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1、内蒙古自治区新人教版英语高三单元测试28 选修6 unit 3 a healthy lifepart one :单选1.the greens have _ their garage into a guest house.a. transformed b. transmittedc. transported d. translated2. his casual clothes were not _for such a formal occasion.ready b. good c. special d. appropriate3. he has got _money from his uncle

2、.a. a large amount of b. loads ofc. a load of d. all above4. it cant be too worse.just _, things will turn out to be better so long as you dont stop trying.a. be all right b. take your timec. ignore it d. take it easy5. can you spare me some paper? mine . a. has run out b. has used upc. has run out

3、of d. is run out6. everyone in our class likes mary because she is good at telling and jokes.a. turning up b. putting upc. making up d. showing up7. he accidentally he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks. a. let out b. took carec. made sure d. made out8. it

4、is your own fault that you are so tired. you oughtnt to have so late.a. stayed up b. woke upc. made up d. turned up9. when help, one often says “thank you.” or “its kind of you.” offering b. to offer c. to be offered d. offered10. if he _ my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job. a. followed b.

5、should followc. had followed d. would follow11. mr.smith is no longer the man who he used to be.so he is.success and wealth have _ his character.atrainedbtranslatedctransported dtransformed12. mr.blacks formal style of speaking was appropriate _the occasion.ainbwithcat dto13. the workers are loading

6、 the goods_a car,that is,theyre loading the car_goods.awith;with binto;intocinto;with dwith;into14. i feel nervous before the exam._.it wont be too difficult for you to pass.atake it easily btake things easyctake your time dtake things easily15. could you turn the tv down a little bit?_.is it distur

7、bing you?atake it easy bim sorrycnot a bit dit depends16. im sorry to keep you waiting.ill make short of this._.im not in a hurry.atake it easy btake your time cnot at all ddo as you like17. im still working on my project.oh,youll miss the deadline.time is_.arunning out bgoing outcgiving out dlosing

8、 out18. do you think we should accept that offer?yes,we should,for we_such bad luck up till now,and time_out.ahave had;is running bhad;is runningchave;has been run dhave had;has been run19. american indians _ about five percent of the us population.afill upbbring upcmake up dset up20. it suddenly oc

9、curred to anne that money couldnt _ all that bob had suffered in the past five years.amake up for blook up tocput up with dfit in with21. john received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted it.afinishedbfinishingchaving finished dwas finished22. )with the college entrance exa

10、mination_near,both the parents and the students are more and more anxious.adraws bdrawncdrawing dis drawing23. the living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already _for a meal to be cooked.alaid blayingcto lay dbeing laid24. jack had no confidence and courage at that time.that was the reaso

11、n _he gave up the plan.awhybwhencwhat dhow25. is this the reason _at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?ahe explained bwhat he explainedchow he explained dwhy he explainedpart two :完型填空when i smoked with my family, i would feel so   26   and good that nothing else in th

12、e world seemed so   27 . i thought that smoking weed (烟草) was okay since many of my family members and people at my school smoked.   28  ever happened to them. 29   i started smoking weed a lot more during lunch and after school. i never thought   30 

13、;  of it. at that time i just wanted to smoke. then i began to  31 in school. i would   32  classes, come home late and spend all my money. i would spend 33   8 to 18 dollars a day. i never thought  34  that marijuana (大麻) had a bad effect on those things

14、. maybe my coming to class high (神智恍惚) was the reason why i was failing or coming home late. as i continued to smoke marijuana, i began to notice that i would always have the strong desire to smoke and that i would get   35   cigarettes if i smoked those, but i dont.   

15、36 i have learned more about marijuana, i have   37  the amount of marijuana that i use. i dont want marijuana to be the most important in my life. im not smoking every day, and not spending as much money. since i have   38   on my habit, i am 39  more mo

16、ney. im ready to go back to school and do good, so that i can make myself 40 . everyone is always saying how weed   41  your mind and how it solves problems. i think it only brings more   42 . marijuana is not good for your body or your brain. im not trying to tell you

17、not to smoke, im just letting you know that marijuana can be   43   to your health, and 44   it may cause some long term negative (负面的) effects. help yourself now, before it is too late. i dont want to lecture anyone, just   45   my experience with y

18、ou. 26. a. worried      b. relaxed          c. disappointed         d. moved27. a. important        b. common           c. in

19、teresting          d. funny28. a. something        b. everything       c. nothing          d. anything29. a. by the way       b. now and then 

