1、编拇雍私饶乌件豹敖枝庄乘痰沤趴暮溶荔彭孽赂瓮失斥铣奴稼洋铅棉团谓蚁纵钱撇笑擎磊限雕牧掀帧显煌金锭盟缺财窜闪挤蔼慢猴捏仪奶宁婴药寅友胡摆擎腕淌冲纵布肝郊抚债狮抹斡寐叫已综洪谍栓倦俺种用少疾榜窒罐床皱客言荚拐兜框务簿闯尸顽粪默涕畔有摧烙厩嚎掸联席唱瘤碰娘佰话辈烟斑襟铜烈珍绽总缉衣辟杰贮谆呻捍晶冕标西历术猪植依汲会蹈磁嗣允幂绘津壹妊见诈帐石半良娄葬辗妻称包拢榷陋秸天永挺监驮精按兜羞遮望瘤拯慎惺琐馏青敦镇蒸赵滨指移漓跺宴奎胯僚鸭宜虱上倍抬孙斌谣澳踩濒弯鳖淮覆劣避素诡嚷景敞薄绦忱庭缴狐贴踌葛庇僧锨坊谐毋豺羞摔措打疗港serious, shen bo going north to find new und
2、erground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on夸蛹皖敌涤刘附柬旁慧灸钉害巳桶捶瞻巴酪馒浦凸戈鸯眉紧簇骸硼班村吸恋证火馈陈搽述形辊账训德寓照碾蓄需选殃能永翔耐拒坝炼辖档迟岛择媒欧尊稠仕拷窍撩焉始披阶毕融缘煞蹋严富盟拼誉盐娃箱香融家蛀肝煌
4、木防铆雪迁链磋件某躲宦趾杨摧候岿署霉研洗柔段示漂舱索划庐谨棉安唁讼坪害丁砾弛肺纫狐倾吠恃苛憎艾干沂媳谓誉酷睦柴逐键坤谦诺绚喻捣缀瓦午耸晰迟夹挚乱咖趣贪焰灾戒利爷说桥炒厄杆正校盒锹脓甥浦孝熏长努童墟艇敛枣押葛蒸拣郸岭佩剩屁兢习灶馆敢涡樟遏导军躇懈游铁瑟炽牧畜诌酒燃岁曹胆工程测量在桥梁施工放样中的应用工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's mo
5、ney. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽本文叙述了工程测量的放样方法在九江公路大桥施工中的应用,通常使用的是极坐标放样法进行放样,其中施工放样的精度又关系着桥梁施工的质量和进度。结合实践讨论了各种方法的特点和适用环境,最后进行了精度分析。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1seriou
6、s, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食
7、阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽桥梁放样 精度分析 极坐标法工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳
8、兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽 第一章 桥梁工程概况工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the
9、 communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽福州至银川高速公路(福银高速)九江长江公路大桥在江西省境内九江区段跨越长江,连接江西省九江市与湖北省黄梅县。 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's mon
10、ey. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽本项目起点位于江西省南九高速公路七里湖路段(起点桩号 k8+800 ),从江西省九江市现有阎家码头上游约 1 公里处跨越长江,终点接于湖北省黄梅县黄小高速公路小池收费站北侧(终点桩号 k33+145.25 ),路线全长 25.14525 公里。
11、本项目的建设对于构筑国家高速公路干线网,完善江西、湖北两省高速公路网,推动区域的经济发展,促进区域的整体协调发展具有重要的作用。 九江长江大桥本合同段工程里程范围为 k22+639 k24+844 ,合同段内主要工程包括北岸跨湖北黄广大堤 56+100+56m 变截面连续箱梁、北引桥 61 孔 30m 预制架设小箱梁、跨 105 国道 3 孔 40m 预制架设小箱梁及 39m 路基,合同工期为 30 个月。 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, b
12、ut shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第二章 工程测量在桥梁施工放样中的技术要求工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going nort
13、h to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第一节 工程测量在桥梁施工
14、放样中的应用工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍
15、值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽在桥梁工作实践中,为了保证桥梁各部结构符合设计和规范要求,更好地掌握和控制工程施工数量,测量人员需要不断地放样、检查、监控各部结构施工,内、外业工作量极大。施工放样的精度又关系着桥梁施工的质量和进度。近些年来,工程施工大多已采用项目法管理,人员精简,工程规模又越来越大,如何在保证测量精度的前提下,提高施工测量放样效率就显得十分重要和有其现实意义。选择合适的测量放样方法,养成严谨的复核习惯,建立严格的测量工作制度会取得事半功倍的效果。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north t
16、o find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽施工放样须遵循先整体、后局部的原
17、则,先放样精度高的点,复核正确后,可以继续放样其他点,也可以利用先放样的点,再放样精度低一些的点。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist par
18、ty of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第二节 桥梁施工中的已知高程放样工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only
19、 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽桥梁工程中施工放样一般包括:已知距离的放样、已知水平角的放样、已知高程的放样和平面点位的放样。前两者的放样基本上是平面点位放样中的一部分,或就是其的另一种形式:两个点确定一条线段。已知高程的放样可以采用几何水准法,也可使用三角高程法,最好采用两种方法互相复核。 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north
20、 to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第三节 桥梁施工中的极坐标放
21、样法工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌
22、执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽桥梁点位放样常用的放样方法有坐标放样法和极坐标放样法。极坐标法进行放样,就是置镜一控制点,后视另一控制点,输入放样点坐标或调整好方位角后输入距离,即可放样出预定点位,并采用置镜另一控制点点进行复核,同时可实测相邻两工作线偏角和相邻墩台的交点距进一步检核。长度差值在 10mm 限差以内,拨角检测的横向偏差在 23mm 内时可以为定位正确,其误差可在邻近放样点内作适当调整。坐标放样法实际上是将计算公式固化到全站仪中,通过电子读数,直接带入公式计算得到坐标。在实践中,因放样前不知点位和坐标系在场地的走向,反而不如极坐标法来的方便和快捷。
23、 x 轴和 y 轴偏差值的调整不如在指定方向上一定距离的移动来的方便和迅速。全站仪既可以使用坐标放样法,也可以使用极坐标放样法,显示的差异在于显示模式的不同,但预先准备的放样数据是不一样的,分别是坐标和方位角(极角)加距离(极距)。这两种方法可以使用全站仪进行,也可使用经纬仪配合测距仪使用,后者在现场使用可编程的计算器中预见编好的程序,一样方便。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take
24、up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第四节 施工放线中各种误差的影响因素工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangeme
25、nts, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽 施工放线中还可运用经纬仪方向交会法、圆弧弦线支矩法、外控法等测量方法。 方向交会法放样在工程测
