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1、HW2Due Date: Nov. 23Part I: written assignment1.a) Compute the Information Gain for Gender, Car Type and Shirt Size.本题的class有两类;即C0和C1IC0,C1= I10,10=1inforgender(D)=1020 I6,4+1020 I4,6=1020 -610 log2610-410 log2410+1020 -610 log2610-410 log2410=0.971Gain(gender)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=1-0.971=0.029i

2、nforCarType(D)=420 I1,3+820 I8,0+820 I1,7=420-14 log214-34 log234+820 -18 log218-78 log278=0.3797Gain(CarType)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=1-0.3797=0.6203inforShirtSize(D)=520 I3,2+720 I3,4+420 I2,2+420 I2,2=520-35 log235-25 log225+720 -37 log237-47 log247+410 -24 log212-24 log212=0.9876Gain(shirtSize)=

3、IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=1-0.9876=0.0124b) Construct a decision tree with Information Gain. 由a知,CarType的information Gain最大,故本题应该选择CarType作为首要分裂属性。CarType的类别有Luxury family Sport(因全部属于C0类,此类无需再划分) 对Luxury进一步划分:IC0,C1= I1,7=0.5436 inforgender(D)=18 I1,0+78 I1,6=0+78 -17 log217-67 log267=0.5177Gain(gender)

4、= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.5436-0.5177=0.0259 inforShirtSize(D)=28 I0,2+38 I0,3+28 I1,1+18 I0,2=0.25Gain(shirtSize)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.5436-0.25=0.2936故此处选择ShirtSize进行属性分裂。 对family进一步划分:IC0,C1= I1,3=0.811Gain(gender)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.811- I1,3=0Gain(shirtSize)= IC0,C1-inforgender(D)=0.8

5、11- 14 I1,0- 14 I0,1- 14 I0,1- 14 I0,1=0.811故此处选择ShirtSize进行属性分裂。 根据以上的计算可得本题的决策数如下:2. (a) Design a multilayer feed-forward neural network (one hidden layer) for the data set in Q1. Label the nodes in the input and output layers. 根据数据的属性特点易知输入层有8个节点,分别为:x1 Gender ( Gender = M: x1 = 1; Gender = F: x1

6、 = 0 )x2 Car Type = Sports ( Y = 1; N = 0)x3 Car Type = Family( Y = 1; N = 0)x4 Car Type = Luxury ( Y = 1; N = 0)x5 Shirt Size = Small ( Y = 1; N = 0)x6 Shirt Size = Medium ( Y = 1; N = 0)x7 Shirt Size = Large ( Y = 1; N = 0)x8 Shirt Size = Extra Large ( Y = 1; N = 0)隐藏层有三个节点x9、x10和x11. 输出为二类问题, 因此只

7、有1个节点x12(C0=1;C2=0). 神经网络图如下:(其中Wij表示输入层第i个节点到隐藏层第j个节点所付权重,为方便计算,第i个节点到第9/10/11个节点的权重设置一样;Wi-j则表示隐藏层第i个节点到输出层节点所赋予的权重 )c) Using the neural network obtained above, show the weight values after one iteration of the back propagation algorithm, given the training instance “(M, Family, Small)". Indi

8、cate your initial weight values and biases and the learning rate used.对于 (M, Family, Small), 其类标号为C0, 其训练元祖为1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.表 1初始输入、权重、偏倚值和学习率X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8W1jW2jW3jW4j101010000.表 2净输入和净输出计算单元j净输入Ij净输出Oj91

9、*0.1+1*0.1+1*0.1+0.1=0.41+(1+e-0.4)=0.51101*0.1+1*0.1+1*0.1+0.1=0.41+(1+e-0.4)=0.51111*0.1+1*0.1+1*0.1-0.1=0.21+(1+e-0.2)=0.78120.51*0.1+0.51*0.2-0.78*0.1=0.0751+(1+e-0.075)=0.92表 3每个节点误差的计算单元jErrj120.92*(1-0.92) *(1-0.92)=0.0059110.78*(1-0.78)* 0.0059*(-0.1)=-0.00014100.51*(1-0.51)* 0.0059*(0.2)=0.

10、0002990.51*(1-0.51)* 0.0059*(0.1)=0.00016表 4权重和偏差更新计算权重或偏差新值W190.1+0.9*0.00016*1=0.1W1100.1+0.9*0.00029*1=0.1W1110.1+0.9*(-0.00014)*1=0.1W290.2+0.9*0.00016*0=0.2W2100.2+0.9*0.00029*0=0.2W2110.2+0.9*(-0.00014)*0=0.2W390.1+0.9*0.00016*1=0.1W3100.1+0.9*0.00029*1=0.1W3110.1+0.9*(-0.00014)*1=0.1W490.2+0.


