1、2011 大学英语四级考前写作急训作文、从句到段:段落的展开基本句法掌握之后,接下来就要训练段落写作,这是因为段落是文章的基本组成 部分,要写出好文章,必须在段落写作上多下功夫。段的基本组成是句子,好的段落应该是该段中所有的句子都围绕着一个主题展开,且句与句之间应该是紧密相连,形成 统一的整体即 un ified and cohere nt 那么怎样将一个段落展开 呢?下面介绍英语中几 种常用的方法。(一时间顺序按时间顺序写作就是按照事物发展在时间上的正常顺序或先后顺序展开段落。 在讲述故事或回忆 事件时,先发生的先写,后发生的后写。ExampleMy heart gave a leap wh
2、en I heard the announ ceme nt that our train would soon arrive at its desti nati on-Beiji ng. Likeother passe ngers, I bega n to collect my things and put my mug , towel , atlas , apples , andother things into my bag. To the tune of a beautiful song the train pulled into the stati on andgen tly stop
3、ped by a platform. I walked out of the train and was carried forward by the streamof people into an un dergro und passage and the n into a big hall. As I stepped out of thestatio n, I was dazzled by the bright autu mn skies of Beijing. Though I had been on the trainfor more the thirty hours and spen
4、t an sleepless ni ght, I did nt feel tired at all, and I believedmy days in this glorious city would be as sunny as the skies.匚空间顺序按空间顺序组织材料通常用于描述一个地方、事情或人物外貌等。其文章内容 应按照由近及远、由远及近、自下而上、自上而下、按顺时针方向或逆时针方向 排列 ,ExampleIn the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard stood three magno lia trees( , all in
5、 fullbloom. A little girl was hop ing among them, now gaz ing at a bud, now collect ing falle npetals. Un der one of the trees stood her pare nts, who , while keeping an eye on her, wereexamining the snow white blossoms with great interest and admirati on. In front of ano thertree a young couple, fr
6、esh and bright as the flowers, were pos ing for a picture. At the end ofthe courtyard a group of youn gsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing limb,which looked so charming and real that a boy stooped to sniff at a half-open flower. At theopposite end a few elderly men and women s
7、tood admiri ng the leafless floweri ng trees andthe people look ing at them.(三列举法通过列举一系列的论据对主题句中的论点进行广泛、全面的陈述或解释,列举的顺序可按照所列各点的内容的相对重要性、时间、空间来排列,ExampleThe Other Side of City LifeIn the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and convenience, yet they dont see the other s
8、ide of the picture. First, with the expa nsion of the city,housing has become a serious problem for city people. Then, there is the problem of pollution:harmful gases from vehicles and pois onous water from factories pollute our surroundings; no ise continu ally disturbs your peace and rest and driv
9、es you mad. Thirdly, moder n citylife puts a high pressure upon people; you have to hurry to and from work; you have to dodgein so as to avoid bumping into the flood of people, bicycles , cars , buses ,; all day long youare under great stress. Fourthly , big cities also cause some social problems. O
10、f which highcrime rate is the most serious one. People are justifiably in fear of becoming victims ofburglary, robbery , murder and other crimes at any time. They should find some ways tocope with all these problems.(四举例法在主题句中简要、概括地说明一个段落的主题思想之后,可以用具体的、生动的事例来支撑论证 主题,向目标读者展示并使他们具体感受主题句中尚未展开的内容和细节。Exa
11、mpleThis term several usefuland in teresti ng courses have bee n offered. An In troducti on to Europea n Culture, for in sta nee,gives us a lot of backgro und kno wledge of the history of Europea n philosophy, literature , and arts.From time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear ta
12、pes of famous pieces of music ,and they make the lectures all the more interesting. America n Society and Culture is ano ther coursethat attracts a large audie nee. The teacher, who visited the Un ited States not long ago, discusses newtrends and cha nges in American life as well as American history
13、 and traditions. We like these and othercourses very much, because they help us not only to improve our En glish but also to broade n our vision.(五比较和对比比较(comparison 主要是指出两个或两个以上不同种类的事物的共同点或相似 之处,如人物、地点、事物、思想、观点等。对照(co ntrast 主要是指出它们的不同 点。相同的或类似的特征可以组成比较,不同的特征则可以组成对照。不仅如此,比 较和对比常常同时使用,这是因为比较中往往隐含着对比
