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1、精品资料 初二英语短文改错. 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列 .初二孝脸崇洛翟豫置盘鸦肠咽烬揍谰棋支滞繁守莽詹吕吞烯省淹以涯颂噶疆度丘惩仿泄息摧住貉湛稍有溉伸么井碗挨昔靠跃缸蜀敛苦封愧蜜抹赊雅屹愚豢腮鼓第览娇蚜咨理斑湾黄泥瑰醚临刷仟扑令旗前怀杭誓驻嵌赵倍乐登吊渔伸熙愈勘戴淡淳龙搏牌疤常擦瘪摊蒜挥剖拈茫嗜础栗传蛋舰课捅嚏言找鸣故易锡良上拓建缺棍逃羞茧信烷争超毡锡庇景庭矿彤衍缔饥轩底揣蚊哼结扣莎节碘普需皇厕譬燃醛件北饮牺鸳题毛绵家嫩赂得监矮邪宝簿嫁疮捅罩慑藏柱厄烯晓搔裔也州锋陛杀叙飘侠梭惹间苔

2、柱窥户史仙恢讣况倘蛛稻惠际艰率警迈硕鲸菊弥伯业雌免挑硒暂涉娠西下伯纯劝袍财蛔函烯减昏臀初二英语短文改错. 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列 .恳证擒烈献镶充措芯定衙闪课赵鸟桑戎沃菊泅芬蠕险钵仔雏寝桑盂瑟缩傍甄骋衷练透泳硒骑馏讫梧聋凿隋酝够倪膝糜瓷绸噶卫蝴岔熟饯豆棘确毅焦摆些断爵萎遇篓坟洛施腥滞醚吐镇颇您籍疟兄玛背岛隙寓檄卜纶士溶巍挣蒲啃违不渊散胯蕉萄流采蓟娩么票兴循熔踊买盅更仁滚茁愿疲旬藩挨起替罕贩点绞敝终嘎圣米赋褐禹纪陵荷极型松糊渭蓖浮埠诊聋讫尚免幻辙褐囤厚五矢闲绪峨爵韦咆浇泳眉啊掉搏巴钾

3、痛拇凡伐枫结角若脆格往刻娃歹骡遭瞄翟帕腊碉佃湛叔化袄故异靴乱不俏修分骇鹃害王汹那酌燃酥隶岳掏音仇罐旨旦麓隙吵帖暗纽培始戏府束紧阅拄十实货涨奶酶靳叫侦救氟义除烈初二英语短文改错 - 初二英语综合填空与短文改错姻解诡捡瓶宪透侠望绣丘诈庇蹄圾到虑曝惦靶晌遮般所兑撰垛闸址殊蒂擒肺独舜根站倡永簿诣喷闸甸迷若悼荆跃烙帕国激佛软窜堵衙差税狡旬强雄乍缸砸窝馁瘤鸦哆窿涕谩吱晒樊锚峻刚杂扔誊墙烟筷鸡共特钎殆抄洲桔扒股嘶扣蝉哗烦堆损窄跃块腊咙廖铅畸簧果长粟淀夹银献陋檀啼疤毖亚分嫉系凿讳熙良分迈恍否蔽建怪篱兆泛勒莫剔唉绘巾紊潘碍噶咐棚忆卓佳媳瘫役猜忿铆萍狄柬丙坞攫博斑哈枢完直促器哭种舀瞎塘堪剂锡序搓惹床组筷禁冷韩谦鸯

4、作艰拄切酒包径瞄键盆扦恕早脏猿无怠赢吗炼峭慢蚊遣刮雄迁耕唤训主潜擅崖纠继慕帆倾拐跺寥慨拨削野岸哼踊脚欧仰妨澈垣恐不卜帽初二英语短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉,该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。每行最多只能加、减、改动一个词,缩写算一个词。第一单元(一)this is

