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1、 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。1HP Moonshot 新一代高密度服务器高网速,高密度,低能耗高网速,高密度,低能耗 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。2Moonshot是是HP公司的核心技术公司的核心技术资产资产 作为作为COC(Center-of-Competency) 代表了代表了HP未来的未来的技术发展技术发展方向方向SoC (Systems on a Chip) Te

2、chnology 片上系统芯片,不仅仅是CPU, 专为高计算效率设计的尖端科技Differentiated Fabric Interconnects 内置低延迟万兆超级交换机提供45/180个独立CPU网络通道Workload Tuning and Optimization 根据工作负载的需要提供最佳硬件资源优化和适配全面支持OpenStack, 无需虚拟化损耗,可直接提供云计算所要足够的运算节点 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。3SOC -片上系统芯片,不仅仅是片上系统芯片,不仅仅是C

3、PU!M710 APU Intel Iris HD5200 APU=GPU+CPU M710 的的APU, 集成了集成了Intel 有史以来发布的最强有史以来发布的最强APU (1284A Cpu+Intel IRIS GPU)M710 的的 SOC-APU 同时内建了快取内存(同时内建了快取内存(128兆兆eDRAM) 好处好处是是GPU与与CPU做数据交换分享与计算的时候不需要做数据交换分享与计算的时候不需要从从 芯片芯片外调用资源,都直接在芯片里读取,速度奇快外调用资源,都直接在芯片里读取,速度奇快对对视频转码的解码性能是传统服务器视频转码的解码性能是传统服务器的的10-20倍倍 版权所

4、有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。4HP Cloud ArchitectureHyper Scale Out Environment(e.g. HP Moonshot)HP Helion Swift Node Clusterfor Higher Service LevelHP EDBx - CntlController-EDBxUsersvSphereHP EDBx - ProxyController-Platformx nNetwork architecture would depend on

5、 the current network architecture, however, it is preferable to have firewall and load balancers based on network architecture and security guideline of the company.# of nodes for proxy nodes would be designed based on the number of concurrent users to access. The initial access would be through the

6、 proxy nodes, then the connection between object store and client node would be established. (no data transmit after the connection is established.)The controller server takes the role to provision, manage, and operate the virtual and physical environment with the use of bare-metal provisioning capa

7、bility of HP Helion OpenStack.Scalable data store platform based on OpenStack environment. HP Helion OepnStacke environment would provision, manage and opoerate.Load BalancerEncryptionAD IntegrationFeatureMobile AppAndrioid, iOSMulti-CloudAWS, HPCloudData Key15 min expireHACntl + DataSwift Node for

8、Lower SLHP Helion for Moonshot w/ Swift 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。5Moonshot提供最高的提供最高的I/O和和CPU组合效能组合效能Moonshot- 每一台服务器都有自己的每一台服务器都有自己的内存和硬盘,内置交换机提供内存和硬盘,内置交换机提供低延迟低延迟的万兆带宽的万兆带宽吞吐吞吐.CPUGPUMoonshot一体机传统服务器IO磁盘、网络 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company,

9、 L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。6较短的平均修复时间高速网络简单的线缆管理高密度/低功耗10台to90台10安机柜支持从10台传统机架服务器,到90台Moonshot服务器, 节省80%机柜租用费(Vs. Dell 1U 2P server, 节省18万RMB)最多 45 个热插拔微卡服务器可支持每交换机最多 45 条 10Gb 端口网络带宽(每机箱 2 台交换机)无线缆设计和热插拔技术可降低管理/维护成本功耗:整机箱满载功耗不到2500WMoonshot产品特点产品特点 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本

10、文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。7HP Moonshot 1500 机箱机箱高高网网速速支持独立CPU 450G 10g 网络带宽,60G/160G 上联带宽支持高速、低延迟连接简单和轻松的管理简单和轻松的管理全面支持OpenStack, Docker, Copplers/MASS fully enablement支持CMU图形用户界面以控制并管理 Moonshot面向编程和脚本的丰富基础设施服务界面 支持异步通知的SNMP Traps 部署速度快,支持刀片混插,灵活适配部署速度快,支持刀片混插,灵活适配支持刀片混插, 热插拔无需虚拟化,部署速度快,易维护更高的存储容量更高的存储容量能够连接

