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1、1a virtual lifeunit 42 it was built by working men and women it was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $ 10 and $20 to had to give $5 and $ 10 and $20 to the cause.the cause.奥巴马胜选演说奥巴马胜选演说3 i was never the lik

2、eliest candidate for i was never the likeliest candidate for this office. we didnt start with much this office. we didnt start with much money or many endorsements. our campaign money or many endorsements. our campaign was not hatched in the halls of was not hatched in the halls of washington. it be

3、gan in the backyards of washington. it began in the backyards of des moines and the living rooms of des moines and the living rooms of concord and the front porches of concord and the front porches of charleston. charleston. it was built by working men it was built by working men and women who dug i

4、nto what little and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.$20 to the cause.4 it was built by working men and women it was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they who dug into what l

5、ittle savings they had to give $5 and $ 10 and $20 to had to give $5 and $ 10 and $20 to the cause.the cause.what + n. = all the + n. +that所有的所有的, 尽可能多的尽可能多的all the little savings that they had5 我们的竞选活动能有今天的规模,是因为我们的竞选活动能有今天的规模,是因为辛勤工作的人们从自己的微博积蓄中拿出辛勤工作的人们从自己的微博积蓄中拿出钱来,捐出钱来,捐出5 5美元,美元,1010美元,美元,2020

6、美元来支持美元来支持我们。我们。 6 the accident completely wiped out the accident completely wiped out what little sight he had left.what little sight he had left. 这次事故使他原本仅有的一点视力也完全这次事故使他原本仅有的一点视力也完全丧失了。丧失了。7what + little littlelittleindefinite pronounthat task has taken what little there is of my spare time.那个任务占

7、用了我仅有的那么一点空余时间那个任务占用了我仅有的那么一点空余时间8 he claims to be an expert in astronomy, he claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. _ he knows about it is out the subject. _ he knows about it is out of date and inaccur

8、ate.of date and inaccurate. a. what littlea. what little b. so muchb. so much c. how muchc. how much d. so littled. so little9 1. combining forms: prefixes + noun virtual life (virtual life (虚拟世界虚拟世界),virtual ),virtual office(office(虚拟办公室虚拟办公室), cyber-), cyber-interaction(interaction(网络互动网络互动), cybe

9、r nut(), cyber nut(网虫网虫), cyber pet(), cyber pet(电子宠物电子宠物),web page(),web page(网页网页), website(), website(网站网站), e-card(), e-card(电子贺卡电子贺卡),e-),e-business(business(电子商务电子商务) )10 2. combining forms: prefixes + verb2. combining forms: prefixes + verbcybersurf(cybersurf(网上冲浪网上冲浪), netsurf(), netsurf(网上冲

10、浪网上冲浪), ), email(email(发送电子邮件发送电子邮件) ) 3.words like cyber, net, etc. + 3.words like cyber, net, etc. + suffixsuffixcyberian(cyberian(网络用户网络用户), netter(), netter(网民网民), ), cyberize(cyberize(使联网使联网) )11warm-up questionswarm-up questions1. what are the antonyms of “virtual 1. what are the antonyms of “

11、virtual world” and “virtual life”?world” and “virtual life”?real world; real life.real world; real life.2. what are the synonyms for “virtual 2. what are the synonyms for “virtual world”?world”?virtual reality; internet world; net virtual reality; internet world; net world; etc.world; etc.3. what ca

12、n people do on the internet?3. what can people do on the internet?12communicating with people; shopping; communicating with people; shopping; reading; learning; working; reading; learning; working; publishing; listening to music; publishing; listening to music; watching films; playing games; etc.wat

13、ching films; playing games; etc. 4. what do you usually do on the 4. what do you usually do on the internet, and what websites do you internet, and what websites do you usually log on?usually log on?13virtual: adj. v:tjul 1. - created and existing only in 1. - created and existing only in a computer

14、a computeri can visit a virtual store and put i can visit a virtual store and put what i want in my basket at the click what i want in my basket at the click of a mouse button.of a mouse button.14 2. - almost what is stated; in 2. - almost what is stated; in fact though not in namefact though not in