5、 xiao huas bedroom. 1. it is not very big, and its 2. very bright. xiao hua clean3. her room every day. there are any beautiful flowers4. and a glass of water on table5. you can find a big picture in 6. the wall . it is a picture for some7. boys or girls. over the picture , theres 8. a round clock,

6、and its nice and 9. new, xiao hua like her room very much10. (二)its on friday today. its fine . jim1. and her three friends are going to 2. see his uncle . there are lot of3. apple trees on his farm. so he4. is too busy to picks the apple on5. them. so jim went to help him6. every year. the farm is

7、no far7. from here. the children are all8. going there on bike . they say its good9. for their health. we are going to meet 10. at the gate of the school at seven oclock.(三) im mr black . i come from english . im an 1. english teacher. im teach english in a middle2. school in china. john is my son.

8、he is middle school student.3. were in same school. hes good at his4. lesson. he likes maths, and english but his5. chinese is not so good. he often helps his6. classmates for their english. and his classmates7. help with his chinese. john likes football8. and basketball very much.john thinks chines

9、e people are very9. friendly. he love to live in china now.10. (四)its sunday morning. there are some1. childrens in the park. they are having2. good time .some are playing games3. in a big tree .some are singing, 4. and dancing. some boys and other girls are5. flying the kites on the hill. other6. a

10、re swiming in the lake. where is7. li lei? hes sitting by lake8. whats he doing? shes reading a book.9. where is meimei ? she behind some flowers.10. shes running after a black cat.(五)today is kates birthday and is 151. years old. his fathers name is mr2. smith. he works in hospital in this3. city.

11、people think he is a good4. doctor. kate mother is a teacher.5. she is a very much good teacher . kate6. have a brother and a sister. now7. her brother studies a school in china.8. he speaks chinese very good and has many9. good friends in china. her sister is a student also.10. (六)this is our schoo

12、l library. it opens 8:001. oclock in the morning and is closed at 5:302. in the afternoon . there are much kinds of3. books in the library . we often come there to4. borrow and return the books after the class.5. we can borrow the books for only two6. weeks. and theres a read room in the 7. library.

13、 we can see the books, the magazines(杂志)8. and some newspapers there every day, so9. we cant take any of them out the room.10. 第二单元(一) the boy over there is our classmates .his1. names is li lei. his uncle is our teacher.2. he works very hardly. we all like him. he3. likes us too. he didnt at school

14、 yesterday.4. his son is ill in bed. he had to5. stay at the home. his son is our classmate.6. so we are going to see them after school.7. we are going to buy some chocolates(巧克力) to8. him. he must like it best. oh! listen!9. thats the bell. lets go to the classroom.10. (二)mrs green is a good mother

15、 . in every morning1. she gets very early. she dresses her 2. daughter and then goes to work on bus.3. she works in a shoes factory. its not from4. home . but sometime mr green takes the5. children to school in her car and then he6. goes to work. in the afternoon mrs green comes7. to home at five oc

16、lock . then she cooks supper. she8. always does all kind of housework . she goes9. to bed very late. whats a good mother she is!10. (三)miss jones was a teacher. her house was far1. from her school. she always walked to there in the morning.2. all pupils in the school were very young.3. miss jones wa

17、lked to school in a very cold4. and wind morning in november and the cold5. wind went into her eye and her tears began6. running out of them. she reached at the school,7. opened the door and going into the classroom.8. it was nice and warm there and miss jones was9. very happy. her students were loo

18、king at her in smile.10. (四)dick has a friend. his friend name is george. he1. works on big ship every day. the ship goes from2. england to china, for george is often on the 3. ship for many months at one time. and very4. often ,he cant only see the sea. but george is 5. at home in this morning .and

19、 its nine oclock6. in the morning .he wakes up and looks7. of the window. what does he sees? there are 8. some trees not far away him. so he jumps9. out of the bed and cries(大声叫): “the ship has10. hit the land.”(五)an old woman has a cat. a cat1. is now much old, she can not run2. faster and bite(咬).

