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1、仅供个人参考不得用于商业用途NB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)单位名称:Fabricator:焊接工艺评定报告编号PQR16-01HP预焊接工艺规程编号pWPS16-01HPFor pers onal use only in study and research; not for commercial useWPS NoPQR No焊接方法钨极氩弧焊打底/焊条电弧焊填充盖面机械化程度(手工、半自动、自动)手工Welding MethodExtent of mechanization(Manual 、 Semi Auto、 Automation)接头简图 Weldi ng J

2、oi nt SketchISj 二二 y总-1 . r母材焊后热处理 PWHTBase Metal温度范围(C)/材料标准GB713Temperature Regi onW. M. Sta ndard保温时间(h)/钢号Q345RTime HoldSteed Brand保护气体:Shieldi ng Gas类、组别号Fe-1-2与类、组别号Fe-1-2相焊气体种类混合比流量(L/min )Category. Assembly No. With Category. Assembly No. Weldi ngGas Categocy MixtureFlow Rate厚度12mm保护气Ar99.99

3、10Thick nessS G直径/尾保气/DiameterT S G其他/背保气/OthersB S填充金属Filler Metal电特性 Electric Power焊材标准 W.M.Stan dardNB/T47018.3 /NB/T47018.2电流种类 Welding Current(A)直流(DC)焊材牌号W. M.BrandER50-6 /J506极性Polarity正接(EN) 反接(EP)焊材规格 Welding Specification?2.5/?4.0钨极尺寸 Tungsten Electrode Size2.5焊缝金属厚度 Weld Metal Thick ness1

4、2mm焊接电流(A)Welding Current(A) 120 /160/140/140其他Others/电弧电压(V)Arc Votage(V)13/26/24/24其他 Others/焊接位置 Position Of Welding技术措施 Technical measur对接焊缝位置平焊方向(向上、向下)焊接速度(cm/min )12/16/13/13Position Of Butt Weld Flat nessDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weldi ng Speed角焊缝位置/方向(向上、向下)摆动焊或不摆动焊/Position Of Fillet

5、WeldDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weave Bead Weldi ng Or Non weave Bead Weldi ng预热 Preheating摆动参数/预热温度(C)20C (室温)Weave Bead ParameterPreheat ing T单道焊或多道焊多道焊层间温度(C)250 CSin gle Pass Weldi ng Or Multi-pass Weldi ngIn ter pass T单丝焊或多丝焊单丝焊其他/Single Wire Welding Or Multi Wire WeldingOthers其他 Others/耐蚀堆焊

6、金属化学成分 ()Chemical Composition Of Corrosi on Resista nt Overlay Weld Metal(%)焊材牌号 W. M. BrandCSiMnPSCrNiMoCuH10M nSi0.0870.630.990.0140.0160.0220.009/0.11J5060.0580.450.980.0180.0090.0230.0190.010/其他 Others/NB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)拉伸试验Tension Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No.PQR16-01HP试样编号试样宽度试样厚

7、度横截面积断裂载荷|抗拉强度断裂部位和特征Specimen( mm)(mm)( mm2)Cross ( KN )( Mpa)Fracture Location AndNo.Specime nSpecime nSectional Area Fracture LoadTen sileBreak Performa neeWidthThick nessStre ngth16-01HPL125.112mm301.2167.47556断于母材16-01HPL2 25.112mm301.2165.66550断于母材弯曲试验Ben di ng Test试验报口编号:Tension Test Report No

8、.PQR16-01HP试样编号试样类型弯心直径试样厚度(mm)弯心直径(mm)(°)试验结果Specime nSpecime nSpecime n Thick nessCen ter Of Bend D.AngleOf Test Result AcceptableNo.ShapeBe nd16-01HPM1面弯10mm40180 °合格16-01HPM2面弯10mm40180 °合格16-01HPB1背弯10mm40180 °合格16-01HPB2背弯10mm40180 °合格冲击试验Impact Test试验报告编号:Te nsion Tes

9、t Report No./试样编号试样尺寸缺口类型缺口位置冲击温度(C )冲击吸收功(J)备注Specime n Specime nNoDime nsi onNotch ShapeNotch Cocatio nImpact TempImpact ForceRemarks/ / / / / / /金相检验:Metallographic Exam in ati on根部:(焊透、未焊透)焊透焊缝:(熔合、未熔合)熔合Root:(Penetration、 Lack of Penetration)Weld:(Fusion、Lack Of Fusion)焊缝、热影响区:(有裂纹、无裂纹)无裂纹Weld、

