1、GlossaryACGDAdva need Con cept Gradie nt DriverAGPApplicati ons Gateway Processor BoardAPArray Processor BoardAPMAn alog Power Mo nitor BoardAPSAuto presca n: Auto-adjustme nt of data acquisiti on (sea n) parametersAPSAcquisiti on Process ing System BoardAVSAuto voxel shimAWSAutomatic Water Suppress
2、! onBRMBody Resonance ModuleBRMBody Resonance ModuleCANCon trol Area Network BoardCCCCAN Core Commu nicatio n BoardCRMCardiac Resonance ModuleCRTCathode Ray TubeCRYOGENA substa nee for produc ing low temperatures. Liquid helium is the cryoge n used to cool the magn et to approximately 4 Kelvin (269
3、C or 452 F).CRYOSTATAn apparatus maintaining a very low con sta nt temperature. The cryostat con sists of one concentric, cylindrical container housed in an outer vacuum tight vessel. The magnet and shim coils are mounted in the inner container. The container is filled with liquid helium. The shield
4、s surrounding the inner container are kept cold by a refrigeration device.CVControl variableDCBDriver Con trol BoardDEWARA container with an evacuated space betwee n two highly reflective walls used to keep low temperature substa nces at n earc on sta nt temperatures. Liquid helium is usually stored
5、 and shipped in dewarsDMDriver ModuleDRF1Digital Receive Filter 1 BoardDSPDigital Signal Process ingEXCLUSION ZONEArea where the magnetic flux density is greater than five gauss. Personnel with cardiac pacemakers, n eurostimulators and other biostimulati on devices must NOT en ter this zone. Signs a
6、re posted outside the five gauss line alerting personnel of this requirement. Since the magn etic field is threedime nsion al, sig ns are also posted on floors above and below the Magnet Room in which the five gauss line exists.FERROUS MATERIALAny substa nee containing iron which is str on gly attra
7、cted by a magn etic field.FOFiber OpticFOVField of ViewFPIOFro nt Panel In put/Output BoardFWHMFull Width Half MaxGAUSS (G)A unit of magnetic flux density. The earths magnetic field strength is approximately one half gauss to one gauss depe nding on locati on. The intern ati on ally accepted un it i
8、s the tesla (1 Tesla = 10,000G and 1 milli Tesla =10G).GPGradie nt Processor BoardGRADIENTThe amou nt and directi on of the rate of cha nge in space of the magn etic field stre ngth. In the magnetic resonance system, gradient amplifiers and coils are used to vary the magnetic field stre ngth in the
9、x, y, and z pla nes.GRxGraphic Prescript! onHFAHigh Fidelity Gradie nt AmplifierHFDHigh Fidelity Gradient DriverHOMOGENEITYUniformity. The homogeneity of the static magnetic field is an important quality of the magn et.CNmage Compute Node.A comp onent with an in ternal operat ing system (similar to
10、a PC)used for Image rec on structi on in the VRE.Contains hard drives and an operati ng systemCWn stallati on Calibrati on Wizard. This wizard is available in two diff ere nt modes: In stall and Upgrades. It can be found in the proprietary Common Service Desktop un der the "Calibration" ta
11、b.Maintenance mode is available after all calibrations and tasks in then stall mode are complete.FCCmage file create and clea nupNFINIBANDHigh-speed commu ni cati on, an alogous to Ether net but much higher speed andcapacity. Used for tra nsport ing large amou nts of data for within the volume recon
12、 structio n subsystemRFIn terface and Remote Fun cti ons BoardRF I/OIn terface and Remote Fun cti ons In put/Output BoardSOCENTERCen ter of the imagi ng volume ideally located at the magnet cen ter.SOGAUSS LINEAn imaginary line or a line on a field plot connecting identical magnetic field strength p
13、oints.THostmage Tran sfer Host BoardT-MGDImage Tran sfer-MGD BoardLCDLiquid Crystal DisplayLEDLight Emitti ng DiodeLOLocal OscillatorLPCALow Profile Carriage AssemblyThe space arou nd a magn et (or curre nt carry ing con ductor) which can produce a magnetizing force on MAGNETIC FIELD (H) a body with
14、in itMAGNETICRESONANCE (MR)The absorption or emission of electromagnetic energy by nuclei in a static magnetic field, after excitation by a suitable radio frequency field.MAGNETIC SHIELDINGUsing material (e.g. steel) to redistribute a magnetic field , usually to reduce fringe fields.MCMultiCoilMCDMu
15、ltiCoil Driver BoardMCQAMulti Coil Quality Assura nee. This is a tool that will check the coil SNR and be able to trend tfor each coil over tjmeMGDMulti-Ge nerati onal Data acquisiti on ChassisMPSMan ual presca n: Man ual adjustme nt of data acquisiti on (sea n) parametersMRSMagn etic Resonance Spec
16、troscopyMUXMultiplexor BoardNEXNumber of excitati onsOMOxyge n Mon itorOWOperator WorkspacePACPhysiological Acquisiti on Con trollerPCIPeripheral Comp onent InterconnectPDUPower Distributi on Un itPMCPCI Mezza nine Co nn ecterppPen etrati on PanelPRESSPoin t-resolved spectroscopy, basis for probe-p
