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1、Module 2Unit 5 Rhythm . 品句填词1.Soon the sleeping pill took effect and he fell asleep.2.The disappointing news made me disappointed.3.Put this photo in one of the albums.4.He was awarded the Best Leading Actor in the film festival.5.Kong made great achievements in music and achieved his goal.6.He succ

2、eeded in combining classical music with folk music.7.I know two musicians who can play many different instruments.8.There are thousands of audience watching the play in the theater today.9.Some men think they are more creative than women, because men created more things than women.10.The powerful wi

3、nd blew away the roof of the house. . 短语识境be full of, come from , note down , fit in with, give up , play an important role, of all agesbe expected to, back and forth,be dressed in1.Popular or social dances often come from folk dances.2.You can see people of all ages dancing in the street during fes

4、tivals.3.During festivals people are dressed in beautiful costumes.4.The dancers skip back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums.5.Make sure that the sentence fits in with the sentences before and after it.6.The concert was such a success that it is expected to run for the next two years inBeijing.7

5、.He was made to practise so much that,at times,he thought about giving up.,9.While listening to the questions,try to note down the answers.10.Her singing is full of feeling now. . 翻译句子1. 音乐会大厅里的气氛极其热烈。The atmosphere inside the concert hall is extremely exciting.2. 音乐非常好( brilliant)但特技效果令人失望。The musi

6、c was brilliant but the special effects were disappointing.3. 听第一遍时,尽量弄懂大意并作记录。The first time you listen,try to get the general idea and take notes.4. 我能否缺席今天晚上的课?Would it be all right if I missed the lesson tonight?5. 他突然停下来,我们几乎撞着他。He came to such a sudden stop that we almost hit him.6. 由于他的天赋,他变得

7、世界闻名。Because of his talent,he became famous worldwide.7. 许多国家表演芭蕾舞,包括中国。Many countries perform ballets,including China.8. 这些歌曲是一代代地教传下来的。These songs are taught from one generation to another. . 语法填空Iwas alwaystoldthatthethreePs,patience,positivethinkingand perseverance( 毅力),werea sure path1success.B

8、utthisadvicedoes not alwayswork as planned.Myhighschoolmaths exam isone example.Theexam, 2 wasoriginallytobe heldin ourclassroom,3(change)to the libraryat the lastminute.This,4,didn tbotherme because mathshad always been my strongestsubject.Ipatientlywalkedto thelibrary,tookmy seatanddid some deep b

9、reathing to help relax 5 .But my mood quickly changed when I saw 6first question.I had no idea how to do it.I tried to keep positive and persevered7Ifinallyfound the solution.Withthe problem8 (solve),Ifeltproudof my achievement.9(fortunate),IthennoticedthatIhad just10 minutesleft10(complete)therest!

10、1.to 2.which 3.was changed 4.however 5.myself 6.the 7.until 8.solved 9.Unfortunately10.to complete . 读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150 词左右的英语短文。In China,with one or two parents going out to earn money,many children are left intheir hometown in the countryside.These children are called“leftover children”.Alar

11、genumber of leftoverchildrenhave emerged since1978,andthe statistics showedin2004,the total was 22 million.Usuallytheirgrandparentsortheirparents friendsorrelativeslookaftertheseleftoverchildren.Sometimestheyarebroughtupby one of theirparentsathome.Inmostcases,theirguardiansarenotquiteeducated.Tothe

12、m,makingsure thatthechildrenarehealthyandfedwellisthemost importanttask,and thatthechildren are safeand soundisconsideredtohave done a good job.Buttheyseldom care aboutchildrensstudy,theirpsychologicalneeds,ormentaldemands.Neitherdo theyspend some timeteachingkidshowto develop good habits.Therefore,

13、for most of the time,the leftover children cant get emotional supportfrom their parents,which can result in so many problems.【写作内容】1. 以约 30 个词概括短文的要点;2. 然后以约120 个词就“如何关心农村留守儿童(leftover children)的成长?”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:( 1)农村留守孩子存在的原因;( 2)你认为他们面临的最大困难是什么;( 3)解决留守儿童问题的关键是什么;( 4)提出解决问题的措施。【写作要求】1. 你可以使用实例

14、或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用原文的句子;2. 题目自定。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。【参考范文】Show More Concern About the Leftover ChildrenThe passage points out a worrying phenomenon in China that the leftover childrenliving in the countryside have lacked their parents love because their parents havegone to make

15、 a fortune in cities.As we all know,people living in the countryside have to work far away from theirfamilytoearnmoremoney inordertocreatebetterlivingconditionsfortheirchildren.However,thechildrenhave been separatedfrom theirparentsand livewiththeirgrandparents or relatives,who are not well educated

16、.So their study,their mental andpsychological demands cant be drawn attentionto.In thatcase,itseasy for themtoget intobad habits,whichcantbe correctedin time.What sworse,thelackof parents love may make them feel lonely.In my opinion,thekey to solvingthe problem is to have loveshiningover them.Parent

17、sshould keep in touch with them now and then,and be concerned about their psychologicaldemands.Unit 6Design . 品句填词1.He didn t break the glass onpurpose but by accident.2.The leading character in the play acted very well.3.Paper cuts are used to decorate rooms and are often seen on windows and doors.

