - wind blowing violently“ telephone poles and 20-inch-think pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them”.effective use of verbs11. sit out - stay until the end of“ sit out the storm with the koshaks”.

55、 (p. 6)12. douse - put out“ the generator was doused”. (p.9)13. come by - pay a visit“ another neighbor came by on his way inland”. (p. 6)effective use of verbs14. batten down - “ we can batten down and ride it out”. (p.4)15. demolish, destroy, raze, annihilate -16. disintegrate - decomposeother wor

56、dsmains: the principal pipe or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility.blow in: burst open by the stormswath: the space covered with one cut of a scythe, a long strip or track of any kindbars: a measure of music, the notes between two vertical lines on a music sheetlean-t

57、o:a shed or other small outbuilding with a sloping roofword formation1. television= tele + vision (combining form tele plus a noun)telegram, telephone, telescope, telegraph, telecommunication, telecast, etc.word formation2. northwestward= north + west + ward= northwest + ward (suffix)eastward, westw

58、ard, backward, upward, outward, etc.word formation3. motel= motorist + hotel (blend word formed by combining parts of other words)smog (smoke + fog)brunch (breakfast + lunch)smaze ( smoke + haze) word formation4. bathtub= bath + tub (formed by two nouns)bathrobe, bathroom, bedroom, roommate, butterf

59、ly, football,etc.word formation5. returnees= return + ees (verb plus a noun suffix)employee, refugee, retiree, examinee, nominee, etc.paraphrase1. were elevated 23 feet. (p.3)2. the place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. (p.3)3. we can batten down and ride it out. (p.

60、4)4. the generator was doused, and the lights went out. (p.9)5. everybody out the back door to the cars. paraphrase6. the electrical systems had been killed by water. (p.11)7. john watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. (p.17)8. get us through this mess, will you? (p.179. she


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