新编人教版英语八年级上册第五单元unit5 C_第1页
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1、 1 Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. 1).A: what do you think of soap operas? B: I cant stand them. 2).A: What show do you want to watch tonight? B: I want to watch the talent show. 3).A: What do you expect to learn from the game show? B: I expect to learn interesting informati

2、on. 4).A: What do you hope to watch tomorrow? B: I hope to watch the news. 5).A: Do you plan to watch the action movie? B: No , I plan to watch the comedy.A. Whats your favorite sport?B. Great! There is an NBA show on TV this afternoon.C. What do you think of sports shows ?D. Do you want to watch it

3、 ?E. I love them.F. Really? Im free this afternoon.G. Basketball. H. Sure. I. OK! Lets go.J. Lets watch it together at my home.3. Make the correct order of the following sentences.Answers:C. What do you think of sports shows ?E. I love them.A. Whats your favorite sport?G. Basketball.B. Great! There

4、is an NBA show on TV this afternoon.F. Really? Im free this afternoon. D. Do you want to watch it ?H. Sure.J. Lets watch it together at my home.I. OK! Lets go.中央电视台新闻晚间新闻世界报道天气预报体育新闻实话实说肥皂剧中国好声音情景喜剧人与自然Sports NewsCCTV NewsEvening ReportWorlds ReportWeather ReportSoap Opera SitcomTell it like it isTh

5、e Voice of ChinaMan and Nature 根据汉语,补全英语句子。根据汉语,补全英语句子。1 1、“你觉得游戏节目怎样?你觉得游戏节目怎样?”“”“我忍受不了那些东西。我忍受不了那些东西。” _do you_ _ game shows?“ “ I _ _them. 2 2、那是个仅、那是个仅5 5岁的男孩,但他会写字、会看书。岁的男孩,但他会写字、会看书。 That is only_ _ boy, but he can write and _.3 3、晚饭后散步对健康有益。、晚饭后散步对健康有益。_ _ _after supper is good for_.4 4、他们对每

6、样东西的看法如何?、他们对每样东西的看法如何? _did they _ _everything? 5、他们中的一些答案使我们大感意外。、他们中的一些答案使我们大感意外。 _ _their answers _ us.6、我家乡的每个人都很友好。、我家乡的每个人都很友好。 _ in my hometown _ very _.7、我们喜欢在课堂上用英语问问题。、我们喜欢在课堂上用英语问问题。 We enjoy_ _ _ _ in class.8、你介意把这件事告诉他好吗?、你介意把这件事告诉他好吗? Would you_ _ him about this?9.9.我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜

7、剧。我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。1. A: What _ your brother think of the bike? B: He likes it. A. does B. do C. is2. A: What do they think _ the movie. B: They like it very much. A. to B. of C. for3. A: What do you think of sitcoms? B: Oh, I _ mind them. A. cant B. dont C. am not4. A: What does she think of the

8、 scarf? B: She _ stand them. A. isnt B. doesnt C. cant5. She enjoys _. A. swim B. swimming C. swims6. You have no _ to say so. A. right B. left C. wrong7. Mary, a _ girl, is a new student. A. ten years old B. ten-years old C. ten-year-old8. Thanks for _ me. A. invite B. inviting C. invites 连词成句连词成句

9、1. talk, think, you, what, of, do, shows What do you think of talk shows?2. mind, I, dont, them I dont mind them.3. she, of, think, what, does, soap, operas What does she think of soap operas? 4. cant, it, stand, I I cant stand it.5. wear, you, do, to, sunglasses, like Do you like to wear sunglasses

10、?6. does, like, wallet, not, she, the She doesnt like the wallet. 单项选择单项选择1Your hands are very dirty. Please go and have a wash with _ . A. a soap B. soaps C. soap 此题考察此题考察soap的用法的用法,soap为不可数名为不可数名词词,故不能选故不能选A或或B。答案为。答案为C。2. - _ do you think of the movie? - Its very interesting. I like it. A. Why B.

11、 Which C. HowD. What 此题考察句型此题考察句型What do you think of.?故答案为故答案为D。3. Its too hot in the classroom. We cant _ it.We all _ up and go out of the classroom. A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand此题考察的是此题考察的是standstand的两个词义。句意是的两个词义。句意是“教室教室里太热了。我们不能忍受。我们都站起来走出了里太热了。我们不能忍受。我们都站起来走出了教室教室”。故答案为。故答案为B

12、B。4. How about _ out for a walk? A. to go B. going C. go D. goes about为介词为介词, 后应接动名词后应接动名词, 故答案为故答案为B。5. - Who is our teacher talking _ ? - Mr. Zhang. A. / B. of C. at D. to 此题句意为此题句意为“我们的老师在跟谁交谈我们的老师在跟谁交谈”。“与某与某人交谈人交谈”应用应用talk to sb.或或talk with sb.故答案为故答案为D。6. There is a _ building next to the supe

13、rmarket. A. 15 meter tall B. 15 meters high C. 15-meter-high D. 15-meters-high 依据上文讲解依据上文讲解, 此题答案为此题答案为C。7. _ on the farm is better than _ classes at school. A. To work; having B. Working; having C. Work; have D. Work; to have 此题动词短语充当句子的主语此题动词短语充当句子的主语, 故用动名词的故用动名词的形式形式,答案为答案为B。8. Thanks for _ me t

14、o your party. A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asks for为介词为介词,其后的动词要用动名词的形式其后的动词要用动名词的形式, 故答故答案应为案应为C。9. We want to play soccer. Please _ us soon. A. join in B. join C. take part in join in多指多指“参加正在进行的活动参加正在进行的活动”, join多指多指“参加并成为其中的一个成员参加并成为其中的一个成员”, take part in多指多指“参加活动参加活动”由题意可知是由题意可知是“加入并成为我们中的一加入并

15、成为我们中的一员员”, 故答案为故答案为B。10. She agrees _ her husband almost (几乎几乎) _ everything. A. with; to B. with; in C. to; with D. to; in此题考察的是此题考察的是agreeagree与不同的介词连用的不同用与不同的介词连用的不同用法法, , 此句意思是此句意思是“她几乎每一件事都同意她丈她几乎每一件事都同意她丈夫的意见。夫的意见。” “” “同意某人同意某人”用用“agree with “agree with sb.”,sb.”, “同意某事同意某事”用用“agree to sth.”

16、, “agree to sth.”, 故答案为故答案为A A。1).-What _ you think of soap operas? -I _ stand _ .2).-What _ your classmates think of sports shows? -They _ mind _.3).-What _ she think of my new shirt? - She _ like _ .4).-What_ Tony think of the food? -He likes _ .5).-What _ they think of the cat? -They love _ .docantthemdodontthemdoesdoesntitdoesitdoitLets practice单项选择单项选择1._do they_“Animal Word ”? A. What ,think B. How ,like C. What ,like C. How ,think 2. The food there is awful , she _ it . A. liked B. like C. cant stand D. couldn t stand.3. What_she think_the film ? A. does ,of B. do ,of C. do


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