1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文:sql server和visual basic人民邮电出版社 sql server2000发展状况 microsoft sql server 2000是一种功能强大的关系型数据库管理系统。微软积极鼓励越来越多的用户使用sql平台,使其更易于使用。新版本sql server 2000与windows 2000紧密结合,提供更多的支持,大大改善xml结构化查询服务(在线分析处理)。这本书主要是针对那些与其他关系型数据库打交道的中级和高级的visual basic开发者,包括微软的access。微软倡导的activex 网络化多媒体对象技
2、术数据对象,但也不必承担。这本书包含所有你需要了解sql server 2000与向用户新增你的vb和你网上申请你掌握的数据。首先介绍了设计并制造了一个数据库,通过创建工作日趋复杂t-sql存储程序,你将学会如何利用数据通路(包括ado)应用到你的vb程序中,安全管理,通过网络使数据有用。包括有步骤地例子将指导你通过创造一个全新整个基于vb的应用管理和使用自己的数据。另外,你将学习如何建立和部署一个网站报道和英语查询程序。这本书是为那些想要把sql server 2000结合到他们的应用程序中的vb开发者写的。之前没有假定sql server。 这本书包括:(1) 介绍关系数据库理论和设计(2
3、) 安装sql server 2000个人版 (3) sql server 2000工具 (4) t-sql句法和存储程序的疑问(5) 如何创造和管理存储组件和应用程序通讯(6) 数据库安全管理(7) sql server 2000 xml的特点(8) 使用xsl格式化xml网页制作报告 (9) 建立和部署英语查询程序 作者thearonwillis是一位高级顾问,19年的it经验。他目前是一个国际保险公司的顾问,提供网络服务的方案。他选择的是动态网页开发工具(asp)、动态文本(dynamic html)、visual basic和sql server。thearon以前就已经开始从事vb
4、sql server 7的wrox press。 如何规划计算机工程 计算机程序是并将继续是一项最重要的技能,是21世纪的主人。但不少人担心,许多术语开始规划设计所处的复杂性远远超出了他们想学的。就像孩子学习字母才能阅读,未来的程序员在他们写出第一个程序前一定要了解特定的概念。一旦这些概念被理解,编写程序就会变得简单而有趣。这本书是为企业提供一些程式规划经验。读者不必有微软视窗的背景,但必须是有经验的规划发展。christian gross就如何建立windows dna程序的问题向有经验的程序员讲述他的编程经验和专业技巧。 大卫mccarter的重要线索和通讯技术 visual basic在
5、今天是最受欢迎的程序语言。现在有好多书是教你如何学习visual basic。mccarter的许多真知灼见和解决方法的“gotchas”,只有通过专业人士可以了解过去多年的经验。这本书从一章开始了visual basic的基本要素,然后给出建议和技巧,几乎每一个重要议题包括所需的高级vb程序中。在各种各样的课题包括了:表单、磁盘和文件,使用先进的windows api,数据库编程和在internet编程上使用vb。 作者大卫mccarter专业程式已超过六年。他在加州大学教visual basic编程。sandiego,自1993年开始为vb程序员举办了一项全新网站命名为vb设计和技巧( )
6、。mccarter为visual basic程序员做了技术修改。他的第一本书,vb设计和技巧第一卷(mabry)于1997年出版。david也在san diego的指导委员协会的visual basic小组中。 visual basic 6.0的工具 在当今,也许是最受欢迎的程序语言,visual basic受到了不同背景的开发者的关注 。 虽然vb包括了许多内置功能来处理许多日常的程序任务,有许多程序任务(又称算法)所必需的专业软件开发,但是它们并不为大多数的visual basic程序员所熟悉。在visual basic 6.0的编程工具包中,畅销作家eric smith和hank mar
7、quis向vb程序员展示了如何执行许多普通的程序任务(如数据操作和有效的排序)。通过广泛的实例和源代码,visual basic 6.0的程序员的工具包教专业如何,为何以及何时使用特殊算法,以及如何尽快适应自己的应用。这本书是在两个基本部分:数据库、算法和执行/实施用户界面。每节以务实的态度,以查明、处理和解决作为眼前的问题。代码丰富,这本书和光盘是专业人才立即可用的,可以解决他们作为开发者所面临的共同问题。此外,每章的指导思想和发展提供了解决办法,便于开发者适用技术的应用,取得自己真正掌握在手的课题。 eric smith在美国首都华盛顿地区是微软认证的解决开发者(mcsd)和独立顾问。他共
8、同主持了visual basic 6.0圣经(media,isbn0-76453-227-8)以及在visual basic 和网络编程上做出了贡献。他的文章经常出现在visual basic 6.0的程序员杂志和他的编辑vbxtras“vbhowto通讯”,每周来源提示、审查、阅读文章的开发者在世界各地成千上万。史密斯还包括一些贷款的项目,包括建立网址(http:/www.inquiry.com/thevbpro)现在还设在visual basic的杂志的网站。他还帮助建立流行的vb技术普及网站。 visual basic 6.0的应用开发visual basic 是一种复杂的语言,受世界的
9、编程语言所影响,然而大多数支持复杂的代码应用。 visual basic6.0应用程式开发人员针对我们都很熟悉,要以全新的建设从小型企业应用水平的软件编码解决方案。书中涉及的概念和实际问题的应用发展说明,一步一步,如何设计、实施和部署,充分运用先进的功能基于网上银行的情况。它涉及的各种问题,必须把这一项目的成功,如软件项目规划、建筑、商业需求分析和软件设计方法、数据库设计及编码部分用一个交易环境。当然支持这项工作的一些技术,因此必须使用这本书包括涵盖uml、com、mts、ado和sql。权力的编码方法,充分体现了这本书的最后章节在书中表明,网络的应用,使透过asp及配合应用,通过xml的通讯
10、。 这本书是在中间的树和wrox学习visual basic,使已经开始着手一级通讯编程开发尖端技术解决方案,拓展视野。这本书将进一步扩大读者的眼界,他们所选择的权力程式语言,并将引进新的勘探领域。这本书的目的是为在运行windows9x编程、windowsnt4.0或sql server2000平台7.0。这样的发展,主要是研究解决窗口或windowsnt4.0或windows 2000平台与visual basic6.0企业版。 visual basic 6.0基础 visual basic 6.0是visual basic的功能强大的新版本,你可以在很短的时间掌握本书。用大量的事例和数百
11、screenshots手中,这本书将成为您学习visual basic编程的路线规划。它将带您全面考察和乐趣你想知道的vb编程,通过从你第一次编程到启动控制、图形、数据库和重要版新工具。书末你甚至可以看到有些专业的个案研究。所有这一切都增添了无穷的乐趣,为你奠定坚实的基础,作为将来visual basic 程序员自己未来职业生涯。这本书是为那些想用visual basic 6.0为windows编写程序。你认为它以前没有规划知识,但在动作的速度要快,用这本书你可以在pc机上运行任何visual basic的版本。 这本书包括:(1) 年初开始,直到推移先进设备 (2) 这一切与构想的例子试试看
12、 (3) 所有节目完全解释,只是行的路线 (4) 努力解决每章问题(5) 教什么数据库,如何运作 (6) 新一版的ado数据库技术补习 (7) 在适当的时候引进适当的类和对象 (8) 如何执行你的程序和运行他们 (9) 通过建立自己的传统控制 (10) 结束前3个专业程式 visual basic 数据库开始规划 visual basic 6.0是微软新版的主流窗口编程工具。微软估计,70%的所有发展,都是用vb开发的与数据库是有关联的。它的主要开发工具数据库方面全部结束,新的应用,并遗留系统。这本书适合已经掌握全面介绍的vb程序员,像从visual basic,要着手开发数据库应用商机。数据
13、库编程有自己的领域,需要吸收各种信息数据库等理论,如sql等等。这本书将所有的内容串成一条线,组织起来。 从visual basic 6.0 开始这本书和处理用visual basic6.0开发的对象和面向对象。这说明了为什么面向对象的编程在今天是这样重要,如何能简化使用其整个发展过程。它将读者带入实际开发利用现实世界的例子证明了一些问题。 (1) 证明一步一步开始wrox格式指南 (2) 很多明显的样品和现实的例子 (3) 从头开始教面向对象的编程 (4) 由vb方面很有权威的作者编写 (5) 一切都投入在现实世界中的编程方案 这本书是为掌握visual basic 基础的visual ba
