1、 Session 10 English IdiomsI. Warming up What does this mean really?Hurry up What about this one?disgust someoneAnd this?persevereThese idioms are all about food. Can you explain what they really mean? ngoing bananas情绪失控 ntaking two bites of the cherry做事过分小心,婆婆妈妈nselling like hot cakes畅销nplaying goos
2、eberry插在一对情侣之间Food Thought 精神粮食Numbers upndressed up to the _盛装赴宴ntalking _ to the dozen聊起来没完没了none in a _万里挑一nplaying _ fiddle居次要职位nin the_ heaven极乐世界nines nineteen second seventh thousand Animal CrackersnIts raining _ and dogs!nIve got a _ in my throat口渴.nThose are just _tears.nHes taken the _ sha
3、re.nI can smell a _.感到有可疑之处cats cobweb crocodile lion rat II. Definition nIdioms are set phrases and short sentences made up of two or more words; it functions as a unit of meaning which cannot be predicted from the literal meaning of its component words. 1. Semantic unity 语义的整体性语义的整体性 Each idiom is
4、 a single semantic unity. The meaning of an idiom is not the total sum of the meaning of its constituents. till the cows come home: The idiom functions as one wordan adverb meaning “forever”.无限期的 show the white featherfunctions as a verb meaning “to show fear”.III. Characteristics of idioms Other Ex
5、amples:nTo stick your neck out is to say or do something that is bold and a bit dangerous. A similar idiom is “go out on a limb”.引火上身,是某人处于危险的境地 nTo break the ice is to be the first one to say or do something, with the expectation that others will then follow. A similar idiom is “get the ball rollin
6、g.”打破僵局nTo have a chip on ones shoulder is to describe a person who acts rudely or aggressively. The person seems always ready for a fight.好斗nTo get long in the tooth means to get old.年龄过大了,老了 2. Structural stability 结构的固定性结构的固定性 The structure of an idiom usually remains unchangeable. In other words
7、, the constituent components of an idiom can not, generally speaking, be changed or replaced by other words. bury the hatchet休战休战 *bury the ax in (*the) question out of (the) question Many idioms are grammatically wrong, but idiomatically accepted. Long time no see. Like cures like. Go great guns.高速
8、高效的干高速高效的干According to grammatical function, idioms can be divided into 5 types:1) Nominal idioms名词性习语2) Adjectival idioms 3) Verbal idioms4) Adverbial idioms5) Sentence idioms谚语IV. Classification of idiomsThey function as the subject or the object in a sentence: a white elephant (沉重的负担沉重的负担, 无用的累赘东
9、西无用的累赘东西) brain trust ( (智囊团、思想库智囊团、思想库 ) ) the salt of the earth (社会中坚分子;高尚的人社会中坚分子;高尚的人 ) apple of discord (祸根) What is the apple of discord for this disaster? 1. Idioms nominal in natureThey function as complements or modifiers ina sentence. cut and dried (determined)坚定地,已成定局的坚定地,已成定局的 wide of th
10、e mark (irrelevant) up in the air (uncertain)The plan is cut and dried. What he told me was quite wide of the mark. The plan is still up in the air.2. Idioms adjectival in nature They function as predicate verbs in a sentence. make sure run short of 快用完了,缺乏快用完了,缺乏 keep after (反复提醒)反复提醒) get at (批评)(
