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1、 The popularity of green food1. 近年来绿色食品变得越来越流行2. 分析产生这种现象的原因3. 谈谈你对该现象的看法第一段第一句1. _ indubitably plays increasingly significant role in modern life. 某物毫无疑问在现代生活中起着越来越重要的作用。2. It is _that find a wide application in广泛应用于Computers find a wide application in peoples daily life.3. Nothing is more crucial

2、than for people in their lives. Under no circumstance can anyone survive in this society without . around.在人们的生活中没有什么比····更重要,社会中若没有···人们就无法生存4. penetrates every corner in the world.渗透到世界的每个角落5. It would be hard to imagine a life without很难想象没有···的生活

3、6. Indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave apositivefar-reachingprofound effectinfluenceimpact on .in the long run.产生有利的影响 =be beneficial to反面话题1. Never before in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negati

4、vebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long run.=be detrimental to对···有害第二句And However, 把提纲的第一点用自己的话复述。第三句 For example,第二段There are many factors responsible for the phenomenon. Initially, Subsequently,Simultaneously,.Were I to offer my perspective, I would not hesitate a mo

5、ment to say that还从第一段第一句里选一个句子。 补充一至两句。影响类、利弊类 The effects of advertisements1. 现代社会广告无处不在2. 广告怎么样影响我们的生活3. 谈谈你对广告的看法第一段第一句1. _ indubitably plays increasingly significant role in modern life. 某物毫无疑问在现代生活中起着越来越重要的作用。2. It is _that find a wide application in广泛应用于Computers find a wide application in peo

6、ples daily life.3. Nothing is more crucial than for people in their lives. Under no circumstance can anyone survive in this society without . around.在人们的生活中没有什么比····更重要,社会中若没有···人们就无法生存4. penetrates every corner in the world.渗透到世界的每个角落5. It would be hard to imagine

7、 a life without很难想象没有···的生活 6. Indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave apositivefar-reachingprofound effectinfluenceimpact on .in the long run.产生有利的影响 =be beneficial to反面话题1. Never before in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably e

8、xertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negativebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long run.=be detrimental to对···有害第二句And However, 把提纲的第一点用自己的话复述。第三句 For example,第二段It is obvious that .is a mixed blessing for .On the one hand, 好处1. Besides, 好处2. However, problems are lurkin

9、g Everything comes at a price. 坏处1. Simultaneously, 坏处2.第三段Were I to offer my perspective, I would not hesitate a moment to say that还从第一段第一句里选一个句子。 补充一至两句。 分析利弊类题型1 1. 现在有些大学实行封闭或半封闭的管理,目的是什么2. 也可能带来一些问题3. 你的看法第一段第一句1. _ indubitably plays increasingly significant role in modern life. 某物毫无疑问在现代生活中起着越

10、来越重要的作用。2. It is _that find a wide application in广泛应用于Computers find a wide application in peoples daily life.3. Nothing is more crucial than for people in their lives. Under no circumstance can anyone survive in this society without . around.在人们的生活中没有什么比····更重要,社会中若没有··

11、;·人们就无法生存4. penetrates every corner in the world.渗透到世界的每个角落5. It would be hard to imagine a life without很难想象没有···的生活 6. Indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave apositivefar-reachingprofound effectinfluenceimpact on .in the long run.产生有利的影响 =be beneficial to反面话题1. Never be

12、fore in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negativebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long run.=be detrimental to对···有害第二句And However, 把提纲的第一点用自己的话复述。第三句 the practice does exert a far-

13、reaching impact on.in the long run. 论述2个优点。第二段However, problems are lurking Everything comes at a price. 坏处1. Simultaneously, 坏处2.第三段Were I to offer my perspective, I would not hesitate a moment to say that还从第一段第一句里选一个句子。 补充一至两句。 分析危害Limiting the use of disposable plastic bags1. 一次性塑料袋广为使用2. 由此带来的问题

14、3. 限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义第一段第一句1. _ indubitably plays increasingly significant role in modern life. 某物毫无疑问在现代生活中起着越来越重要的作用。2. It is _that find a wide application in广泛应用于Computers find a wide application in peoples daily life.3. Nothing is more crucial than for people in their lives. Under no circumstance can

15、 anyone survive in this society without . around.在人们的生活中没有什么比····更重要,社会中若没有···人们就无法生存4. penetrates every corner in the world.渗透到世界的每个角落5. It would be hard to imagine a life without很难想象没有···的生活 6. Indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave aposit