10、Heat Affected Zone:(Crack、Free Of Crack)硬度检验 Ifardness Test试验报告编号:Te nsion Test Report No./母材硬度值HB焊缝硬度值HB 热影响区硬度值 HB试验结果试样编号试样尺寸Base Metal HardnessWeld Hardness HAZHardness Value TestResultSpecimen NoSpecimen DimensionValueValue HBHBAcceptable/ / / / /无损检验:N D E Exami natio nRTNB/T47013 2-2015100% I

11、I 级合格UT/MTJ. PT/其他/结论:本评定按NB/T47014-2011规定焊接试件、检验试样、测定性能、确认试验记录正确Result: This assessme nt has bee n assessed and con formed to NB/T47014-2011 sta ndard requileme nts for preparati on ofweldi ng specime n, performa nee of specime n, exam in ati on and testi ng record评定结果合格焊工姓名焊工代号施焊日期2015.12.22Welder

12、Welder' sWeld ing operati on编制/日期审核/日期批准/日期Preparde By & Date2016.03.02Reviewed By & Date2016.03.03Appd By & Date2016.03.05NB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)第二方检验日期Date单位名称:Fabricator:焊接工艺评定报告编号PQR16-02HP预焊接工艺规程编号pWPS16-02HPWPS NoPQR No焊接方法钨极氩弧焊(GTAW)机械化程度(手工、半自动、自动)手工Welding MethodExtent o

13、f mechanization(Manual 、 Semi Auto、Automation)接头简图 Weldi ng Joi nt SketchJ一別2母材焊后热处理 PWHTBase Metal温度范围(C)/材料标准GB24511Temperature Regi onW. M. Sta ndard保温时间(h)/钢号06Cr19Ni10Time HoldSteed Brand保护气体:Shieldi ng Gas类、组别号Fe-8-1与类、组别号Fe-8-1相焊气体种类混合比流量(L/min )Category. Assembly No. With Category. Assembly

14、No. Weldi ngGas CategocyMixtureFlow Rate厚度8mm保护气Ar99.9910Thick nessS G直径/尾保气/DiameterT S G其他/背保气/OthersB S填充金属Filler Metal电特性Electric Power焊材标准 W.M. StandardNB/T47018.3电流种类 Welding Current(A)直流(DC)焊材牌号 W. M. BrandH08Cr21Ni10Si极性 Polarity正接(EN)焊材规格 Welding Specification?2.0钨极尺寸 Tungsten Electrode Siz

15、e2.5焊缝金属厚度 Weld Metal Thick ness8mm焊接电流(A)Welding Current(A)120-180其他Others/电弧电压(V)Arc Votage(V)14-16苴丿、他 Others/焊接位置 Position Of Welding技术措施 Technical measur对接焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)焊接速度(cm/mi n )8-12Position Of Butt Weld Flat nessDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weldi ng Speed角焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)摆动焊或不摆动焊不摆动Posi

16、tion Of Fillet WeldDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weave Bead Weldi ng Or Non weave Bead Weldi ng预热 Preheating摆动参数/预热温度(C)20 C (室温)Weave Bead ParameterPreheat ing T单道焊或多道焊多道焊层间温度(C)100CSin gle Pass Weldi ng Or Multi-pass Weldi ngIn ter pass T单丝焊或多丝焊单丝焊其他/Single Wire Welding Or Multi Wire WeldingOther

17、s苴丿、他 Others/耐蚀堆焊金属化学成分(%)Chemical Compositi on Of Corrosio n Resista nt Overlay Weld Metal(%)焊材牌号 W. M. BrandCSiMnPSCrNiMoCuH08Cr21Ni10Si0.0130.522.180.0180.01119.879.800.020.02其他 Others/NB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)拉伸试验Tension Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No.pWPS16-02HP试样编号试样宽度试样厚度横截面积断裂载荷|抗拉强度断裂部

18、位和特征:Specime n(mm)(mm)(mm2)Cross ( KN )( Mpa)Fracture Location AndNo.Specime nSpecime nSectional Area Fracture LoadTen sileBreak Performa neeWidthThick nessStre ngthpWPS16-25.28mm246.96169582断于母材02HP弯曲试验Ben di ng Test试验报口编号:Te nsion Test Report No.pWPS16-02HP试样编号试样类型弯心直径试样厚度(mm)弯心直径(mm)(°)试验结果S

19、pecime nSpecime nNo.ShapeSpecimen ThicknessCenter Of Bend DAngleOf Test Result AcceptableBend16-02HPM1面弯8mm40180 °合格16-02HPB1背弯8mm40180 °合格冲击试验Impact Test试验报告编号:Te nsion Test Report No./试样编号试样尺寸缺口类型缺口位置冲击温度(C )冲击吸收功(J)备注Specime n Specime nNotch ShapeNotch Cocatio nImpact TempImpact ForceRe