11、批评) move in on (准备)攻击;影响(准备)攻击;影响 sit down under (忍受)忍受) make do with (凑合着用)凑合着用) poke ones nose into (探听,干涉)探听,干涉) make a clean breast of (和盘托出)和盘托出)3. Idioms verbal in natureVerbal idioms may also function as predicates. keep the pot boiling(维持生活)(维持生活) bite the hand that feeds one(恩将仇报)(恩将仇报) giv
12、e sb. the bag (解雇某人)解雇某人) cut a shine 招摇过市,出风头;摆阔招摇过市,出风头;摆阔 put a spoke in ones wheels (破坏某人的计划)破坏某人的计划) play to the gallery (讨好观众,迎合低级趣味)(讨好观众,迎合低级趣味) pull the wool over ones eyes (蒙蔽某人)(蒙蔽某人)3. Idioms verbal in natureThey function as adverbials in a sentence:tooth and nail: 拼命拼命We will work tooth
13、 and nail.heart and soul: We will serve people heart and soul. in nothing flat: 立刻,马上立刻,马上I will go there in nothing flat.through thick and thin: 不畏艰险不畏艰险We made it through thick and thin. 4. Idioms Adverbial in natureSuch idioms are usually in complete sentential form. They are usually proverbs or
14、sayings.Never do things by halves. 做事情不要半途而废做事情不要半途而废。All is not gold that glitters.闪亮的未必都是金子闪亮的未必都是金子Nothing ventured, nothing gained.不入虎穴不入虎穴, 焉得虎子焉得虎子。 Speech is silver, silence is gold. 能言是银,沉默是金能言是银,沉默是金Many hands make light work.人多好办事人多好办事Time tries all things.时间检验一切时间检验一切5. Sentence idioms In
15、 order to use the idioms appropriately, one should be aware of the following features of idioms: 1. stylistic features, 2. rhetorical features修辞, and 3. structural variations of idioms. V. Use of idioms Different idioms show different stylistic meanings. Some are casual, others formal or neutral in
16、style. 1. Stylistic features1) Colloquialism big wheel: 有影响或重要的人物有影响或重要的人物 Chomksy is a big wheel in linguistics.2) Slang cancer stick: 癌棒(指香烟)癌棒(指香烟) hit the sack: 上床睡觉上床睡觉 in the soup: 处于困境处于困境 I am deep in the soup now. 3) Literary expressions come to pass: take place; happen bear witness to: pro
17、ve, show作证作证 His action bore witness to his kindness. The same idiom may show stylistic differences when it is assigned different meanings. screw up informal: I get screwed up at the thought of going to see a dentist. (become nervous) slang: He has the ability to screw things up from start to finish
18、. (to make a mess of) neutral: He screwed up the letter and threw it in the wastepaper basket. (destroy or ruin)Stylistic features (1) Phonetic manipulation 音韵手段音韵手段 a. alliteration 头韵头韵 part and parcel重要部分重要部分 sum and substance 要旨要旨 fall flat (未能达到预想效果或完全失败)未能达到预想效果或完全失败) make ends meet dish the di
19、rt到处散播别人的谣言到处散播别人的谣言 chop and change时常改变(主意时常改变(主意) at sixes and sevens乱七八糟乱七八糟2. Rhetorical features b. rhyme 押尾韵押尾韵 toil and moil辛苦工作辛苦工作 wear and tear 磨损磨损 by hook and by brook 不择手段地不择手段地 fair and square 正大光明正大光明 art and part 策划并参与策划并参与 high and dry 孤立无援孤立无援 hoity-toity 神气十足神气十足 hurry-scurry 慌慌忙忙
20、慌慌忙忙 Might makes right. 强权即公理。强权即公理。(2) lexical manipulation 词语手段词语手段 a. reiteration (duplication of synonyms) pick and choose 挑剔挑剔 aches and pains 各种疼痛各种疼痛 babes and sucklings 天真而单纯的人们天真而单纯的人们 by leaps and bounds 飞跃地飞跃地 toss and turn 翻来覆去翻来覆去 cool and calm镇静镇静 safe and sound 安然无恙安然无恙 puff and blow
21、喘气喘气 b. repetition (repetition of the same word) 词语重复词语重复 by and by 不久,马上不久,马上 neck and neck out and out 十足的,十足的, 彻底的彻底的 such and such 这样那样的这样那样的 through and through 彻头彻尾地彻头彻尾地 over and over 反复地反复地 on and on 连续不断地连续不断地 measure for measure 针锋相对的针锋相对的 call a spade a spade 直言不讳直言不讳 c. juxtaposition (co
