1、背醒目句型我们都应该知道沟通的重要性We all should know the importance of communication.我们都应该知道沟通的重要性We can.t emphasize the importance of communication too much.会造成恶劣的后果. will cause bad result.会造成恶劣的后果 will give rise to undesirable consequences.第一段陈述现状1 The term “” may by no means sound strange to most people in this
2、day and age.2 Does anyone hold the same attitude towards “”? Definitely not,as to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.第二段阐明对立观点3 For those who hold the opinion that正面观点claim that, firstly, 理由之一4 Secondly, 理由之二5 However, others maintain that反面观点,first and foremost, 理由之一6 Moreover, 理由之二第三段
3、阐明自己观点7 If I were forced to agree with one of the two opinions, I, doubtless, stand by the idea that你支持的观点, in the first place, 理由之一8 in the second place, 理由之二9 Given the factors I have just outlined, I strongly commit to the notion that.再次表明你的看法和观点模板句的两个功能:1、对于考生:提供写作思路,文章框架²2、对于阅卷人:给分提示句!使用模板
4、句的注意事项:写得再好,不加分,也不扣分;学会替换模板句,谨防撞车!第一段模板句替换和自创第1句替换写法一:将现象转变成某个“词”.The term“” may by no means sound strange to most people in this day and age.Term=new coined word /phrase写法二:将现象转变成趋势.There is a growing tendency nowadays that .People in mounting numbers are purchasing goods on the internet.写法三:将现象转变成
5、发展的结果.With the development of the information technology, digital products have attracted the attention from all our society.With theadvancement of society and the development of economyWith the improvement of peoples living standard写法四:将现象转变成“热烈讨论中”.Nowadays,there is a heated discussionwhether.Peop
6、le should spend so much time pursuing various kinds of certificates.写法五:将现象转变成“令人关注”.Recently,the problem of“certificate craze”has arousedwide/deep/great concernamong the public写法六:最偷懒的方式-自问自答²When people are asked “ ?” , answers may vary from person to person.²Will you run your own compan
7、y after graduation第2句保持不动2 Does anyone hold the same attitude towards “”? Definitely not,as to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.第二段模版句和自创第3句正方观点有人认为.Some people think that 改造升级.Those who hold the opinion thatclaim that,firstly, 理由之一那些支持观点的人认为Those who are in favor of the idea that cla
8、im that, firstly, 理由之一第5句反方观点替换相反,有很多人认为On the contrary, a majority of people maintain that,to begin with ,理由之一另外一部分人不这么看.while the rest hold the other side of the picture,for one thing, 理由之一第三段第7句自己观点替换在我看来²From my perspective, 个人观点²To my way of thinking,²So far as I am concerned,如果我
9、必须要选择一个观点的话,毫无疑问,我支持If I were forced to agree with one of the two opinions, I, doubtlessly, stand by the idea that第9句再次强调个人观点考虑到我刚刚说过的因素,我强烈认同观点Accordingly,given the factors I have just outlined, I strongly commit to the notion that衡量了这些观点的利弊,我更倾向于同意的观点Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments,
10、I am inclined to agree with the idea that观点如何陈述 第3和5句是有利的Sth. is beneficial to Sth. plays a positive role in是有害的Sth. is detrimental to Sth. plays a negative role in的优点远远大于其缺点.The advantages of sth. far outweigh the disadvantages.A的优点远远大于BThe advantages of A are much greater than those of B.写作框架和模版“问
11、题”作文 第一段(1、2句)1 The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that2 Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples with ease:举例补充第1句,增加文章生动性和真实性(同时凑字)第二段 问题产生原因、后果(3、4、5、6句)3 What exactly contributes to such phenomenon? It.s a thought-provoking question. Firstly, 原因之一4
12、 Secondly, 原因之二5 The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. first and foremost,危害乀一6 Moreover, 危害之二第三段 (7、8、9句)7 Confronted with such problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. In the first place, 措施之一.8 in the s
13、econd place , 理由之二9 Only with these measures taken can we提出美好愿望第一段 陈述现在 第一句替换写法一:过去几年,我们见证了²1The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that写法二:套近乎-众所周知²1 It is widely acknowledged that has become an increasingly serious problem.waste on campus写法二:套近乎-众所周知.1 Alm
14、ost no one in China can have failed to notice the phenomenon thatIn recent years.写法三:见诸报端,引收热议²Recently,it often hits headlines of newspapers that, which has aroused heated discussion among the public.第一段 第二句保持不动2 Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples with ease举例补充第1句,增加文章生动性和真实性
15、(同时凑字)第二段 第三句产生原因替换到底是什么导致了这个现象的产生?这是个令人深思的话题.What exactly contributes to such phenomenon? Its a thought-provoking question. Firstly, 原因之一这个现象为什么会出现?理由很明显,如下解释.Why such a phenomenon emerges? The reasons, which are obvious to all, can be listed as follows: Firstly,很多因素可以解释这个现象,如下几点是最重要的.A number of f
16、actors can account for such phenomenon, but the followings might be the critical ones. Firstly第五句如果我们熟视无睹,这个问题必定会带来严重的后果.The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. Firstly,危害之一如果这个状况没有得到处理,将危害极大It is extremely harmful if the situation i
17、s left unfettered. Firstly,危害之一如果我们听之任之,将会带来巨大的问题.It will give rise to a host of severe problems if we leave the situation as it is.Firstly,危害之一第三段 第七句号召注意替换鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们必须在事态恶化前采取有效措施.In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. In the first
18、 place, 措施之一鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们必须马上关注这个问题²In light of the seriousness of the problem, Due attention has to be paid to this issue. In the first place, 措施之一很明显,我们必须采取有效措施来阻止这个情况.Obviously, it is imperative that effective actions should be taken to prevent the above situation . firstly, 措施之一第九句 美好愿景替换通过