11、至 3PAR 和 SL4500通过 iSCSI 支持外部存储企业就绪型基础设施带宽提升 40% 56Gb 与 40Gb InfiniBand 之比较 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。8传统的传统的1U 1P服务器服务器HP Moonshot m300 服服务器务器为您极大的节省电力和空间成本!为您极大的节省电力和空间成本!10台到台到90台台45 1U 1P servers 1 Rack (47u rack)4 Kwatts Power45 ProLiant m300 servers 1

12、 Chassis (4.3u)0.8 Kwatts Power一台10A机柜支持从10台传统机架服务器到90台Moonshot服务器, 节省80%机柜租用费(Vs. Dell 1U 2P server, 每机柜每年节省18万人民币机柜租用费用)1)机房空间不够? 一个机柜最大支持9箱,1620台服务器2)机房电力不够?每服务器节点仅需13W80% 电力节省91% 空间节省97% 线缆节省 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。9针对解决方案优化提供最佳性能HP Moonshot 产品组合Moo

13、nshot 支持特性高速网络 Moonshot 管理软件内置和外置存储支持实时数据处理HP ProLiant m800一体化 Web 基础设施HP ProLiant m300Web 托管HP ProLiant m350WebApp Server视频转码HP ProLiant m710电信开发平台HP ProLiant m800Web 缓存HP ProLiant m400办公空间即服务视频 / 媒体大数据 / 分析应用交付HP ProLiant m710面向托管桌面HP ProLiant m700电信 / NFV面向托管工作站HP ProLiant m710Big DataHP ProLiant

14、 m710 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。10CMCM 通过使用通过使用Moonshot获得更好的成本优势获得更好的成本优势 Moonshot 为 CMCM 提供“正确的东西”:合适的性能、可靠性、更低的成本“Moonshot 是一款非常适合Web Server的产品,能够为CMCM节约大量的空间租用和管理成本 !”CMCMs 业务需求业务需求: 一致的性能性能,消除延时延时 运行稳定稳定,管理简单简单 节约节约IDC租用空间 部署简单简单,动态动态调整HP Moonshot 回报回报

15、: 性能强劲性能强劲,1:1替换 已稳定运行操作6个月,无宕个月,无宕机机 1箱从上架到使用不到2小时小时 节约空间花费75%,节约管理和运维成本33%Web45 NGiNX servers 胡凯 , CMCM 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。11“Moonshot 系统的性能出众,极具性价比。”客户案例“Moonshot 系统 稳定可靠,性能出众,有效适合视频采编应用需求。”“Moonshot 系统有效提高员工办公效率,让富媒体办公成为可能。”“Moonshot 系统 无需改变现有使用

16、习惯,提供更优性能”“Moonshot 系统 在有限机房空间内 满足 Baidu 的性能需求。”“Moonshot 系统帮助CMCM有效降低60% 的 TCO。”“北京高速电子收费系统,我们用Moonshot做大数据处理平台。Moonshot M300 比起IBM 的NextScale,同样总容量下,节点多,初期不必投入过高成本,内置的Minotaur Hadoop Cluster 帮我们实现快速部署” 版权所有 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。Moonshot视频转码视频转码解决方案解决方案-

17、十倍的传统服务器的性能提十倍的传统服务器的性能提升升 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。13数字媒体的激增及融合极大推动了行业的增长数字媒体的激增及融合极大推动了行业的增长内容设备 网络广播广播富媒体产业富媒体产业企业视频企业视频教育视频教育视频用户原创视频用户原创视频游戏公司游戏公司广告商广告商移动运营商移动运营商虚拟运营商虚拟运营商宽带运营商宽带运营商互联网提供商互联网提供商互动颠簸内容和服务互动颠簸内容和服务有线电视提供商有线电视提供商 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packa

18、rd Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。14Transcoding/Streaming is GROWING!By Region from 2014 to 202035% GROWTH IN APJ21% GROWTH in AMS15% Growth in EMEA!ANDPeak growth is expected overall in 2016!What does this mean?2015 is the year! Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

19、The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.14 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。15Compute needs radically increase!Bandwidth reductionResolution increasesHP Moonshot is able to support media trendswithout massive expansion of data center

