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1、旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力:罗马尼亚的案例外文及翻译毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目: 系部名称: 经济管理系 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 7>2013年月日20世纪90年代初,罗马尼亚旅游业经历了出口量,生长速率和结构的重大变化。这些不同的波动都影响了罗马尼亚在国际旅游市场上相对的竞争地位并引起了其旅游贸易平衡的变化。同时,新的和更多的错杂的欧式建筑,引起了罗马尼亚的区域旅游竞争力的显著变化。在此背景下,本文试图提出一个框架,以竞争力和旅游贸易表现之间的关系为重点,来评估罗马尼亚的旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力。一、国际竞争力视角:国际竞争力之与国际旅游业的相关性国

2、际竞争力的概念,尽管有争议,难以捉摸,但现在已经得到认可,并继续吸引世界各地的学者和决策者的关注。到目前为止,为提高国际竞争力已采取措施,都被认为是在经济层面进行的 加瑞利,2003 通常是指一个国家生产的商品和服务,以满足国际市场的考验,并同时保持和增加公民的收入的能力 欧洲委员会,2007 。由于竞争力最终取决于一国企业在国内和国际的市场成功,所以对竞争力的注意力都集中在企业层面的竞争力上 波特,1990 ,对于此的普遍理解是指“该公司保持,并更好的是,扩大其全球市场份额,增加和扩大利润的能力” 克拉克和盖,1998, 经济合作与发展组织,1993 。因此,虽然广泛流传但是国际竞争力作为与

3、国家经济和其国际贸易相关的理论基础已经不太在学术文献进行分析。因此,一个国家国际竞争力的性质,效益和局限性仍然含糊不清 科尔德威尔,2000,克鲁格曼,1994, 1996 。国际竞争力,是指一个国家在货物和服务贸易方面巩固和保持贸易优势相对于世界其他地区的贸易优势。每当一个国家的经济福利通过贸易流量的增加,或通过从初始平衡状态的贸易条件的改变而增加,他的国际竞争力都会得到提高 科尔德威尔,2000 。贸易理论表示,经济福利依赖于一个国家有比较优势的货物和服务的生产。这实际上意味着当生产符合一国的比较优势的情况时国际竞争力能得到保障。如果一国能在国际上表现良好并在出口市场竞争成功,这可能就是他

4、们健全的国际竞争力的标志。因此,在国际上,竞争力定义为一个经济体能够吸引其出口需求和投资供给需求的能力和在所有社会规范内提升公民生活水平的能力。这反过来又取决于宏观和微观经济政策,影响生产的经济生产率要素和经营成本的法规和制度。一个可用的文献回顾和实证证据支持国际竞争力可以解释为在一定程度上,一个国家的出口能力这一观点 道乐和沃尔夫,1993, 格博格等. 2004 。还有就是,事实上,是出口表现和国际竞争力之间的循环关系。出口是国际竞争力的第一衡量指标。出口情况的改善会导致了一个国家的竞争力提升。这种效果是一个企业的技能,知识,创新和运用新技术并能够在一个成功的商业方式中利用技术机会等的结果

5、。另一方面,为了在竞争激烈的全球市场努力成功实现出口,一个国家被迫提高竞争力。更具竞争力的国家,它的经济更强大。因此,它更有能力在全球市场竞争,以吸引具有较高的知识,技能,水平人们去购买新技术等,并改善其出口业绩,以及达到更好的出口业绩。反过来,这可能有利于更多的创新,引起其竞争力的提高。因此,出口业绩和竞争力不应该被视为孤立的,因为它们是相互依存的。然而,竞争力不应该只等同于一个国家的出口能力。其中,出口市场份额的演变也是贸易竞争力的重要元素, 而后者仅仅是一个国家的竞争力组成部分由欧洲里斯本宣言定义为通过提供更多和更高质量的就业,改善和提高其居住生活水平和产生更大的社会凝聚力。个别国家收益





10、构。这变量反映了旅游部门在该国出口总额中的相对重量;最后,通过市场的进口结构,旅游部门在所分析的进口市场的推动力程度就可以确定了。我们定义这种旅游服务的格局为这种经济撤退活动,除了会失去市场份额,其在国际贸易中的影响力也会下降。结合这两个变量,旅游业作为服务出口部门可以列为执行、错过机遇,下降和撤退,等价于之前提到的意义。(二)研究结果1. 指标市场份额的演变表明了旅游业作为国际经济中每个国家的服务出口部门的穿透能力。数据显示,在分析期间,欧盟25国经济体属于世界主要的旅游服务提供商,因为他们整体在世界旅游出口提供中占45%。总之,由这些国家组成的这个团体稍微减少了旅游服务的全球配额的持有比例