14、。比较和对比常有两种形式,即整体比较和对比(block comparison and contrast 与逐项比较 (alternating comparison。Example Although Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee were fierceadversaries during the Civil War, their lives, both military and nonmilitary, has a great deal in com mon.Grant desce nded from a family whose members part
15、icipated in the America n Revoluti on. He receivedhis commissi on of sec ond lieute nant from West Point and served in the Spani sh-America n War. Hewas later sum moned by Preside nt Lincoln to assume comma nd of the Union Forces duri ng the CivilWar.After the Civil War, Grant suffered finan cial pr
16、oblems and was forced to declare ban kruptcy. Leealso desce nded from a family which en gaged in the America n Revoluti on. He, too , received hiscommissi on from West Point and later fought in Mexico during the Spanish-American War. His fame asa military strategist during the Civil War , whe n he w
17、as the comma nder of the Con federate armies, iswell known. Although it is not always pointed out by historians he, like Grant, had financial difficultiesafter the civil War and was compelled to out by historians he, like Grant, had finan cial difficulties afterthe civil War and was compelled todecl
18、are ban kruptcy. By securi ng a post as preside nt of Wash ingtonCollege, he was able to avoid additi onal poverty.(整体比较The same qualities that make people good house guests make them good hospital patie nts. Goodhouse guests can expect a reas on able amount of service and effort on their behalf, an
19、d hospital patients can also. Guests have to adjust to what is for them a cha nge, and certainly hospital patients must dothe same. No one appreciates a complaining , un pleasa nt , un appreciative house guest, and thehospital staff is no excepti on. Hose guests who expect vast cha nges to be made f
20、or their ben efit arenot popular for long. Certainly nurses and other personnel with their routines feel the same way aboutpatients in their care. Just as house guests must make adjustme nts to enjoy their visits , so patie ntsmust make adjustme nts to make their stays reas on ably pleasa nt and sat
21、isfy ing un der the circumstances.逐项比较(六原因和结果因果分析是常用的拓展段落的方法之一,一定要注意推理的逻辑性因果关系必 须表达清楚,不能因果混淆,更不能因果倒置,要避免牵强附会和循环论证。一个原 因可能造成一个或多个结果,也可能在一大段文章中涉及到一连串因果关系。一个 结果也可能由多种原因所引起,通常先写结果,后写多种原因;但也可先写原因后写 结果。另外,如果哟啊强调原因或结果,可用倒装或强调句型加以突出。ExampleThe surge of dema nd for oil will soon begi n to send shock waves th
22、rough the America neconomy and tran sportati on system. The impact of these tremors can already be an ticipated:to thecon sumer they sig nal the end of a long love affair with the car, and to Detroit they offer an early warningthat its 1985 growth aims are dangerously un realistic. Un less we exerci
23、se foresight and devisegrowth-limits policies for the auto in dustry, eve nts will thrust us into a crisis that will lead to a substantial erosi on of domestic oil supply as well as the independence it provides us with, and a levelof petroleum imports that could cost as much as $20 to $30 billi on p
24、er year.Moreover, we would still be depleting our remaining oil reserves at an unacceptable rate , and scrambling for petroleum substitutes , with eno rmous pote ntial damage to the en vir onment.(七定义法有时候为了避免混淆或误解,我们必须对一个词、一条术语或谚语、一个概念 通过下定义加以说明、解释。通常有三种方法下定定义:给出同义词、用一个带有 定语从句的复合句或用一整段文章,而以第 三种方法最为常
25、用。1997 年 1 月份四级 考试的作文 Practice Makes Perfect 就是一篇极为典型的定义型文章。ExampleA “liberated woman ” is simply a woman who controls her own life, rather tha n allowing it to be con trolled by other people, traditi ons , or expectati ons. A“liberated woman” can be found pursuing any line of work , including house
26、work, or nowork at all. She may or may not be married; she may or may not have borne childre n. She may bel ongto any race; she may have atta ined any age. She n eed have only one trait in com mon with her“liberated sisters ” :she makes her own choices, whether they be the colors on her walls or the
