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1、 book two module three music introduction and reading 一 课程分析(一) 教学内容 introduction and reading本模块的主题是音乐。reading and vocabulary 中介绍了三位外国音乐家,音乐是学生非常感兴趣的一个话题,教师在教学中应调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的主体作用,借助音乐名曲欣赏、音乐知识问答、音乐家介绍等多种形式活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效率。(二) 学习重点: 阅读综合技能训练及口头复述训练(三) 学习难点:运用所学知识,从主要成就和生平细节等方面介绍音乐家,在文章中正确使用时间状语从句。二 学情分

2、析学生是普通高级中学平行班学生,英语基础参差不齐,部分学生基础较为薄弱,特别是阅读技巧,阅读能力,阅读策略的掌握和运用存在欠缺,但学生学习积极性较高,应予以鼓励,使不同层次的学生都有收获和提高。三 设计理念以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,鼓励学生通过体验、讨论和探究等方式进行学习,发展学生自主学习和合作探究学习的能力,用英语思考问题,分析问题,解决问题,做到知识能力与语言应用能力的整体统一,构建出和谐高效的课堂模式。四 学习目标知识与技能目标:1.与音乐有关的词汇:音乐类别、音乐家、乐队、乐器等 2.重点短语和句型:go deaf by the time it was hayden who

3、 encouraged beethoven to move to vienna.3. 从主要成就和生平细节等方面介绍音乐家,在文章中正确使用时间状语从句阅读技能与信息能力目标:1.培养和训练学生在阅读中识别新学词汇、短语并推断其意义的能力2.能整体理解文章并能提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息学习策略目标:1.通过音乐欣赏等途径,增强学习英语的兴趣,扩大词汇量,提高英语水平2.在阅读人物介绍类文章的过程中,善于根据时间顺序,把握有关人物的细节信息文化意识与情感态度目标:1.大致了解西方一些音乐家、乐队、西洋乐器等常识2.培养学生通过音乐这一特殊语言进行文化交流的意识3.喜爱音乐,欣赏音乐,丰富情感,

4、陶冶情操,提高人文素养五 教学方法1.任务型教学法,以学生为中心,充分调动各种语言和非语言资源,完成教学任务2.开展自主性学习的小组活动,使合作、探究与独立思考相结合,最大程度地优化学生的学习方式,提高课堂学习效果六 教学流程step one preparation让学生通过课前查阅资料,了解与音乐有关的音乐家,音乐类别,乐器等词汇;课前播放一段两三分钟的音乐,最好是海顿,莫扎特,贝多芬的名曲,引起学生的兴趣step two leading-in1. ask some questions about music:l do you like music?l what kind of music

5、do you like best,pop and rock music, folk music, jazz, classical music or traditional chinese music?l when we talk about music, what shall we use to play music? can you name some musical instruments? ( showing some pictures to the students on p21)l can you find some words to describe the people rela

6、ted to music? (musician, composer, conductor, director, singer)2. show some pictures related to useful words to help the students to master them.l i think beethoven is one of the greatest composers.l the film is directed by zhang yimou.l hayden is considered to be the father of symphony.l mozart had

7、 a genius /talent for music from a very early age.l the people who are listening to the concert are called audience.设计反思:导入阶段,目的是激趣与引入。通过观看图片使教学内容视觉化;通过提问相关问题,既处理了词汇,扫清阅读障碍,同时也容易最大程度地调动、激发学生的学习兴趣。 step three presentation task 1 listening: listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. how

8、many composers are mentioned in the text?2. who is called “the father of symphony”?3. who died at an early age?4. who became deaf but still continued composing?设计反思:“听” 是语言学习中的一个重要环节。把阅读材料当作听力材料来处理,可以提问很简单的问题,让基础较差的同学也有成就感,有继续学习的欲望。task2 fast-reading: read the text quickly and do the following exerc

9、ises:1. choose the best titlea. three great austrian composers b. three great composers of the eighteenth centuryc. three great child composers2. guess the meaning of a word from the contextthe word “harpsichord” refers toa. a kind of musicb. a kind of musical instrumentc. a kind of sports3. find a

10、sentence in the text to replace the following one.after he worked there for 3 decades, haydn went to london, and there he was a success.设计反思:快速阅读课文,整体理解、把握文章的主题,这是新课标的要求,同时设计的问题形式与高考的阅读表达相一致,增强了设计的实用性,尤其是针对中上游水平的学生。task 3 detailed-reading: read the text carefully and find out the important informati

11、on to complete the following form (using only key words)(板书)birth placeabout his father his achievementshaydnmozartbeethoven (a village in austria; a peasant; changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra;salzburg, austria; musician, conductor; more than 600 pieces of music;bonn, germ

12、any; singer; popular in vienna)设计反思:细读文章,理解细节,提取有效信息,为后面的复述课文做好铺垫。适用于各个层次水平的学生。step four language points (teacher-student activity)(板书)1. as he grew older, he began to go deaf.2. by the time he was 14, mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.3

13、. however, it was haydn who encouraged beethoven to move to vienna.设计反思:这部分既是文章的重点,也是文章的难点,通过翻译练习,集中探讨,师生互动,达到学会、活用。step five post-reading activity. retell the in pairs or groups of four. let the students ask and answer some questions about the first two composers by themselves. write down

14、 the key words.(板书)haydn: be known as changedinto born peasant voice studying music work at 30 years london successfulmozart: the greatest genius 35years 600 pieces born father music talent when he was four, five, six by the time teenager haydn met mozart impressedform a passage according to the inf

15、ormation. then ask some students to retell the text.设计反思:学生通过两人或小组活动,相互提问,合作探究,达到了共同提高的效果。教师把关键词在黑板上板书,使学生说的过程顺利进行,同时为下一步的写作降低难度。step six homework (能力迁移)write a short passage about beethoven, you may use some of the information in the text and add more (for example, his attitude towards life and dif

16、ficulty)设计反思:该部分把读和写的技能结合起来,是对所学知识的巩固和延伸,让学生觉得写作不再难以下笔。课堂小结:本节课我们主要学习了以下几个方面的内容:1. 与音乐有关的词汇2. 介绍三位外国著名音乐家的主要成就和生平细节3. 重点短语和句型:go deaf, by the time,强调句型板书部分:i. detailed-readingbirth placeabout his father his achievementshaydnmozartbeethovenii .language points1. as he grew older, he began to go deaf.2

17、. by the time he was 14, mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.3. however, it was haydn who encouraged beethoven to move to vienna.iii retelling the texthaydn: be known as changedinto born peasant voice studying music work at 30 years london successfulmozart: the greatest genius 35years 600 pieces born f


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