12、W89-0.1+0.9*0.00016*0=-0.1W810-0.1+0.9*0.00029*0=-0.1W811-0.1+0.9*(-0.00014)*0=-0.1W9120.1+0.9*0.0059*0.51=0.103W10120.2+0.9*0.0059*0.51=0.203W1112-0.1+0.9*0.0059*0.78=-0.0960.1+0.9*0.00016=0.10.1+0.9*0.00029=0.1-0.1+0.9*(-0.00014)=-0.10.2+0.9*0.0059=0.23.a) Suppose the fraction of undergraduate stu

13、dents who smoke is 15% and the fraction of graduate students who smoke is 23%. If one-fth of the college students are graduate students and the rest are undergraduates, what is the probability that a student who smokes is a graduate student?U for Undergraduate student, G for Graduate student. and S

14、for Smoking则,PS|U=0.15, PS|G=0.23, PG=0.2, PU=0.8.故 PG|S=PS|G×PGpS=PS|G×PGPS|U× PU+PS|G×PG=0.23×0.20.15×0.8+0.23×0.2=0.277.b) Given the information in part (a), is a randomly chosen college student more likely to be a graduate or undergraduate student?因为PU>PG 故

15、Undergraduate student,c) Suppose 30% of the graduate students live in a dorm but only 10% of the undergraduate students live in a dorm. If a student smokes and lives in the dorm, is he or she more likely to be a graduate or undergraduate student? You can assume independence between students who live

16、 in a dorm and those who smoke.令D for Dorm.PD|U=0.1, PD|G=0.3.PG|DS×PDS=PDS|G×PG=PD|G×PS|G×PG=0.3×0.23×0.2=0.0138.PU|DS×PDS=PDS|U×PU=PD|U×PS|U×PU=0.1×0.15×0.8=0.012.因为PG|DS×PDS> PU|DS×PDS,所以PG|DS>PU|DS, 所以更可能是graduate studen

17、t.4.(a) The three cluster center after the first round execution第一轮:center A1(4,2,5) B1(1,1,1) C1(11,9,2)表格 1各点与原始中心点距离A1A2A3B1B2B3C1C2C3C441051231119525713694165281292677piA17.35 5.92 3.74 5.74 3.74 5.48 4.58 piB19.90 10.05 2.45 9.64 5.83 10.00 8.77 piC14.12 8.72 10.82 11.05 11.87 9.64 8.37 判断各点与中心

18、点的距离(A1在表格中的点表示为(A4,A5,A6),piA1表示各点到A1点的距离,piB1表示各点到B1点的距离,piC1表示各点到C1点的距离,下同) 由以上表格可知:Cluster1: A1 A3 B3 C3 C4Cluster2: B2 B1Cluster3: C1 A2(b) The final three clusters第二轮:计算每簇的均值。Cluster1: M1(5.2, 4.4, 7.2 ) Cluster2: M2(1.5, 2, 1.5)Cluster3: M3(10.5, 7, 2) 各点到簇中心点的距离:表格 2各点与第一次聚类中心点距离A1A2A3B1B2B3

19、C1C2C3C441051231119525713694165281292677piM13.47 7.10 2.73 8.22 6.26 3.26 9.05 4.39 5.10 1.62 piM24.30 9.03 8.92 1.22 1.22 8.63 11.81 4.95 9.35 7.65 piM38.73 2.06 8.14 11.28 9.39 10.31 2.06 10.74 7.95 7.50 再次聚类后的类簇为: Cluster1: A1 A3 B3 C3 C4Cluster2: B2 B1Cluster3: C1 A2结果分析:第二轮聚类结果与第一轮一致,故算法停止 Part

20、 II: LabQuestion 1 1. Build a decision tree using data set “transactions” that predicts milk as a function of the other fields. Set the “type” of each field to “Flag”, set the “direction” of “milk” as “out”, set the “type” of COD as “Typeless”, select “Expert” and set the “pruning severity” to 65, a

21、nd set the “minimum records per child branch” to be 95. Hand-in: A figure showing your tree.2. Use the model (the full tree generated by Clementine in step 1 above) to make a prediction for each of the 20 customers in the “rollout” data to determine whether the customer would buy milk. Hand-in: your

22、 prediction for each of the 20 customers.由程序运行的结果可知:customer(2,3,4,5,9,10,13,14,17,18) 会购买Milk。3. Hand-in: rules for positive (yes) prediction of milk purchase identified from the decision tree (up to the fifth level. The root is considered as level 1). Compare with the rules generated by Apriori in

23、 Homework 1, and submit your brief comments on the rules (e.g., pruning effect)利用决策树产生的关联规则: Table 1 决策树产生的关联规则ConsequentAntecedent1Antecedent2milkJuicemilkJuicewatermilkpastamilkJuicepastamilkTomato sourcemilkJuiceTomato sourcemilkbiscuitsmilkJuicebiscuitsmilkYoghurtmilkYoghurt watermilkYoghurtbisc

24、uitsmilkBriochesmilkYoghurtBriochesmilkbeermilkbeerbiscuitsmilkricemilkbeerricemilkFrozen vegetablesmilkFrozen vegetablesbiscuitsTable 2 Apriori产生的关联规则可以说决策树产生的关联规则和Apriori产生的关联规则是相似的。在决策树中少了部分规则是因为这些规则在第六以及第七层以下,被剪枝。Question 2: Churn Management1. Perform decision tree classification on training data set. Select all the input variables except state, area_code, and phone_number (since they are only informative for this analysis). Set the “Direction” of class as “out”, “type” as “Flag”. Then, specify the “minimum records pe


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