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1、Unit 7 Learning about EnglishText A The Glorious Messiness of English1.(L. 7) corrupt: vt. 1) cause errors to appear in * The Academy ruled that such foreign expressions were not permitted, as they corrupted the language.(=Has Japanese been corrupted by the introduction of foreign words?) 2) cause t

2、o act dishonestly in return for personal gains * To our great surprise, the former mayor turned out to have been corrupted by the desire for money and power. * To gain more profits, the businessman tried every means to corrupt the officials in the local government. 2. (L. 8) ban: 1. vt. forbid (sth.

3、) officially (used in the pattern: ban sth.; ban sb. from sth./doing sth.) * The local government will ban smoking in all offices later this year. * Tom was banned from driving for six months after being caught speeding again. * Lady Chatterleys Lover was banned when it was first published. CF: ban,

4、 forbid & prohibit 这三个是及物动词,均含“禁止”之意。ban语气最重,指权威机关“正式禁止”。一般含有“严厉谴责”的意思,只能用于严重危害公众利益的事物。例如: * The treaty bans all nuclear tests. 该条约禁止一切核试验。forbid是普通用词,可用于较细小的事物。例如: * He forbade his children sweets because he didnt want their teeth to be ruined.他不许孩子们吃糖果,因为他不希望他们的牙齿蛀坏。prohibit指“(通过法律、法令或严正警告)禁止某

5、些事物”,应用范围较ban广。例如: * In some countries the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.在一些国家禁止出售含酒精的饮料。 2. n. ban (followed by on) * The government is considering a total ban on cigarette advertising. *The ban on human cloning is welcomed by most countries in the world. 3(L. 9)invent: vt. 1) make or d

6、esign (sth. that has not existed before); create (sth.) * James Watt invented the steam engine. * Walter Hunt and Elias Hone invented the sewing machine 2) give (a name, reason, etc. that doesnt exist or is not true) (=All the characters in the novel are invented.) * Standing still in the teachers o

7、ffice, the boy tried to invent a plausible excuse for his absence from class. CF.: invent & discover 这两个词都是及物动词,在意义上比较容易混淆。 Invent“发明”,发明的对象是以前没有的新东西;如:工具、手段或方法,是 实践问题,不仅仅是认识问题。例如: * Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔 发明了电话。 discover“发现”,发现的对象是本来就存在,但主语不知道的东西,如新的科 学真理,新领域等。有

8、时也可泛指“发现”、“认识到”某 种情况。例如: * The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930.冥王星是在1930年被发现的。4(L. 11) fascinating: adj. of great interest or attraction * The story of his adventures in the Arctic was fascinating to listen to. 我觉得有关克隆的讨论很有吸引力。 (=I found the discussion about cloning absolutely fascinating.) * It

9、 is fascinating to imagine what might have happened if the US had not declared war against Japan in World War II.5. (L. 11) strictly speaking: if one uses words, applies rules, etc. in their exact sense * Hes not strictly speaking an artist; he is more of a performer. (=Strictly speaking she was not

10、 qualified for the job. But we employed her because of her honesty.) 6. (L. 15) tolerance: n. 1) the quality of allowing other people to say and do as they like, even if you dont agree or approve of it (followed by for) * School teachers have to have a great deal of tolerance in order to deal with d

11、ifficult children. * He has no tolerance for people who disagree with him. 2) the ability to bear sth. painful or unpleasant (followed by of/for/to) * Human beings have limited tolerance of/to noise. * The patient had no tolerance for/to pain. Whenever he was injected he would cry. Collocation: disp

12、lay/show tolerance 表示宽容 have tolerance有容忍力;有雅量 tolerance for/of/towards对容忍7. (L. 16) to a (very real, certain, etc.) extent: to the degree specified * I agree with him to some extent but there are still some areas of sharp disagreement between us. (=To some extent the water pollution has affected lo

13、cal residents.) 从某种程度上说,餐馆的失败是由于经营不善造成的。 (To a certain extent the failure of the restaurant was due to bad management.)8. (L. 22) necessity: n. 1) sth. you must have in order to live properly or do sth. (= Water is a basic necessity of life.) * A lot of people would consider a TV as more of a necess

14、ity than a luxury item. * The workers wages were so low that they hardly had enough money to buy the bare necessities of life. 2) circumstances that force one to do sth.; the state of being necessary; the need for sth. (followed by of/for) 再搞一次选举有必要吗? (= Is there any necessity for another election?)

