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1、unit 3 how do you get to school?section b 1a-2chow do you get to school?i take the.to school/ go to school by./on the. walk to school/ go to school on foothow long does it take sb.(to get to school)?it takes sb. some time to do sth.how far is it from.to.?its about.kilometersa: how do you get to scho

2、ol?ab: well, i ride my bike to the subway station. then i take the subway. practicea: how do you get to school?b: first, i then i ba: how do you get to school?b: first, i then i c first , then , next , at lastspeaking practicegroup work1clisten and check () the things that mary wants to know?2listen

3、 again. how does bob get to his grandparents home? check () 1 or 2. 1d1m: i love your home ,bob. its so big .b: thanks, mary .my grandparents home is very big ,too.m: where do they _?b: very _ _ my home .m : oh, how far ? b: its _ five _ kilometers from here. m : well, thats far .b: yes, it is. so i

4、 go there to see my grandparents _ one or two _ a year . m: how do you get there ? b: i usually _ the train .m: _ _ does it take ? b: it _ about six hours ,and _ i take the bus _ the train station _the home .m: well, thats a _ trip . live far from about hundred onlytimes takehow long takes then from

5、 tolong1. think of 认为认为 what does bob think of the trip?鲍勃认为旅行怎么样?鲍勃认为旅行怎么样? 【拓展拓展】 what do/does sb. think of ? 某人觉得某人觉得怎么样?怎么样? (= how do/does sb. like?) how does bob like the trip? it is about how students go to school.看图片与标题,猜文章是关于什么内容看图片与标题,猜文章是关于什么内容2bread the passage and answer the questions.h

6、ow does liang ling go to school every day?_he goes on a ropeway to cross the river to school.crossing the river to schoolthe beautiful nujiang riverno bridgeno boat孩子们上学,需要横跨怒江。每天就靠这个索道渡江。孩子们上学,需要横跨怒江。每天就靠这个索道渡江。 渡江前的准备工作渡江前的准备工作 小男孩在展示滑行用的工具小男孩在展示滑行用的工具 由于体重太轻,会影响滑行的速度。有由于体重太轻,会影响滑行的速度。有时候会两人一组结伴滑过

7、时候会两人一组结伴滑过 小孩子们都是这样上学。危险的高小孩子们都是这样上学。危险的高空滑翔,对于他们已经习以为常空滑翔,对于他们已经习以为常 boatriverbridgevillagevillagerropewaydreambetween100 分分leaveafraidmanycross 1. how do the students in the village go to school? 2. why do they go to school like this? 3. does the boy like this school? why? 4. whats the villagers

8、dream? do you think their dream can come true? why or why not? 细读每个问题,确定每句话的意思。细读每个问题,确定每句话的意思。2. 带着问题读短文,在短文中寻找相关信带着问题读短文,在短文中寻找相关信息,确定问题回答的依据。息,确定问题回答的依据。3. 找到答题依据后,再根据问题是一般疑找到答题依据后,再根据问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句来确定如何回答。问句还是特殊疑问句来确定如何回答。4. 最后,再读一遍课文,检查一下答案的最后,再读一遍课文,检查一下答案的正确性。正确性。line 8l5-7yes, he does. l11-

9、12l13-141.how do the students in the village go to school?2.why do they go to school like this?3.does the boy like his school ?why?4.what is the villagers dream?do you think their dream can come true?why or why not?they go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.because there is a very big river b

10、etween their school and the village .there is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.yes,he does.because he loves to play with his classmates.and he loves his teacher.his teacher is like a father to him.to have a bridge.yes ,i think so.i think many kind people can help them.再读文章,从中选择单词完成

11、句子再读文章,从中选择单词完成句子difficultbigquicklyafraidtruefind out key phrases.对于许多学生来说对于许多学生来说在中国的一个小村庄在中国的一个小村庄在他们学校和村庄之间在他们学校和村庄之间没有桥没有桥流的太快流的太快乘索道乘索道过河去上学过河去上学一个一个11岁的男孩岁的男孩每个上学日每个上学日像一个父亲一样像一个父亲一样.中的许多中的许多梦想能实现梦想能实现对于许多学生来说,到校上学是容易的。对于许多学生来说,到校上学是容易的。他们学校和村庄之间有一条大河。他们学校和村庄之间有一条大河。根本没有桥,而且河水湍急,小船不能摆渡。根本没有桥,