19、这些方法,我们有理由相信这个问题,在不久的将来,就会解决With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future.只有采取这些措施,我们才能.Only with these measures taken can weexpect a comprehensive development of college students.只有这样,我们才能Only in this way can we make the society mor
20、e harmonious.措施有哪些(7、8句)措施一因此,我们应该吸取好的一面,而回避坏的一面We should,therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet.因此,我们应该“取其精华,去其糟粕”.We should,therefore,As the common saying goes, “Take the essence, discard the dregs.”措施二我们应该扬长处,并将其坏处减少到最低程度.What we must do is to encourage the strength
21、and diminish the weaknesses to the least extent.政府制定法律法规.It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to .ban/reduce smoking. Put an end to the trend/ situation.个人应该提高意识.The public(we ourselves)should enhance the consciousness of the importance of .Health / education /
22、 independence便利角度万能句好处:It will offer us great convenience in many aspects of our life.坏处:会给我们生活的很多方面,造成巨大的不便²Sth. will bring about tremendous inconvenience in many aspects of our daily life.微博可以使用户更方便地表达他们的情感和个人想法.Microblog enable sits users to convey their emotions and individual thoughts more
23、 conveniently.更容易获得网络上的教育资源.We have easier access to education resources on the internet.使用户获得更多的便利服务.Credit card enables its owners to obtain more convenient services.社交网站 这是一种获得娱乐和放松的来源²social networking site is a convenient source of entertainment and relaxation.资源方面这可以使那些经济条件差的人省很多钱²It
24、 enables those who have low financial condition to save a great deal of money.相当多的人毫无意识地浪费电.Quite a few people waste electricity without even realizing it .住校可以节省很多的来往家和学校的时间,因此我们可以集中时间和精力在学业上.Living on campus can save us a great deal of time on the way between home and school every day, so we would
25、 be able to concentrate more time and energy on study.效率 网络和图书With a wealth of information on the internet, searching for useful information can be time-consuming and inefficient环境无可否认,大城市环境正处在一个恶劣的状况.No one can deny the fact that the environment in big cities is in an undesirable condition.如果我们什么都不
26、做,那举环境问题将会不可避免地加剧.If nothing is to be done to protect the environment, the environmental problems will inevitably be aggravated .为了唤醒公众的环境保护意识,我们需要采取很多方法。.Various measures should be adopted to arouse public awareness of environmental protection.大学生兼职Taking part-time jobs can relieve their family fin
27、ancial burden to some extent.公务员,作为中国最稳定的职业之一,成为了他们更倾向的选择Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions, has become their preferable choice.受的教育越多,就业优势越明显.The more education you have, the more likely you are to hold an advantage in the job markets可以增加我们的知识以及很大程度上开阔我们的视野our knowledge will be we
28、ll enriched and our horizons will be greatly expanded.文化交流有利于文化繁荣Cultural exchange is conducive to the cultural prosperity.看到企业文化的熏陶,你更容易掌握工作的标准流程Influenced by the enterprise culture, you are more likely to master the standard working process.家庭教育的重要性,不言而喻The importance of family education is self-e
29、vident.家庭教育,某种程度上,会对孩子的成长产生重大影响.Family education,to some extent,will exert a strong influence on childrens growth.亮点词汇促迚跨文化交流Foster intercultural communication文化差异Cultural differences文化多元化Cultural diversity获得书本上得不到的经验Students can gain much experience that they will never be able to get from the text
30、books.充分发挥他们的能力.It can bring their abilities into full play提供更多的机会来提升他们的人际技能,而这会使他们在未来的职场中更有优势provides them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skillswhich may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.影响有害的健康,不管是生理上,还是心理上.Being addicted to video games impairs peo
31、ples health both physically and mentally可以增强人的抵抗力Taking exercise can build up one's resistance to disease.电子产品在我们生活的很多方面产生了深进的影响.Digital products have exerted a profound influence on our daily life in more than one waySth. has a beneficial impact on the development of their personal character.St
32、h. can enrich our life and make our life more meaningful.一个钻石句子A is to B what perfume is to a flower.众所周知,实践对于学习至关重要.It is widely acknowledged that practice is to study what perfume is to a flower.在孩子的成长过程中,没有什么比接受教育更重要了。.During their growth, nothing can be more important than receiving education.再怎
33、么强调重要性都不为过We cant emphasize the importance of too much.²One cant emphasize too much the importance of再怎么强调保护环境的重要性都不为过.One cant emphasize too much the importance of protecting our environment.多的几个替换Many= Numerous= Countless相当多的人反对政府对待移民问题的态度.A considerable number of people object to the governm
34、ents attitude to immigration.more and more parentsn. + in mounting/growing numbersmore and more + adj.Become more and more obviousincreasingly + adj.Become increasingly obviousNowadays替换currentlyin contemporary societyin this day and ageWill= Tends to 大多数人most individuals,举例for exampleTake a(Typical
35、、vivid、Concrete)example(Typical、vivid、An opposite)case in point is引起 导致Give rise to Result in bring about重视 强调Place great emphasis on sth.Attach much significance to sth.因为She quit her job for the reason that she is not satisfied with the salary.认为hold the opinion that harbor the idea that众所周知 as we
36、 are knowIt is commonly believed thatIt is universally acknowledged thatIt is widely accepted that无可否认,工作而不休息会对健康有害的。.It goes without saying that work without rest will do harm to health.无可否认It is undeniable thatThere is no denying that It goes without saying that为了保护环境,我们应该让大家明白污染的危害.To protect our environment,we need to make the public aware of the dangers caused by pollution.尽管对我不想读研究生的决定很失
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