15、 *There is absolutely no necessity for you to be involved in the project. Collocation: feel the necessity of 感到有的必要 the bare necessities 最低限度的必需品 the necessities of life生活必需品 of necessity 必然地 * You will of necessity remain silent. 你必然会保持沉默。 by necessity由于必要;不得已 * I walked home by necessity, because

16、the car broke down. 汽车坏了,我 不得已只好走回家。9. (L. 26) arouse: vt. provoke (a particular feeling or attitude) * These educational toys give children a feeling of self-worth by arousing their interest in challenging tasks. * The mans strange behavior aroused the policemans suspicions. 10. (L. 31) surrender:

17、v. give in (followed by to) * After several weeks of severe attacks, Afghanistans Taliban forces surrendered to the Northern Alliance. *After the bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendered. *Well never surrender to terrorism despite the terrorist attacks. 你们必须向警方缴枪。 (= You must s

18、urrender your guns to the police.)11. (L. 32) virtually: adv. for the most part, almost * Its virtually impossible to tell the imitation from the real thing. * It has been raining virtually non-stop for the past several days. 晚饭差不多准备好了;我只差做蔬菜了。 (=The dinners virtually ready; I only have to finish th

19、e vegetables.)12. (L. 38) invade: vt. enter with armed forces * In July 1937 the Japanese army invaded China. * The Germans invaded Poland in 1939, leading to the start of World War II.13. (L. 40) mystery: n. sth. that people cant, or have not been able to understand or explain * The politicians sud

20、den death remains a mystery to us all. 埃及的金字塔(pyramid)是如何建成的依然是个谜。 (=How Egyptian pyramids were built still remains a mystery.) * No one has ever been able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Collocation: pose a mystery 形成疑团 remain a mystery依然是个谜 clear up a mystery使神秘的事真相大白 solve/unravel

21、 a mystery阐释奥秘 shrouded/cloaked/wrapped in mystery处于神秘之中14. (L. 42) resemble: vt. be like or similar to 约翰在各方面都非常像他父亲。 (John resembles his father very much in all ways.) (= Id say he resembles his mother more than his father.)15. (L. 43) descend: v. come down (from a source), go down * These ideas d

22、escend from those of the ancient philosophers. * The old lady descended the stairs. 太阳落山了。 ( The sun descended behind the hills.)CF: descend, fall & drop 这三个词都是动词,均含“下落”之意。descend是相当正式的用法,表示从某一高处落到某一低处。fall为不及物动词,表示由于地球吸引力或失去支撑而导致的下落。广义上讲,指 任何形式的下落。drop表示一点一滴地落下,但通常表示下落或使下落时的速度、方向出乎意料 或不经意。 (Dir

23、ections:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.1. The rain was still _ from the trees. (=dropping)2. On turning the corner, we saw that the road _ steeply. (=descended)3. Large masses of rock are constantly _ into the sea. (=falling)4. The hawk (鹰) _ in a vertical

24、 stoop on its quarry (猎物). (=descends)16. (L. 49) establish: vt. 1) cause to be, set up 这学校是由一位意大利教授于1905年建立的。 ( The school was established in 1905 by an Italian professor.) * The bank helps people wanting to establish their business. 2) place or settle sb./oneself in a position, an office, etc. * I

25、ngrid Bergman established her fame as a film star at the age of 20. * Yao Ming established himself in the team soon after he arrived in U.S.17. (L. 50) drift: 1. vi. move or go somewhere in a slow casual way (=Jimmy spent the year drifting around Europe.)* The football match was over, and the crowds

