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1、chapter ix prevention medicinechapter ix prevention medicinefor each of the a1 / a2 problems, there are a, b, c, d, and e. choose one of the best answers.prevention of medicine is the study of environmental factors in relation to the environment in a and human bodythe relationship between the human

2、body and the outside worldc, human healthd, the relation of human conditionthe relationship between e and human functionreference answer:cthe biological factors that affect health do not include which of the following categories of a and biological originb) genetic diseasesc, matured, developmente,

3、agingreference the sample study, the sample is part a and the wholeb, any part of the populationc, a typical part of the populationd, a representative part of the populatione, none of the abovereference answer:dproblem 4 comes from two samples of the same general population, and which of

4、 the following indicators is more reliable a and sx in the overall mean of the sample meanb, cvc, sd, t0.05, v. s.e,reference answer:a.the value of the 95% confidence interval for the overall 95% confidence interval is the range of the normal values of a and 95%b, 95% of the sample rate is in this r

5、angethe overall rate of c and 95% is in this rangethe probability of d, the overall rate, is 95%the probability of e and the sample rate within this range is 95%reference answer:dproblem 6, in order to extrapolate the sample from the sample, the sample should be a, any part of the populationb, a typ

6、ical part of the populationc, a meaningful part of the totald, a part of the overall valuee, a representative part of the wholereference answer:e7 some people (such as adult male) of some physiological indexes, such as systolic blood pressure) or biochemical indicators (such as blood sugar levels) g

7、enerally refers to a normal range, the index of the range of all peopleb) the range of the index in all normal peoplec, the index is within the range of most normal peopled, the index is within the range of a few normal peoplee, the index is within a person's fluctuating range of timereference a

8、nswer:cthe steps in the statistical work of number 8 include the addition of a and collecting datab, statistical designc, analysis datad, sorting datae, come to the conclusionreference answer:eproblem 9 shows that the frequency or strength of a phenomenon occurs in a and proportionb, indicators,c, o

9、bservation unitd, the rate ofe, the percentagereference answer:dnumber 10, chi 2, the degree of freedom u is a, row by columnb, n - 1c, sample sized, (row minus 1) times (column -1)e, none of the abovereference answer:dproblem number 11 in the same normal population there is a 99 percent sample mean

10、 in the following range of a,b,c,d,e,reference answer:a.the data of the two sets of numerical variables in the normal distribution of the two groups, but the difference between the mean and the difference, if the discrete trend, the best choice is a, the whole distanceb, the quartile spacingc, varia

11、nced, the standard deviatione, coefficient of variationreference answer:eproblem 13. the sampling error of the sample rate is a,b,c,d,e,reference answer:a.problem number 14 relates to the relationship of a and dependency between thingsb, the relationship between the functionc, the relationship betwe

12、en the proportiond, cause and effect relationshipe, correlation between thereference answer:eproblem 15 when p > alpha, the difference is not significant, the following conclusion which is a false a, probably no differenceb, there aren't enough observationsc, the comparison is from the same g

13、eneral populationd, press alpha, not reject h0e, should reject h0reference answer:enumber 16 measures a disease's threat to human life in terms of a and morbidityb, the prevalence ofc, the case fatality rated, the cure ratee, mortality,reference answer:cin the 17th study of epidemiology, the mos

14、t reliable method of hypothesis is a, case-control studyb, present situation investigationc, cohort studyd, sampling surveye, experimental epidemiologyreference answer:e18 questions in epidemiological case-control study, choose the best condition of control is a, cases of the patients, other than re

15、search factors and characteristics and the case group was comparableb) a non-random sample of cases in central africac, the non-patients in the case population, the other non-research factors are the same as the case groupd, the person who didn't have the disease studiedthe other nonresearch fac

16、tors were comparable to those of the case groupreference the cohort study, the incidence of the disease was estimated to be associated with a particular diseaseb) the incidence of the disease in the exposed populationc, the exposure rate of suspect risk factors in the general populationd

17、, ore, rrreference answer:ein the 20th, the bias of epidemiology was divided into a, selection bias, mixed bias, and measurement biasb, the selection bias, the information bias, the mixed bias three kindsc, the selection bias, the information bias, the measurement bias three kindsd, recall bias, rep

18、ort bias, measurement bias three typese, admission rate bias, susceptibility bias, no response bias three typesreference answer:bquestion 21 some people with the increase of exposure levels of harmful substances to the environment, the number of people with a biological effect caused by as the pheno

19、menon of change, called a, time - effect relationshipb, dose-effect relationshipsc, time - reactiond, dose-responsee, dose-onset relationshipreference answer:dnumber 22 measures the frequency of new cases in a population in a short period of time. the index is a and the incidence rateb, the incidenc