17、PSDPROBE/QAutomated an alysis and display of PROBE/SV dataPROBE/SVPROt on Brain Exam Si ngle Voxel spectroscopy using automated STEAM or PRESS pulse sequeneePSPower SupplyPSDPulse seque nee data basePTPatie nt Tran sport or Patie nt TableQUENCHCon diti on whe n a superc on duct ing magnet becomes re
18、sistive thus rapidly boil ing off liquid helium. The magn etic field reduces rapidly after a que nch.RADIO FREQUENCY(RF)Freque ncy in termediate betwee n audio freque ncy and in frared freque ncies. Used in magn etic resonance systems to excite n uclei to res onan ce. Typical freque ncy range for ma
19、gn etic resonance systems is 580 Mhz.RADIO FREQUENCYUsing material (e.g. copper, aluminium, or steel) to reduce interference from external radio freque ncies.SHIELDINGA radio freque ncy shielded room usually en closes the en tire magnet room.RECONProcess that creates an image or spectrum from data a
20、cquired with a Signa MRI scanner.RESONANCEA large amplitude vibration caused by a relative small periodic stimulus of the same or nearly the same period as the natural vibration period of the system. In magnetic resonance magi ng, the radio freque ncy pulses are the periodic stimuli which are at the
21、 same vibrati on period as the hydroge n n uclei being imaged.RFRadio Freque ncyRF-DIFRF-Digital In terface BoardRFIRF In terface ModuleROIRegi on of In terestRPCRemote Con trol Pan el (Tw in Speed only)RRFRemote RF ChassisRSPReal-time seque nee con trol parametersS/CSuper Con duct ingSATSatu rati o
22、n, a sig nal suppress! on tech ni queSCPSea n Con trol Processor BoardSCSISmall Computer System In terfaceSGASwitchable Gradient Amplifier ModuleSHIELD COOLERCOLD HEADAn external refrigerati on device which mai ntai ns the shields in side the cryostat at a con sta nt temperature.SHIM COILSShim coils
23、 are used to provide auxiliary magnetic fields in order to compensate for inhomogeneities in the main magnetic field due to imperfections in the manufacturing of the magnet or affects of steel in the surrou nding en vir onment.SHIMMINGCorrection of inhomogeneity of the main magnetic field due to imp
24、erfections in the magnet or to the prese nee of exter nal ferromag netic objects.SMCSystem Mon itor and Con trolSPUSignal Process ing UnitSRFScalable RF Cabinet (this is same as SRFD)SRF/TRFSeque ncer Related Fun cti on / Trigger and Rotati on Fun cti on BoardSRFDScalable RF Driver Cabi netSRFD2Scal
25、able RF Driver 2 Cabi netSRIScan Room In terface ModuleSSMSystem Support ModuleSTEAMStimulated echo acquisition mode, basis for PROBE-s PSDSTIFSRF/TRF In terface BoardSUPER CONDUCTINGMAGNETA mag net whose mag netic field origi nates from curre nt flow ing through a superc on ductor. Such a magnet is
26、 en closed in a cryostat.SUPERCONDUCTORA substa nee whose electrical resista nee esse ntially disappears at temperatures n ear zero Kelv in. A com monly used superc on ductor in magn etic resonance imagi ng system magn ets is niobiumtitanium embedded in a copper matrixT1The characteristic time const
27、ant for the magnetizations return to the longitudinal axis after being excited by an RF pulse. Also called Spin Lattice or Longitudinal Relaxation Time.T1-WeightedScan protocols that allow the T1 effects to predo min ate over the other relaxati on effects.T2*The characteristic time constant for loss
28、 of transverse magnetization and MR signal due to T2 and local field inhomogeneties. Since such inhomogeneities are not compensated for by gradie nt reversal, con trast in gradie nt-echo images depe nds on T2*.T2*-WeightedSea n protocols that allow the T2* effects to predo min ate over the other con
29、 trast effects. There are three primary gradie nt echo pulse seque nces that can be used to produce vary ing T2*-weighted images: Gradient Echo, SPGR, and SSFP.T2The characteristic time constant for loss of phase coherence among spins, caused by their in teracti on, and the result ing loss in the tr
30、an sverse-mag netizati on MR sig nal. Also referred to as Spin-Spin or Transverse Relaxation Time.T2-WeightedSea n protocols that allow the T2 effects to predo min ate over the other con trast effects.TE MinThe shortest possible TE time for a given prescription, used to minimize flow dephasing and T
31、2 effects.TESee Time to Echo.TE1The time from the middle of the first excitation pulse to the middle of the first readout in an Asysmmetrical Spin Echo pulse seque nee.TACTwin Accessory Cabin et (Tw in Speed only)TEEcho timeTE2The time between the middle of the first excitation pulse and the middle of the second readout in an Asysmmetrical Spin Echo pulse seque nee.TESLA (T)The intern ati on ally accepted unit of magn etic flux den sity. One tesla is equal to 10,000 gauss. One milli Tesla is equal to 10 gauss.TGWCTwin Sp
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