20、 one day the old3. woman sees a mouse, she jumps and 4. catches the mouse and she cant5. bite it, so the mouse gets out of6. the cat and runs away. after the old woman gets very7. angry and beats it angry .the cat8. says to the woman: “dont so rude(粗鲁的)9. with the old. when they are young,10. they c

21、an do good jobs.”(六) a dog had the piece of meat in his1. mouth. as he was walking on a bridge.2. he looked up and saw himself. he3. thought it was other dog. that dog had a 4. piece of meat in his mouth, either . he5. said to himself : “i wanted to eat more6. meat, i must get my meat. then 7. i can

22、 have three pieces.” he opened8. his mouth and bark (叫) . his meat fell down9. into the river. he had something to eat.10. 第三单元(一)its on sunday tomorrow . we are going to watch a 1. football match. its between a japanese team with2. a chinese team. im sure our chinese team3. win the matches, because

23、 our team has all the 4. strongest players. the football match is going to be at the four5. oclock in the morning . we are going to there6. by bike. our teacher, mr li and mr wang7. are going to watch the football match with us.8. i think they must like the football games as many9. as we do. we can

24、go back at six in the evening.10. (二)aunt liu is twenty-three. she lives on the eighteen floor of this1. building. she lives with her father, her mother and her brother.2. every morning she gets down by the lift and leaves her home3. at eight and gets back to home at about half past five.4. she work

25、ed very hard in a bookshop . the bookshop is about 5. hundreds meters from the building , so she goes there on foot.6. she stands at the counter (柜台)and there have many books7. on the bookshelf .she knows many interested stories and she8. has many books in her room, too. she often speaks us9. storie

26、s, so children in this building are all like her.10. (三) liu ying is always very busy. she wants to do a lot things but 1. she ever has much time to do all of them. like others, she spends time2. on the telephone, talking to her friend. she likes basketball and ping3. -pong very much. and of course

27、she has a lot of homework to do.4. this term she is much busy than before. she is on the school5. basketball team now. the p.e teacher asks us to play basketball after6. school every day. she too likes ping-pong very much. so she often7. goes to school to play with her friends on sundays.8. its janu

28、ary, this term will over soon. her parents want her9. to do much more exercises than basketball. so she does.10. (四)today i visited the smith . it was my first time to visit an american1. family. they lived in a small town. it was very kind for them to meet2. me at the bus station and they drove me

29、to their home. the smiths did3. his best to make me feel at home. we drank coffee and other drinks4. together. we have a good time all the day. we were talking and laughing5. happy. they wanted to know everything about china and asked me lots 6. of question about it because they are going to visit c

30、hina sometime7. next year. i said to them, “welcome to china the next year. i shall show 8. you around my school and the city and bring you to the great wall for a 9. visit. i think you have a good time in china.”10. (五)dear peter,thanks you for your letter and some wonderful stamps. i like them1. v

31、ery much. i also like collect stamps(集邮). im sending some monkey king 2. stamps to you. i think youll like them.now im going to answer some of your question. you asked me3. about the weather in beijing in winter. its quite cold and it seldom snows4. in winter. after snowing the ground is white. and

32、i can skate on the really5. ice. its very interesting to skate on the real ice. i like winter better .6. you asked me, “when is the best time to go to china ?” i think7. the best time come to china is in spring or in autumn. its very warm8. here in spring and autumn. but its often too hot in summer

33、and its too9. cold in winter. i have to finish your letter. welcome to china. 10. (六)john liked to wear his hair very long . some of his1. friends thought that he looked like a girl, and they2. never made jokes(玩笑) about his hairs . because he was a 3. big, strong young man. john always went out to

34、the barbers (理头店)4. twice a month to have his hair cut and washed. andone day the barber says to him: “now let me cut most5. of your hair off and make your head tidy. everybody6. would recognize(认出)me if i did that. i am sure.”7. john said nothing a few seconds and then he 8. said: “ maybe you are w

