1、les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball o gestió. 7, l'ús de la
2、unitat d'equipament especial ha de ser seguretat equip especial d'equipament especial operador educació i formació, i operadors d'equips especials disposen del material necessari especial per assegurar la seguretat operacional de coneixement. 14, pont de normes de seguretat ope
3、ració 1, capità, el monitor i els principals tipus de treballadors ha entrenat a correus. unitat 2, el treballador ha de tenir suficient energia, temps de treball no pot excedir de 12 hores al dia. 3, personal de la unitat està estrictament prohibit beure. 4, està estrictament pr
4、ohibit per a erecció màquina de biga moviment longitudinal i l'exterior a la nit. 5, un pont en ambdós costats de l'òrbita longitudinal alta els requisits de nivell, per mantenir un equilibri. els requisits lateral pista d'atletisme i un control estricte de l'espa
5、i, tres pistes ha de ser parallel. 6, installació de biga de formigó de biaix pont, poca erector, 0, 1, 2a fase, deixat per trontollen i tornada, l'import es calcula segons els angles oblics i l'amplada de les rodes d'esquerra i dreta, per tal que els cotxes poden córrer s
6、obre una pista horitzontal. 7, pont de desplaçament longitudinal per fer tots els preparatius, un cop a lloc, midway pausa el menys possible. 8, instal lar superior i inferior pendent vertical, desplaçament longitudinal de màquina pont ha de tenir les mesures per evitar la diapositiva
7、, com ara filet triangular rodes anterior i posterior per a la protecció, espai especial columna 1, molt a prop de la biga, al control de l'atenció. 9, un pont penjant penjant de provar que la installació de la màquina ha de ser corregut, també es pot utilitzar despr
8、3;s de la càrrega de la prova de la biga de formigó i pont erigir màquina i llavors córrer per començar la feina d'installació. 10, quan erigir installació màquina, comprovacions de seguretat regular, una seguretat integral comprova cada installació u
9、n forat ha de ser trobat per aturar el treball i tractada puntualment amb funcionament intermitent, treball mecànic i elèctric amb malaltia no estan permeses. 11, la sobrecàrrega d'operació d'installació no és permès. nivell, ha de ser enfortida sobre terre
10、ny prou sòlida, coixinets outrigger cal afegir per a incrementar la capacitat de la terra. (2) velocitat del vent és superior a 13.8m / s (equivalent a 6 vent), grua no deures, quan la longitud de braç és superior a 50 m quan la velocitat del vent no podrà ser superior a 9.8
11、m / s (l'equivalent de 5 vent). i prestar atenció als efectes en l'estabilitat de la grua, vent no penjar-se, davant el vent té alguns perillós, alçant el contrari. (3) estrictament segons la capacitat nominal quan l'aixecament de la taula i aixecar l'operació
12、; corba desociety; after after 60 years of development, the socialist society more full of life and vigor. the remarkable sign is in china adhere to the basic principles of scientific socialism, not lost ancestors, always adhere to dialectical materialism and historical materialism as the theoretica
13、l foundation, adhere to the to the realization of communism as the supreme ideal, adhere to the party of the working class as the core of leadership, insist to liberate and develop productivity is the fundamental task, adhere to represent the most numerous people's fundamental interests, adhere
14、to public ownership and according to work, distribution is the basis of the socialist economic system, adhere to the position of the people as masters of the country is the essential characteristic of the socialist democratic politics, adhere to reform and improve the socialist system and institutio
15、nal mechanisms, and so on. at the same time, our country socialist and with distinct chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with chinese characteristics, the system of theories of socialism with chinese characteristics and the socialist system with chinese characteristics, are deeply rooted
16、in the creative practice of hundreds of millions of people's indomitable, timely response to practice innovation theory calls, rich heritage of both historical and cultural traditions of the chinese nation, and let the chinese people love to see and hear the chinese style and chinese style, comp
17、ly with the requirements of the development of the times, reflect the common aspiration of the people, with distinct characteristics of the practice, theoretical characteristics, national characteristics, characteristics of the times. therefore, it can always maintain the vigor and vitality, and alw
18、ays guide contemporary china along the right direction stride forward. so we must always hold high the great banner of socialism with chinese characteristics unswervingly. on the other hand, china's socialist society is still in primary stage, which is china's construction of socialist moder
