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1、BEC中级真题(第二辑)答案及听力原文Test 1Readi ngPart 11C2A3B4D5A6.B7CPart 28D9C10E11B12 FPart 313D14A15C16B17.B18.CPart 419B 20 A 21 D 22 A 23 C 24 C 25 D 26 A 27 B 28 C29 D 30 B 31 C 32 B 33 BPart 5 34 ITSELF35 IN 36 CORRECT 37.WHILE 38 SEEN 39 FROM40 CORRECT41 THOSE42 FOR 43 WITH44 THAT45 CORRECTWritingPart 1To:

2、 P.JonesFrom:Luisa Gamb onDate:21 November 2002Subject: Late nessMr Jon es,I have no ticed that you ofte n arrive late for work, especially on Mon day mornin gs. As your colleagues are start ing to compla in about that, you un dersta nd that uni ess this habit changes, I will take disciplinary actio

3、n against you. Come and see me tomorrow at 9 my office. Thank youBand 5All content points are covered, using natural sounding language and a con siste ntly appropriate tone.Part 2Report on customer compla intsINTRODUCTIONThis report has the purpose of prese nti ng the reas ons for customer co

4、mpla ints in 2002. FIELDINGSThe customer compla ints received in 2002 were 300 in Janu ary. Then they in creased to540 in February because of the computer system's breakdow n.In March they fell to 230 because an improved order system was in troduced.The reas ons for compla ints from January to M

5、arch were an alysed:firstly the compa nv received compla ints for in correct orders delivered. These errors were fewer in March.sec on dly the time take n to deliver is too high, but the compa ny has pla nned to recruit new age nts.Fin ally customers compla in for the poor product quality .In order

6、to solve this problem more quality con trols are making.CONCLUSIONSAt the moment all customers arenft satisfied but many measures have been taken to improve their satisfact ion.Band 4There is a satisfactory range of structures, with some errors, but these do not impede un dersta nding. The content p

7、oints are adequately covered, and the register is appropriate.The in format! on is gen erally well orga ni sed, using head ings and other discourse markers.Liste ningPart 11. JAYE2. CUSTOMER SERVICES3. OFFICE ASSISTANT4. 457.605. EUROPE HOLIDAYS6. BUSINESS CARDS7. MARKETING EXECUTIVES8. (THE) (COMPA

8、NY) EOGO9. INFORMATION PACK10. PARK HOTEL11. FRONT GATE12. NEW DESIGNSPart 220 H13 E 14 B 15G16 F 17 A 18C19G21 E 22. BPart326 A 27 C23 B24 B25 C28 B29 A30 CTapescriptListe ning Test 1This is the Busin ess En glish Certificate Van tage 2, Liste ning Test 1.Part 1. . Questions 1 to 12.You will hear t

9、hree telepho ne con versati ons or tn essages.Write one or two u'ords or a nu mber in thenu mbered spaces on the no tes or forms below.After you have liste ned once, replay each record ing.Con versati on One.Questi ons 1 to 4.Look at the form below.You will hear a man ask ing a colleague for in

10、format! on about a former employee.You have 15 sec on d's to read through the form.pauseNow listen, and fill in the spaces.Woma n: Pers onnel.Man: Hello, its Tim here, from Finance.Woma n: Hi, Tim.Man: rve had a letter from the tax office about a student who worked here lastsummer -1 won der if

11、you could look him up in your records.Woma n: Sure, whaVs the n ame?Man: The surn ame's Jaye. First n ame Stephe n.Woma n: How does he spell his sur name?Ma n: J-A-Y-E. Got that?Woma n: Oh yes, here we are . . lives at a hun dred and eighty-three School Road, Barn field .Man: Yes, thafs the one.

