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1、有机发光半导体有机发光二极管(英文:Organic Light-Emitting Diode,缩写:OLED)又称有机电激发光显示(英文:Organic Electroluminesence Display,缩写:OLED)与薄膜晶体管液晶显示器为不同类型的产品,前者具有自发光性、广视角、高对比、低耗电、高反应速率、全彩化及制程简单等优点,有机发光二极管显示器可分单色、多彩及全彩等种类,而其中以全彩制作技术最为困难,有机发光二极管显示器依驱动方式的不同又可分为被动式(Passive Matrix,PMOLED)与主动式。有机发光二极管可简单分为有机发光二极管和聚合物发光二极管(polymer

2、light-emitting diodes, PLED)两种类型,目前均已开发出成熟产品。聚合物发光二极管主要优势相对于有机发光二极管是其柔性大面积显示。但由于产品寿命问题,目前市面上的产品仍以有机发光二极管为主要应用。历史有机发光二极管技术的研究,起源于邓青云博士,他出生于香港,于英属哥伦比亚大学得到化学理学士学位,于1975年在康奈尔大学获得物理化学博士学位。邓青云自1975年开始加入柯达公司Rochester实验室从事有机发光二极管的研究工作,在意外中发现有机发光二极管。1979年的一天晚上,他在回家的路上忽然想起有东西忘记在实验室,回到实验室后,他发现在黑暗中的一块做实验用的有机蓄电池

3、在闪闪发光从而开始了对有机发光二极管的研究。到了1987年,邓青云和同事 Steven 成功地使用类似半导体 PN结的双层有机结构第一次作出了低电压、高效率的光发射器。为柯达公司生产有机发光二极管显示器奠定了基础。由此被誉为OLED之父。OLED英文名为Organic Light-Emitting Diode,缩写:OLED),中文名(有机发光二极管)更是邓青云命名的。 到了1990年,英国剑桥的实验室也成功研制出高分子有机发光原件。1992年剑桥成立的显示技术公司CDT(Cambridge Display Technology),这项发现使得有机发光二极管的研究走向了一条与柯达完全不同的研发

4、之路。 OLED最大的优势是无需背光源,可以自发光可做得很薄,可视角度更大、色彩更富、节能显著、可柔性弯曲等等。可广泛利用在各个领域,目前OLED更多使用AMOLED技术,在2013年的柏林国际电子消费品展(IFA)上,更有曲面OLED电视机种出现并引起注意。结构OLED基本结构:1. 阴极 ();2. 发光层(Emissive Layer, EL);3. 阳极空穴与阴极电子在发光层中结合,产生光子;4. 导电层(Conductive Layer);5. 阳极 (+)有机发光二极管基本结构是由一薄而透明具半导体特性之铟锡氧化物(ITO),与电力之正极相连,再加上另一个金属阴极,包成如三明治的结

5、构。整个结构层中包括了:电洞传输层(HTL)、发光层(EL)与电子传输层(ETL)。当电力供应至适当电压时,正极电洞与阴极电子便会在发光层中结合,产生光子,依其材料特性不同,产生红、绿和蓝三原色,构成基本色彩。OLED的特性是自发光,不像薄膜晶体管液晶显示器需要背光,因此可视度和亮度均高,且无视角问题,其次是驱动电压低且省电效率高,加上反应快、重量轻、厚度薄,构造简单,成本低等,被视为 21世纪最具前途的产品之一。驱动方式不过,有机发光二极管也与 LCD 一样其驱动方式也分为主动和被动式两种。被动式下依照定位发光点亮,类似邮差寄信;主动式则和薄膜晶体管液晶显示器相同,在每一个有机发光二极管单元

6、背增加一个薄膜晶体管,发光单元依照晶体管接到的指令点亮。简言之,主动被动矩阵分法,主要指的是在显示器内打开或关闭像素的电子开关型式典型的有机发光二极管由阴极、电子传输层、发光层、电洞输运层和阳极组成。电子从阴极注入到电子输运层,同样,电洞由阳极注入进空穴输运层,它们在发光层重新结合而发出光子。与无机半导体不同,有机半导体(小分子和聚合物)没有能带,因此电荷载流子输运没有广延态。受激分子的能态是不连续的,电荷主要通过载流子在分子间的跃迁来输运。因此,在有机半导体中,载流子的移动能力比在硅、砷化镓、甚至无定型硅的无机半导体中要低几个数量级。 在实际的OLED中,有机半导体典型的载流子移动能力为10