15、 name事实上的事实上的, ,实际实际上的上的, ,实质上的实质上的he is in a state of virtual slavery. he is in a state of virtual slavery. 他实际上处于一种被奴役的状态。他实际上处于一种被奴役的状态。 15 the question is hard _.the question is hard _. a. being answereda. being answered b. answeringb. answering c. to answerc. to answer d. to be answeredd. to be

16、 answeredc.16adj. + to doadj. + to do 1. 1. 用于这一句型的不定式必须是以句子主用于这一句型的不定式必须是以句子主语为逻辑宾语的及物动词或语为逻辑宾语的及物动词或“不及物动词不及物动词+ +介词介词”构成的短语动词构成的短语动词 2. 2. 系动词后的形容词,虽然从语法结构上系动词后的形容词,虽然从语法结构上看是表语,后面的不定式修饰它,但从意看是表语,后面的不定式修饰它,但从意义上分析,这个形容词是修饰不定式的,义上分析,这个形容词是修饰不定式的,该题可转化成该题可转化成to answer the question is to answer the

17、question is hard.hardhard.hard是修饰是修饰answeranswer的的17 3. 3. 除去某些习惯用法外,该句型中不定式除去某些习惯用法外,该句型中不定式的语态一般是主动的。的语态一般是主动的。 difficultdifficult, hardhard, comfortable, comfortable, painful, impossible, pleasant, painful, impossible, pleasant, delightful, nice, expensive, delightful, nice, expensive, dangerous,

18、 safe, fine, simple, dangerous, safe, fine, simple, convenient, usefulconvenient, useful等等 this dictionary is very convenient to this dictionary is very convenient to use.use. your sister is very pleasant to talke your sister is very pleasant to talke to .to . the bed is comfortable to slept on.the

19、bed is comfortable to slept on. some famous cars are expensive to some famous cars are expensive to buy.buy.18interpret: v. int:prit 1. - understand (sth. said, 1. - understand (sth. said, ordered, or done)ordered, or done)she made a gesture, which he chose to she made a gesture, which he chose to i

20、nterpret as an erpret as an invitation. 2. - give or provide the meaning 2. - give or provide the meaning of, explainof, explain according to chinese legends, according to chinese legends, zhougong can interpret dreams. zhougong can interpret dreams. 根据中国传说,周公可以解梦。根据中国传说,周公可以解梦。 19 3.

21、- translate what is said in one 3. - translate what is said in one language into anotherlanguage into anotherno one in the tour group spoke spanish no one in the tour group spoke spanish so we had to ask the guide to so we had to ask the guide to erpret.20at a stretchat a stretch - for

22、a continuous period of time- for a continuous period of time连续地连续地不休息地,一口气地不休息地,一口气地 today i really swam to my hearts today i really swam to my hearts content. i did 2,000 metres at a content. i did 2,000 metres at a stretch.stretch. 今天我一口气游了两千米,真过瘾。今天我一口气游了两千米,真过瘾。 for several days / weeks at a str

23、etchfor several days / weeks at a stretch 一连下了几天的雨。一连下了几天的雨。21highlighthighlight:hailait hailait - noun the most exciting, - noun the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an impressive, or interesting part of an eventevent最突出最突出( (或最精彩或最精彩) )的部分的部分; ;最重要最重要( (或或最有趣最有趣) )的事情的事情(+of)(+of)

24、her performance was the highlight of her performance was the highlight of the show. the show. 她的表演是那场演出中最精彩的部分。她的表演是那场演出中最精彩的部分。 22submitsubmit:ssbmitbmit 1. - vt. yield (oneself) to the 1. - vt. yield (oneself) to the will or power of another, agree to will or power of another, agree to obeyobey 使服

25、从使服从, ,使屈服使屈服(+to)(+to)well submit ourselves to the courts well submit ourselves to the courts judgments. judgments. 我们将听从法庭的裁决。我们将听从法庭的裁决。 23 2. - vt. give (sth.) to sb. so 2. - vt. give (sth.) to sb. so that it may be formally consideredthat it may be formally considered提提交交, ,呈递呈递 every departmen