12、Woma n: And you say he was work ing in Finance?Man: Uhm, Customer Services, actually.Woma n: Aah - they had lots of stude nts work ing for them last summer.Man: Well, the tax people want to know his exact job title - I'm not sure why.Woman: Mm, let me see . . He was an office assistant.Man: Righ

13、t, got that. They also want to know about his mon thly earnin gs.Woma n: Let's have a look . . five hun dred and thirty-eight pounds seve nty a month . Oh, sorry, he was a scale one, so thaVs four hun dred and fifty-seve n pounds sixty. Anything else?Man: That's fine, thanks. I'll send t

14、hem the information today pauseNow listen to the recording again.pauseCon versati on Two.Questi ons 5 to 8.Look at the note below.You will hear a man describ ing a problem with an order.You have 15 sec onds to read through the no te.pauseNow liste n, and fill in the spaces.Woma n: Hello, Blackwell P

15、rin ters. Julie Davids on speak ing. How may I help you?Man: Hello. This is Mark Jones from Europe Holidays. I was hoping to speak to StevenKirby about the stati onery youYe printing for us.Woma n: rm afraid Steve n's away un til Friday.Man: Oh - you see rm not very happy with the bus in ess car

16、ds and I wan ted to see if Icould make a couple of cha nges to the paper too.Woma n: Would you like me to pass on a message?Man: Yes, please. The thing is, Tve just received your proofs - the cards themselves arefine, but you seem to have misunderstood the quantities. Tm sure I asked for five hun dr

17、ed for each of the marketi ng executives and seve n hun dred and fifty for me but you've put every one dow n for seve n hun dred and fifty.Woman: Right, Tve made a note of that. Is there anything else?Man: Yes, well this is my mistake really. Could you ask Steven to move the company logo further

18、 to the left? It's too close to the address at the moment. I think thafs all for now. Than ks.pauseNow listen to the recording again.pauseCon versati on Three. Questi ons 9-12Look at the no tes below.You will hear a woman making the arrangements for a delegation who are going to visit her compa

19、ny.You have 15 sec onds to read through the no tes.pauseNow liste n, and fill in the spaces.Woma n: Geoff?Man: Yes?Woman: I just want to finalise the preparations for the delegation next week.Man: Certainly. It's Thursday, isn't it?Woma n: Yes. Now, can you make sure that each of them gets a

20、 n ame badge in format! on and an pack. The badges are done, but youll n eed to prepare the packs with all the releva nt in format! on.Man: Ok, that should n't take too long. What about cateri ng?Woman: Coffee's organised for eleven and three, but lunch - its at one - wen eed toreserve it fo

21、r twelve people The office restaura nt is closed n ext week can you ring the Park Hotel? The Grand Hotel was a bit disappointing last time.Man: I'll get onto that.Woman: Now, theyll be coming straight from the station, and their taxi will bring them to the front gate, so make sure youYe there to

22、 greet them. Thatll be about ten.Man: Ten. And then .Woma n: Into Receptio n, I think. Make sure the new desig ns are on display, I want them to see those first.Man: OK.Woma n: Let me know whe n itfs all fin alised. Bye.pauseNow listen to the recording again.pauseThat is the end of Part One. You now

23、 have 20 sec onds to check your an swers.pausePart 2. . Questio ns 13 to 22.Section One. Questions 13 to 17.You will hear five short record ingspauseNow listen to the recording again.pauseThat is the end of Part One. You now sec onds to check your an swers.pausePart Two. Questio ns 13 to 22. Sectio

24、n One.Questi ons 13 to 17.You will hear five short record ings.For each record ing, decide which type of docume nt the speaker is talk ing about.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.Do not use any letter more tha n once.After you have liste ned once, replay the record in gs.You

25、 have 15 sec onds to read the list A-H.pauseNow listen, and decide which type of document each speaker is talking about.pause Thirtee nWoma n: Well no won der the ban k's retur ned it un paid. Look, the figures don't match the amount in words. I expect some one was fill ing it i n in too muc

26、h of a hurry. Let's see, we'd better issue ano ther one straight away to pay Mrs Burt on, because itll be ano ther three weeks if we wait for the n ext cycle of payme nts. Herexpe nses on thatsales trip were pretty high, and it would n't be fair to keep her wait ing much Ion ger.pause fo