16、必要的。旅游服务方面的信息缺乏尤其严重。这方面的缺陷让任何研究都陷入困难,因为这些部门在部门中具有举足轻重的地位。处于这个原因,在目前的论文中避免了更多这方面的细节。本文构建了第一个也是有必要的有助于对罗马尼亚旅游部门进行评估的更深层次和更复杂的步骤,并且有助于设计一个政策地图旨在提高行业的竞争力。成为欧盟的正式成员对克服罗马尼亚旅游服务贸易竞争力现有的弱点可能有积极的作用。这一两年重复上述分析可能将更好的揭示成为欧盟成员后旅游服务贸易竞争力的后果。标注:本文摘译自2009年旅游经济的进步,第三部分,第189-192页the international competitiveness of t

17、rade in tourism services: evidence from romaniaana bobirca ,cristiana cristureanu advances in tourism economics 2009, part 3, 189-192, abstract: tourism is the only service activities that can provide trade opportunities for any level of development of the country. however, it is also a large extent

18、 because of the country's capacity and performance in the global economy and also has a clear benefit to the uneven distribution of industry, which they need to improve their competitiveness.since the early 1990s, romania's tourism industry has experienced significant changes in export volum

19、e, growth rate and structure. these fluctuations affect the relative competitive position of romania in the international tourism market and cause changes in the balance of its tourism trade. at the same time, new and more jumbled the european construction, caused a significant change in the regiona

20、l tourism competitiveness in romania.in this context, this paper attempts to propose a framework to focus on the relationship between competitiveness and tourism trade performance, and to assess the international competitiveness of the tourist trade in services in romania.first, the international co

21、mpetitiveness of international tourismthe concept of international competitiveness, although controversial, elusive, but has now been recognized, and all over the world continue to attract the attention of scholars and policy makers.so far, have been taken to improve the international competitivenes

22、s of measures have been considered at the economic level jiarui li, 2003 usually refers to a country's production of goods and services to meet the test of international markets, while maintaining and to increase the ability of the citizen's income european commission, 2007 .competitiveness

23、ultimately depends on a country's business success in domestic and international markets, the competitive attention focused on enterprise-level competitiveness porter, 1990 , for this generally understood to refer to ". the company to maintain and better, to expand its global market share t

24、o increase and the ability to expand profit " clark and cover, 1998, the organization of economic cooperation and development, 1993 .therefore, although the widespread international competitiveness as with the theoretical basis of the national economy and international trade have been less in t

25、he academic literature. therefore, the nature of a country's international competitiveness, efficiency and limitations are still unclear cole dwyer, 2000, krugman, 1994, 1996 . international competitiveness, consolidate and maintain trade advantage trade advantage relative to the rest of the wor

26、ld refers to a country's trade in goods and services.whenever a country's economic welfare through increased trade flows, or through the from initial equilibrium terms of trade change and increase international competitiveness will be improved the cole dwyer, 2000 . therefore, the internatio

27、nal competitiveness of the definition for an economy to attract its export demand and investment supply demand capabilities and the ability to enhance the living standards of citizens in all social norms. this in turn depends on the macro-and micro-economic policies affect the economic productivity

28、of the production elements and operating costs of the regulations and the system.a review of the literature and empirical evidence available to support international competitiveness can be explained to a certain extent, this view of a country's ability to export lok and wolff, 1993, ge boge, etc

29、. . there is, in fact, is a circular relationship between export performance and international competitiveness. exports is a measure of international competitiveness. the improvement in exports will lead to enhance the competitiveness of a country. this effect is the skills, knowledge, innovation an

30、d use of new technologies and the use of technology can be a successful business opportunity of the results of an enterprise. the other hand, in order to successfully achieve export efforts in the highly competitive global market, a country forced to improve their competitiveness. more powerful coun

31、try, its economy more competitive. therefore, it is better able to compete in the global market, in order to attract a higher level of knowledge, skills, level of people to buy the new technology, and improve its export performance, as well as to achieve better export performance. turn, may favor a

32、more innovative, caused by the improvement of their competitiveness.competitive, however, should not be only equivalent to a country's ability to export. where the evolution of the share of the export market is also an important element of the trade competitiveness, while the latter is only part

33、 of a country's competitiveness is defined as the lisbon declaration by the european through the provision of more and higher quality of employment, to improve and enhance the standard of living in and greater social cohesion. the world market share of the gain or loss of individual countries ar

34、e often seen as their trade competitiveness index. however, the growth of the market share depends on structural factors. due to changes in demand in the beginning of a period of a country's geographic and industry specialization is an important factor in shaping the growth of the market share i

35、n the future. similarly, the state the ability to adapt to changes such export, will also affect the final result.second, overview of the international trade in tourism services in romaniatravel and tourism in romania in the early years of economic transition period after the negative results, showi

36、ng a positive return, and the next decade of growth outlook is much stronger than the eu.the romanian tourism's contribution to gdp was 4.8%, 174 tourism-intensive countries in the world, ranked 162. however, the prospects for the growth of the tourism sector in romania in the regional and world

37、 ranking better than its neighbors and competitors in the next 10 years, the contribution to gdp was 6.7% and ranked 12 world travel and tourism development committee , 2007 .romania travel and tourism's contribution to gdp in 2006 was 1.9%, will rise to 2.5% in 2016, in the eu, the travel and t