14、sic 程序员所编写的,他们想要学会面向对象的编程。这本书是用来解决更为复杂的问题,通过媒介的力量来激发程序员。 sql server和visual basic 大多数的visual basic应用程序涉及了一些数据库编程、sqlserver7.0数据库是大多数程序员的选择。这本书介绍了sqlserver7.0,它包括所有主要特点,接着讨论如何建立sql server与vb应用程序的连接。通过加强在安装sql server的桌面版,你就会知道它的工具,尤其是企业的管理者和分析问题,为我们创造、删除、更改数据库作个范本。你知道你的安全建立数据库,你也知道如何写,运行、执行日益复杂的数据存储程序操
15、作。手中的例子是这本书的一个重要组成部分;每章你会为建立一个完整而全面的应用。这本书最后三个案例广泛研究,集合你所拥有的知识。这本书主要是为在应用程序中要用到sql server 7.0的visual basic的开发者的。不了解sql server也无所谓的,虽然基本熟悉了基本的关系型数据库,如access是非常有用的。 这本书包括:(1) 关系数据库的基本设计 (2) 安装台式机sql server 7.0版本 (3) 用sql server建立和修改数据库 (4) 确定主要的和次要的关键字的关系和索引 (5) 建立安全的数据库 (6) 用t-sql语言写存储程序 (7) 从vb中调用存储
16、程序和新增服务器组件 (8) 编写英语查询程序 原文:sql server and visual basic1 sql server 2000 development microsoft sql server 2000 will be a significant new revision of the fastest rising player in the rdbms marketplace. microsoft is actively encouraging a growing number of users onto the sql platform, by making it chea
17、ply available. the new release, sql 2000, is tightly integrated with windows 2000, offering more support for xml and much improved olap (online analytical processing) services. this book is aimed at intermediate and advanced visual basic developers who already have some experience working with some
18、other type of relational database including microsoft access. experience with microsoft activex data objects is also assumed but not required.this book covers all you need to know to work with sql server 2000, to provide users of your vb and web-based applications with controlled access to your data
19、. starting with an introduction to designing and creating a database and working through creating increasingly complex t-sql stored procedures, you'll learn how to incorporate data access (including ado) into your vb applications, manage security, and make data available across the web. comprehe
20、nsively explained step-by-step examples will guide you through creating an entire vb-based application to manage both the data itself and access to that data. additionally, you will learn how to create and deploy web reports and an english query application. this book is for vb developers who want t
21、o integrate sql server 2000 into their applications. no previous knowledge of sql server is assumed.this book cover:(1) introduction to relational database design and theory (2) installing the personal edition of sql server 2000 (3) sql server 2000 tools (4) t-sql syntax for queries and stored proce
22、dures (5) how to create and run stored procedures from vb applications and components (6) managing database security (7) xml features of sql server 2000 (8) producing formatted xml web reports using xsl (9) building and deploying english query applicationsthe author thearon willis is a senior consul
23、tant with 19 years of it experience. he is currently a consultant for an international insurance company, which provides web programming services. his web development tools of choice are asp, dynamic html, visual basic and sql server. thearon has worked with wrox press previously on beginning vb sql
24、 server 7.2 how to plan computer projectcomputer programming is and will continue to be one of the most important skills to master in the 21st century. yet many people are intimidated by the jargon of programming and many beginning programmers find themselves overwhelmed by the complexity of the lan
25、guages they are trying to learn. just as a child learns the alphabet before they can read, future programmers must understand certain concepts before they can write their first program. once those concepts are understood, programming becomes both easy and fun. the book is written for the corporate p