22、mbination of two antonyms) 并置并置对举对举 day and night rain or shine 无论晴雨无论晴雨 (3) Figurative manipulation 修辞手段修辞手段 a. Simile as proud as a peacock非常高傲非常高傲 as mute as a fish守口如瓶守口如瓶 feel like a fish out of water感到生疏,不适应环境感到生疏,不适应环境 If you feel like a fish out of water, you feel awkward or uncomfortable be
23、cause you are in an unusual or unfamiliar situation.Todd is a country boy raised in a small town in Northumberland and was like a fish out of water when he visited bustling London. b. Metaphor a white elephant a black sheep dark horse wet blanket a stage whisper (有意让别人能听到的耳语)有意让别人能听到的耳语) to set ones
24、 home in order (内部整顿)内部整顿) between the devil and the deep sea (进退维谷)进退维谷) c. Metonymy from cradle to gravelive by ones pen靠写靠写作为生作为生 red tape d. Personification Actions speak louder than words. Failure is the mother of success. The pot calls the kettle black. (五十步笑一百步)五十步笑一百步) e. Hyperbole a world o
25、f troubles a flood of tears Despite the property of structural stability, idioms occasionally do show structural changes in terms of 1) addition 2) deletion3) replacement 4) position-shifting3. Structural Variations 3. Variations of idioms1) Addition: 增加增加 “in good condition” from “in condition”2) D
26、eletion: 减少减少 “the last straw” from “It is the last straw that breaks the camels back.”3) Position-shifting: 位置替换位置替换 day and night = night and day4) Replacement: 替换替换 “lose heart” vs. “take heart” 振作 “break ones word” vs. “keep ones word”Origin of English IdiomsnLiterary worksnThe BiblenMythologynF
27、ablesnHistorical eventsnAnimal metaphornDaily lifeIdioms from literary worksnscrew ones courage(鼓起勇气、壮起胆子)-Shakespeare Macbethnto the manner born(与生俱来的)-Hamletnpond of flesh(合情但悖于情理的要求)-Merchant of Venicenman Friday(忠仆、得力助手)-Daniel Defoe Robinson CrusoenBrevity is the soul of wit. (Shakespeare) nLiv
28、e not to eat, but eat to live. (Franklin)nKnowledge is power. (Bacon) 言以简为贵Idioms from the BiblenJudass kiss(犹大之吻,比喻出卖朋友)nmuch cry and little wool(雷声大,雨点小,比喻空叫喊根据圣经故事:魔鬼看见纳巴尔在羊身上剪羊毛,也模仿着在猪身上剪,结果把猪弄得嗷嗷叫,却什么也没有剪下来)nturn the other cheek(忍受暴力、忍受侮辱,上帝在布道时讲如果有人打你的左脸,你就把右脸也递出去)nThe spirit is willing, but t
29、he flesh is weak.(心有余而力不足)nSpare the rod and spoil the child.(棒打出孝子)。Idioms from MythologynPandoras box(潘多拉的盒子,引申为灾祸之源)nSphinxs riddle(难解之谜,狮身人面怪兽提出 “什么动物早晨四条腿,中午两条腿,而晚上三条腿”的谜语)nthe heel of Achilles (亦作 the Achilles heel,阿基里斯的脚踵,引申为唯一的弱点、要害)nbetween Scylla and Charybdis(比喻进退维谷、腹背受敌)nDead Sea fruit(比
30、喻某些事物金玉其外、败絮其中,华而不实)Idioms from fablesnnaked truth(原原本本的事实、赤裸裸的事实)nkill the goose that laid the golden eggs(杀鸡取卵、涸泽而鱼)nsour grapes(聊以自慰的话,狐狸吃不到葡萄就说葡萄是酸的)nbell the cat(替别人冒风险,老鼠要给猫带上铃铛的寓言故事)ncats paw(被别人利用的人,猴子想吃火中的栗子,骗猫为其火中取栗)nthe last straw (终于使人不能忍受的最后一击)na wolf in sheeps clothing (披着羊皮的狼,比喻危险人物、面
31、善心毒的人)ncry wolf(狼来了!比喻发假警报)Idioms from historical eventsnmeet ones Waterloo(一败涂地,出自 1815 年的“滑铁卢之战”,类似中国的败走麦城)nburn ones boats (bridges)(破釜沉舟,讲的是古罗马恺撒等名将出征时,常烧毁船只,士兵无路可退,只有勇往直前,战胜敌人)Idioms from animal metaphornas wise as owls(聪明,西方人认为猫头鹰是聪明智慧的象征)nas quiet as mouse (安静如鼠,非常安静)nas timid as rabbit (胆小如鼠