26、t manager is requested every department manager is requested to submit a regulation report to the to submit a regulation report to the general manager every month. general manager every month. 所有部门经理每月都要给总经理上交一份规定所有部门经理每月都要给总经理上交一份规定的报告。的报告。 24editedit:edit edit - vt. revise or correct- vt. revise o

27、r correct编辑编辑 he edited a book of poetry carefully.he edited a book of poetry carefully. 他认真地编辑了一本诗集。他认真地编辑了一本诗集。25editorialeditorial:,edit,edit:ri:rill 1. - adj. of an editor1. - adj. of an editor编辑的编辑的 the editorial officethe editorial office 2. - n. a newspaper article in 2. - n. a newspaper arti

28、cle in which the editor gives their opinion which the editor gives their opinion on an issue in the newson an issue in the news社论;社评社论;社评 he writes editorials for the he writes editorials for the newspaper. newspaper. 他为这家报纸撰写社论。他为这家报纸撰写社论。 26communicatecommunicate 1.- vi. contact sb. in any way, 1.

29、- vi. contact sb. in any way, eap. by speaking to them, writing to eap. by speaking to them, writing to them or calling them (followed by them or calling them (followed by withwith) )交流思想交流思想( (或感情或感情, ,信息等信息等););交际交际, ,交交往往 young people sometimes complain of not young people sometimes complain of n

30、ot being able to communicate with their being able to communicate with their parents.parents. 年轻人有时抱怨无法与父母沟通思想年轻人有时抱怨无法与父母沟通思想272.- vt. make (news, opinions, 2.- vt. make (news, opinions, feelings, etc.) knownfeelings, etc.) known传达传达; ;传递传递; ;传播传播(+to)(+to)the radio stations communicate the the rad

31、io stations communicate the storm warnings to the islanders.storm warnings to the islanders. she communicated her ideas to her she communicated her ideas to her subordinates.subordinates.281. what did the author do three years ago and what is she doing now? she worked as a television producer at the

32、 time, and now she submits articles and edits them via email and communicates with colleagues on internet mailing lists.292.how does the author manage her daily 2.how does the author manage her daily life?life?she can order food, manage her money, she can order food, manage her money, love and work

33、on net. love and work on net. 30take intake in1. - receive, admit1. - receive, admit2. - include2. - include3. - make (clothes) narrower3. - make (clothes) narrower4. - understand4. - understand5.- deceive5.- deceive6.- see at a glance; see at once6.- see at a glance; see at once31 take in:1) receiv

34、e, admit2) include3) make (clothes) narrower4) understand5) deceive6) see at a glance; see at oncethe dress was too big, so i took it in.i didnt take in what you were saying. she took in every details of the other womans clothes.do you mean we should get rid of the stale and take in the fresh? dont

35、be taken in by her promises.this is the total cost of the trip, taking in everything.34 2 6 1532spit:spit - vt. send (liquid, food, etc.) out from - vt. send (liquid, food, etc.) out from the mouththe mouth吐吐( (唾液等唾液等););口出口出( (恶言、粗话等恶言、粗话等) )used in the pattern: spit sth. (out) used in the pattern:

36、 spit sth. (out) (at/on/onto sb./sth.)(at/on/onto sb./sth.)spitspit your gum your gum outout before you come into the before you come into the classroom. classroom. 进教室之前把口香糖吐掉。进教室之前把口香糖吐掉。 he he spatspat curses curses atat me. me. 他厉声咒骂我。他厉声咒骂我。 the baby the baby spatspat its food its food out onou

37、t on the table. the table.33 symptom: n. simptm 1. - change in the body that indicates 1. - change in the body that indicates an illnessan illness症状症状, ,征候征候(+of)(+of)a fever can be a a fever can be a symptomsymptom for more serious for more serious diseases. diseases. 发烧可能是一些更严重疾病的症状。发烧可能是一些更严重疾病的症