26、rogrammer with some programming experience. the reader need not have a microsoft windows programming background but must be an experienced developer. christian gross offers the experienced programmer his expert tips and techniques on how to build windows dna applications.3 important clue and communi
27、cation technique of david mccarter visual basic is the most popular programming language in the world today. while there are many books on how to learn visual basic. mccarter's many tips and techniques solve the kinds of "gotchas" that professionals could previously learn only from thr
28、ough many years of experience. this book begins with a chapter for those programmers starting out in visual basic. it then gives tips and techniques that cover just about every major topic necessary for intermediate to advanced vb programmers. among the wide variety of topics covered are: forms, dis
29、k and files, advanced windows api usage, database programming and using vb for internet programming. the author david mccarter has been a professional programmer for more than six years. he teaches visual basic programming at the university of california, san diego and since 1993 has run a web site
30、for vb programmers called vb tips and tricks (). mccarter also writes and does technical editing for the visual basic programmers journal. his first book, vb tips and tricks volume 1, (mabry) was published in 1997. david also is on the steering committee of the san diego visual basic group.4 the too
31、ls of visual basicas perhaps the most popular programming language in the world today, visual basic attracts developers from varied backgrounds. although vb includes numerous built-in functions to handle many routine programming tasks, there are numerous programming tasks (also known as algorithms)
32、that are essential for professional software development, yet are unfamiliar to most visual basic programmers. in a visual basic 6 programmer's toolkit, best-selling authors eric smith and hank marquis show vb programmers how to perform many common programming tasks (such as efficient sorting or
33、 data manipulation). through the use of extensive examples and source code, a visual basic 6 programmer's toolkit teaches professionals how, why, and when to use particular algorithms, and how to adapt them quickly to their own applications. this book is written in two basic sections: algorithms
34、 and implementation and database/user interface implementation. each section takes a pragmatic approach to identifying, addressing and solving the issues at hand. code-rich, this book and the cd-rom are immediately useable by professionals so they can solve common problems they face as developers. i
35、n addition, each chapter offers thoughts and guidance on expanding the solutions, making it easy for developers to apply the techniques to their own applications and gain true mastery of the subjects at hand.eric smith is a microsoft certified solution developer (mcsd) and an independent consultant
36、in the washington, d.c. area. he co-authored the visual basic 6 bible (idg, isbn 0-76453-227-8) and has contributed to several books on visual basic and web programming. his articles appear regularly in the visual basic 6 programmer's journal and he is the editor of vbxtras' "vbhowto ne
37、wsletter", a weekly source of tips, reviews, and articles read by thousands of developers around the world. smith's credits also include a number of web projects including founding the "ask the vb pro" web site ( which is now also hosted at the visual basic programmer's journa
38、l's site. he also helped build the popular vb techniques site.5 the application and development of visual basic 6.0 visual basic is a versatile language - accessible to those seeking to enter the world of programming, yet powerful enough to support the coding of complex distributed applications.
