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1、动词分类动词分类概念概念能独立作谓语的动词能独立作谓语的动词本身有意义,但不能独立作本身有意义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语。谓语。本身无意义或意义不完整,本身无意义或意义不完整,不能单独作谓语。不能单独作谓语。有一定词义,本身不表示动有一定词义,本身不表示动作和状态,而仅仅表达说话作和状态,而仅仅表达说话人的态度。人的态度。实义动词实义动词系动词系动词助动词助动词情态动词情态动词(一)实义动词(一)实义动词1._ 本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思完整。 i like the book.2. _自身意思完整,无需接宾语。 birds can fly.及

2、物动词及物动词不及物动词不及物动词词义辨析词义辨析 2) _ +“大地点”; _+“小地点” _+“地点名词” _是及物动词,+“地点名词”arrive inarrive atget toreach词义辨析词义辨析 3) _ 表“借入”; _表“借出” _表“长时间的借” borrowlendkeep词义辨析词义辨析 4) _ 表“给某人穿衣服”; _表“穿上”,强调动作; _表“穿着,戴着”, 强调状态。 dress sb.put onwear词义辨析词义辨析 5) _ “看见”,表结果; _ “看”,表动作,不及物; _ “看(比赛,电视)” _ “看(书、报)”,表阅读 seelook

3、(at)watchread词义辨析词义辨析 6) _ “带来,拿来” ; _ “拿去,带走; _ “扛,搬” ,用力移动,无方向 _ “去取,去拿”, 表往返拿物 bringtakecarryfetch, get词义辨析词义辨析 7) _ “死” ,不及物动词; _ “死的”, 形容词,表状态; _ “死” ,名词 _ “垂死的”,形容词 diedeaddeathdying词义辨析词义辨析 8) _ “说(语言)” ,“发言”; _ “说(内容)”, 及物; _ “谈论某事” ; _ “谈论某人” _ “告诉” speaksaytalk about sth.talk to (with) sb.

4、tell词义辨析词义辨析 9) _ “花钱(时间)” ,人做主语; _ “花钱”, 人做主语; _ “花钱” ,物做主语 _ “花时间”,物做主语 spendpaycosttake词义辨析词义辨析 10) _ “寻找” ,强调过程; _ “找到”, 强调结果; _ “找出,查明(起因)” _ “听”,强调过程 _“听到”,强调结果 look forfindfind outlisten (to)hear词义辨析词义辨析 11) _ 表“丢失,失去”; _表“忘记”; _表“把某物落在某处”。 loseforgetleave词义辨析词义辨析 12) _ 表“想到”; _表“考虑”; _表“仔细考虑

5、”。 think ofthink aboutthink overchoose the best answer 1. how much money did you _ on the dictionary? -29 yuan. a. pay b. spend c. cost d. takechoose the best answer 2. it _ almost 10 years to build panzhihua ertan power station, the second largest power station in asia. a. spent b. took c. cost d.

6、paidchoose the best answerchoose the best answer 3. would you please _ the tv? i can hardly hear the conversation between the two speakers. a. turn on b. turn up c. turn off d. turn downchoose the best answer 4. nancy, dont always _ that old jacket. it looks terrible. -but i think its cool, mom. a.

7、wear b. dress c. put on d. take offchoose the best answer 5. oh, ive left my schoolbag in the classroom. -dont worry. ill _ it for you. a. bring b. get c. take d. carrychoose the best answer 6. theres too much sunshine. -yeah. wed better _ sunglasses. a. put away b. put on c. take off d. take out语境练

8、习:所填是_词,是对_的判断 john,who was_1_(正穿着)t-shirt, was standing on the step of a house. an old woman c_2_ over to him. “my boy,” she a_3_ , “is your father at home?” “yes,” a_4_ john. the woman b_5_ ringing the bell. she rang and rang, but there was no answer. at last she t_6_ back to john and _7_ (说)angrily, “didnt you _8_ (说)that your father was at home?” “i did”, answered john, “but this i_9_ my house.”in my opinion,this boys face s


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