26、 drifted away from the stadium. 她经常调换工作。 (She just drifts from job to job.) 2. n. 1) the movement or course of sth. drifting * Nowadays there is a drift of young people from the country to the city. 2) the general meaning * Im sorry: I cant catch/get the drift of what youre saying. 论点的要旨你明白了吗? (Did

27、you get/see the drift of the argument?) Collocation: drift along漫无目的地游荡 drift apart分开;疏远 drift into/toward渐渐进入;陷入 * At last, he drifted into a life of crime. 最后,他陷入了犯罪生涯。 drift from to 从漂流到 * The conversation drifted from one subject to another. 谈话从一个主题转 到另一个主题。 a general drift总的倾向 get/catch the dri

28、ft of 理解大意 follow sbs drift 听懂某人的意思18. (L. 56) pass (sth.) on to (sb.): hand or give (sth.) to (sb.) * When you have finished reading the novel, please pass it on to Laura. * The King passed on much of his fortune to the princess.19. (L. 66) addition: n. 1) a person or thing added (followed by to) *

29、 The baby is a welcome addition to the Smith family. 他将是我们篮球队里可贵的新增力量。 (=He will be a valuable addition to our basketball team.) 2) the act of adding, esp. adding numbers together * Before I entered the primary school, my mother taught me to do addition and subtraction. Collocation: do addition 做加法

30、make an addition 增加一些 in addition to 除之外 * In addition to his salary, he earns a lot from giving lectures. in addition 另外;加之 * You need money and time. In addition, you need diligence.20. (L. 69) conquer: vt. take possession and control of (a country, city, etc.) by force; defeat * Afghanistans Nort

31、hern Alliance conquered Kabul a month ago. (= She has conquered the hearts of many men.) 全世界已作出巨大努力来征服癌症。 * There has been a tremendous international effort to conquer cancer.CF: conquer, beat & defeat 这三个词都是动词,均含“打败”、“胜过”之意。conquer指通过武力、斗争或坚强的意志把某事或某物、某人置于自己的控制之 下。例如: * The Romans conquered par

32、ts of Britain in the first century B. C. 公元前 一世纪罗马人曾占领了英国的部分领土。beat强调对手被彻底打败,该词常用在正式场合,可用于描写任何比赛。例如: * She beat her brother at tennis. 在网球上,她打败了她弟弟。defeat是个普通用语。可指打败敌人、对手,也可指在选举中落选,希望、计划 受挫等。例如: *He was defeated by 165 votes against 132. 他以132票对165 票落选了。21. (L. 73) alternative: 1. n. one of two or m

33、ore possibilities (followed by to) * His father gave John the alternative of staying in high school or going to work. 恐怕除了向警察告发你之外,我别无选择。 ( Im afraid I have no alternative but to report you to the police.) NB: 该词本意是“另一个,每两者中的第二个”,因此仅限于在两者之间进行选 择,但现在也可指“几种可能中的一种”,类似 We have several alternatives to ch

34、ose from.(有几种可能性可供我们选择。)之类的句子也 相当普遍。 2. adj. (of two things) that may be used, had, done, etc. instead of another; other * We returned by an alternative road. NB: 有时alternate可用来代替alternative:They had an alternate/alternative plan.(他们另有一个计划。) 但是,alternative被认为是更地道的英语。22. (L.76) enrich: vt. 1) make ri

35、ch or richer * That once poor coastal village has been enriched by the profits from tourism. 油田的发现使许多阿拉伯国家富足起来了。 ( The discovery of oil has enriched many Arabian countries.) 2) improve * It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting. * Music can enrich your whole life.23. (L. 86) source: n. 1

36、) a place from which sth. comes or is obtained * Tourism, which is a major source of income for the city, has been seriously affected by SARS. * Do you have any other source of income apart from your job? 2) the place where a stream of water starts * Where is the source of the Amazon River?CF: sourc