39、 beginning visual basic 6 application development is aimed at the programmer who is familiar enough with vb to want to make the transition from building small applications to coding business level software solutions. the book covers the conceptual and practical implications of application developmen
40、t by illustrating, step-by-step, how to design, implement, and deploy, a fully functional sophisticated application based on an online banking scenario. it deals with the wide variety of topics required to bring such a project to fruition, such as software architecture and project planning, business
41、 requirement analysis and software design methodologies, and database design and coding components for use in a transactional environment. of course to support such work a number of technologies need to be employed and consequently the book includes coverage of uml, com, mts, ado, and sql. the power
42、 of the coding approach is fully demonstrated in the final chapters of the book when the book shows how to web-enable the application through use of asp and facilitate inter-application communication through xml. this book comes in the middle of the wrox visual basic learning tree and has been desig
43、ned to enable the beginning level vb programmer to start to develop sophisticated solutions and expand their technology horizons. this book will further open the eyes of the readers to the power of their chosen programming language and will introduce new areas for exploration. the book has been desi
44、gned for programmers running on a windows 9x, nt 4.0 or windows 2000 platform with sql server 7.0. the case study solution was developed primarily for a windows nt 4.0 or windows 2000 platform with visual basic 6 enterprise edition.6 the base of visual basic 6.0 visual basic 6 is the powerful new ve
45、rsion of visual basic, which you will master in no time with this book. by using lots of hands on examples and hundreds of screenshots, this book will act as a roadmap for you to learn visual basic programming. it will take you on a comprehensive and fun tour of everything you want to know about pro
46、gramming in vb - from your first programs through to activex controls, graphics, and the important new ado database tools. at the end of the book you will even be ready to look at some professional programs and case studies. all this will add up to a lot of fun as you build a solid foundation for yo
47、ur own future career as a professional vb programmer. this book is for anyone who wants to learn to write programs for windows using visual basic 6. it assumes you have no previous programming knowledge, but it moves at a fast enough pace to be exciting if you have programmed before. to use this boo
48、k you need to have a pc running any editions of visual basic 6.what does this book cover?(1) starts at the beginning, but goes right up to advanced features (2) every concept illustrated with try it out examples (3) all programs explained fully and simply, line by line (4) questions and worked solut
49、ions for each chapter (5) teaches what databases are, and how they work (6) a tutorial on the new ado database technologies (7) introduces classes and objects at the right time (8) how to debug your programs and make them work (9) walks through creation of your own custom controls (10) wraps up the
50、tutorial with three professional programs7 visual basic database begin planvisual basic 6 is the new release of microsoft's leading windows programming tool. microsoft estimate that 70% of all development that is done with vb is database related. it's the leading tool for developing all data
51、base front ends, both to new applications, and to legacy systems. this book is suitable for vb programmers who have read a single general introduction, like beginning visual basic, and want to get down to developing database applications for business. database programming is a field on its own, and
52、requires the assimilation of a wide range of information such a database theory, sql etc. this book pulls all those threads together into a single, organized flow.8 from visual basicthis book deals with objects and object-oriented development with visual basic 6. it explains why object-oriented prog
53、ramming is so important today and how its use can simplify the development process as a whole. it leads the reader into the realm of actual development by using real-world examples to demonstrate the sort of problems that programmers come up against everyday.this book cover:(1) proven step-by-step w
54、rox beginning tutorial format(2) lots of clear samples and realistic examples(3) teaches object-oriented programming from scratch(4) written by a leading authority on vb(5) everything is put into the context of the real world of programmingthis book is for visual basic programmers who have a grasp of the fundamentals of visual basic and wan
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