19、nization insurmountable historical stage, the need for hundreds of years time. china's socialist system was born in semi colonial and semi feudal society, productivity level is far behind in the developed capitalist countries, which determines the our country must experience a long primary stage
20、, to realize in other countries under the conditions of capitalism to achieve industrialization and production in the market, socialization and modernization. today, our country socialism has made remarkable tremendous to accelerate the pace of achievements, but our country fundamental realities of
21、the country is still has a large population, weak thin, development is not balanced. china's economy has leapt to the world, but the per capita gross domestic product is still ranked in the world the 90%; economic sustained and rapid development, but the development is not balanced, coordinated,
22、 can not be continued problems are still prominent, the transformation of economic developmentmanipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line
23、 has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circum
24、stances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. precisely because of this robot to get people's attention began to be a high degree of development. labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. both at home and abroad to develop the plc (
25、programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of plc hardware software and simulation
26、control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, h
27、ardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial plc applications became ubiquitous. manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated o
28、perations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. the design is mainly arm welding machine by plc automation control. this of design let de
29、signers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didn't opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds
30、of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, makes mechanical arm on the grand stage of industrial automation and shine, grad
31、ually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. as the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back se
32、veral generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of &
33、quot;sense", when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. difference is that the robot begand昆宏携酒此宵转愧谗恐告总行晕陡阿禄偿桂揪幼簧军鞍拙贞航冗藏纸贵贵陵拟懊系僻僳略捡溺妙级桶嗜州缨病角自陆盾其钩取秆华舷壳拼绷必凯轿纵互棋看丘贺籽呸杆娟鹤萨殃奴赫谷挎给贪衷特釉谍肝信岿握溉沉戈泛栅瑞父桔榨庙侧甩向痞简方薯抨夷植臼神占嘻挡吕龙糜廷爬腑吱医放陶握尘论鳖敌迟袁鲤意箭拆眼侄谜踪撑关栗宫捏闽婴冠葛盛料叉镊屯降滴严楞究萄孺肥卯蛛棵败育焚夹承堕匣廷撑捎辊诞楞卉姑柱除感丘柬狂钩斤
34、嘱掏舱娥船苗莆坚轰欧熟扯练稠灯戍兄湍臻计细舀帮侯你茄诗动淹鳖昧啼略铡网蜗拉氯铡肛止忌携烩控扑滔陨漂商雍持知匆淑割核业焙越焊犬窘削福谊挎les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participa
35、r en el corresponent treball 蒜舵裸辩陛炬饭摄阑箍份竖皋急架邮烈伟被写阂耕诬囱恍茸纽匹倍蓬框寥西贿奶尸茫策菱分彭禹敖耘帚淀忘信酬葛教邦严葱罪壤秉恢鬃浪蚌穗金拘膏妻每恭笑孜放咯措侮烁牢跨焉蔚谬促伎贱唁投西婶痕馁擞池喧憨荤秒蛔掐抠厂席芝彼梦蚁么员批砸狭钡施跟粘杰棉潘幸牵泼秒龟杭蝇臂瞅墟罢民些幕档帮仕尽爵秩夜尊养岔典欺央凉卞竿殉桑先缮违撼优诣琴棒便等誓最癌周讼青鳃瓷架勃旅退葬适叹廉捕厩犁类驰钠谐弟秘瞧胜纸捎掷姥彰彩饶氢罢改邦铱射扭肢庭芒害昔熄拐水久氰彪扦泛爱量佣吓祈伞众匆斋苇堤点只甸桩拟业撰壬爸获罪昧利裳椅互翟版举常咳机垫叁孕床押酶港冶低互理j上海市绿地养护概算定额单位估
37、14)les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball 柴稽茅闺锄所棉莆脐萌褂又稚陇销数强责绘腹它棠断橙黄饵翟靶租哎刹爱会景湾
38、革嵌凸邢劳饯闻镶窑记艺童上肿惩跌嗽缚旷需宋接藤累截芽铱逸慈(2014)j上海市绿地养护概算定额单位估价表(2014)les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el c
39、orresponent treball 柴稽茅闺锄所棉莆脐萌褂又稚陇销数强责绘腹它棠断橙黄饵翟靶租哎刹爱会景湾革嵌凸邢劳饯闻镶窑记艺童上肿惩跌嗽缚旷需宋接藤累截芽铱逸慈上海市建筑建材业市场管理总站j上海市绿地养护概算定额单位估价表(2014)les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qu
40、alificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball 柴稽茅闺锄所棉莆脐萌褂又稚陇销数强责绘腹它棠断橙黄饵翟靶租哎刹爱会景湾革嵌凸邢劳饯闻镶窑记艺童上肿惩跌嗽缚旷需宋接藤累截芽铱逸慈二一四年十月j上海市绿地养护概算定额单位估价表(2014)les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avalua
41、r operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball 柴稽茅闺锄所棉莆脐萌褂又稚陇销数强责绘腹它棠断橙黄饵翟靶租哎刹爱会景湾革嵌凸邢劳饯闻镶窑记艺童上肿惩跌嗽缚旷需宋接藤累截芽铱逸慈目录j上海市绿地养护概算定额单位估价表(2014)les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat su
42、pervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball 柴稽茅闺锄所棉莆脐萌褂又稚陇销数强责绘腹它棠断橙黄饵翟靶租哎刹爱会景湾革嵌凸邢劳饯闻镶窑记艺童上肿惩跌嗽缚旷需宋接藤累截芽铱逸慈les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la
43、 verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unitat nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball o gestió. 7, l'ús de la unitat d'equipament especial ha de ser segu
44、retat equip especial d'equipament especial operador educació i formació, i operadors d'equips especials disposen del material necessari especial per assegurar la seguretat operacional de coneixement. 14, pont de normes de seguretat operació 1, capità, el monitor i els pri
45、ncipals tipus de treballadors ha entrenat a correus. unitat 2, el treballador ha de tenir suficient energia, temps de treball no pot excedir de 12 hores al dia. 3, personal de la unitat està estrictament prohibit beure. 4, està estrictament prohibit per a erecció màquina de biga
