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1、大理医学院作业答案【篇一:大理医学院专升本各专业大学英语2平时作业及答案】>2012级医学类专升本各专业大学英语2课程作业一1课程名称:大学英语22适用专业:大理学院成人高等教育医学类专升本各专业第二学期unit one to unit ten 第一部分 交际用语阅读下面的小对话,从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. - oh, sorry to bother you. - _a_. a. that s okay. b. no, you can t. c. that s good. d. oh, i don t know.

2、2. - good morning, dr johnson s office. can i help you? -_b_.a. speaking, please.b. i d like to make an appointment, please .c. yes, go on.d. no, you can t. 3. - we are going to have a dancing party tonight. would youlike to join us?- _a_.a. i m afraid not. because i have an appointment with my dent

3、ist tonight.b. of course not. i have no idea.c. no, i can t. d. that s all set.4. - excuse me. i don t want to interrupt you but - _c_.a. can i help you?b. certainly, how dare you.c. it s quite all right.d. yes, you did.5. - you have lovely children. -_d_.a. no, no, no,. they are not.b. oh, no, no.

4、c. you re talking too much.d. thanks.6. - can i help you with your suitcase? -_d_. a. i have no idea.b. no, no. i can carry it myself.c. that s a good idea.d. thank you. i can manage myself.7. - can you come over for dinner with us? - _a_.a. i d like to but i have a meeting tonight.b. it doesn t mat

5、ter. c. no, i don t like.d. oh, that sounds well.8. - good night and thanks again. -_d_. a. you can t say that.b. no, no. it s what i can do.c. how can you say that.d. good night.9. - oh, i m sorry. but i promise i ll be careful next tim-e-. _b_.a. it s nothing at all.b. oh, never mind. it doesn t m

6、atter. c. thank you. d. there are no questions.10. - could i use your dictionary for a moment? - _c_. a. it s well.b. it doesn t matter.c. by all means.d. i have no idea.11. - can you turn down the radio, please? -_b_. a. oh, i know.b. i m sorry, i didn t realize it was that loud. c. i llkeep it dow

7、n next time.d. please forgive me. 12. - these are certainly beautiful flowers. thank you somuch. -_b_.a. no, no. it s nothing.b. you are welcome. c. yes, i agree.d. yes, i think so, too.13. - hi, sam, i think you did a good job. aa. thank you.b. don t mention it. c. not at all.d. i did it quite badl

8、y. 14. - good morning, sir. may i help you? -_d_. a. no, i don t buy anything.b. no, i don t need your help. c. yes, i nee d some sugar.d. oh, no, that s ok. 15. - could you help me with my homework, please? -_d_.a. no, no way.b. no, i couldn t. c. no, i can t. d. sorry i can t. i have to go to a me

9、eting right now. 16. - why don t you travel to new york on vacation? -_c_.a. i don t want to go.b. excuse me, because i can t.c. i want to, but i haven t got enough money.d. because i m going to school today. 17. - would you like to go fishing with us now? -_b_. a. no, i don t like.b. it sounds inte

10、resting but i have lots ofhomework to do.c. i won t tell you.d. oh, it is well.18. - could i speak to john harris, please. -_d_.a. oh, how are you.b. i m johnc. i m listening.d.speaking.19. - congratulations! you won the first prize in today s speech contest.-_c_.a. yes, i beat the others.b. no, no,

11、 i didn t do it well.c. thank you.d. it s a pleasure.20. - can i have a look at your passport? ca. it is her e.b. here is it.c. here you are.d. no, you can t. 第二部分 词汇与结构 (vocabulary and structure exercises) 阅读下面的句子,从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. he traveled to the southern part o

12、f the country, _b_ hegot many ideas for this book.a. who b. where c. which d. that 2. the mother got a good job on the farm, _c_ providedextra income for the family.a. where b. who c. which d. that 3. for years they have lived a life in the countryside, _c_was very enjoyable.a. where b. who c. which

13、 d. that 4. the father, _a_ was the world champion, was regardedas the hero in the village.a. who b. whom c. which d. that 5. the injured soldier, _d_ leg had been broken, wascarried away.a. who b. whom c. which d. whose6. martin s garage, _c_ the car had been parked, was not far away.a. whose b. wh

14、om c. where d. which7. i can lend you two books, both of _d_ are very good.a. whom b. that c. whose d. which8. they will fly to xi an, _a_ they plan to ystfaor two days, and then go on to wuxi.a. where b. who c. whose d. which9. we will put off the outing until next week, _a_ we won t be so busy.a.

