1、大连理工大学本科实验报告题目:数字钟课程名称:数字电路课程设计学院(系): 电子信息工程 专 业: 电子 班 级: 电子1301班 学生姓名: 陈冠谋 学 号: 201383022 完成日期:2015年7月18日 成 绩: 2014 年 7 月 18 日注意:本页要求放在实验报告第一页课程设计得分表考 勤课程设计50分考试40分作业合计最后得分 一、数字钟课程设计要求:1、设计一个具有时、分、秒的十进制数字显示(小时从0023)计时器。 2、整点报时。两种方法任选其一:发出仿中央人民广播电台的整点报时信号,即从59分50秒起,每隔2秒钟发出一次低音“嘟”的信号,连续5次,最后一次要求高音“嘀”
2、的信号,此信号结束即达到整点。“嘟”是500hz左右的频率输出,“嘀”是1000hz左右的频率输出通过led闪烁实现,闪烁频率及花型可自己设计并在这里说明。3、手动校时、校分、校秒。4、定时与闹钟功能,能在设定的时间发出闹铃声。 5、设计一个秒表,显示1%秒到60秒、手动停止。6、设计一个倒计时,显示小时、分钟、秒。7、其他创新。第1题25分,其他每题5分二、课程设计考试(40分,每题分):考试题目: 1、 实体名2、 计数器3、 异步清零4、 进位输出5、 仿真图6、 数码管输出7、 分频8、 元件例化9、 引脚分配10、下载一、设计要求1、设计一个数字钟,能够显示当前时间,分别用6个数码管
4、数器、译码器、显示器构成,分、秒 显示由六十进制计数器、译码器、显示器构成。原理框图如下:显示器 显示器 显示器 显示器 显示器 显示器译码器译码器译码器译码器译码器译码器 十进制 计数器 六进制 计数器 十进制 计数器 六进制 计数器 十进制 计数器 三进制 计数器时十位 时个位 分十位 分个位 秒十位 秒个位 分频器 晶振三、系统以及模块硬件电路设计系统的管脚配置如下表所示:四、系统的vhdl设计1.系统所用的库:library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;use ieee.std_log
5、ic_arith.all;2.系统顶层实体名及内容entity time isport(clk,rst,stop,pls,plm,plh:in std_logic; alarmstart:in std_logic; p,q,r,t,u,v:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);-时钟数码管输出 w,x:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);-闹钟小时数码管输出 y,z:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);-闹钟分钟输出 alarm:out std_logic;-闹钟开关 reptime:out std_log
6、ic);-清零end;architecture data of time is signal clk1s,clk1sp,clk10s,clk1m,clk1mp,clk10m,clk1h,clk1hp,rep:std_logic; signal a,b,c,d,e,f:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal alarmstart1:std_logic; signal alarm1m,alarm10m,alarm1h,alarm10h:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);begin3.时钟部分process(stop) begin case
7、stop is when '0'=>clk1sp<=clk1s; when others =>clk1sp<=pls; end case;end process;process(stop) begin case stop is when '0'=>clk1mp<=clk1m; when others =>clk1mp<=plm; end case;end process;process(stop) begin case stop is when '0'=>clk1hp<=clk1h; w
8、hen others =>clk1hp<=plh; end case;end process;process(clk,rst) variable num:integer range 0 to 49999999; begin if rst='0' then num:=0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if num=49999999 then num:=0; else num:=num+1; end if; if num<25000000 then clk1s<='0' else clk1s<='1&
9、#39; end if; end if;end process;4.时钟校时部分 process(clk1sp,rst) begin if rst='0' then a<="0000" elsif clk1sp'event and clk1sp='1' then if a="1001" then a<="0000" else a<=a+1; end if;end if; if a="0000" then clk10s<='1' else
10、 clk10s<='0' end if; end process;process(clk10s,rst) begin if rst='0' then b<="0000" elsif clk10s'event and clk10s='1' then if b="0101" then b<="0000" else b<=b+1; end if; end if; if b="0000" then clk1m<='1' e
11、lse clk1m<='0' end if;end process;process(clk1mp,rst) begin if rst='0' then c<="0000" elsif clk1mp'event and clk1mp='1' then if c="1001" then c<="0000" else c<=c+1; end if; end if; if c="0000" then clk10m<='1'
12、 else clk10m<='0' end if; end process; process(clk10m,rst) begin if rst='0' then d<="0000" elsif clk10m'event and clk10m='1' then if d="0101" then d<="0000" else d<=d+1; end if; end if; if d="0000" then clk1h<='1&
13、#39; else clk1h<='0' end if;end process;process(clk1hp,rst) begin if rst='0' then e<="0000"f<="0000" elsif clk1hp'event and clk1hp='1' then if e="1001" then e<="0000"f<=f+1; elsif e="0011" and f="0010&q
14、uot; then e<="0000"f<="0000" else e<=e+1; end if; end if;end process;5.整点报时部分process(clk1s)beginif clk1s'event and clk1s='1' then if c="0000" and d="0000" then if (b="0000" and a="0000") or (b="0000" and a=&qu