20、e ofc, the prevalence ofd, infection ratese, thanreference answer:a.problem 23 is to find patients as much as possible, and in the process of selecting the screening method, the sensitivity of a and the method of improvement is often adoptedthe specificity of the methodc, lower the false positive ra

21、ted, increase false negativese, the false negative rate is the same as the false positivereference answer:a.problem 24, when a therapy can prolong a patient's life, but does not cure the disease, it increases the incidence of a and the disease in the populationthe prevalence of the disease will

22、risethe incidence and prevalence of the disease will rised, the prevalence of the disease decreasesthe incidence of the disease will decreasereference answer:bproblem 25 describes the main purpose of the disease distribution as a, to clarify the prevalence of disease and to explore the impact factor

23、sb, find new diseasesc, calculate the measuring indexd, evaluate prevention effectse, study the causereference answer:a.problem 26, which is a and regular report, is monitored by a representative group of people who can reflect a certain general prevalence in the general populationb, the passive mon

24、itoringc, the sentinel surveillanced, hospital based monitoringe, take the initiative to monitorreference answer:carticle 27 the major environmental issues in preventive medicine study include a, living environment and production environmentb, air, water, soilc, primary and secondary environmentsd,

25、natural environment and social environmente, living environment and professional environmentreference answer:darticle 28 the following are all direct adverse health effects of air pollution, except for a and acute poisoningb, the immune system decreasedthe incidence of rickets in children increasedd

26、, allergye, the effect that cause cancerreference answer:cthe following is the most accurate description of a, a clinical treatment service for clinical prevention servicesb, a primary health servicec, the first and second level of prevention combined services in clinical settingsd, a third level pr

27、evention service is carried out in clinical settingse, the treatment services implemented in the communityreference answer:cthe main indicator of the nutritional value of protein is a and protein contentb, protein digestionc, the use of proteind, amino acid patterne, protein content, digestion and a

28、bsorption of the bodyreference answer:ethe 31th soybean is a mixed food with cereals, and the essential amino acids that are the most deficient in cereals are the a and lysineb, threoninec, a sulfur (an egg)d, leucine,e, isoleucinereference answer:a.32 questions put forward by the international diab

29、etes federation in 2005 global consensus definition of metabolic syndrome, and standards of the chinese central obesity is a waist and women or men 85 cm, 95 cm or moreb, women are greater than 80 cm and men are 90 cmc, women are greater than 85cm and men are 90 cmd, women are greater than 80 cm and

30、 men are 95 cme, none of the abovereference answer:b33 exercise can improve human body lipid metabolism, makes a, blood cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (ldl-c), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c)b, blood cholesterol, triglyceride

31、s, ldl, very low density lipoprotein, and high density lipoproteinc, blood cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein, low density fat eggs, and high hdld, blood cholesterol, triglycerides, ldl, low density lipoprotein, and hdl decreasee, that's not truereference answer:cthe epidemiolog

32、y of coronary heart disease is correct, the risk of coronary heart disease in women is higher than that of menb, the incidence of coronary heart disease in most developed countries is decreasing, and the incidence of coronary heart disease in china is also decreasingc, the south has more disease tha

33、n the northd, gender, age and risk of coronary heart disease were unrelatede, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking are three major independent risk factors for coronary heart diseasereference answer:ein the case of temperature 35, the body changes the physiological function of the body, of

34、ten affecting the function of the following system, except the a and nervous systemb, the cardiovascular systemc, the digestive systemd, the immune systeme, urinary systemreference answer:dproblem 36 is more likely to be affected by non-ionizing radiation, and which of the following does not belong

35、to non-ionizing radiation a and uv raysb, radiationc, visibled, lasere, infraredreference answer:bthe three main characteristics of occupational chronic mercury poisoning are a, excitability, tremor, and oral inflammationb, excitability, mouth inflammation, dermatitisc, excitability, tremor, and blo

36、od pressured, excitability, tremors, nephritise, excitability, mouth inflammation, enteritisreference answer:a.problem 38 acute benzene poisoning is a major injury to a and respiratory systemb, the nervous systemc, hematopoietic system,d, the digestive systeme, the cardiovascular systemreference ans

37、wer:bquestion 39. which of the following gases is the irritating gas a, cl2b, coc, h2s,d, ch4e, co2reference answer:a.the nutritional function of dietary fiber in question 40 does not include a and the supply of body heatb, lower blood cholesterolc, stimulate the bowel movementd, prevent colon disea

38、se, rectal cancere, increase the volume of fecesreference answer:a.problem 41 food poisoning caused by food contamination is a, river dolphin poisoningb, cassava poisoningc, a toadstool poisonedd, kidney poisoninge, botulinum toxin food poisoningreference answer:ethe highest levels of the fugu toxin