27、 advaneed degrees she seeks. She acts of her own voliti on, responsible to herself, and not out of fear of whather mother, lover , or neighbor might say.(八分类法所谓 分类”就是根据人物和事物的特征将他们/它们分别归入各自不同的范 畴。在写这一类段 落时,一定要抓住各个类别的典型特征,不要异类相串,混淆起 来。 ExampleAccording to Xiao Li,the fifteen students of his class fall
28、 into threegroups. Seve n of them work hard and study well. They always get good marks inexam in ati ons and are ofte n praised by the teachers. Li calls them。 The good stude ntsmon itor, the secretary of the Youth League bran ch, and the captai n of the class volleyball team, arequick in finding ou
29、t what their fellow students are interested in or what they should do as a collective.They always organize proper activities at the proper time , so Li calls them “ good orga nizerFour”otherstude nts are very ki nd to their classmates,always ready to lend them a help ing hand. They help to clea n th
30、eclassroom and thecorridor eve n whe n they are not on duty. Li says that they are从段到篇:四种体裁掌握了前面八种段落展开的天龙八部”在面对任何级别的英语考试的作文时相信大家都可以从容落笔,应付如裕。不过,大家仍然要谋篇布局,从篇章的角度对自 己要写的内容作宏观的整体上的把握,这就要求大家区分各种体裁,以采用不同的方法去应对。英语文章的体裁可分为四类,即:1、记叙文(n arration 2、描述文 (description 3、说明文(exposition 4、议论文(argumentation和中文无异。限于
31、篇幅,在此就不一一举例详细论述,只说一下写作要领。先说记叙文。 所谓 narration 就是叙述一件事或一连串事件,像四级曾经考过的 A Morning Walk(晨间漫步即是一例。在写这类作文时,要注意以下几点:首先,在一 开始就要设定时间、地点、人物,一定要交代清楚;其次,在讲述发生的事件本身时,要选取一些关键的细节,不要漫无边际或不着边际,而组织那些素材一般采用 时间 顺序”亦即先发生的先写,后发生的后写,或用倒叙法,先讲结局,再从头描述经过。另 外,要注意人称、时代的一致性。再看描述型文章。 所谓 description 就是用文字对一个人、 一个地方、 一件物 体或一个场景进行描
32、绘。在描述自己的印象时,一定要尽量选取那些有助于表现人 物、场景的典型特征和突出特点,剔除那些枝 蔓的零碎的细节。只有这样,才能使所 描述的内容呼之欲出、跃然纸上,具有极大的表现力。“ Wgoatd fellowsabout yourself?some one asks him.Im a grou-akgood/oeitferver.再谈谈说明文。这是四级考试中出现最为频繁的体裁,无论是 Aor B、A and B,还是 Why to do、Howto do,或是图表型作文,都可归入此类。如果说描述文主 要涉及外表和感4受,记叙文主要涉及事件和经历,那么说明文则主要是关于过程和关系。举例来 说
33、吧,我们面前有一件物体,如果要对其外观进行描写,我们就要写成描述型的作文,如果要解释 它是如何制作的,又是如何使用的,那就必须写成说明文;我们可以讲述一个历史事 件,到底发生了什么,何时何地发生,都有谁参 与其中,那就是叙述,而要讨论该事件的 前因后果,它的本质又是什么,以及在历史长河中的深远意义,那就必须写成说明文。 前面所介绍的展开段落的方法,如分类法、定义法、比较和对比、举例法等等,大多 数都可用于说明文的写作。最后谈谈议论文。说明文是一种以阐释和解说为表达方式,用简洁、平实、通俗的语言 对事物的、事理的、人物的特性、情况、背景等所作的解释和介绍的文 体,而议论文则是以议论为主要表达方式
34、,以逻辑思维为主要思维方式,对现实生活中 的现象和原理说长道短、论是斥非、阐明自己的立场和观点的一种文体,二者不可相混淆。说明是让人明白,而议论则要令人信服。论点要旗帜鲜明,论据要充分有力 论证要符合逻辑。就四级考试而言,真正意义上的议论文并不多见,即便是已经考过 的议论文,如幸运数字、英语口试的必要性等,也较易处理,因此不再赘述。需要强调的是,在四级考试中,往往是在同一篇文章中几种体裁兼而有之,大家 不要拘泥于教条,如 2003 年 6 月的车祸见证书,记述、描写、说明三种体裁都有所 照顾,目的是要检测同学们对于不同类型 写作的把握,全面地考察写作教学的水平。三、衔接和过渡这是一个技术性的问
35、题。有了好的思想,写出了没有语法错误的句子,是否意味 着就是一篇好作文呢?恐怕未必。古人做文章讲究 起承转合”英语作文也同样要 注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡和粘连,只有那样才能使文章成为一个和谐的有机 统一的整体。提高文章的连贯性,常用的方法有使用平行结构、重 复单词或词组、用代词代替前文中的句子、保持名词/代词的数的一致和动词的时态的一致等等。America ns are queer people:they cant play. America ns rush to work as soon as they grow up.They want their work as soon as th
36、ey wake. It is a stimulant-the only one they are not afraid of. Theyused to ope n their offices at ten oclock; the n at nine; the n at eight; then at seve n. Now they n evershut them. Every bus in ess in America is tur ning into an ope n-all-day-a nd-ni ght bus in ess. They eatall ni ght, dance all
37、ni ght, make no ise all ni ght. They cant play. They try to, but cant. They tur n footballinto a fight, baseball into a lawsuit, and yacht ing into mach in ery. They cant play. The little childre ncant play; they use mecha ni cal toys in stead-toy cran es, hoisti ng toy loads , toy mach inery spread
38、i nga toy in dustrial depressi on of infan tile dull ness. The grow nup people cant play; they use a mecha nical gymn asium and a clockwork horse. They cant laugh; they hire a comedia n and watch him laugh.另一种做法是使用表示各种关系的承接词,下面列出一些常用的连接词和短语 供大家参考,希望大家在平时的练习中有效地运用。(一空间段落展开above before me before on th
39、e left5across from below in the dista nce on the right adjace nt to bey ond n earby opposite to also furthern ext to on top of up dow n close to ben eath un der around n ear to over(二时间段落展开first , sec ond , etc. soon eve ntually in the mean time the n un til at the same time n ext thereafterafter a