20、marksNoDime nsion/ / / / / / / / / /金相检验:Metallographic Exam in ati on根部:(焊透、未焊透)焊透焊缝:(熔合、未熔合)熔合Root:(Penetration、 Lack of Penetration)Weld:(Fusion、Lack Of Fusion)焊缝、热影响区:(有裂纹、无裂纹)无裂纹Weld、Heat Affected Zone:(Crack、Free Of Crack)硬度检验 Ifardness Test试验报告编号:Te nsion Test Report No./ 、,一.母材硬度值HB焊缝硬度值HB 热

21、影响区硬度值 HB试验结果试样编号试样尺寸Base Metal HardnessWeld Hardness HAZHardness Value TestResultSpecimen NoSpecimen DimensionValueValue HBHBAcceptable/ / / / /无损检验:N D E Exami natio nRT 无裂纹UT/MT/PT/其他/结论:本评定按NB/T47013.2-2015规定焊接试件、检验试样、测定性能、确认试验记录正确Result: This assessme nt has bee n assessed and con formed to NB/

22、T47014-2011 sta ndard requileme nts for preparati on ofweldi ng specime n, performa nee of specime n, exam in ati on and testi ng record评定结果合格焊工姓名:焊工代号施焊日期YG0022015.12.22WelderWelder' sWeld ing operati on编制/日期审核/日期批准/日期Preparde By &Date2016.03.02Reviewed By & Date2016.03.03Appd By &

23、Date2016.03.05第二方检验日期Date焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)单位名称:Fabricator:焊接工艺评定报告编号PQR16-03HP预焊接工艺规程编号pWPS16-03HPWPS NoPQR No焊接方法钨极氩弧焊打底/焊条电弧焊盖面机械化程度(手工、半自动、自动)手工Weldi ng MethodExtent of mechanization(Manual、Semi Auto、Automati on)接头简图 Weldi ng Joi nt Sketch三IT母材焊后热处理 PWHTBase Metal温度范围(C)/材料标准GB713、GB24511Temperature

24、Regi onW. M. Sta ndard保温时间(h)/钢号H12Cr24Ni13/A302Time HoldSteed Brand保护气体:Shieldi ng Gas类、组别号Fe-8-1 与类、组别号Fe-8-1相焊气体种类混合比流量(L/min )Category. Assembly No. With Category. Assembly No. Weldi ngGas CategocyMixtureFlow Rate厚度8mm保护气Ar99.9910Thick nessS G直径/尾保气/DiameterT S G其他/背保气/OthersB S填充金属Filler Metal电

25、特性Electric Power焊材标准 W.M. StandardNB/T47018.3电流种类 Welding Current(A)直流(DC)焊材牌号 W. M. BrandH12Cr24Ni13/A302极性 Polarity反接(EP)焊材规格 Welding Specification?2.0 /?3.2钨极尺寸 Tungsten Electrode Size2.5焊缝金属厚度 Weld Metal Thick ness8mm焊接电流(A)Welding Current(A)110-160其他 Others/电弧电压(V)Arc Votage(V)24-26苴丿、他 Others/

26、焊接位置 Position Of Welding技术措施 Technical measur对接焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)焊接速度(cm/mi n )8-12Position Of Butt Weld Flat nessDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weldi ng Speed角焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)摆动焊或不摆动焊不摆动Position Of Fillet WeldDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weave Bead Weldi ng Or Non weave Bead Weldi ng预热 Preheating摆动参数

27、/预热温度(C )20C (室温)Weave Bead ParameterPreheat ing T单道焊或多道焊多道焊+单道焊层间温度(C )100cSin gle Pass Weldi ng Or Multi-pass Weldi ngIn ter pass T单丝焊或多丝焊单丝焊其他/Single Wire Welding Or Multi Wire WeldingOthers苴丿、他 Others/耐蚀堆焊金属化学成分 ()Chemical Composition Of Corrosio n Resista nt Overlay Weld Metal(%)焊材牌号 W. M. Bran

28、dCSiMnPSCrNiMoCuNB/T47014-2011H12Cr24Ni130.0520.581.820.0240.00623.6212.90.020.03A3020.0370.8941.2810.0230.01323.9712.840.2640.023其他 Others/NB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)拉伸试验 Tension Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No.pWPS16-03HP试样编号Specime n No.试样宽度(mm)Specime n Width试样厚度(mm)Specime nThick ness横截面积(mm2