18、4.The entrance was so narrow that many people were crowded there.5.The valuable painting sold for 150,000 dollars.6.He is a person full of imagination (想像 ).7.He was too drunk to walk straight (直地 ).8.You have paid $20 admission (入场费 ).9.Flowers of different shapes (形状 ) can be seen in the garden.10

19、.The park is located (座落 ) in the centre of the town. . 短语识境come up to,wave goodbye,refer to,in a creative way,lost/deep in thought,tryout,fix on1.He painted his horses in a creative way to show the moving hair on their backs.2.The tiny insects eyesare fixed on the cabbage.3. Lost in thought/Deep in

20、 thought,he didn t know what happened outside.4.I was ready to try out paper- cutting for myself.5.After waving goodbye to her son,she disappeared in the crowd.6.The beggar came up to me and asked for some money.7.The man was referred to at the party is to give us a lecture tomorrow. . 单句改错1.With gr

21、eat pain and patience,he finally managed to finish the experiment.pain pains2.Please fix your attention to what I m saying.on/upon3.These experiences are of great valuable to Tom.value4.The maths teacher places a lot of emphasize on practice.emphasis5.The cancer damaged all his hopes of living well.

22、ruined6.The custom dated from Ming Dynasty.dates7.Everyone should try out to the football team.tovaluableemphasizedamageddatedtofor8.My shoes are so tight that my feet pain.painhurt9.She talked with detail about future plans for the school.with in10.He sat there,thinking,with his eyes fixing on the

23、sky.fixingfixed . 翻译句子1. 这种绘画风格是许多艺术家的最爱。This style of painting is a favourite of many artists.2. 剪纸是他从早年就学做的事情。Paper-cutting is something that he learnt to do from an early age.3. 这幅剪纸是一个小男孩抱着一条大鱼。The paper cut is of a little boy holding a big fish.4. 剪纸是拥有悠久历史的中国民间艺术。Paper-cutting is a Chinese fol

24、k art with a long history.5. 我所记得最多的就是搬许多次家。What I remembered most is moving a lot.6. 我们的房子将是白色的,周围环树。Our house would be white with trees around it. . 阅读理解The round-he-clock(24小时不断的) availability that cellphones have brought topeople s livesmay be takinga tollon familylife,anew studysuggests.Thestud

25、y,whichfollowed more than 1,300 adults over 2 years,found that those who consistently used amobilephonethroughoutthestudyperiodweremorelikelytoreportnegative “spillover”between work and home lifeand,in turn,less satisfaction withtheir family life.Spillover essentially(本质上 ) means that the line betwe

26、en work and home begins tobecome unclear.Worklifemay invadehome lifewhen a parentistakingjob-relatedcallsat home,forinstance or familyissuesmay startto take up work time.Forexample,achildmay call mom at work,telling her“ microwave exploded” ,explained Noelle Chesley,anassistantprofessorof sociologya

27、t the Universityof Wisconsin-Milwaukeeand the authorof the study.The problem with cellphones seems to be that they are allowing for evermore spillover between work and home.Thismay be especiallytrueforworkingwomen,the studyfound.Amongmen,consistentuse of mobilephones seemed to allowmore work issuest

28、o creep( 潜入 ) intofamilytime.Butforwomen,the spillovertended to go inboth directions.Being“ connected ” meant thatwork cut into home time,and family issues came into work life.Cellphones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchanges among familymembers.Buttheremaybewaystocontrolthespillover,

29、accordingtoChesley.Employers,she said,could look at their policies on contacting employees afterworkinghourstomakesuretheirexpectationsare“reasonable ”.Fortheirpart,employees could decide that cellphones go off during family time,Chesley said.1.The underlined phrase“taking a toll on” in Paragraph 1

30、probably means.A.explainingB.protectingC.extendingD.damaging答案 D2.What is the purpose of offering the example“microwave exploded ” in Paragraph 2?A.To show the microwave is of poor quality.B.To indicate how dependent the child is.C.To indicate family issues affect work hours.D.To show work time cree

31、ps into family life.答案 C3.As a result of negative“spillover”,people will feel.A.less satisfied with their family lifeB.less satisfied with their workC.angry with their troublesome childrenD.unwilling to get married at an early age答案A4.Accordingto Chesley,which is thebest solutionto the problem cause

32、d bycellphones?A.Refuse to use cellphones.B.Separate work hours from family time.C.Ignore coming calls during family time.D.Encourage women to stay at home.答案 B5.We can learn from the passage that.A.spillover makes the line between work and home unclearB.cellphones seem to be convenient to familiesC

33、.cellphones affect men as much as womenD.we can do nothing to solve the problem答案 A . 信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息,按照要求匹配信息。首先,请阅读下列暑期课程的信息:A.Immersion Home Stay ProgramLearn Chinesein China withour ImmersionHome Stay program.YouwilllearnChineseinBeijingin smallgroupsat our new schoolunder the guidanceof a nati