38、状。2. - sign of the existence of sth. bad2. - sign of the existence of sth. bad征征兆兆, ,表征表征(+of)(+of)the government must not ignore these the government must not ignore these symptomssymptoms of discontent among their own of discontent among their own supporters.supporters.34aversionaversion: vv: :n n

39、 - noun a strong feeling that you - noun a strong feeling that you dislike someone or something dislike someone or something spiders are my pet spiders are my pet aversionaversion. . 我最讨厌蜘蛛。我最讨厌蜘蛛。35 luxuryluxury:llk kri n.ri n. luxuriousluxurious:llggu:riu:ris adj.s adj.1.what does “cyber-interacti

40、on” mean? 1.what does “cyber-interaction” mean? “cyber-” is a prefix which means “of cyber-” is a prefix which means “of the computer”. “cyber-interaction” the computer”. “cyber-interaction” means the contact via the computer.means the contact via the computer.2.what does “cave” here refer to?2.what

41、 does “cave” here refer to?“cave” here refers figuratively to cave” here refers figuratively to the isolated life of the virtual the isolated life of the virtual world.world.36conversely:conversely:kknvnv:sli :sli - adv. in a way that is opposite to - adv. in a way that is opposite to sth.sth.逆逆; ;相

42、反地相反地$1 will buy 100 yen worth of japanese $1 will buy 100 yen worth of japanese goods. conversely, 100 yen will buy $1 goods. conversely, 100 yen will buy $1 worth of american goods.worth of american goods.you can add the fluid to the powder or, you can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, t

43、he powder to the fluid.conversely, the powder to the fluid.37talk awaytalk away - phrasal verb to continue to - phrasal verb to continue to talk for a long timetalk for a long time不停地谈不停地谈she could sometimes talk away for she could sometimes talk away for hours on end. hours on end. 有时候她可以连续不断地谈上几个小

44、时。有时候她可以连续不断地谈上几个小时。 38comfortingcomforting:kkmfmftiti - adjective making you feel less - adjective making you feel less sad, worried, or disappointedsad, worried, or disappointed安慰的,安慰的,指令人鼓舞的指令人鼓舞的 医生给我吃了宽心丸,告诉我不用担心孩医生给我吃了宽心丸,告诉我不用担心孩子的病情。子的病情。 the doctor said some comforting words to the doctor s

45、aid some comforting words to me and told me not to worry about the me and told me not to worry about the childs illness. childs illness. 39but then:but then:- yet at the same time- yet at the same time但是另一方面但是另一方面( (对比另一个观点对比另一个观点) ) ;不过,但是;不过,但是 1. i feel happy because im going 1. i feel happy beca

46、use im going back, he said, but then added at back, he said, but then added at the same time i feel a little sad to the same time i feel a little sad to leave you! leave you! “要回去了,我很开心要回去了,我很开心”,他说道,但随后他,他说道,但随后他又加了一句又加了一句“但要离开你了,我又有点儿难过但要离开你了,我又有点儿难过!” 402. i can stand him to a certain 2. i can st

47、and him to a certain point, but then he gets annoying. point, but then he gets annoying. 我在某程度上能够容忍他,但过了这我在某程度上能够容忍他,但过了这个度,我就会觉得他很讨厌。个度,我就会觉得他很讨厌。41jarjar:dd: 1.- noun a glass container with a 1.- noun a glass container with a lid and a wide top, especially one in lid and a wide top, especially one

48、 in which food is sold or kept which food is sold or kept he gave me full measure as the honey he gave me full measure as the honey is close to the rim of the jar. is close to the rim of the jar. 他给足了我份量,因为蜂蜜都粘在坛边了。他给足了我份量,因为蜂蜜都粘在坛边了。 422. - v. have a harsh or an 2. - v. have a harsh or an unpleasan

49、t effectunpleasant effect给给.不快之感不快之感, ,刺激刺激( (神经神经) ) used in the pattern: jar sth., jar used in the pattern: jar sth., jar on sb./sth.on sb./sth. the childs screams the childs screams jarredjarred my nerves. my nerves. 那孩子的尖叫声使我心烦。那孩子的尖叫声使我心烦。 the way he laughs the way he laughs jars onjars on me.

