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1、unit five, listening course-41unit fivezhang hanwenunit five, listening course-42outline1. revision & news report2. new contents a. section 1: listening and translation b. section 2: part 1 the bank manager part 2 stock market: how it works c. section 3: news3. summary & homeworkunit five, l

2、istening course-43 revision & news reportclara barton and american red cross.human rights.qualities to be a good interviewer.news report.unit five, listening course-44listening tacticssection oneunit five, listening course-45 1. stocks, bonds, land people invest in different things and for diffe

3、rent reasons. 股票、债券、土地-人们由于不同原因进行不同的投资。 2. but all investors share the same goal. 但是所有的投资者都有一个共同的目标。 3. they want to get more money out of their investment than they put into it. 他们希望通过投资获得比所投入的资金更多的货币回报。 listening and translationunit five, listening course-46 4. the money they invest today provides

4、 capital for future growth in the economy. 他们今天的投资为将来经济的发展提供了资金。 5. investors have to decide how much risk they are willing to take and for how long. 投资者必须决定自己愿意在多长的时间范围内承受多大的风险。unit five, listening course-47section two part 1 the bank manager unit five, listening course-48vm.o.t test: ministry of t

5、ransportation test, a compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes.vavail oneself of: make use of; take advantage ofvdirect debit: 直接借记vtrade-in: a used article accepted by a retailer in part payment for anothernew wordsunit five, listening course-49answers to exercise

6、 in p43:1-8: dadbb/cacopen a bank accountoverdraw on his accountoverdraft facility in the absence of withdraw a large sum of moneyunit five, listening course-410vthat set me back a good bit.vi do appreciate your problems, of course.vbecause there was the possibility, in the absence of any prior arra

7、ngement for an overdraft facility, that we would stop your cheques.vmy main purpose in writing to you and inviting you here was to acquaint you with a couple of services the bank offers which you may wish to avail yourself of.language pointsunit five, listening course-411part 2 stock market: how it

8、worksunit five, listening course-412nyse appeared in 1792. its current name began to be used in 1863. since 1920s, it has been the financial center in the world, also one of the most popular place of interest. its located in no.11 wall street, n.y.unit five, listening course-413unit five, listening

9、course-414 what is a stock market? the stock market is the means through which previously issued corporate stocks, shares of ownership in a corporation, are traded. stock exchanges are organizations whose members act as intermediaries to buy and sell stocks for their clients.unit five, listening cou

10、rse-415exercise c in p45:1-8: badbbdccunit five, listening course-416language pointsva wave of selling triggered widespread price declines in stock markets from new york to australia.vthe dow jones industrial average of the prices of 30 stocks of major us companies lost 22.6 percent of its value on

11、that memorable day, plunging 508 points in the panicked rush to sell.unit five, listening course-417discussion on october 19, 1987, a wave of selling triggered widespread declines in stock markets from new york to australia. that day is “ black monday”. on that day, there were hardly any buy orders,

12、 and the markets were flooded with sell orders. over 600 million shares were traded on the new york stock exchange- more than twice the nyses average sales volume. the dow jones industrial average of the prices of 30 stocks of major us companies lost 22.6 percent of its value on that memorable day,

13、plunging 508 points in the panicked rush to sell. unit five, listening course-418section three newsunit five, listening course-419news item oneunit five, listening course-420 exercise a: this news is about the measures taken by china to limit the impact of a toxic spill in the amur river.unit five,

14、listening course-421 exercise b china says its begun building a temporary dam to limit the impact of a toxic spill thats flowing down a river across the border into russia. according to chinese state media, the dam would block a channel linking the contaminated amur river with another river that sup

15、plies water to the russian city of khabarovsk. china says it has also sent 150 tons of carbon to russia for use in water purification plants.unit five, listening course-422news item 3 migrating animals may be on a very long, tiring journey. many geese and other birds migrate thousands of miles every

16、 year. some travel over 7,000 miles one way! some may travel up to 1000 miles without even a rest stop, crossing the gulf of mexico or the sahara desert. these birds must follow their food supply and they must return to certain locations to breed. they migrate to survive!unit five, listening course-

17、423some bird species, because of the weather being hot enough, have stopped migrating and are in danger of extinction. in their way of migrating, the water supplies are becoming weaker by loss of the cold weather and the birds are preferring to stay rather than going further.unit five, listening cou

18、rse-424vexercise a: this news item is about the warnings from scientists that climate change can drive some species of migrating animals towards extinction.unit five, listening course-425exercise b:findings: climate change can drive some species of migrating animals towards extinction.reason: birds, mammals and reptiles are finding it increasingly difficult to follow their usual migration patterns.unit five, listening course-426example:vthe spreading sahara


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