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1、The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home.这些移民的风俗习惯以及语言在他们的新家都得以延续。 live on 继续存在,继续生存1) to continue to live or exist继续存在Michael Jackson died, but his memory lives on.Lei Feng died fifty years ago, but his memory lives on. 但他却留在人们的记忆里。Alices memory will live on.2) to eat a

2、 lot of a particular type of food主要吃某种食物They live on bread and potatoes.Horses live on grass.3) to have a particular amount of money to buy food and other necessary things依靠生活I dont know how they manage to live on $60 a week.I lived on 120 Yuan a month when I was a senior middle school students.The

3、old man lived on his pension. the number of families who live on benefits靠救济过日子的家庭数量by means of 用办法,借助We can express our feelings by means of words.I reached the apple by means of a ladder.The load was lifted by means of a crane.The stone was lifted by means of a rope and pulley.石头是用绳子和滑轮给吊起来的。She t

4、ried to explain by means of sign language, but we still couldnt understand what she meant.They cannot achieve their goal through/by legal/unfair means.他们无法通过合法手段达到目的。by no means 绝不,一点也不 by all means当然可以,一定,务必 by this means通过这种方式 by any means无论如何There are ways and means of raising money. 各种办法,门路use a

5、ny means 不择手段 Do you mind if I have a look? By all means.By no means will I give up even if I am in trouble.These goods can be discounted, but by no means _(将它们送人) free of charge in future. (give) will they be given away make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等They settled down in China and made a life for themsel

6、ves.他们定居在中国,习惯了新的生活方式。make/ start a new life 开始新生活(如去异地生活)They emigrated to Australia to start a new life there.他们移民到澳大利亚,开始全新的生活。I find it fascinating _(他能够谋生) by traveling around the world without much money. (make) that he can make a life By the time California elected to become the thirty-first

7、federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society.到1850年加利福利亚成为美国第31个州的时候,它已经是一个有着多种文化的社会了。elect v. 1) to choose sb to do a particular job by voting for them 选举,推选 an ed leader/representativethe newly ed government 新当选的政府Members of the council are elected annually.议员每年选举一次。 sb

8、 to sth/ sb (as) sth获选入 / 获选为 She became the first black woman to be ed to the Parliament. 她成为被选进议会的首个黑人妇女。He was ed (as) mayor of the city.What changes will you make if you get/are elected as Chairman? (当选)2) to do sth (formal)= choose to do sth选择做某事现在越来越多的人选择在家工作。 Increasing number of people to wo

9、rk at home nowadays. Though we already had a long meeting yesterday, it is still under discussion _ president. (elect)尽管我们昨天已经开了很长时间的会,现在我们还是没决定是否要选Jim为主席。 whether we will elect Jim as/to be whether to elect Jim as/to beelection n. 选举,推举 run for /win the 参加竞选/赢了竞选It is impossible to tell who will wi

10、n the next .这个政党以很大的优势获得选举胜利。 The Party won the election by a huge for election 参加选举The prime minister may decide to call an early election. (call an election 宣布进行选举)首相可能决定提前举行大选。(提前选举)I find it unbelievable _(他当选) President of Wuhan University last month. (elect) that he was elected ke

11、ep sth. up1) 坚持下去,继续下去I dont think that I can keep this up any longer.我觉得我再也无法再坚持下去了。2) 使某事物保持在高水平The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.昂贵的原料费用使价格居高不下。3) (不断练习) 来保持某项技能I used to speak French but I havent kept it up.我过去会说法语,但是一直没有练习。(荒废了) keep up坚持,维持,沿袭(风俗、传统等)(情况)保持,持续=continue How lo

12、ng can the economic boom keep up? We asked her to stop talking, but she kept up.We should keep up some Chinese traditional customs.As senior 3 students, it is important to keep up a good state of mind.keep up with 1) 跟上;并驾齐驱I have to walk fast to keep up with him.2) keep up with sth.跟上(潮流等),了解Worker

13、s should keep up with the latest technical developments. 3) keep up with sb 与(朋友)保持联系 =keep in touch withHow many of your school friends do you keep up with?The industry boom attracted Europeans including many Jewish people.这个新兴的行业吸引了欧洲人包括许多犹太人。boom n. (人口、贸易的)繁荣 n. a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success (贸易和经济活动的) 激增,繁荣a in car sales/housing market 汽车销售激增/房屋市场的繁荣The economic in recent ye


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