50、me.43suck in:suck in: - (usu. passive) involve (sb.) in an - (usu. passive) involve (sb.) in an activity, an argument, etc., usu. against activity, an argument, etc., usu. against their willtheir will使卷入使卷入, ,吸引吸引, ,吞没吞没 some teenagers dont want to get involved some teenagers dont want to get involv

51、ed with gangs, but they find themselves with gangs, but they find themselves getting sucked in.getting sucked in.我不想卷入有关学校改革的辩论。我不想卷入有关学校改革的辩论。i dont want to get sucked into the debate i dont want to get sucked into the debate about school reform.about school reform.44keep up withkeep up with1. - le

52、arn about or be aware of 1. - learn about or be aware of ( the news, etc.)( the news, etc.)carrie likes to keep up with the latest carrie likes to keep up with the latest fashions.fashions.2. - move at the same rate as2. - move at the same rate as他请了位家庭教师,因为他的功课跟不上班他请了位家庭教师,因为他的功课跟不上班上其他同学。上其他同学。he

53、hired a tutor because he wasnt he hired a tutor because he wasnt able to keep up with the rest of the able to keep up with the rest of the class.class.45in sight:in sight: 1.- visible1.- visible no vehicle is in sight.no vehicle is in sight.哪儿也见不到他。哪儿也见不到他。he is nowhere in sight.he is nowhere in sig

54、ht. 2. - likely to come soon2. - likely to come soonpeace was in sight at last after four years peace was in sight at last after four years of war.of war.collocation:collocation:lose sight oflose sight of看不见;失去联系;忘记;没有考看不见;失去联系;忘记;没有考虑到虑到 out of sightout of sight看不到,不被看到看不到,不被看到46cuecue:kju: kju: -

55、n. anything that serves as a - n. anything that serves as a signal about what to do or saysignal about what to do or say暗示暗示, ,信信号号; ;线索线索i threw her a cue but she missed it. i threw her a cue but she missed it. 我给她暗示我给她暗示, ,可她没有领会。可她没有领会。 47doggedlydoggedly:ddgidligidli - with obstinate- with obsti

56、natebstinit bstinit determinationdetermination固执地固执地; ;顽强地;坚持不懈顽强地;坚持不懈地地 he pursued her doggedly. he pursued her doggedly. 他死死追求着她。他死死追求着她。 48abuseabuse: bju:zbju:z n. 1) wrong or excessive usen. 1) wrong or excessive use滥用滥用, ,妄用妄用 the abuse of powerthe abuse of poweralcohol abusealcohol abuse 2)

57、cruel treatment2) cruel treatment虐待虐待; ;伤害伤害 the slaves united to resist the the slaves united to resist the owners abuse. owners abuse. 奴隶们团结起来反抗奴隶主的虐待。奴隶们团结起来反抗奴隶主的虐待。 49 2. - vt. 1) put to wrong use; use 2. - vt. 1) put to wrong use; use badlybadlyhe has abused my confidence in himhe has abused m

58、y confidence in him他辜负了我对他的信任。他辜负了我对他的信任。 2)2) do cruel things to (a person or do cruel things to (a person or animal)animal)the arrested men have been physically the arrested men have been physically abused.abused.50multiple choicemultiple choiceread part 2 carefully and choose one best answer for

59、each question.1.how does the author feel when she is suddenly confronted with people in the real world?( )a) she feels shy.b) she feels angry.c) she feels cautious.d) she feels overexcited.512. how does the author behave on line?( )a) she is friendlyb) she is humorous.c) she is bad-tempered.d) she i

60、s talkative.52 3.why does the author fight her boyfriend on net sometimes?( )a) because they havent seen each other for a long time.b) because their typed dialogue lacks emotional cues and she misinterprets it.c) because he doesnt love her any longer.d) because he doesnt send e-mails to her frequent


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