12、而且河水湍急,小船不能摆渡。因此这些学生靠滑索道过河上学。因此这些学生靠滑索道过河上学。他待我就像一个父亲一样。他待我就像一个父亲一样。拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。他们的梦想能实现吗?他们的梦想能实现吗?explain the key points1、do you walk or ride a bike?你步行还是骑自行车呢?你步行还是骑自行车呢?选择疑问句,由选择疑问句,由“一般疑问句一般疑问句+or+选择部分选择部分”构成,回答不能用构成,回答不能用yes或或no,而应当用问题,而应当用问题中的一种情况作出回答。朗读时,应注意中的一种情况作出回答。朗读时,应注意or之前

13、用升调之前用升调,or之后用降调。之后用降调。翻译:你是一名工人还是一位医生呢?are you a worker or a doctor?im a doctor.explain the key points2、for many students,it is easy to get to school.对于大多数的学生,到达学校很容易对于大多数的学生,到达学校很容易“it is +adj+for sb.+to do sth.”做某事对于做某事对于某人来说是某人来说是.的。的。 it 是形式主语,真正的主是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式语是后面的动词不定式to do sth翻译:完成我的作

14、业太困难了。it is too difficult for me to finish my homework. 1) many adj. pron. 许多许多 表示表示“多多”的意思,可用的意思,可用many, much, a lot of, lots of 等。但是等。但是many, much常用于否常用于否定句和疑问句,而定句和疑问句,而a lot of等则常用于肯定句。等则常用于肯定句。例如:例如: i havent seen many english films. 多数英文电影我多数英文电影我没看过。没看过。(many修饰可数名词复数,表许多)修饰可数名词复数,表许多) there i

15、s much water in the bottle. 瓶子里有许多水。瓶子里有许多水。(much修饰不可数名词,表量修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。)或程度。)explain the key points3、there is a river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条河。“betweenand”表示在和之间,。翻译:在你和我之间有一堵墙。there is a wall between you and me. 4. there is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for

16、boats. (河上)完全没有桥梁,而且河水湍急,不(河上)完全没有桥梁,而且河水湍急,不宜小船摆渡。宜小船摆渡。 1) 此句是英语否定结构的一种。当此句是英语否定结构的一种。当no 用于用于构成否定句,主要用于名词之前,强调否定构成否定句,主要用于名词之前,强调否定其后的名词,表现其后的名词,表现“完全不;根本没有。完全不;根本没有。”例如:例如: there are no computers in that small mountain village. 在那个小山村里根本就没有电脑。在那个小山村里根本就没有电脑。there is no milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛

17、奶。冰箱里没有牛奶。 5. one 11-year-old boy, liangliang, crosses the river every school day. 亮亮,一个亮亮,一个11岁男孩,每天过河上学。岁男孩,每天过河上学。 1)11-year-old 构成一个复合形容词,修饰构成一个复合形容词,修饰名词名词boy。请注意其中的。请注意其中的year之后没有复数之后没有复数词尾词尾-s。这一构词结构较为常见。例如:。这一构词结构较为常见。例如: a four-day trip 一个四天的旅行一个四天的旅行 a 30-page book 一本一本30页的书页的书 a three-roo

18、m house 一个三间屋的房子一个三间屋的房子2)cross 作动词用,作动词用,“穿过,越过穿过,越过”的意思。的意思。主要表示在物体表面上横穿。如横过马主要表示在物体表面上横穿。如横过马路、过桥、过河等,与路、过桥、过河等,与go across同义。例同义。例如如: be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时要小心。过马路时要小心。 6. but he is not afraid. 但是他不害怕。但是他不害怕。 afraid adj. 害怕的;畏惧的害怕的;畏惧的 are you afraid of snakes? 你怕蛇吗你怕蛇吗? child

19、ren feel afraid when they are at home alone. 孩子独自自己在家孩子独自自己在家, 感到害怕。感到害怕。 im afraid to speak in front of other people. 我害怕在其他人面前发言。我害怕在其他人面前发言。 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事害怕做某事 be afraid of sth. / sb. 怕某事怕某事/某人某人 be afraid of v -ing 怕做某事怕做某事注意:注意:1. afraid是表语形容词是表语形容词 2. i am afraid有时指有时指i am sorry。