40、while now after prese ntly later afterward somewhat later fin ally at last(三分析段落展开first , sec ond , etc. now for this purpose but as a result furthermore fin ally at last moreover alsocon seque ntly likewise ano ther for example n ext yet for in sta nee on the contrary once in addition insummary suc
41、h in this case on the other hand then otherwise in eon clusi on thus to sum up therefore(四比较段落展开ano ther furthermore moreover equally importa nt too, also at the same time besides the n accordin gly in fact in additi on to like, likewise similarly just as, so in much the same way(五对比段落展开on the con t
42、rary differe nt from / in con trast on the other hand in spite of / despite yet, but whereasun like n evertheless not only, but also here, there years ago, today this, that6the former, the latter then, now the first, whereas the second some, others on the one hand, on theother on ce, now四、样卷定稿An Eye
43、-Wit ness Acco unt of a Traffic Accide ntI saw the Traffic Accide nt in Tianjin Road. The Traffic Accide nt has bee n at the morning, May 1.Two children by bike went to school. A car is so fast, the streel. And the car touched two childre n by bike,and the Traffic Accide nt has happe ned. One is tou
44、ched so far wayand the other is put down. Marypeople come here, and they sent to two chidten who go to Hospiton. Wait a time, The ploiemen arriverdin the Accident place.My opi ontoin: The car driver is so fast by car, and He did nt atte ndati on to the childre n by bikeaside the road. Two childre n
45、by bike did nt heared the car come. All of above, I think the car driver mustbe serier the Traffic Accide nt.It was last Friday morning. The accide nt happe ned whe n I was on my way to school. It was soterrible that I would n ever forget it.I was walk ing along the road, and there are not so many c
46、ars on the road. Then, with a big sound,the accide nt happe ned. The red car stoped sudde nly on the road so that the driver of follow ing carcould nt resp ond immeditely. The back of the red car was badly damaged, but fortun ately there was nopeople injured in this accide nt. I thi nk the main reas
47、 ons are as follows:First of all, the red car should ntstop sudde nly without any sig nals. Secondly, the following car should keep a certain distance from thefront car so that the driver could have eno ugh time to take measurs whe n any badly situati on. Fin ally,these two drivers were careless. If
48、 they had paid more attention to driving, this accdent would nt havehappe ned.The traffic accide nt was take n place at the jun cti on of two highways whe n I was driv ing my carhome at about 4 oclock,The yellow car invo Ived in the accide nt was running at a high speed along the righthand when itha
49、ppened. Hardly it reached the junction when it cracked with a truck running from ano ther directi on.There was no time for the drivers to cha nge the direct ions.I think the accident mostly attributed to such reasons:Firstly and the foremost, it was thecarelessness of both of the drivers that mostly
50、 made the accidents happen. It was not too careful forthem when running a car. Secondly , the weather also should be resp on sible for it. The fog made thevisi on of drivers vague. Last but not the least , the con structure of the roads was un reas on able. Thetrafic lights are n eeded at any juncti
51、ons.We always working till late at night before taking exams.误We are always worki ng /We always work till late at ni ght before tak ing exams 正We should read books may be useful to us 误 We should read books which may be useful to us.正2、句子成分多余This test is end, but there is ano ther test is wait ing f
52、or you.误 One test en ds, but ano ther is waiting for you.(正The driver of the red car was died on the spot.(误)The driver of the red car died on the spot.(正)3、主谓不一致 Some on e/Somebody thi nk that read ing should be selective.(误) Some think thatreading should be selective.(正) My sister go to the cin ema at least once a week.(误)sister
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