



1、科教版六年级英语上册单词拼写综合训练班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据所给音标,完成句子。1.your _''datis as healthy as mine.  2.i usually have _''plentof fish.  3.do you _drka lot of water every day?  4.i eat enough _vedtblzevery day.  5.he would like to have some _fradchicken wings ev

2、ery day.  6.i sometimes eat some _''nudlzfor supper.  7.no _''drk/ in the reading room.2. 根据句意及首字母填空。1.he can speak three f_ languages. they are english, japanese and french.2.doctor, i cant sleep well these d

3、ays. sometimes im a_all night.3.my english writing is good, but i need to i_my listening skills.4.my favorite_is autumn.5.do you have a fever?ive taken my t_.it seemed all right.3. 写出下列单词的复数形式。1watch _ 2girl _3ship _ 4bus _5family _ 6bike _7knife _4. 按要求写单词。1. 

4、; eat(过去分词)_ 2.  quick (副词)_3.  have(现在分词)_ 4.  care(形容词)_5.  saturday(缩写)_6.  be careful(英译汉)_7.  另一个的(汉译英)_8.  made(原形)_5. 写出下列动词的过去式。1. is,am _ 2. are_3.can  _ 4. clean_5. come_  6. do/does_7. drin

5、k_ 8.eat_9. become _ 10.forget_11. get _ 12. give_6. 补全单词。1. i want to send this l_ (信) to my mother. 2. how many p_ (明信片) are there?3. this is an e_ (电子邮件).7. 根据所给中文、英文及首字母提示完成句子。1.how many_(猴子)does the zoo have?2.he listens to the teacher as_(仔细)as his cousin.3.the ol

6、d man lived in a_(not quiet)street , so he couldnt sleep well every day.4.w_(the fourth day in a week)is my busiest day.5.my ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f _at 3:00 p.m.8. 根据句意和首字母提示,填写单词。1. the book is mine. it has my n_ “tom” on it.2. at night we can see many christmas l_ on our

7、house.3. yesterday i helped jenny p_ up the christmas tree.4. christmas is in w_, so we can see snow during the time.5. people usually sing christmas s_ on christmas day.9. 重新排列下列字母,组合成一个新单词并在括号内写出汉语意思。(1) somgethin   _(   )(2) radgon   _(   )(3) ltleit   _(  

8、 )(4) fogetr   _ (   )(5)pneho   _(   )10. 写出下列单词。1. 体育馆_  2.  如果_ 3. 记者_ 4. 使用_ 5. 打字_    6. 秘书_11. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. party ( 复数形式 )_2. first ( 基数词 )_3. are ( 单数 ) _4. mum ( 对应词&#

9、160;) _5. wolf ( 复数形式 ) _12. 根据中文提示完成句子。1. look, the lion is very large and _(强壮) .2. (第二天), two men caught the lion.3. dont laugh   (大声地) in the classroom.4. t

10、he lion wanted to (出来).5. the cat is small, and it looks (软弱) .13. 写出下列动词的过去式。(1)eat_     (2)buy _   (3)take _    (4)are _   (5)is _   14. 首字母填空。1. it''s n_ to the library.  2. i''m going to the b_ to buy some books this weekend.  3. i usually go to the h_ to see


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