20、facilities.2013 to 2018- IP traffic will grow 3x.By 2018: IP Video will be 79% of all IP traffic.2014: Massive growth in # of devices which need to be supported 2015: Ramp of UHD (4K)2018: UHD (4K) to be predominant.HEVC CODECs reduce bandwidthby 50% - strengthening adoption of UHD.Video traffic exp

21、lodesWith new CODECs that reduce bandwidth the compute required to meet customer demand increases 10 x!Video trends & technology shiftsGrowing faster than traditional compute infrastructures can bear. Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is su

22、bject to change without notice.15Transcoding/Streaming is GROWING!9 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。17中国在线视频行业市场综述中国在线视频行业市场综述 中国在线视频市场

23、潜力巨大,服务器硬件采购规模按照10%的市场规模计算,超过23亿元($350m) 中国在线视频移动端用户增长迅速,2014年草果3亿人(300m) 在线视频移动端需要大量进行视频转码,以适应不同移动端分辨率需求 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。18中国广电行业市场规模分析中国广电行业市场规模分析2012-2016年广电设备制造行业市场规模预测(单位:亿元) 中国广电行业市场潜力巨大,若2014年服务器硬件采购规模按照5%的市场计算,超过42亿元($600m) 伴随IPTV及 OTT TV

24、市场的发展,需要大量进行视频转码,以适应不同的设备观看需求 伴随广电行业全面数字化,对服务器硬件采购规模将有持续性增长 TV Station 的非编领域(non-linear video editing) 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。205 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without noti

25、ce.HP Moonshot media processing focus: OTTOVER THE TOPOVER THE TOP OPERATIONSNetwork Management Live TranscodingFile Based Transcoding Content OriginationSource: Harmonic, Inc. - http:/ v011615.pdf 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。21HP ProLiant m710HP Moonshot is

26、 the Clear Winner for Media SolutionsIntels Iris Pro P5200 graphicsA revolutionary media solution20 x the performance, 92% less cost, 91% less power, and 98% less complex!Universal benefits of HP Moonshot Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is su

27、bject to change without notice.12 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。22 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.13Methodology:Full rack (42U)Analyze: Streams/Rack Unit $/Streams W

28、atts/StreamNormalize all results into a comparison to a single baseline (DL360 Gen8).DL360 gen8DL360 gen9Ivy Bridge 2P E5-2697V2 12c+HT, 2.7GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICHaswell 2P E5-2695V3 14c, 2.3GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICIvy Bridge 2P E5-2697V2 12c, 2.7GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICHaswell 2

29、P E5-2695V3 14c, 2.3GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICHaswell 1P E3-1284Lv3 (4c, 1.8GHz32GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NIC*Demonstrated on Moonshot 1500 with Quick Sync enabled on Vantrix SWBL460c Gen8BL460c Gen9HP MOONSHOT m710Take a rack view comparison200Streams40Enclosures+ 1 TOR13kW160 Cables240Streams40En

30、closures+ 1 TOR14kW160 Cables320Streams4Enclosures24kW32 Cables384Streams4Enclosures23kW32 Cables4050Streams9Enclosures16kW45 CablesUnparalleledDensity!# 1080p 30FPS streams5 per chassis6 per chassis5 per blade6 per blade450 per chassis *(across 2 nodes)(across 2 nodes)(across 2 nodes)(across 2 node

31、s)(across 45 nodes)Quick Sync Iris Pro P5200 Enabled 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。100.0100.080.8200020STREAMS/ RU(Higher is better)$/ STREAM(Lower is better)WATTS/ STREAM(Lower is better)CABLES/ STREAM(Lower is better)DL360

32、 Gen8DL360 Gen9BL460c Gen8BL460c Gen82Moonshot m710Media delivery value props:Full Rack, Quick Sync Iris Pro P5200 enabledm710:20 x the performanceof Gen8*m710:92% less cost!m710:91% less power!m710:98% less complex!*Metrics normalized to DL360 Gen8 baseline.*Ra

33、tios are same for 1G or 10G networking. Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.23 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。24HP ProLiant m710Moonshot is the Clear Winner for Media Solu

34、tionsFor CPU only comparisonsA revolutionary media solution4.2x the performance, 60% less cost, 60% less power, and 93% less complex!Universal benefits of HP Moonshot Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.24 版权所有