7、-310-6cm2/VS。因为载流子移动能力太差,OLED器件需要较高的工作电压。如一个发光强度为1000cd/m2的OLED,其工作电压约为78V。因为同样的原因,OLED受空间电荷限制,其注入的电流密度较高。通过一厚度为的薄膜的电流密度由下式定义:J=(9 / 8)e M (V2/d3)式中是电荷常数、是载流子迁移率、为薄膜两端的电压。在一般的机发光二极管中,全部有机膜的厚度约为1000囝 。实际上,有机发光二极管的发光功率与电流有JVm的关系,其中m 2。Burrows和Forrest制得的TPD/Alq器件的高达,他们认为,值大是因为“阱”(或称极化子)的缘故。最近,他们又证实具有很强

8、的温度依赖性,并且电荷是通过“阱”来输运的。 在发光层中,掺杂客体萤光染料能极大地提高OLED的性能和特性。例如,只要掺杂1%的红色萤光染料DCM、Alq式机发光二极管的最大发射峰即可从520nm迁移到600nm;掺杂少量的MQA(一种绿色染料)将使机发光二极管的效率提高2至3倍,在同样的亮度下工作寿命可提高10倍。有机发光二极管所用的物料是有机分子或高分子材料。将来可望应用于制造平价可弯曲显示幕、照明设备、发光衣或装饰墙壁。2004年开始,有机发光二极管已广泛应用于随身MP3播放器。器件效率Schema einer有机发光二极管迄今为止,发绿光的有机发光二极管是最有效的器件,这是因为人眼对绿

9、光最为敏感。Tang曾报道,用香豆素掺杂Alq的器件具有56l的效率。据文献报道,效率最大的发绿光的有机发光半导体是由Sano制成的,用Bebq作为HTM,其效率为15l。与发绿光的OLED比较,对发红光和蓝光的OLED的研究工作少得多。目前已知的,效率最好的发蓝光的OLED是由Idemitsu的Hosokawa等人研制的,其发光效率为5.0l,对应的表面量子效率为2.4%。据Tang等人报道,将DCM染料搀入Alq制成了发红光的OLE器件,其发光效率为2.5l。 需要说明的是,上述文献所报道的发光效率,都是在发光强度约为100cd/m2或更小的条件下测得的。而实际应用的有机发光半导体是由多路

10、驱动的,最大的发光强度要高一些。因此,显示象素会被驱动到很高的发光强度,导致发光效率下降。也就是说,随着发光亮度增加,发光效率将因驱动电压的增加而降低。发绿光的有机发光半导体,在发光亮度为10,000cdm2时,其发光效率降为2lm/W,只有低亮度下的30%。发红光和蓝光的有机发光半导体,其发光效率随着发光亮度的增加降低得更多。因此,有机发光半导体技术可能更适用于不需要有源矩阵驱动的小尺寸、低显示容量的显示器件。· 器件的寿命和衰变在过去的几年中,对有机发光半导体器件的寿命有过一些报道。但由于每个实验室测量器件寿命的方法不同,无法对这些数据进行有意义的比较。在报道中,应用最多的测量器







17、过全球产量的一半。OLEDAn OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compound which emits light in response to an electric current. This layer of organic semiconductor is situated between two electrodes; typically, at

18、 least one of these electrodes is transparent. OLEDs are used to create digital displays in devices such as television screens, computer monitors, portable systems such as mobile phones, handheld game consoles and PDAs. A major area of research is the development of white OLED devices for use in sol

19、id-state lighting applications.123There are two main families of OLED: those based on small molecules and those employing polymers. Adding mobile ions to an OLED creates a light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC) which has a slightly different mode of operation. OLED displays can use either passive

20、-matrix (PMOLED) or active-matrix addressing schemes. Active-matrix OLEDs (AMOLED) require a thin-film transistor backplane to switch each individual pixel on or off, but allow for higher resolution and larger display sizes.An OLED display works without a backlight; thus, it can display deep black l

21、evels and can be thinner and lighter than a liquid crystal display (LCD). In low ambient light conditions (such as a dark room), an OLED screen can achieve a higher contrast ratio than an LCD, regardless of whether the LCD uses cold cathode fluorescent lamps or an LED backlight.ContentsHistoryThe fi

22、rst observations of electroluminescence in organic materials were in the early 1950s by André Bernanose and co-workers at the Nancy-Université in France. They applied high alternating voltages in air to materials such as acridine orange, either deposited on or dissolved in cellulose or cel