27、urtee nMan: Some of the suppliers are already ask ing about the in creases, ni check, but I seem to remember from last week's meeti ng that in theend we agreed on three percent. So what ni do is go dow n each colu mn and calculate the new amoun ts, and the n it can be prin ted in time to be in s

28、erted into the new brochures. Can youcheck thefigures for me, though, before it goes to the prin ters?pause fiftee nWoma n: We've just received the paperwork from you about clea ning our premises, and I have to say that it does n't reflect what we agreed in ourcon versati on last week. Foron

29、e thing, it says that we have to supply our security code, and for another it specifies mon thly payme nt in adva nee, and I told you both of those were out of the questi on. I'm afraid I really can't sig n this. Could you send me a revised one?pause Sixtee nMan: Of course, this only gives a

30、 very gen eral picture. But as you can see, cash is a particularly healthy area. That's even whe n we take into acco unt regular outgo ings on loans and leasing equipment, which are included in the final totals. And even more significantly, unpaid orders are actually excluded from the final calc

31、ulation. These represe nt a sum of approximately thirty thousa nd poun ds. With that in mind, we can say that the compa ny's overall positi on is still strong.pause Seven tee nWoman: Pve just asked the Arden Conference Centre about availability for our next training sem inar, and they said they

32、still have nft bee n paid for the one before last, which should have bee n dealt with six mon ths ago. Tve had to ask them to send a duplicate! We really must be careful. Arde n give us very favourable prices, but we have nft got a con tract with them - Can you deal with it straight away so we stay

33、in their good books?pause.Vow listen to the recordings again.pauseSection Two. Questions 18 to 22.You will hear ano ther five record in gs.For each record ing, decide what the speaker's purpose is.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.Do not use any letter more tha n on ce.A

34、fter you have liste ned once, replay the record in gs.You have 15 sec onds to read the list A-H.pauseNow liste n, and decide what each speaker's purpose is.pause Eightee nMan: Hello. This is Guy Cooper from Centron Electronics here. I believe you rang for some advice about your alarm system, whi

35、ch isn't functioning properly. The message I got said you were n't sure if you n eeded some one to come and sort it out, or if we could advise you over the phone. Well perhaps you'd like to get back to me as soon as its convenient and tell me exactly what the problem is, and ni see what

36、I can do.pause NineteenWoman: Well, as you say, Redlon has been supplying us for years but, quite hon estly, two-thirds of the compla ints we receive about ourproducts are actuallydue to faults in components we've had from Redlon. So I talked to the Production Man ager and he agreed that I shoul

37、d look at some alter natives.Future World'srange is fine for us, and one of their customers who I spoke to recomme nded them highly, so thatfs why we've cha nged to using them.pause TwentyWoma n: The competiti on's gett ing tougher, and you know we're facing serious problems.We n eed

38、 to see more ben efit from the undeni ably hard work we're putt ing in, and this means saying no to jobs which aren't profitable. It would be much more beneficial to put all our efforts into winning higher-marg in con tracts. So the way I feel you can help most is by ide ntify ing the types

39、of con tacts which will bring in the in come we n eed in order to en sure our future.pause Twenty-oneMan: Joh n Woods here, phoning about the project we discussed earlier. Could you give me a ring so that we can talk about it a bit more? I've done a few calculations and I'm begi nning to won

40、 der whether it's really a practical propositi on. 1 still think the project's got pote ntial, but there are sig ni fica nt additi onal costs which we had n't take n into acco unt. So could you get back to me as soon as you can, please?pause Twenty-twoWoman: Hello,Sally here, from Pagwel

41、l Paints, returningyour call.rm very sorryyou aren'thappy with the latest con sig nment you'vehad fromus. Ifs ratherstra nge, because follow ing your compla int about the last delivery, we did infacttake action to change the specifications in the way you suggested. So it isnft quite fair to

42、say that we ignored your advice. I know its important to achieve the consistency that you require, but perhaps your recommendation wasn't exactly whaVs n eeded.pauseNow listen to the recordings again.pauseThis is the end of Part Two.pausePart 3. ee. Questions 23 to 30.You will hear the chairma n