16、ivefar-reachingprofound effectinfluenceimpact on .in the long run.产生有利的影响 =be beneficial to反面话题1. Never before in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negativebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long ru

17、n.=be detrimental to对···有害第二句And However, 把提纲的第一点用自己的话复述。第三句 For example,第二段1. Never before in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negativebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long run.=b

18、e detrimental to对···有害Initially, Subsequently,Simultaneously,.第三段1. Considering the unprecedented problems caused by .,it is high time that both .and .(如果没有双方也可以改为一个主语)adopted effective countermeasures to eliminate it . As a matter of fact, .gives rise to a host of problems, such as.C

19、onfronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures. Personally, the following are worth recommendation.For one thing, 办法1 For another,方法2. 阐述方法类 How to finance my college education 1. 上大学的费用可以通过多种途径解决2. 哪种途径适合我第一段第一句1. _ indubitably plays increasingly s

20、ignificant role in modern life. 某物毫无疑问在现代生活中起着越来越重要的作用。2. It is _that find a wide application in广泛应用于Computers find a wide application in peoples daily life.3. Nothing is more crucial than for people in their lives. Under no circumstance can anyone survive in this society without . around.在人们的生活中没有什

21、么比····更重要,社会中若没有···人们就无法生存4. penetrates every corner in the world.渗透到世界的每个角落5. It would be hard to imagine a life without很难想象没有···的生活 6. Indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave apositivefar-reachingprofound effectinfluenceimpact on .in the lo

22、ng run.产生有利的影响 =be beneficial to反面话题1. Never before in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negativebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long run.=be detrimental to对···有害第二句And However, 把提

23、纲的第一点用自己的话复述。第三句 For example, 第二段Many a factor plays an important role in how to.Initially, Subsequently,Simultaneously,.第三段Were I to offer my perspective, I would not hesitate a moment to say that还从第一段第一句里选一个句子。 补充一至两句。 选择立场On the Spring Festival Gala1. 许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会2. 有些人提出取消春节晚会3. 我的看法第一段第一句1.

24、_ indubitably plays increasingly significant role in modern life. 某物毫无疑问在现代生活中起着越来越重要的作用。2. It is _that find a wide application in广泛应用于Computers find a wide application in peoples daily life.3. Nothing is more crucial than for people in their lives. Under no circumstance can anyone survive in this s

25、ociety without . around.在人们的生活中没有什么比····更重要,社会中若没有···人们就无法生存4. penetrates every corner in the world.渗透到世界的每个角落5. It would be hard to imagine a life without很难想象没有···的生活 6. Indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave apositivefar-reachingprofound e

26、ffectinfluenceimpact on .in the long run.产生有利的影响 =be beneficial to反面话题1. Never before in history has the issue of _ been more evident than now.某事从古至今从未像现在这样明显 2. indubitably exertproduceexerciseimposeyieldhave a negativebaneful adverse effectinfluenceimpact on.in the long run.=be detrimental to对

27、3;··有害第二句1. 继续使用主题句或it is adj. For sb to do sth. 说其中一方观点(It is desirablejustifiable for sb. to do sth.that It reasonable for sb. to do sth.that It is appropriate for sb. to do sth.that It is essential for sb. to do sth.that It is ubiquitous that)第三句However, the other side of the coin the o

28、ther side of the coin voices its strong opposition, saying that.写出另一方观点第二段It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on .People, who advocate that, have their sound reasons.一方的理由。 However, there are a large number of people who hold a different vi

29、ew concerning this case. They deem that另一方的理由第三段 There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments.Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate a moment to say that个人观点 Student Use of ComputersHoursweek 主题句。 As is shown in the chart, the numberamount of 名词 doingdone 介词短语 stood at 起始数值, th

30、en it went updown dramatically 明显 slightly稍稍gradually逐渐, peaking at 最高数值in 时间bottoming out at 最低点 in 时间。 Trend of Internet-users and Moviegoers主题句。 As is shown in the chart, the numberamount of 名词 doingdone 介词短语 stood at 起始数值respectively, then there was a dramatic increase in A, peaking at 最高数值,whereas the past 20 years witnessed a downward trend in B ,bottoming out at 最低点 主题句。 As is shown in the chart, the numberamount of 名词 doingdone 介词短语 stood at 起始数值respectively, then there was a dramatic increase in A AND B, peaking at 最高数值 separately. Changes of Ownership of Houses Ways of P


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