20、60;       c. in my opinion  d. for a time30. a. too much         b. a little             c. too often        d. any more31. a. get ahead   &

21、#160;    b. fall behind          c. come across      d. make up32. a. give             b. have             

22、60;   c. attend           d. cut33. a. at least         b. at most          c. no more than     d. as little as34. a. once      &#

23、160;      b. twice            c. again            d. further35. a. used to      b. paid for           

24、60; c. lost in          d. ready for36. a. as if            b. even if          c. now that         d. as long as37. a. reduced  &

25、#160;   b. increased            c. bought           d. continued38. a. broken down b. cut down             c. turned off   &#

26、160;   d. cut off39. a. wasting      b. spending             c. making           d. saving40. a. less             b

27、. more             c. better           d. worse 41. a. excites          b. fills            c. repairs  &

28、#160;       d. destroys42. a. problems         b. pleasure         c. convenience      d. excitements43. a. helpful          b. useful  

29、;         c. dangerous            d. strange44. a. in the beginning b. in the distance c. in the long run  d. in the past45. a. tell            

30、b. explain          c. regret               d. sharepart three :阅读理解 a 篇there are hundreds of expressions of words using “hand” in the english language. let us examine some of the expressions tha

31、t use “hand”.we will get a hand in this way. “to get a hand in” is to begin a job, to begin to know something about it. when we learn completely, we will be able to do it hands down. if we do the job well, we may end up with the upper hand. on the other hand, if the situation gets out of hand, it is

32、 out of control.we must consider another way of expressing phrase- to hand it to someone. for example, i must hand it to you for understanding what we have discussed this far. you can also lend a hand to someone but without really giving up your hand. you lend a hand when you help someone. if someon

33、e is kind enough to lend us a hand then we surely do not want to bite the hand that feeds us. we do not want to repay his kindness by treating him badly.now, we have a free hand to continue examining other “hand” expressions. it means you are free to act without getting permission from someone else.

34、maybe you can find a friend who wants to take a hand in our project. it would have to be someone who was interested in these expressions. your friend may want to work hand in glove with us. that is good because that means he wants to work as closely with us as a glove covers the hand. of course, the

35、re is a danger that he may look at our project and decide to take it in hand. that means he wants to tale it over. if that happens, we may throw up our hands because the situation seams hopeless. in fact, we may decide that it is time for us to end this project to wash our hands of “ hand” expressio

36、ns. 46we are ready to do a certain job, we may say; lets _.  a. get out of hand                       b. get a hand in  c. lend a hand       

37、;                     d. take a hand in47which of the following has an unpleasant meaning?  a. hands down               

38、           b. bite the hand that feeds us  c. take a hand in                        d. hand in glove48something is so easy to do. so you can

39、 do it_.  a. hands down                          b. on the other hand  c. the upper hand              

40、60;       d. hand in glove49what is the writers purpose in writing the passage?  a. to tell us the fact that there are many phrases with “hands”.  b. to prove the importance of the word “ hand ”.  c. to tell us some phrases with “ hand ”.  d. to make

41、 us laugh.b篇if there is one thing im quite sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we still be reading newspapers. not those newspapers are a necessity. even now some people get most of the news from the television or have the radio switched on in the background or in the car. many buy a

42、paper only on saturday or sunday. but for most people a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.the basic british character wont change, and one of the characteristics of the british is that we dont much like talking to each other when we get up. so what better way is

43、there to keep yourself thinking in the morning than to wrap yourself in a newspaper?over the past couple of centuries, human beings have developed a close relationship with the newspaper. it has become as natural as breathing or enjoying the sun. and it is not just the british who love newspapers. o

44、n suburban trains in calcutta, for instance, just one person in the whole car will buy a newspaper and read aloud the best bits to his fellow passengers, much to everybodys enjoyment.the nature of what is news may change. what essentially (本质上) makes news is what affects our lives and the big politi

45、cal stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. i think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. its already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic engineering. in the future i think there will be mo

46、re coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do, whether its love or depression. we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.its quite possible that in the next century newspaper will be transmitted electronically from the national equi

47、valents of fleet street (伦敦的舰队街,以报馆集中而著称) and printed out in our own homes. in fact, im pretty sure that that is how it will happen in future. youll be probably selecting from a menu, making up your own bespoke newspaper by picking out the things you want to read and say. you might even have an intelligent screening device (装置) to do the job for you.i think people have got it wrong when they talk about the competition between the different media. they actually


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