43、 of a bus in ess institute making a speech about new bus in ess awards that his in stitute has spon sored.For each questi on 23-30. mark one letter (A, B orC) for the correct an swer.After you have liste ned once, replay the record ing.You have 45 sec onds to read through the questi pauseNow listen,

44、 and mark A, 6 or C.pauseMan: Who are the managers of the best innovation developments in British industry? That was the questi on which the first Busin ess Today Inno vati on Awards set out to an swer.This project is all about reward ing good practice and performa nee. So, rather tha n simply recog

45、nising excellenee in the design of specific products, or analysing their financialimpact on profits, the awards set out to take an objective look at exactly how compa nies man age the developme nt process itself.Over three hun dred and fifty orga ni sati ons en tered the competiti on and were in iti

46、ally reduced to about forty. Then, after further careful checking, a short list of just fourtee n of them was arrived at. These fin alists, all manu facturers, were the n visited by the competiti on judges, a panel of four chief executives from leadi ng compa ni es.The panel toured the finalists'

47、; facilities, received presentations on the companies and their projects, and in terviewed the key developme nt team members. The products varied eno rmously in their scale, fun cti on and degree of tech no logy - from bread for a supermarket cha in to a prin ter in side an automatic cash dispe nser

48、Initially the organisers were concerned that this range could create difficulties in the assessme nt process. But this fear proved baseless, as most eleme nts in the inno vati on process are shared by all manufacturers.Interestingly, the finalists broke down into two distinct and equal groups: large

49、 firms with one thousand employees or more and small firms with two hundred and fifty employees or fewer. With both groups the judges decided to concentrate on two of the clearest indicators of a successful innovation process, which are: how well the new product is comb ined with the compa ny's

50、existi ng bus in ess, and sec on dly, how-well theinno vati onmethods are recorded and understood. Small firms naturally tend to do well in the first category since they have fewer layers of managementand thus much shortercom muni catio n lin es. But they seem to put less emphasis on creat ing forma

51、l developme nt methods which would be repeatable in future inno vati ons.Large firms, on the other hand, have difficulty in teg rati ng the new developme nt with in their exist ing bus in ess for reas ons of scale. But they tend to succeed in achievi ng well-documented and repeatable development met

52、hods.This is because largercompanies, with their clear emphasis on training, fixed managementstructure andadmi nistrative systems, require more formal, daily record-keep ing from their staff.So what were the key questions the judges had in mind when assessing the finalists? One of the most important

53、 areas concerned how thoroughly a company checks what is happe ning in other fields in order to in corporate new ideas into the developme nt process.Many of the fin alists impressed in the area. Xatura, for example, had dem on strated genuine en ergy in search ing for new ways of produci ng their ra

54、nge of speciality breads.They had looked at styles of home cook ing in differe nt coun tries, as well as the possibility of exploit ing new product ion tech no logies in order to achieve equally good results but on a high-volume product ion line.What the n occupied much of the judges1 thoughts was t

55、he quality of the links which the development team established with senior management,suppliers, the market andmanu facturi ng. The best examples of the first category were found in small firms, where the in dividual en trepre neur at the top was clearly drivi ng the inno vati on forwardLinks with s

56、uppliers were also seen as an important factor, but not all supplier experiences were positive. Occasi on ally serious problems had to be solved where suppliers were working hard to meet specifications, but the companies that the suppliers were using to adapt their machinery were not so efficient. T

57、his, led to disappointing faults or fluctuations in quality.But in con clusi on the awards dem on strate that inno vati on isn't just for high-tech internet compa ni es. You can also be successful in mature markets with determ in ati on and skill.pauseNow liste n to the record ing aga in.pauseThat is the end of Part Three. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to your An swer Sheet.Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time ten minutes. Remind students when there is one minute remai ning.pauseThat is the end of the test.Test 2Part 1I. B2CPart 28C9 BReadi


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