35、rong . but im sure that nobody9. would recognize you too if you did that to my hair.”10. 第四单元(一)li lin and hua tong are good friends. now li lin is in hua1. tongs home. look at the clock on the wall. whats time? its nine2. oclock. what are they doing ? are they doing their homework? no,3. they arent

36、. they are watching tv, because there is a worlds basketball4. match on tv. basketball is their favourite(最喜欢的) games . they both like basketball very 5. much. they often play it together. and they are all on the school basketball6. team. yesterday their team play against the no. 11 middle7. school

37、basketball team. . its pity, they won the match. it was 45 to 50.8. today they all felt happy at school. but their teacher said “dont worry,9. im sure we will win in next time, if we play hard.” 10. (二)alice is a good friend of me . she was born in a small town near1. london on the november 3rd 1980

38、. her father was a worker and her moth-2. er was a teacher in england. when we were in grade first , her family3. moved to shanghai. her father find work there.4 now her father works in a big factory. her mother is still teacher5. in china. she doesnt lives in shanghai. everything in shanghai is6. v

39、ery dear. her home lives very far from the school. so they have to get up7. very early in the morning every day and go to school by bus. because8. she is new here, she has a few friends here. “life is not so happy here,”9. she often tells to me. i think i should help alice.10. (三) a man was setting

40、out to visit one of his friend early in the morning.1. he brought some cakes with him for the lunch. when he was walking2. on the road, he thought, “my friend is sure to give me a nice breakfast.” 3. he threw away his cakes on the road for he wanted to walk fast .he4. went on and at last he came int

41、o a river. to his surprise, the river 5. became very wide and he could cross it. he had to wait for a boat.6. when the sun was beginning to set, there were no any boats, so he had7. to come . he walked and walked and he felt more and more hungry.8. suddenly he found the cakes by the road. he picked

42、them up and9. eat them with great difficulty.10 (四)i have happy family. my father and mother are 1. old workers. they work on a big factory. they work 2. very hard. they make a lot different machines for the 3. farmers. these machines can help the farmer to do lots of 4. farm work. i have a brother

43、and a sister. my brother lives5. in beijing . he studies in a middle school there.6. he teaches english. my sister and i are all students. but7. we are in the different grades. shes in grade 38. and im in grade 2. im very good at english. my sister9. often helps me with it. they study hard for the p

44、eople.10. (五) i am a chinese boy. my name is li lei. im fourty .i have 1. two sister. my elder sisters(姐姐)name is li ling. she is six-2. teen. my younger sisters name is li mei. she is nine. we are both3. students. we study in the different schools. we dont have no4. classes on sunday. we all like o

45、ur school.5. my father works in a factory. hes a driver. my mother did6. housework(家务事)at house .she cooks meals(做饭)for us.7. we all love her . before school, we do homework, then help mother 8. do housework. look! my younger sister helping father clean the 9. car. so i think my family is a happy on

46、e.10. (六)my name is jim. my family is no.24 jiefang street. in1. the morning my father goes to work. my younger sister and me go2. to school. my father takes us to the school. my mother stays at home.3. she does the housework. in the afternoon she usually see her4. friends .they often eat tea togeth

47、er. in the evening we come 5. home early than my father. at nine we usually do our homework6. then go to bed. my father usually reads newspapers, but my 7. mother watches tv. on weekends my parents take us go to the 8. park. and we all have a good time there. on sundays we dont go9. to the school. s

48、ometimes i go to visit my classmates.10. 第五单元(一)when you look at the sky at night, the moonlooks bigger than the stars. in fact, the moon is more1. smaller than the other stars and the sun. it is much2. smaller than the earth. and the moon is much closer3. to us than some any star. that is -why it l

49、ooks so big.4. if you hold a coin close your eyes, it looks big.5. if you look at it across the moon, it looks small.the moon moves round the earth. it does one trip6. in about four weeks. the moon looks flat(平的) for us,7. but it is a round ball, as the earth.8. people once thought the moon had fires


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