1、unit 7 how much are these socks?(sectionb2a-3b)儋州市思源实验学校 严妹玲一、教学内容分析 这是一节读写课,选取的短文是新目标人教版七年英语上册unit 7 how much are these socks?sectionb 2b 部分的一篇阅读短文: mr. cools clothes store. 本课时以谈论服装店的各种衣物及价格为阅读主题,并以此作为写作范例,进一步开展写作教学。二、整体设计思路 1、对阅读部分的处理:采取“总-分-总”的方式、skimming 及scanning等阅读策略引导学生阅读。首先让学生整体感知短文的主要内容。然后
2、引导学生深入细致阅读,让学生了解短文的主要意思和细节,通过整合教材,降低难度及利用不同的评价方式帮助学生关注和提取信息。最后再过渡到整体,呈现全文的脉络结构。2、对写作部分的处理:给学生搭设两层“脚手架”给予辅助。即首先引导学生通过阅读这篇短文,总结出介绍服装店的基本写作框架结构及语言表达(即广告的写作结构);根据3b所给的衣物图片,以小组合作收集表示衣物的单词,然后进行仿写短文,最后小组内相互交流、修改及选一些作品进行展示。三、教学目标1、 knowledge goals: to be able to read and write more words about clothing and
3、talk about the prices of them by reading a passage about a clothes store and writing an ad.2、ability goals: to be able to read a passage about a clothes store by using the correct reading skills (skimming 、scanning ) and write an ad by using the target language.3、moral goals: students will be able t
4、o have a correct view of consumption and go shopping politely。四、教学重点、难点1、teaching key points: 1) how to read the passage by using the correct reading skills and get the useful information from it.2) how to write an ad for a clothes store.2、teaching difficult points: how to write an ad for a clothes
5、store.五、教学方法1、teaching methods :task-based teaching method, communicative approach2、learning methods:reading skills(skimming , scanning ) imitating , cooperating and writing skills(copy writing)六、教学准备 some clothing pictures with different prices.七、教学过程(teaching procedures)、revision and warming-upsho
6、w out the different kinds of clothing and their prices ,then review the words and the drills students have learnt . (设计意图:通过大屏幕展示学过的有关衣物及价格,让学生再次运用学过的语言知识,既是对知识的巩固,也是为下一步将在短文中继续学习目标语言提供语言材料。) 、pre-reading1、guessing ask the students to look at the clothing and the prices in 2a, let them discuss how m
7、uch these clothing cost and match each clothing item with a price. 2、 predictingask the students to look at the pictures in 2b , and guess the names of different kinds of the clothing and predict the prices of them ,then lead-in the topic. (设计意图:通过看图猜猜有关各种衣物的价格及预测衣物的价格,让学生熟悉阅读话题,使学生学会预测内容,激活学生已有的相关语
8、言知识,激发学生阅读兴趣,为下一步的阅读中活动做好铺垫。)、while-reading1、skimmingask the students to look at the title and read the passage quickly and answer the following questions: what is the passage talking about? what is the name of the store?(设计意图:阅读要从整体语言输入入手,整体感知短文的主要内容是阅读教学中的主要策略,即引导学生抓住短文的主要内容。)2、scanningas the stud
9、ents to read the passage carefully and write down the names of the clothing and their prices. then try to fill in the blanks.clothingcolorpricesweater green, yellow $15; $12(设计意图:在整体语言输入的基础上进行分层语言输入。即引导学生深入细致的阅读。目的在于让学生了解短文的主要意思和细节,通过整合教材,降低难度及利用不同的评价方式帮助学生关注和提取信息,从而使学生更好地理解短文内容。) 3、listening and re
10、adingguide the students to listen to the tape carefully and read the passage after the tape together .4、explainingwe have skirts in purple for $20.= we have purple skirts for $20. yellow sweaters are $12.=we have yellow sweaters for $12.(设计意图: 引导学生认真听录音并大声朗读短文及引导学生理解难句,为下一步读后将进行的语言输出活动扫清语言障碍。)、post-
11、reading1、retelling ask the students to retell the passage in groups by looking at the content of the following forms like this:clothingcolorpricesweatergreen, yellow$15, $12shorts$16trousersblack$22skirtspurple$20jacket$30shoesblack$28socks$28come and buy your clothes at our great sale! we sell all
12、our clothes at very good prices. do you like_? we have _ for ($12)_ . do you need _? for boys, we have _for ($22) _.come to mr. cools clothes store now.2、filling in the blanks ask the students to look at the clothing and the prices of them and fill in the blanks in the ad (3a). (设计意图: 根据学生的水平,通过整合教材
13、,引导学生看表格内容及相对应的图片进行复述短文,降低难度。通过看图补全广告,这是阅读后活动和写作应用之间的过渡环节是半消化半输出的过程,为下一环节的写作活动做好铺垫。)3、writing structure1) guide the students to discuss the structure of writing an ad from the passage :总 整体介绍:come and buy your clothes at our great sale! we sell all our clothes at very good prices.分分类介绍:sweater/$15,
14、$12; trousers/$22; shorts/$16; skirts/$20; jacket/$30; shoes/ $28; socks/ $2.总 总结:come to mr. cools clothes store now. 2)guide the students to look at the pictures about different kinds of clothing and write down the words of them.(设计意图:引导学生分析这篇阅读短文的结构及语言表达,指导学生写作方法并通过小组合作讨论写出各种衣物的单词 ,为下一环节的写作活动做好结构
15、及语言素材的准备。)4、writinglet the students write an ad for their own clothes store , ask them to exchange and check their work with each other in groups, then show them out .(设计意图:引导学生为自己的服装店写一则广告并在组内相互交流、修改,然后选出一些作品进行展示。目的是使学生灵活地运用本课时所学过的语言,强化所学的知识。即突出了语言的输出过程。)、summarylet the students sum up what they ha
16、ve learnt in this class. ask them to read the new words、the phrases and the difficult sentences together.(设计意图:此环节是让学生完成任务后对本节课进行反思总结,主要培养学生自主探究、共同解决问题的能力,进一步巩固所学的语言知识。)、homework1) read the passage carefully after class.2) write an ad about selling school things or some other things the students have learnt.(设计意图:运用本课时的目标语言及以前学过的语言知识(衣物或其它物品等),再编写一则广告,拓宽学生的知识面。)blackboard design:unit 7 how much are these socks?(sectionb2a-3b) clothes 总
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