23、lophane thin films. The proposed mechanism was either direct excitation of the dye molecules or excitation of electrons.4567In 1960, Martin Pope and some of his co-workers at New York University developed ohmic dark-injecting electrode contacts to organic crystals.8910 They further described the nec

24、essary energetic requirements (work functions) for hole and electron injecting electrode contacts. These contacts are the basis of charge injection in all modern OLED devices. Pope's group also first observed direct current (DC) electroluminescence under vacuum on a single pure crystal of anthra

25、cene and on anthracene crystals doped with tetracene in 196311 using a small area silver electrode at 400 volts. The proposed mechanism was field-accelerated electron excitation of molecular fluorescence.Pope's group reported in 196512 that in the absence of an external electric field, the elect

26、roluminescence in anthracene crystals is caused by the recombination of a thermalized electron and hole, and that the conducting level of anthracene is higher in energy than the exciton energy level. Also in 1965, W. Helfrich and W. G. Schneider of the National Research Council in Canada produced do

27、uble injection recombination electroluminescence for the first time in an anthracene single crystal using hole and electron injecting electrodes,13 the forerunner of modern double injection devices. In the same year, Dow Chemical researchers patented a method of preparing electroluminescent cells us

28、ing high voltage (5001500 V) AC-driven (1003000 Hz) electrically insulated one millimetre thin layers of a melted phosphor consisting of ground anthracene powder, tetracene, and graphite powder.14 Their proposed mechanism involved electronic excitation at the contacts between the graphite parti

29、cles and the anthracene molecules.Electroluminescence from polymer films was first observed by Roger Partridge at the National Physical Laboratory in the United Kingdom. The device consisted of a film of poly(n-vinylcarbazole) up to 2.2 micrometres thick located between two charge injecting electrod

30、es. The results of the project were patented in 197515 and published in 1983.16171819The first diode device was reported at Eastman Kodak by Ching W. Tang and Steven Van Slyke in 1987.20 This device used a novel two-layer structure with separate hole transporting and electron transporting layers suc

31、h that recombination and light emission occurred in the middle of the organic layer; this resulted in a reduction in operating voltage and improvements in efficiency that led to the current era of OLED research and device production.Research into polymer electroluminescence culminated in 1990 with J

32、. H. Burroughes et al. at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge reporting a high efficiency green light-emitting polymer based device using 100 nm thick films of poly(p-phenylene vinylene).21Universal Display Corporation holds the majority of patents concerning the commercialization of OLEDs.Wo

33、rking principleSchematic of a bilayer OLED: 1. Cathode (), 2. Emissive Layer, 3. Emission of radiation, 4. Conductive Layer, 5. Anode (+)A typical OLED is composed of a layer of organic materials situated between two electrodes, the anode and cathode, all deposited on a substrate. The organic molecu

34、les are electrically conductive as a result of delocalization of pi electrons caused by conjugation over part or all of the molecule. These materials have conductivity levels ranging from insulators to conductors, and are therefore considered organic semiconductors. The highest occupied and lowest u

35、noccupied molecular orbitals (HOMO and LUMO) of organic semiconductors are analogous to the valence and conduction bands of inorganic semiconductors.Originally, the most basic polymer OLEDs consisted of a single organic layer. One example was the first light-emitting device synthesised by J. H. Burr

36、oughes et al., which involved a single layer of poly(p-phenylene vinylene). However multilayer OLEDs can be fabricated with two or more layers in order to improve device efficiency. As well as conductive properties, different materials may be chosen to aid charge injection at electrodes by providing

37、 a more gradual electronic profile,22 or block a charge from reaching the opposite electrode and being wasted.23 Many modern OLEDs incorporate a simple bilayer structure, consisting of a conductive layer and an emissive layer. More recent developments in OLED architecture improves quantum efficiency

38、 (up to 19%) by using a graded heterojunction.24 In the graded heterojunction architecture, the composition of hole and electron-transport materials varies continuously within the emissive layer with a dopant emitter. The graded heterojunction architecture combines the benefits of both conventional

39、architectures by improving charge injection while simultaneously balancing charge transport within the emissive region.25During operation, a voltage is applied across the OLED such that the anode is positive with respect to the cathode. Anodes are picked based upon the quality of their optical trans

40、parency, electrical conductivity, and chemical stability.26 A current of electrons flows through the device from cathode to anode, as electrons are injected into the LUMO of the organic layer at the cathode and withdrawn from the HOMO at the anode. This latter process may also be described as the in

41、jection of electron holes into the HOMO. Electrostatic forces bring the electrons and the holes towards each other and they recombine forming an exciton, a bound state of the electron and hole. This happens closer to the emissive layer, because in organic semiconductors holes are generally more mobi