29、) CrossSectional Area断裂载荷(KN )Fracture Load抗拉强度(Mpa)Ten sileStre ngth断裂部位和特征Fracture Locati on AndBreak Performa neepWPS16-03HP25.28mm230.56162562断于母材弯曲试验 Bending Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No.pWPS16-03HP试样编号Specime nNo.试样类型Specime nShape试样厚度(mm)Specime n Thick ness弯心直径(mm)Cen ter Of Bend D.弯心直径

30、(°)An gleOfBe nd试验结果Test Result Acceptable16-03HPM1面弯8mm40180 °合格116-03HPB1匕才k 冃弯8mm40180 °合格冲击试验 Impact Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No./试样编号Specime nNo试样尺寸Specime nDime nsi on缺口类型Notch Shape缺口位置Notch Cocation冲击温度(C )Impact Temp冲击吸收功(J)Impact Force备注Remarks/金相检验:Metallographic Exam

31、 in ati on根部:(焊透、未焊透)焊透焊缝:(熔合、未熔合)熔合Root:(Penetration、 Lack of Penetration)Weld:(Fusion、 Lack Of Fusion)焊缝、热影响区:(有裂纹、无裂纹)无裂纹Weld、Heat Affected Zone:(Crack、Free Of Crack)硬度检验 Ifardness Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No./试样编号Specimen No试样尺寸Specimen Dimension母材硬度值HBBase Metal HardnessValue焊缝硬度值HBWeld H

32、ard nessValue HB热影响区硬度值 HBHAZ Hardness ValueHB试验结果TestResultAcceptable/无损检验:N D E Exami natio nRT无裂纹UT/MT/PT/其他/结论:本评定按NB/T47013.2-2015规定焊接试件、检验试样、测定性能、确认试验记录正确Result: This assessme nt has bee n assessed and con formed to NB/T47014-2011 sta ndard requileme nts for preparati on of weldi ng specime n,

33、 performa nee of specime n, exam in ati on and testi ng record评定结果合格焊工姓名焊工代号YG002WelderWelder s施焊日期Weld ing operati on2015.12.22编制/日期Preparde By & Date2016.03.02审核/日期Reviewed By & Date2016.03.03批准/日期Appd By & Date2016.03.05第二方检验日期DateNB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)单位名称:Fabricator:焊接工艺评定报告编号P

34、QR16-04HP预焊接工艺规程编号pWPS16-04HPWPS NoPQR No焊接方法钨极氩弧焊(GTAW)机械化程度(手工、半自动、自动)手工Welding MethodExtent of mechanization(Manual 、 Semi Auto、Automation)接头简图 Weldi ng Joi nt Sketch1 ,二 1J4a母材焊后热处理 PWHTBase Metal温度范围(C)/材料标准GB9948/ GB713Temperature Regi onW. M. Sta ndard保温时间(h)/钢号20/ Q345RTime HoldSteed Brand保护

35、气体:Shieldi ng Gas类、组别号Fe-1-1与类、组别号Fe-1-2相焊气体种类混合比流量(L/min )Category. Assembly No. With Category. Assembly No. Weldi ngGas Categocy MixtureFlow Rate厚度30 /2.0mm保护气Ar99.9910Thick nessS G直径?19尾保气/DiameterT S G其他/背保气/OthersB S填充金属Filler Metal电特性 Electric Power焊材标准 W.M.Stan dardNB/T47018.3电流种类 Welding Cur

36、rent(A)直流(DC)焊材牌号W. MBrandH10M nSi极性Polarity正接(EN)焊材规格 Welding Specification?2.5钨极尺寸 Tungsten Electrode Size2.5焊缝金属厚度 Weld Metal Thick ness> 2mm焊接电流(A)Welding Current(A)120-180其他Others/电弧电压(V)Arc Votage(V)14-16其他 Others/焊接位置 Position Of Welding技术措施 Technical measur对接焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)焊接谏度(cm/mi n)8-

37、12Position Of Butt Weld Flat nessDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weldi ng Speed角焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)摆动焊或不摆动焊不摆动Position Of Fillet WeldDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weave Bead Weldi ng Or Non weave Bead Weldi ng预热 Preheating摆动参数/预热温度(C)20 C (室温)Weave Bead ParameterPreheat ing T单道焊或多道焊多道焊层间温度(C)100CSin gle

38、 Pass Weldi ng Or Multi-pass Weldi ngIn ter pass T单丝焊或多丝焊单丝焊其他/Single Wire Welding Or Multi Wire WeldingOthers其他 Others/耐蚀堆焊金属化学成分 ()Chemical Composition Of Corrosi on Resista nt Overlay Weld Metal(%)焊材牌号 W. M. BrandCSiMnPSCrNiMoCuH10M nSi0.0870.630.990.0140.0160.0220.009/0.11其他 Others/NB/T47014-201