37、e & origin 这两个词都是名词,均含“根源,起因”之意。source原指“水源”,转义指事物的“根源,起因或出处”。例如: * They had to find a new source of income. 他们不得不寻找新的收入来源。origin指事物的起源、源头,含有现在的情景已有变化之意,有时也指“出身,血 统”。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.1. There are a number of words in the Engli

38、sh language which were French in _. (=origin)2. Where is the _of the River Thames? (=source)3. They had to find a new _ of income. (=source)4. This practice owes its _ to the Chinese. (=origin)24(L. 87) out of control: no longer able to be controlled * The fire was out of control by the time the sec

39、ond fire engine arrived. * There was nothing they could do about it. The situation was out of control.25. (L. 89) put into practice: take action regarding sth. * They werent allowed to put into practice in their daily lives the teachings they received. (= Having delayed several times, we must put th

40、is plan into practice now.) 26. (L. 94) strike out: start being independent; start doing what one wants to do in life * After working for his father for about ten years, he decided to strike out on his own. 约翰辞掉原来的工作,开始从事旅游推销员的工作。 (= John quit his job and struck out as a traveling salesman.)Text B T

41、he Role of English in the 21st Century1. (Para.1) It is unparalleled in several ways: by the increasing number of users of the language; by its depth of penetration into societies; by its range of functions. Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=这一过程在几个方面都是前所未有的:英语使用人数的增加,英语在不同社会渗透的深度,以及英语功用的广度。)2.

42、(Para.1)range: n. the limits within which sth. exists, operates, or is effective* An earthquake occurred within the range of 300 km around the city.动物有时可以听到超出人类的听觉范围的声音。(=Animals can sometimes hear sounds beyond the range of human hearing.)3. (Para. 2)exceed: vt. go beyond in quantity, degree, etc.*

43、 The shop's Christmas Season revenue exceeded their wildest expectations到2004年10月1日为止,伊拉克平民的死亡人数超过了10万人。(=The civilian death toll in Iraq exceeded 100,000 by 1st October, 2004. )4. (Para. 3)management: n. the art or practice of managing, esp. of a business or money* She plans to study hotel mana

44、gement in Switzerland next year.管理既是一门科学也是一门艺术。(=Management is both a science and an art.)5. (Para. 3)What began some 1,500 years ago as a crude language, originally spoken by little known German tribes who invaded England, now covers the globe. Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=大约1500年前,英语还只是那些

45、入侵英格兰的鲜为人知的日耳曼部落使用的一种粗俗的语言,如今它却遍及全球。)6. (Para. 3)crude: adj. not refined* Soybeans in their crude form are inedible. The term "crude oil" refers to petroleum directly out of the ground.(=“原油”这个术语是指直接来自地下的石油。)7. (Para. 4)conduct: vt. carry out or direct* Well-conducted dialogues are valuabl

46、e ways for exploring ideas within our community.宇航员在哥伦比亚号宇宙飞船上进行实验。(=Astronauts conducted experiments onboard spacecraft Columbia.)8. (Para. 5)contribute to: help to cause* The involvement in a romantic triangle may have contributed to the decline of her mental health.个人行为,环境因素和遗传特征都会导致疾病的复杂性。(=Indi

47、vidual behaviors, environmental factors, and genetics all contribute to the complexity of diseases. )9. (Para. 5)integrate: vi. cause to become a member, make into a whole* Older students form clubs to integrate into campus life.由于经济全球化,我国也必须融入世界经济中去。(=Our country must also integrate into the world

48、economy because of globalization.)10. (Para. 6)With this technical and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall dominance by the language, first in Europe and then globally. Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=随着它在科技领域主导地位的确立,英语先是在欧洲,继而在全球开始取得全面的主导地位。)11. (Para. 6)overall: adj. including

49、 everything* Retail sales continued the overall downturn trend.你对新品苹果电脑的总体印象如何?(= What is your overall impression of the new Apple computer?)12. (Para. 7)transform: vt. change completely in form, appearance or nature*Her whole posture was totally transformed: head up, shoulders back and down, and there was a confidence in her step that I'd never seen before.水能把一片不毛之地变成一座花园。(=Water can transform a


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