15、ot;0100") or (b="0000" and a="0010") then rep<='1' else rep<='0' end if; else rep<='0' end if;end if;reptime<=rep;end process;6.设置闹钟部分process(plm,alarmstart)begin if alarmstart='1' then if plm'event and plm='1' then if
16、alarm1m="1001" then alarm1m<="0000" if alarm10m="0101" then alarm10m<="0000" else alarm10m<=alarm10m+1; end if; else alarm1m<=alarm1m+1; end if; end if; else alarm1m<=alarm1m;alarm10m<=alarm10m; end if;y<=alarm1m;z<=alarm10m;end process
17、;process(plh,alarmstart)begin if alarmstart='1' then if plh'event and plh='1' then if alarm1h="1001" then alarm1h<="0000"alarm10h<=alarm10h+1; elsif alarm1h="0011" and alarm10h="0010" then alarm1h<="0000"alarm10h<=&quo
18、t;0000" else alarm1h<=alarm1h+1; end if; end if; else alarm1h<=alarm1h;alarm10h<=alarm10h; end if;end process;7.时钟与闹钟时间对比产生闹钟信号process(clk1s)begin if alarmstart='1' then if clk1s'event and clk1s='1' then if (c=alarm1m and d=alarm10m and e=alarm1h and f=alarm10h) the
19、n alarmstart1<='1' else alarmstart1<='0' end if; alarm<=alarmstart1; end if; else alarm<='0' end if; end process;8.数码管显示部分process(a)begin case a is when "0000"=>p<="1000000" when "0001"=>p<="1111001" when "0
20、010"=>p<="0100100" when "0011"=>p<="0110000" when "0100"=>p<="0011001" when "0101"=>p<="0010010" when "0110"=>p<="0000010" when "0111"=>p<="1111000"
21、when "1000"=>p<="0000000" when others=>p<="0010000"end case;end process;process(b)begin case b is when "0000"=>q<="1000000" when "0001"=>q<="1111001" when "0010"=>q<="0100100" when
22、 "0011"=>q<="0110000" when "0100"=>q<="0011001" when "0101"=>q<="0010010" when "0110"=>q<="0000010" when "0111"=>q<="1111000" when "1000"=>q<="000000
23、0" when others=>q<="0010000"end case;end process;process(c)begin case c is when "0000"=>r<="1000000" when "0001"=>r<="1111001" when "0010"=>r<="0100100" when "0011"=>r<="0110000&qu
24、ot; when "0100"=>r<="0011001" when "0101"=>r<="0010010" when "0110"=>r<="0000010" when "0111"=>r<="1111000" when "1000"=>r<="0000000" when others=>r<="0010000&
25、quot;end case;end process;process(d)begin case d is when "0000"=>t<="1000000" when "0001"=>t<="1111001" when "0010"=>t<="0100100" when "0011"=>t<="0110000" when "0100"=>t<="00
26、11001" when "0101"=>t<="0010010" when "0110"=>t<="0000010" when "0111"=>t<="1111000" when "1000"=>t<="0000000" when others=>t<="0010000"end case;end process;process(e)begin ca
27、se e is when "0000"=>u<="1000000" when "0001"=>u<="1111001" when "0010"=>u<="0100100" when "0011"=>u<="0110000" when "0100"=>u<="0011001" when "0101"=>u<=
28、"0010010" when "0110"=>u<="0000010" when "0111"=>u<="1111000" when "1000"=>u<="0000000" when others=>u<="0010000"end case;end process;process(f)begin case f is when "0000"=>v<=&quo
29、t;1000000" when "0001"=>v<="1111001" when "0010"=>v<="0100100" when "0011"=>v<="0110000" when "0100"=>v<="0011001" when "0101"=>v<="0010010" when "0110"=&g
30、t;v<="0000010" when "0111"=>v<="1111000" when "1000"=>v<="0000000" when others=>v<="0010000"end case;end process; process(alarm1h)begin case alarm1h is when "0000"=>w<="1000000" when "0001"=>w<="1111001" when "0010"=>w<="0100100" when "0011"=>w<="0110000" when "0100"=>w<="0011001" when "0101"=>w<="0010010&quo
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