34、ve Chineseteacher.Staying with a Chinese family,you will learn to speak Chinese rapidly,with additional support from our 54 online Chinese lessons.The complete program includes five grades,with 12 levels.B.Tsing Hua Summer School 2008The Tsing Hua summer programis heldwiththeaim to enhance overseast

35、udents Chineselanguage capabilities and increasetheir understanding about Chinese culture andsociety.Participantscan chooseoneofthetwotimewindows:July8th July21st,2008;July 29th August 11th,2008.Language course:Chinese language listening,speaking,reading and writing.Cultural course:Taiji,calligraphy

36、,seal cutting etc.Off campus tour:visits to historical places and local enterprises.C.Tsing Hua University UIUC Summer Program for China StudyTsinghua University of Illinois Summer Program on China Study,hosted by Tsing HuaUniversityinpartnerwithUniversityofIllinois,heldatTsingHuaUniversity,Beijing,

37、China,includeslanguagelearning,Chinesecultureand societyandvisiting successful enterprises.Courses:Chinese,ChineseLanguages,China sforeignpolicyandSinoUSrelations,the uniquescience andtechnology of ancient andmodernChina,Chineseculture and history etc.D.BEST Courses:Summer Season 2008In a learning e

38、ventparticipants attend lecturesgiven bythe universitys teachingstaffor by expertsfromcompanies.Theyvisitcompanies,industrialplantsofresearchcenters and sometimes take part in case studies.Topics of the learning events covermainlydifferenttechnologyfields,economics,marketingand management.An increas

39、ingnumber of courses are recognized by many universities and students attending thesecourses can get credit from their home universities since the courses are offered tomembers of EU.E.Hutong School Summer Program 2008The Hutong School Summer Program 2008 will be held from the 14th of July until the

40、12th of August 2008 In Beijing.Duringyour 4 weeks stay in Beijing,weoffera uniquecombination of Chinese classes and leisure activities in the capital of the MiddleKingdom and hostoftheOlympic Games.Our enrichingprogram includes6 hoursofchessclasses a day,5 days per week,extensive sightseeing to Beij

41、ings major attractionsand excitingeveningactivitiesand dinnerssuch as BeijingDuck,BeijingOpera,Chinesehot pot,etc.F.Summer ProgramGuanghua School of Management at Peking University will offer a two week SummerProgram on“ Doing Business in China” .In addition to the academic courses,studentswill be e

42、xposed to Chinese business practice and Chinese culture and society.Theparticipantswilldefinitelyfind it a pleasantand valuablelearningexperience.Thisprogram is offered in two groups,one for undergraduates and one for MBA and graduatestudents.请阅读下列学生的信息,然后根据他们的意思匹配相关的暑期课程。1.Susan is excited to plan

43、for her summer holiday.Hearing a lot of interesting storiesfrom her father,who used to work in China,she decides to explore herself.She hopesto learn Chinese and enjoy the culture and the good food at the same time.2.Monicaisnow studyingpoliticsinan Americanuniversity.Shebelievesunderstandingcan str

44、engthen the relationship between people and countries as well,soshe hopestoknow more about the relevant policy of China before she can work for the government.3.David is a student who majors in Business Management.He would like to know about theenvironmentof China beforehe decideswhether he willwork

45、 in Asia aftergraduation.Hehas only three weeks in July because he has to do some research in August.4.Patrick hopes to achieve rapid progress in his command of the Chinese language andknowledge of the culture in a short time to prepare himself for living and workinginChina in the followingyear.Hebe

46、lievesthatpreviewingand reviewingthe contentson line before and after attending the teacher lessons will help a lot.5.Sonja is a Frenchstudentwho is studying designing.Influenced byher CEO father,sheisvery interestedineconomics.Shewants to learnsomethingaboutitwithoutleavinghome during the summer.答案

47、1.E2.C3.F4.A5.D阶段测试 (二). 语言知识及应用第一节完形填空 ( 共( 共两节,满分35 分 )10 小题;每小题2 分,满分20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从110 各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Chinaseducationwatchdogexpressedconcernat the increasingnumber of studentsinvesting in stocks hoping to 1 from the booming stock market.Wang Xuming,a spokesman for the Ministry of E

48、ducation,said at a press conferencethat the Ministry did not encourage students to enter the 2 market.The students can 3 imagine the risk as they have no 4 income and most of theirmoney comes from their parents,Wang added.The Ministry of Education has noticed students,especially college studentsstro

49、ng 5 in the stock market in recent months.Media reports said 6 relating to the stock market have beenset up in someuniversities.After four years in the doldrums( 萧条 ),China s stockmarkets began to 7 at thebeginning of 2006.The number of new trading accounts opened by individuals in the Chinese mainland8 5millioninthe firstquarterof thisyear,comparedwith3.08millionforthe wholeof last year.China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) haswarned people about therisksofstock market9 in a notice issued earl


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