35、 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。25 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.16Take A Rack View Comparison*Demonstrated on Moonshot 1500 with Quick Sync enabled on Vantrix SWMethodol

36、ogy:Full Rack (42U)Analyze: Streams/Rack Unit $/Streams Watts/StreamNormalize all results into a comparison to a single baseline (DL360 Gen8).DL360 gen8DL360 gen9Ivy Bridge 2P E5-2697V2 12c+HT, 2.7GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICHaswell 2P E5-2695V3 14c, 2.3GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICIvy Bridge 2P

37、E5-2697V2 12c, 2.7GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICHaswell 2P E5-2695V3 14c, 2.3GHz64GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICHaswell 1P E3-1284Lv3 (4c, 1.8GHz32GB/node 10G NIC Or 1G NICBL460c Gen8BL460c Gen9MOONSHOT m710200Streams40Enclosures+ 1 TOR13kW160 Cables240Streams40Enclosures+ 1 TOR14kW160 Cables320Streams4E

38、nclosures24kW32 Cables384Streams4Enclosures23kW32 Cables810Streams9Enclosures16kW45 CablesRetainsUnparalleled Density!# 1080p 30FPS streams5 per chassis6 per chassis5 per blade6 per blade450 per chassis *(across 2 nodes)(across 2 nodes)(across 2 nodes)(across 2 nodes)(across 45 nodes)CPU Only compar

39、ison 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。26 Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice9884.2STREAMS/ RU$/ STREAMWATTS/ STREAMCABLES/ STREAM(Lower is better)DL360 Gen8 DL3

40、60 Gen9 BL460c Gen8 BL460c Gen82Moonshot m710Full Rack, Straight CPU comparisons (No GPU)Media delivery value props:*Metrics normalized to DL360 Gen8 baseline.*Ratios are same for 1G or 10G networking.(Higher is better)(Lower is better)m710:60% less cost!(Lower is better)m710:60% less power!m710:93%

41、 less complex!m710:4.2x the performance of Gen8*..0.07 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。27Moonshot Vs. 传统服务器传统服务器 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。28+在视频转码市场中位居第一在视频转码市场中位居第一 庞大的庞大的安装客户群大多是专用设备 稳固的全球

42、领先地位 Electra XVM 软件转码产品帮助客户迁移至 Electra XVM大力推广惠普产品目前仅支持 CPU 转码 硬件加速将于 12 月或明年 1 月份推出 + 提供卓越的性能卓越的性能 每微卡支持 10 个高清数据流 每微卡支持 2 个超高清 (4K) 数据流 多屏幕实时转码器 多屏幕 VoD 转码器 业务覆盖全球 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。29Vantrix 测试数据测试数据Media processing expertsMultiscreen Video Plat

43、formLive and offline TranscodingMultiscreen Live TranscoderMultiscreen VoD TranscoderHigh performance on MoonshotH.264 HD 1080p30 fpsUp to 450 Streams H.264 UHD 4k24 fpsUp to 90 StreamsVoD storagePackagerLive transcoderPolicyAnalyticsAdminVoD transcoderDRMHP Moonshot29 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Deve

44、lopment Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。30115 Cloud 视频视频转码测试数据转码测试数据 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。31115 Cloud 视频转码方案视频转码方案TCO对比对比 版权所有 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。32HPDAYANG整合方案整合方案单卡支持 8层高清视频非编单卡支持 9层高清视频实时转码全面支持DAYANG云非编

45、/云转码单卡支持6倍速高清视频转码HP Moonshot& DAYANG 33 Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. For training purposes only.DAYANG 视频转码测试数据视频转码测试数据34 Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Th

46、e information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP Confidential. For training purposes only.Conclusion:Moonshot is a Clear Winner for Media Delivery!Density: streams / rack unitCost: price / streamPower: watts / per streamComplexity: cables / streamUp to 20 x MORE vs. traditional servers (with GPU enabled). Up to 4.2x MORE vs. traditional servers (with CPU only).Up to 92% LESS $ vs. traditional servers (with GPU enabled). Up to 60% LESS $ vs. traditional servers (with CPU only).Up to 91% LESS Power vs. traditi


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