15、when b. where c. which d. that 10. most significantly, the boy has a magic violin, _a_ letshim travel across time and space and lets him zip betweenheaven and earth.a. which b. when c. that d. who 11. people _c_ work with dolphins are surprised at howintelligent they are.a. whose b. whom c. who d. w

16、hich12. i may have to work late, in _b_ case i ll call you. a. that b. which c. whose d. whom13. i m sure you know the singer, _c_ famous song is my heart will go on .a. who b. whom c. whose d. that 14. the new year concert was well-accepted by the students,_a_ majors ranged from electronics to mana

17、gement. a. whose b. whom c. who d. that 15. we know an old couple, _d_ garden was one of thelargest in the village.a. that b. which c. whom d. whose 16. it was an agreement the details of_b_ could not be altered.a. that b. which c. whom d. whose 17. the salesperson with _d_ i had business has got ap

18、romotion recently.a. who b. which c. whose d. whom18. both players, neither of _a_ reached the final, playedwell.a. whom b. who c. which d. them 19. mary regrets not _c_ her brothers and sisters finishtheir university study. a. to help b. to have helped c. helping d. having helped 20. i ll never for

19、get _a_ that rare old coin in my gardenthat day. a. finding b. having found c. to find d. to have found 21. i tried _c_ her to attend adult college again and againbut she didn t agree. a. persuading b. having persuaded c. to persuade d. to havepersuaded 22. i remembered _a_ your application letter o

20、n the way tomy office yesterday.a. posting b. having posted c. to post d. to have posted 23. we ve deeply regretted _c_ the farm, a. to sell b. to have sold c. selling d. having sold 24. the old lady flew into a rage and shouted to the boys, “stop_b_ such a noise! ” a. to make b. making c. to have m

21、ade d. having made 25. we regret _c_ you that the materials you ordered areout of stock. a. having informed b. informing c. to inform d. have informed 26. if i had remembered _a_ the window, the thief wouldhave got it. a. to close b. closing c. to have closed d. having closed 27. everything _c_, the

22、 conference will have to becancelled. a. be considered b. considering c. considered d. havingconsidered 28. _b_, a man who knows how to communicate withother people is more likely to succeed in his career. a. other things to be equal b. other things being equal c. where other things equal d. to be e

23、qual to other things 29. that _c_ the case, i have to take on more work. a. is b. be c. being d. will be 30. all flights _d_ because of the bad weather, manypassengers had no choice but to wait at the airport. a. were cancelled b. had been cancelled c. having cancelledd. having been cancelled 31. ev

24、ery country _a_ different cultural background,overseas students should pay attention to studying problemscaused by cultural differences.a. havingb. to have c. had d. having had 32. the city has a population of over 30 million, most of them_d_ in the countryside.a. live b. lives c. lived d. living 33

25、. he sent the company an application letter, with his resume_d_. a. enclosing b. to be enclosed c. having enclosed d. enclosed 34. this problem _a_, we feel greatly encouraged. a. solved b. solving c. having solved d. been solved 35. jane _d_ as soon as she recognized it was her formerboy friend s v

26、oice.a. called up b. waited on c. took up d. rang off 36. air-conditioned buses, placed to serve about 50 routes,became very popular _c_ in chongqing this summer. a. apparently b. consequently c. overnight d. nowadays37. they also learn there is no easy way _a_ success butto work hard.a. to b. of c.