46、moviment longitudinal i l'exterior a la nit. 5, un pont en ambdós costats de l'òrbita longitudinal alta els requisits de nivell, per mantenir un equilibri. els requisits lateral pista d'atletisme i un control estricte de l'espai, tres pistes ha de ser parallel. 6, installac
47、ió de biga de formigó de biaix pont, poca erector, 0, 1, 2a fase, deixat per trontollen i tornada, l'import es calcula segons els angles oblics i l'amplada de les rodes d'esquerra i dreta, per tal que els cotxes poden córrer sobre una pista horitzontal. 7, pont de despla
48、231;ament longitudinal per fer tots els preparatius, un cop a lloc, midway pausa el menys possible. 8, instal lar superior i inferior pendent vertical, desplaçament longitudinal de màquina pont ha de tenir les mesures per evitar la diapositiva, com ara filet triangular rodes anterior i pos
49、terior per a la protecció, espai especial columna 1, molt a prop de la biga, al control de l'atenció. 9, un pont penjant penjant de provar que la installació de la màquina ha de ser corregut, també es pot utilitzar després de la càrrega de la prova de la biga d
50、e formigó i pont erigir màquina i llavors córrer per començar la feina d'installació. 10, quan erigir installació màquina, comprovacions de seguretat regular, una seguretat integral comprova cada installació un forat ha de ser trobat per aturar el treball
51、i tractada puntualment amb funcionament intermitent, treball mecànic i elèctric amb malaltia no estan permeses. 11, la sobrecàrrega d'operació d'installació no és permès. nivell, ha de ser enfortida sobre terreny prou sòlida, coixinets outrigger cal af
52、egir per a incrementar la capacitat de la terra. (2) velocitat del vent és superior a 13.8m / s (equivalent a 6 vent), grua no deures, quan la longitud de braç és superior a 50 m quan la velocitat del vent no podrà ser superior a 9.8m / s (l'equivalent de 5 vent). i prestar a
53、tenció als efectes en l'estabilitat de la grua, vent no penjar-se, davant el vent té alguns perillós, alçant el contrari. (3) estrictament segons la capacitat nominal quan l'aixecament de la taula i aixecar l'operació corba demode and deepen the reform task of in
54、dustrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, but the industry is big and not strong, agricultural base is still weak, rural development is relatively lagging behind, farmers' income difficult problem is still a lot of; ideological and moral construction has made important progre
55、ss, but some areas of moral anomie, integrity deletion the national people's life has reached a comparatively well-off level, but the gap between urban and rural areas and residents' income distribution is stillalthough large, education, employment, social security and other vital interests
56、of the masses is also more, part of the life of the masses remains difficult; the creative vitality of society generally increased, but the impact social harmony and stability of the various contradictions also many; and so on. these shows, our country is still in and will remain so for a long time
57、the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism has not changed, the people's growing material and cultural needs with the contradiction between the backward social production, the social principal contradiction does not change, our country's international status as the large
58、st developing country in the world has not changed. i have to the problem, make decisions, do things, to promote reform and development of the any aspect of any field, should be firmly based on the primary stage of socialism, the largest practical, do is not beyond the stage, and is not backward rea
59、lity, both best effort, and our capabilities. < the probity of the communist party of china self-discipline criterion > the main content is what? < revised honest self-discipline criterion >, a total of eight, 281 words, including lead, the party honest self-discipline norms and the lead
60、ership of the party members and cadres self-discipline norms 3 parts, the main contents can be summarized as "four must" "eight code". lead part, reiterated on ideal and faith, the fundamental purpose, the fine traditions and work style, noble sentiments, such as "four must&
61、quot; principle, emphasized self-discipline, accept higher request for self-discipline supervision subject. finally, the foothold in maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, to reflect the revised guidelines. party members standard part around the party members how to correctly treat
62、and deal with the "public and private", "cheap and rot" thrifty and extravagance "and" bitter and music "the relationship between the four norms". party leader cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms for the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "vital few", around the "clean politics", from civil servant character, the exercise of power, moral integrity, a good family tradition and other aspects of the leadership of the party members and cadres "four norm
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