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1、八下英语unit4说课稿 unit 4 he said i was hard-working各位同行,大家好!今天我说课的内容是新目标八年级下unit 4 he said i was hard-working. 现在我就本单元的内容从以下几个方面进行分析:一、教材内容分析本单元的中心话题是:report someone said. 围绕这一话题,主要涉及句型:what did your math teacher say?he said i was hard-working.i can speak three languages.what did she say?she said she cou

2、ld speak three languages.本单元的语法项目是宾语从句,直接引语和间接引语,要注意在间接引语中,人称和时态的变化。二、教学重点和难点1、教学重点a、能够正确转述他人话语,会报告自己和他人的成绩单。b、掌握直接引语和间接引语的意义、功能和用法。c、进一步熟练一般过去时和过去进行时。2、教学难点直接引语和间接引语的相互转换。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标立足语言实践活动,在完成任务的过程中掌握动词短语,核心词汇,直接引语和间接引语。2、文化意识目标通过本单元的学习,让学生知道如何用英语正确转述他人话语。3、语言技能目标1)能捕捉特定的信息,抓住关键词。2)具备较熟练的运用英语转

3、述他人话语的能力。3)增强学生运用英语获取更多语言信息的能力并进行阅读策略的培养。4、学习策略目标学生能在一定程度上形成自主学习、有效交际、用英语思维和收集信息的能力,使学生在做中学英语。5、情感态度目标a、客观、合理的评价自己和他人。b、能主动帮助有困难的人,有助人为乐的高尚情怀。四、任务型活动task 1:“我的最爱”大调查task 2:“young lives”的现场秀task 3:故事大王task 4:“老师眼中的我”大采访task 5:校园情景剧五、教学过程设计课时结构:period 1:section a1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2cperiod 2:section

4、a3a, 3b, 4 section b2a, 2b, 2cperiod 3:section b3a, 3b, 3c, 4 selfcheckperiod 4:readingperiod 1.step 1. warming upread the chant.i am a girl, i am a girl.she said she was a girl.i can sing, i can sing.he said he could sing.i will be a doctor, i will be a doctor.he said he would be a doctor. 通过琅琅上口的c

5、hant,让学生感知本单元的学习重点。step 2. lead int: what will you be in the future?问到第3、4个学生的时候,再问全班,what did he/she say? he/she said he/she was a/an引出本课的重点句型。再通过一些图片中人物所说的话,向学生呈现间接引语中人称和时态的变化及其内在联系,如:i am a student. he said he was a student.i can speak english. she said she could speak english.i will go to shangh

6、ai. he said he would go to shanghai.im playing football. he said he was playing football.peter is watching tv. she said peter was watching tv.step 3. listening由上一环节的最后一幅图watch tv转到问学生:do you like watching tv?do you like watching soap opera? do you ever watch soap opera? what is a soap opera?what are

7、 some operas you know?通过这几个问题的问答,自然过渡到1b do you know what happened on“young lives”last night?lets listen and number.完成1b .step 4. pair workt: what did the people say in the soap opera?please ask and answer in pairs.a: what did marcia say?b: she said she was having a surprise. party for lana on frida

8、y night. 通过这一环节的生生互动,学生练习使用间接引语。step 5. listen and circle.t: do you want to know more about“young lives”. lets listen to the tape.完成听力练习2a and 2b.step 6. practice在完成2b 后,我把图片中的直接引语覆盖掉,让学生根据间接引语说出直接引语。这一活动的目的是加深学生在间接引语中要注意人称和时态的变化这一印象。step 7. talk about“young lives”a: what happened on“young lives”las

9、t night?b: ben told lana that marcia was going to have a surprise party for her. 通过这一活动,让学生知识转述他人话语,除了用said外,还可以用told,既练习间接引语,又加强了对间接引语的理解和运用能力。step 8. “我的最爱”大调查whats your favorite tv show?names favorite tv show peter soap opera report: peter said his favorite tv show was soap opera. 通过这一活动,使学生在学习中学

10、会合作、交流,在巩固间接引语的同时,以求促进学生发展。step 9. homework1、34个同学一小组,编young lives的续集。(鼓励学生充分发挥他们的想象力和创造力,培养学生多方面的能力。)2、调查并记录各科任老师对自己同桌的看法。(去调查老师对同桌的看法会激起学生学习的兴奋点。)period 2.step 1. warming up1.“young lives”live show.2. talk about“what happened in the play?”with your classmates.通过以上两个活动,不仅锻炼了学生的表达能力,而且培养了学生倾听的能力,在轻松