39、 are a, brain and liverb, kidney, seminal vesiclec, ovary, liverd, skin, eyee, blood, gills,reference answer:cproblem 43. the optimum ratio of carbohydrate heating to total heat energy in the diet of chinese residents is a and < 50%b, 50%c, 60% 70%d, > 70%e, none of the abovereference answer:c

40、the main poison of the fugu toxin is a, causing blood pressure to dropb, cause brain nerve injuryc, the body temperature dropsd, cause autonomic nervous disordere, the voluntary muscle progressive paralysis caused by blocking the conduction of muscle nervereference answer:ethe most vulnerable nutrie

41、nt in the cooking process is a and vitamin ab, vitamin ec, vitamin dd, vitamin b1e, and vitamin creference answer:ein the case of most infectious diseases, the following infection is the most common type of infectionb, recessive infectionc, latent infectiond, carrier statee, with insect statereferen

42、ce answer:bnumber 47 is a person with a pathogen in the bodyb) there are pathogens and animals in the bodyc) there are pathogens and animals in the bodyd, the person who has the pathogen in the body to reproduce the pathogene, there are pathogens and animals in the bodyreference answer:earticle 48 t

43、he route of transmission is a, consisting of a series of interrelated epidemicsb, the source of the infection and its effluent pathogens can be transmitted to the regionc) the pathogen is expelled from the infected body and then invades the whole process of the external environment of the susceptibl

44、e organismd, the human and the animal that have the pathogen in the body to reproduce and excrete the pathogene, the population as a whole is sensitive to certain infectious diseasesreference answer:cthe most convenient and reliable method for preventing endemic goiter is a, iodideb, iodide, sugarc,

45、 iodized salt or oild, iodide water qualitye, immigrationreference answer:carticle 50 the diseases directly caused by occupational exposure to occupational hazard in occupational activities are referred to as "a" and "work-related diseases"b, inductrial injuryc, occupational dise

46、ased, occupationale, job characteristicsreference answer:dquestion 51. which is the wrong way to contaminate a medical source of infectionb, air,c, medicine,d, medical apparatus and instrumentse, handreference answer:a.the main risk factors of a malignant tumor are a and biological factorsb, physica

47、l factors,c, chemical factorsd, and physical activitye, social psychological factorsreference answer:c53 topic to compare the proportion of patients with high blood pressure in the presence of workers, cadres, chi-square test, chi square value is 9.56, 20.05, 1 = 3.84, should conclude a, accept pi 1

48、 = pi 2b, minus pi 1 is pi 2c, take pi 1, > pi 2d, reject pi 1 < pi 2e, you reject mu 1 is equal to mu 2reference answer:bthe fatality rate of a disease in a city for nearly 10 years is a, straight bar chartb, the line graphc, round figured, statistical mape, scatter plotreference answer:bques

49、tion 55 relationship between smoking and lung cancer is one of the results of chi square = 12.36, p < 0.01, rr = 3.3, the correct conclusion is a group, cases of lung cancer incidence significantly greater than the control groupthe likelihood of lung cancer in b and case groups was significantly

50、greater than in the control groupthe likelihood of lung cancer in c and control group was significantly greater than in the case groupthe prevalence of lung cancer in the control group was significantly lower than in the case groupthe likelihood of lung cancer in non-smokers is significantly lower t

51、han that of smokersreference answer:ethe most effective first aid method for the rescue of cyanide poisoning is the rapid use of sodium thiosulfateb, use sodium nitrite quicklyc, sodium nitrite, then sodium sulfitesodium sulfite, sodium sulfite, sodium nitritee, intravenous methylene blue (blue)refe

52、rence answer:cin the 57th issue of the study, a group of 20 men and women aged 20 years of age was 100, with a standard deviation of 4.09 cm and a weight of 4.10 kg, compared to the degree of variation of a and the weight variationb, the degree of variation is largec, the degree of variation is the

53、samed, because the variation in the variation is very small, it is not certain that he is biggere, because the unit is different, the standard deviation cannot be compared directlyreference answer:e58 topic in male measured mean birth weight is 3.30 kg, the standard deviation is 0.44 kg, 18 years ol

54、d male college students mean weight is 56.10 kg, the standard deviation is 5.50 kg, compared with the variation degree of a, male college students weight standard deviation, variation is big alsob, the baby boy was born with a small standard deviation and a small variationc, the degree of variation is the samed, baby boys were born with a greater coefficient of variation and a greater variatione, male college student body weight variation coefficient is big, the degree of variation is relatively largereference answer:e59 in a male, refractory plant is engaged in the calcining work for 15 y


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