27、 in d. on 38. _a_, many people worked as private duty nursesrather than in hospitals in the us.a. previously b. before c. ago d. past 39. the two doctors _a_ help at the accident. a. rendered b. took c. performed d made 40. visitors are not allowed to stay _b_ the hospitalvisiting hours.a. besides b

28、. beyond c. until d. off 41. leaders of many countries have _b_ chinese leaderson the return of hong kong. a. addressed b. congratulated c. appreciated d. impressed 42. in britain nowadays, _a_ are used mainly for pleasureby people travelling in long, narrow boats.a. canals b. candles c. channels d.

29、 cabinets43. it s been dry for so long that the forest could burst into _c_ at any moment.a. blame b. claim c. flame d. fluid44. a better working environment improves people s performance, and _b_ productivity. a. same b. hence c. when d. nevertheless 45. he could remember _c_ along the road just be

30、fore theaccid ent happened, but he couldn t remember the accidentitself.a. drive b. to drive c. driving d. drove46. from eight o clock until ten he was working in the garden, but since then he _c_ in the sun. a. was lying b. had lain c. has been lying d. must have lain 47. the shopping centre wasn t

31、 _d_ this morning as itusually is. a. more crowding b. more crowding c. as crowding d. ascrowded 48. when the guest came off the plane, the president wentforward and shook _c_ with him.a. the hands b. the hand c. hands d. hand 49. _d_ the college, the students found they had manythings to adjust to.

32、 a. entering b. to enter c. entered d. having entered 50. the whole family were having their dinner with the door_d_. a. to be closed b. was closed c. closing d. closed 51. this book is more interesting than _d_ that you havejust read.a. this b. these c. one d. the ones52. you will be dismissed _a_

33、you will never be late again.a. unless b. until c. when d. after 53. the board of management _b_ seven persons. a. consists b. comprises c. makes up d. composes 54. the boy is lonely; he could be happier if he had someone_b_ he could play. a. who b. with whom c. whom d. that 55. this song _c_ memori

34、es of my childhood in thecountryside. a. calls forb. turns offc. calls upd. turns up 56. my grandfather s ideas are always _c_. he is too old tokeep up with the times.a. in style b. in time【篇二:大理学院成人高等教育妇产科课程作业一答案】s=txt> 第一部分一、名词解释:1、道格拉斯陷窝:子宫直肠窝医学全称是子宫直肠陷凹 ,也称道格拉斯窝。2、月经:是生理上的循环周期,发生在一些具有生育能力的女性人


36、】class=txt> 一、名词解释3难治性肾病4选择性蛋白尿:肾小球病变较轻时,只有中小分子量的蛋白质(以清蛋白为主,并有少量的小分子蛋白)从尿中排出,而大分子量蛋白质 (如 iga (immunoglobulin a , iga ) 在正常人血清中的含量仅次于 igg ,占血清免疫球蛋白含量的 1020。从结构来看,iga 有单体、双体、三体及多聚体之分。5艾森曼格综合症:是一组先天性心脏病发展的后果。6差异性青紫是动脉导管未闭病儿的肺动脉压力超过主动脉压时,左向右分流明显减少或停止,产生肺动脉血流逆向分流入主动脉,病儿出现左上肢有轻度紫青,右上肢正常,下半身青紫,即差异性紫绀。7生

37、理性腹泻多见于 6 个月以下的婴儿,其外观虚胖,常有湿疹,出生后不久即腹泻,每天大便次数多,甚至十几次,每次大便量不一定很多,其中含少量水分,一般没有特殊腥臭味。8等渗性脱水由于丧失的液体为等渗,基本上不改变细胞外液的渗透压,最初细胞内液并不向细胞外液间隙转移,以代偿细胞外液的减少,故细胞内液量并不发生变化。1简述肺炎并心衰的诊断标准及治疗原则。答: 1. 呼吸突然加快, 60 次/分。2. 心率突然加快, 180 次/分 3. 骤发极度烦躁不安,明显发绀,面色发灰,指甲微循环充盈时间延长。4. 心音低钝、奔马率、颈静脉怒张。5. 肝脏迅速增大。6. 尿少或无尿,颜面眼睑双下肢水肿。2简述单纯性肾病及肾炎性肾病的鉴别。答:尿检查红细胞超过l0 个高倍视野 (指两周三次尿沉渣检查);反复出现高血


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