42、le than electrons. The decay of this excited state results in a relaxation of the energy levels of the electron, accompanied by emission of radiation whose frequency is in the visible region. The frequency of this radiation depends on the band gap of the material, in this case the difference in ener

43、gy between the HOMO and LUMO.As electrons and holes are fermions with half integer spin, an exciton may either be in a singlet state or a triplet state depending on how the spins of the electron and hole have been combined. Statistically three triplet excitons will be formed for each singlet exciton

44、. Decay from triplet states (phosphorescence) is spin forbidden, increasing the timescale of the transition and limiting the internal efficiency of fluorescent devices. Phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes make use of spinorbit interactions to facilitate intersystem crossing between singlet

45、and triplet states, thus obtaining emission from both singlet and triplet states and improving the internal efficiency.Indium tin oxide (ITO) is commonly used as the anode material. It is transparent to visible light and has a high work function which promotes injection of holes into the HOMO level

46、of the organic layer. A typical conductive layer may consist of PEDOT:PSS27 as the HOMO level of this material generally lies between the workfunction of ITO and the HOMO of other commonly used polymers, reducing the energy barriers for hole injection. Metals such as barium and calcium are often use

47、d for the cathode as they have low work functions which promote injection of electrons into the LUMO of the organic layer.28 Such metals are reactive, so they require a capping layer of aluminium to avoid degradation.Experimental research has proven that the properties of the anode, specifically the

48、 anode/hole transport layer (HTL) interface topography plays a major role in the efficiency, performance, and lifetime of organic light emitting diodes. Imperfections in the surface of the anode decrease anode-organic film interface adhesion, increase electrical resistance, and allow for more freque

49、nt formation of non-emissive dark spots in the OLED material adversely affecting lifetime. Mechanisms to decrease anode roughness for ITO/glass substrates include the use of thin films and self-assembled monolayers. Also, alternative substrates and anode materials are being considered to increase OL

50、ED performance and lifetime. Possible examples include single crystal sapphire substrates treated with gold (Au) film anodes yielding lower work functions, operating voltages, electrical resistance values, and increasing lifetime of OLEDs.29Single carrier devices are typically used to study the kine

51、tics and charge transport mechanisms of an organic material and can be useful when trying to study energy transfer processes. As current through the device is composed of only one type of charge carrier, either electrons or holes, recombination does not occur and no light is emitted. For example, el

52、ectron only devices can be obtained by replacing ITO with a lower work function metal which increases the energy barrier of hole injection. Similarly, hole only devices can be made by using a cathode made solely of aluminium, resulting in an energy barrier too large for efficient electron injection.

53、303132Material technologieseditSmall moleculeseditAlq3,20 commonly used in small molecule OLEDsEfficient OLEDs using small molecules were first developed by Dr. Ching W. Tang et al.20 at Eastman Kodak. The term OLED traditionally refers specifically to this type of device, though the term SM-OLED is

54、 also in use.Molecules commonly used in OLEDs include organometallic chelates (for example Alq3, used in the organic light-emitting device reported by Tang et al.), fluorescent and phosphorescent dyes and conjugated dendrimers. A number of materials are used for their charge transport properties, fo

55、r example triphenylamine and derivatives are commonly used as materials for hole transport layers.33 Fluorescent dyes can be chosen to obtain light emission at different wavelengths, and compounds such as perylene, rubrene and quinacridone derivatives are often used.34 Alq3 has been used as a green

56、emitter, electron transport material and as a host for yellow and red emitting dyes.The production of small molecule devices and displays usually involves thermal evaporation in a vacuum. This makes the production process more expensive and of limited use for large-area devices than other processing

57、 techniques. However, contrary to polymer-based devices, the vacuum deposition process enables the formation of well controlled, homogeneous films, and the construction of very complex multi-layer structures. This high flexibility in layer design, enabling distinct charge transport and charge blocki

58、ng layers to be formed, is the main reason for the high efficiencies of the small molecule OLEDs.Coherent emission from a laser dye-doped tandem SM-OLED device, excited in the pulsed regime, has been demonstrated.35 The emission is nearly diffraction limited with a spectral width similar to that of

59、broadband dye lasers.36Researchers report luminescence from a single polymer molecule, representing the smallest possible organic light-emitting diode (OLED) device.37 Scientists will be able to optimize substances to produce more powerful light emissions. Finally, this work is a first step towards making molecule-sized components that combine electronic and optic


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