39、1焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)拉伸试验Tension Test试验报告编号:Tension Test Report No./试样编号试样宽度试样厚度横截面积断裂载荷|抗拉强度断裂部位和特征Specime n(mm)(mm)( mm2)Cross ( KN )( Mpa)Fracture Location AndNo.Specime nSpecime nSectional Area Fracture LoadTen sileBreak Performa neeWidthThick nessStre ngth/ / / / / / /弯曲试验Ben di ng Test试验报口编号:Tension

40、Test Report No./弯心直径试样编号试样类型试样厚度(mm)弯心直径(mm)(°)试验结果Specime nSpecime nSpecime n Thick nessCen ter Of Bend D.AngleOf Test Result AcceptableNo.ShapeBe nd/ / / / /冲击试验Impact Test试验报口编号: Tension Test Report No./试样编号试样尺寸缺口类型缺口位置冲击温度(C )冲击吸收功(J)备注Specime n Specime nNoDime nsi onNotch ShapeNotch Cocati

41、o nImpact TempImpact ForceRemarks/ / / / / / / / / /金相检验:Metallographic Exam in ati on根部:(焊透、未焊透)焊透焊缝:(熔合、未熔合)熔合Root:(Penetration、 Lack of Penetration)Weld:(Fusion、Lack Of Fusion)焊缝、热影响区:(有裂纹、无裂纹)无裂纹Weld、Heat Affected Zone:(Crack、Free Of Crack)硬度检验 Ifardness Test试验报告编号:'ension Test Report No./母材

42、硬度值HB焊缝硬度值HB 热影响区硬度值 HB试验结果试样编号试样尺寸Base Metal HardnessWeld Hardness HAZHardness Value TestResultSpecimen NoSpecimen DimensionValueValue HBHBAcceptable/ / / / /无损检验:N D E Exami natio nRT / UT 一/MT丄 PT/其他/结论:本评定按/规定焊接试件、检验试样、测定性能、确认试验记录正确Result: This assessme nt has bee n assessed and con formed to NB

43、/T47014-2011 sta ndard requileme nts for preparati on ofweldi ng specime n, performa nee of specime n, exam in ati on and testi ng record评定结果合格焊工姓名焊工代号施焊日期2015.12.22WelderWelder' sWeld ing operati on编制/日期Preparde By &Date2016.03.02审核/日期Reviewed By & Date2016.03.03批准/日期Appd By & Date2

44、016.03.05第二方检验日期DateNB/T47014-2011焊接工艺评定报告(PQR)单位名称:Fabricator:焊接工艺评定报告编号PQR16-05HP预焊接工艺规程编号pWPS16-05HPWPS NoPQR No焊接方法钨极氩弧焊(GTAW)机械化程度(手工、半自动、自动)手工Weldi ng MethodExtent of mechanization(Manual 、 Semi Auto、 Automation)接头简图 Weldi ng Joi nt Sketch母材焊后热处理 PWHTBase Metal温度范围(C)/材料标准GB9948/ GB24511Temper

45、ature Regi onW. M. Sta ndard保温时间(h)/钢号20/ 06Cr19Ni10Time HoldSteed Brand保护气体:Shieldi ng Gas类、组别号Fe-1-1 与类、组别号 Fe-8 -1相焊气体种类混合比流量(L/min )Category. Assembly No. With Category. Assembly No. Weldi ngGas Categocy MixtureFlow Rate厚度30 /2.0mm保护气Ar99.9910Thick nessS G直径?19尾保气/DiameterT S G其他/背保气/OthersB S填充

46、金属Filler Metal电特性 Electric Power焊材标准 W.M. StandardNB/T47018.3电流种类 Welding Current(A)直流(DC)焊材牌号 W. M. BrandH12Cr24Ni13极性Polarity正接(EN)焊材规格 Welding Specification?2.0钨极尺寸 Tungsten Electrode Size2.5焊缝金属厚度 Weld Metal Thick ness> 2mm焊接电流(A)Welding Current(A)120-180其他 Others/电弧电压(V)Arc Votage(V)14-16其他 Others/焊接位置 Position Of Welding技术措施 Technical measur对接焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)焊接速度(cm/min )8-12Position Of Butt Weld Flat nessDirectio n(Up ward, Dow n ward)Weldi ng Speed角焊缝位置向上方向(向上、向下)摆动焊或不摆动焊


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