11、有趣的气氛中,再次巩固了间接引语的用法。“young lives”的现场秀评出最佳表演奖,最佳语言奖和最佳创意奖若干,充分肯定学生的表现,使他们获得成功的体验。step 2. readingt: you did a good job. do you want to know the true episode of“young lives”? read the newspaper story and fill in the blanks.过渡到3a的阅读部分。step 3. 我是小小故事家tell the class what happened on“young lives”.在熟悉3a内容的基

12、础上,让学生复述“young lives”的故事情节,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。step 4. selfevaluation故事复述完后,评出“故事大王”一名。t: what do you think of ben/lana/maria?通过学生对剧中人物的评价,自然过渡到学生的自我评价。what do you think of yourself?hardworking, lazy, good,be good at, be better atthatdo well indo better in, math, chinese, english.history, pe 通过学生的自我评价,让学生

13、习得语言,在肯定自我的同时,意识到自己的不足之处,明确今后努力的方面,以求全面发展。step 5. interevaluation(他人眼中的自己)a: i am not hardworking.b: really? i think you are very hardworking.通过同伴的互评,在巩固所学短语同时,培养学生正确审视自己和他人的能力。step6. scotts report card.show a picture of scott.t: do you know scott? what do scotts teachers think of him? lets do liste

14、ning完成2a 2b的听力练习。完成2b后,和学生一起讨论scott的成绩单:t :what did scotts spanish teacher say?ss: she said he was good at speaking?t :what did his history teacher say?he said he could do better.t :what did his science teacher say?he said he was a lazy student.(呈现report card的一般形式和内容,通过师生互动,练习间接引语。)step 7. interview

15、what did your teachers say?同桌互相交换上节课的作业(调查并记录各科任老师对自己的看法)。在生生互动中,不仅进一步巩固了间接引语,而且了解了在各科老师眼中自己是个怎样的学生,今后怎样做的更好,也为下节课3a和3b的阅读和写作做准备。step 8. homework1、根据上节课作业做一张自己的成绩单。(让学生把学到的知识运用到实践中去,做到学以致用。)2、完成activity 3b的写作,交给老师批改。period 3.step 1. guessing game从学生制作的成绩单中随便抽取几张,覆盖各科任老师的评价,让学生猜老师们怎么评价该同学。用到句型:i thin

16、k our chinese teacher said that×××通过竞猜游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,激活他们已有的知识和经验,以充分的语言材料来练习间接引语。step 2 . report your card.a: how was your report?b: my chinese teacher said i was hardworking.a: really? my chinese teacher said i was lazy.通过同学间互相汇报自己的成绩单,进一步巩固上节课所学,并为3a的阅读做好准备。step 3. alans report ca

17、rd.1. read the letter quickly and try to answer the following questions:1) what did alan get today?2) how did alan do in the endofyear exams?3) what did alans teacher say?让学生带着问题快速阅读信件,促进学生对信件的理解,同时这些问题有助于3b、3c写作训练的完成。2. find the key phrases in the letter.(通过学生的自主活动,加深对词组的掌握。)3. talk about alans rep

18、ort card.(进一步加深对信件内容的理解和运用间接引语转述他人话语的能力,并为3c的写作奠定基础。)step 4. writing.according to scotts report card. pretend to be scott, write a letter to your friend or your relative.step 5. homework1. finish off selfcheck 1.2. 把 selfcheck 2编成一个情景剧。(该任务具有挑战性,趣味性,可以使学生充分运用自己的创造力,整个学习过程充满了灵感和智慧。)period 4.step 1. w

19、arming upselfcheck 2情景剧表演。通过该表演,能让学生更好理解和运用间接引语,充分让学生展现自我,获得学英语的成功和快乐。step 2. discussion.t: we live in a happy life. do you think all of the people in the world live happily? think of people who need help and what can we do for them.(通过这一活动,激活学生原有的知识和经验,为下面的阅读埋下伏笔。)step 3. reading she said helping o

20、thers changed her life.1. read the passage quickly and tell the main idea of it.2. put the words into the correct space as you read.3. find the flowing key phrases and learn.1) sound like fun to sb.2) a new experience for sb.3) above sea level.4) thin air5) make sb. feel sick.6) bothand7) betweenand

21、8) do anything about9) open up ones eyes to10) be a good influence in(自主学习,主动习得)4. read and compare.what is life like for you and yang leis students?通过比较你和杨雷的学生们的生活、学习,让学生们懂得珍惜目前生活,培养学生尽已所能帮助他人的高尚品德。5. have a competition between boys and girls by asking and answering questions.通过男女生的比赛,可以激起学生的团体荣誉感,又可以加深对文章内容的理解。6.比赛完后,问学生:what do you think of yang lei? what can we learn from


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