38、ourism's contribution to gdp in 2006 was 3.9% world travel and touri global travel and tourism industry employment accounted for 8.7% of global employment, romania's travel and tourism industry employment in 2006 is estimated at 485,000 people, or 5.8% of total employment, or 17.4 parts have

39、 a tourism job. compared employment, 4.2% of total employment in europe 860 , 3.1% of the current work of total employment of 265,000 copies of the travel and tourism industry world travel and tourism commission, 2007 .sm commission, 2007 .the vast majority of international tourists in romania from

40、europe. since 2000, about 95% of the visitors to this area every year. in addition to these, more and more - 75% based on 2004 data - to tourists from five countries bordering with romania: ukraine, moldova, bulgaria, hungary, serbia and montenegro. third, the evaluation of tourism service trade com

41、petitivenessresearch methodsas tourism service trade and international competitiveness assessment methods, the basic approach is taken in this study based on one to improve the competitiveness of the tourism economy is able to improve the economic basis of the idea of the scale of certain travel ser

42、vices exports. similarly, the decline in the competitiveness of the economy, a country to increase its scale of travel services imported from other countries. competitiveness of countries or departments , large or small display of the nature and extent of participation in the country - through its e

43、xports - imports conducted market analysis, that a country with other countries to increase imports from the country to improve its competitiveness mander, 1991 .in addition, a country in the process of insertion in the international economy is not only related to the progress of its exports, but al

44、so related to the behavior and actions of other competitors. the model is adapted from the de la guardia, moleiro, and guevara fernandez de la guardia, etc., 2004 introduced the dynamic nature of the market, and through their implementation of the ex-post evaluation of service competitiveness by pro

45、viding a level of competitiveness in international trade and the change in the degree of specialization in production as a descriptive reference.commercial advantage through the evolution of tourism exports show - this reflects the improvement of the competitiveness and reform through tourism import

46、s, reflecting the deteriorating commercial advantage.based on the above, changes in international tourism service trade competitiveness is measured by analyzing the different variables:the first variable is the market share or to participate in the market, and measuring the market share of a country

47、 or the country's tourism sector;the second variable is the analysis of the country's export structure. this variable reflects the relative weight of the tourism sector in the country's total exports;finally, through the import structure of the market, the tourism sector is the driving f

48、orce in the import market analysis can determine.the combination of these two variables, the tourism industry as a service export sector as operative, missed opportunities, decline and retreat, equivalent to the previously mentioned significance. b the results1. indicatorsthe evolution of the market

49、 share that the penetrating power of tourism as a service export sector of each country in the international economy.the data shows that, during the analysis, the eu-25 economies is a major travel service provider in the world, because their overall accounted for 45% of the world tourism exports pro

50、vide.from the point of view of the individual countries, the quota increase of travel services in the world market economy, according to the orderly, poland, estonia, lithuania, the united kingdom, luxembourg.during the analysis, the majority of countries in the process they enter the currency throu

51、gh the export of tourism services slight loss. reflects this trend, countries are poland, estonia, germany, the united kingdom.2. tourism competitiveness matrixbecause it has been shown that a national tourism service competitiveness assessment procedures, including the first simultaneous analysis o

52、f the market share held by a country on the export of tourism services tourism service trade exports and the whole world changes.the results of this analysis are reflected in table 12.2, which has decided to countries based on these criteria detection.second tourism competitive evaluation process in

53、cluding the simultaneous analysis of the behavior of the export structure of the economy as a whole and the national trade structure changes, especially in the tourism trade in services see table 12.3 .the third and most complex tourism competitiveness evaluation process including the simultaneous a

54、nalysis of the path of the commercial specialization behavior of its economy and the international trade performance see table 12.4 .in turn, the degree of specialization and international trade of a country's commercial development in the same direction or the opposite direction. therefore, the

55、 tourism industry as a country's export sector specialization can win or lose weight, and at the same time, expand or reduce the scale of travel services in international trade.fourth, the conclusion: romania in the european tourism market competitive positionwhen the import growth of world tour

56、ism 20% , the eu's 25 countries are losing market share market share growth rate of -0.68% , romania is also -4.65% market share growth rate . romania serious decline in market share in the eu-25 market -20.86% market share growth , which compared to the world is a fact, despite the european tou

57、rism growth in imports, but romania urban market share in the world market. faster than the speed of losing market share in the european market. it is worth mentioning that the new growth is slower than the growth of imports of the world tourism 6.12% compared with 20% . this may mean that the numbe

58、r of tourists from the eu-25 is higher than the number of tourists from other parts of the world, but the revenue structure is different.in fact, tourism services in romania is losing market share, is strengthening and improvement of international tourism services, which allow it to miss the opportu

59、nities classification.the contribution of tourism to world services imports growth 2.31% , but reduced its contribution to the eu-25 exports 0.38% . in romania, the decrease in the contribution of tourism to export more 6.14% . as for the 25 eu countries, they travel services imports contribution rate of 0.98% lower than the world level , travel services more severe reduction in the contr


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