32、)nno spring chicken (已不再年轻的女人)nswans song(告别演出,源于天鹅将死时凄婉的鸣叫声)nbury ones head in the sand(采取逃避措施、逃避现实,鸵鸟在遇到危险的时候会把头埋在沙子里)ncome out of the cocoon(停止自我封闭,开始与人交往)Idioms from daily life (navigation, agriculture, etc.)non the rocks(触礁、濒临毁灭)nall at sea(茫然)ngo with stream(随波逐流)nhold out an / the olive branc
33、h(愿意讲和,在西方橄榄枝被认为是和平的象征)nreap what one has sowed(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)nbed of roses(舒适的生活)nas cool as cucumber(泰然自若、冷静)nturn on a new leaf(改头换面)nhear through the grapevine(道听途说)nbeat around the bush(旁敲侧击)nbe sour grapes(尖酸刻薄的人)nspill the beans(泄露秘密)媒体中常用的习语总结媒体中常用的习语总结 1. Money doesnt grow on trees. This often
34、is said by parents to their young children. For example, when I was a young child, I really wanted a bike for my birthday. The bike was very expensive. When I asked my mother if I could have the bike, she said “No, money doesnt grow on trees.” What my mother meant was that she couldnt afford the bik
35、e. She couldnt just pick the money like leaves from a tree. 媒体中常用的习语总结媒体中常用的习语总结 2. Money is the root of all evil. This is often said when something bad has happened because of money. For example, Tom and Andrew are best friends. Andrew lent Tom money so that Tom could buy a car. Andrew now wants hi
36、s money back but Tom hasnt got it. A fight starts between the two friends and Tom is badly hurt. A newspaper journalist reporting the incident ends his story by saying “Money is the root of all evil.” It was because of the loan of money that the fight started. 媒体中常用的习语总结媒体中常用的习语总结 3. Money cant buy
37、you love. No matter how much you earn, there are things that you cant buy. A school boy really likes a girl in his class. He buys her flowers, jewelry and other beautiful things. But when he asks her out on a date she says “no”-money cant buy you love. 媒体中常用的习语总结媒体中常用的习语总结 4. I wouldnt do that for l
38、ove or money. This saying means that there is no way you would do a certain thing. For example, you hear on the radio that a man is going to walk the entire length of the Great Wall with a book on his head. Id never do that, you think, so you say: “I wouldnt do that for love nor money.”无论如何媒体中常用的习语总
39、结媒体中常用的习语总结 5. A fool and his money are soon parted. This means that a stupid person spends his money quickly and too easily. For example, a friend of mine bought an extremely expensive pair of trousers. When she told me I thought to myself: “A fool and his money are soon parted.”笨蛋难聚财Ways to talk a
40、bout time 1. Time waits for no one. 2. Time flies when you are having fun. 3. I have time on my hands. 有的是时间4. Take your time. 5. The time passed at a snails pace. This has the opposite meaning to “time flies,” meaning that time went by as slowly as a snail crawls. Ways to talk about time 6. I havent seen you for donkeys ears. It means “I havent seen you in a very long time,” and is a pun on “donkeys ears,” since donkeys have very long ears. 7. We have all the time in the world. This simply mea
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