20、im afraid we cant come. 很抱歉,我们不能来。很抱歉,我们不能来。explain the key points7、hes like a father to me.他对我就像我的父亲一样。他对我就像我的父亲一样。“be like”表示表示“和和很像很像”。翻译:mr li is like an old friend to his students.李老师对他的学生就像他们的老朋友一样。8. many of the students and villagers never leave the village. 许多学生和村民从未离开过村庄。许多学生和村民从未离开过村庄。 le

21、ave v. 离开离开 please turn off the light when you leave. 走时请关灯。走时请关灯。 the train will leave in a second. 列车马上要开了。列车马上要开了。 “leave for + 地点地点”表示表示“动身去某地动身去某地” he will leave for shanghai tomorrow. 明天他将出发去上海。明天他将出发去上海。 “leave+ 地点地点 + for + 地点地点”表示表示“离开离开某地去某地某地去某地” why are you leaving shanghai for beijing?

22、你为什么要离开上海去北京?你为什么要离开上海去北京? explain the key points9、it is their dream to have a bridge.有一座桥是他们的梦想。有一座桥是他们的梦想。句中句中it为形式主语,真正的主语是为形式主语,真正的主语是“to have a bridge”翻译:成为一名音乐家是我的梦想。it is my dream to be a musicianexplain the key points10、have to+动词(原型),表示客观上不动词(原型),表示客观上不得不做某事,单三得不做某事,单三has tomust +动词(原型)表示主观

23、上必须做某事。动词(原型)表示主观上必须做某事。they have to cross a very big river between their school and the village.他们他们不得不穿过他们学校和村庄之间的一条大河。不得不穿过他们学校和村庄之间的一条大河。we must study hard,because we are young.我们必须努力学习,因为我们还很年我们必须努力学习,因为我们还很年轻。轻。过河上学过河上学 你怎样上学?步行还是骑车?坐公交还是乘你怎样上学?步行还是骑车?坐公交还是乘火车?对许多学生来说,到校上学属易事。但火车?对许多学生来说,到校上学属

24、易事。但对中国一个小村庄的学生来说,却是困难的。对中国一个小村庄的学生来说,却是困难的。在他们村庄和学校之间有一条很大的河,河上在他们村庄和学校之间有一条很大的河,河上没有桥,而且河水湍急,不宜划小船摆渡,所没有桥,而且河水湍急,不宜划小船摆渡,所以这些学生靠滑铁索来过河上学。以这些学生靠滑铁索来过河上学。 亮亮,亮亮, 一个一个1111岁男孩,每天过河上学,岁男孩,每天过河上学,但他并不害怕。但他并不害怕。“我爱跟我的同学们玩耍,而我爱跟我的同学们玩耍,而且我爱我的老师。他待我就像父亲一样。且我爱我的老师。他待我就像父亲一样。” 许多村民和学生从未离开过这个村子。许多村民和学生从未离开过这个

25、村子。他们的梦想就是能有一座桥。他们的梦想能够他们的梦想就是能有一座桥。他们的梦想能够得以实现吗?得以实现吗?一、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。一、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1. is it easy for them _ (get) to school?2. the river runs too _ (quick) for boats. 3. his brother _ (cross) the river on a ropeway every day. 4. can this dream _ (come) true? cometo getcrossesquickly5. all the _

26、(village) want to have a nice bridge. 6. it takes six hours to get to his _ (grandparents) home. villagersgrandparents二、选词填空。二、选词填空。1. theres a shop _ our school and the park.think of, come true, by boat, on a ropeway, between between2. the students in kaishandao goes to school _. 3. how do they cro

27、ss the big river? they go _. 4. what do you _ the new violin? 5. his parents dream is to have a big house. they think it can _ soon. think ofon a ropewayby boatcome truefill in the blanks with the right form of the words, then make your own sentences: ride take from think of get to how do you _ scho

28、ol in the morning? what do you _ the transportation in your home town? when it rains i _ a taxi . how far is your home _ the bus station?1.i like to _my bike on the weekend. get tothink oftakefromrideexercise1.他的老师很像一个父亲一样对他。他的老师很像一个父亲一样对他。his teacher _ _ a father _ him.2.对许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。对许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。 for many students , its _ _ get to school.3. 我认为我的梦想会实现我认为我的梦想会实现 i think my dream can _ _4.她想知道我是怎样到达学校的。她想知道我是怎样到达学校的。she wants to know how _ _ _ _.5.


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