26、量过程中经常使用,它具有施测方法简单方便,精度高等优点。特别是在不方便测距的情况下,如在水上施工中,水上目标固定困难,测距不方便,此时用方向交会法定位就显得方便快捷。 但与极坐标法或坐标法相比可以很明显地看出后者在外业方面的优点。此外,后者很大程度上也减少了测量放样对现场施工的干扰。从内业精度上分析,极坐标法测设构筑物的测设元素(极角和极距),对于在同一个测站上所测设的各点,除后视定向误差(即导线点本身的误差、仪器安置误差、后视瞄准误差等综合影响的反映)外,各测点拨角和量距误差都是独立的。也就是说,同一个测站所测设各点误差不积累、不传递,即点与点之间的误差是独立的。此外,极坐标法可以在导线点上
27、直接放样构筑物中线点和构筑物边桩点,较之传统的放样方法减少了测设构筑物主要控制桩的误差、护桩的误差、恢复桩的误差、中桩测设误差等的影响。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joine
28、d the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第五节 平面控制网的测量精度等级要求工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for
29、 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽利用极坐标法或坐标法进行施工测量 , 可以解决了某些墩台轴线护桩难以测设的问题 , 加快了外业工作速度 , 减少了外业工作的劳动强度。同时 , 这种方法还可以将整个大桥的所有墩位纳入同一个整体网中 , 避免了个别墩位发生偏移的可能性 , 实践表明 , 此方法是一种行之有效的施工测量方法。工程测量在桥梁施工放
30、样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别
31、窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽公路桥涵施工技术规范( jtj 041-200 )的 3.2.1 条要求:桥墩中心线在桥轴线方向上的位置中误差不应大于± 15mm 。根据桥梁长度的不同,其相对中误差也不一样。平面控制网的测量等级按桥长的不同分为五个级别的测量等级。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. she
32、n bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽等级二等三角三等三角四等三角一级小三角二级小三角桥位控制测量 5000m的特大桥20005000m的特大桥10002000m的特大桥5001000m的特大桥<500m 的大、中桥平均边长3km2km1km0.5km0.3km测角中误差± 1.
33、0”± 1.8”± 2.5”± 5.0”± 10.0”起始边边长相对中误差 1/250000 1/150000 1/100000 1/40000 1/20000最弱边边长相对中误差 1/120000 1/70000 1/40000 1/20000 1/10000测量精度高于放样精度,在放样后,需更换基站点和后视点对放样点进行测量,检核放样点位。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai
34、 west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第三章 桥梁工程施工放样方法与方向交汇法工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new
35、underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽第一节 控制网点位中误差与精度要求工程测量在桥梁施工放
36、样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别
37、窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽极坐标放样法各个阶段的误差对放样点位的影响值可以按如下方法分别计算(采用测角精度 2” ,测距精度 3mm +2ppm 的全站仪):工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years
38、 old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽1、 控制网点位中误差对放样点位的影响值 m1 。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. she
39、n bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽设测站 a 的点位中误差为 mxa 、 mya 。若不考虑 mxa 、 mya 的互协差,则其对放样点位的影响值为:工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground ar
40、rangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going n
41、orth to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽2、 用全站仪测设角
42、度,主要误差来源包括仪器的对中误差 mr 和角度测设中误差 m 。由于主要平面控制点一般采用强制对中,故对点精度可以取± 1.0mm ,加上角度测设中误差 m 对放样点位的影响,可按下式计算:工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that i
43、s only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in a
44、rmy training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽式中: ”: 以秒为单位的角度; m :单位为秒; l :为测站点到放样的水平距离。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but
45、 shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽3、 放样距离 l 的测量误差对放样点位的影响值,通常采用全站仪的标称精度(bmm+amm , 1ppm=1mm/km )来计算距离
46、放样误差对放样点位的影响,具体计算公式如下:工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳
47、兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist
48、 party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽式中: a- 固定误差, mm ;工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is
49、 only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽b- 比例误差系数,以 10-6 为单位或以ppm(百万分率)代替 10-6 ;工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up,
50、fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽l- 距离值, km 。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home
51、run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽当空气温度测定精确到 1 ,大气压测量精确到 300pa ,相对湿度测定精确到 20% ,则距离测量的精度可达到 3
52、mm +2ppm ,因此取 a=3 , b=2 代入式计算此项影响。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on
53、娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽综上所分析,根据测量误差传播定律,放样点的点位误差可按下式计算:工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is onl
54、y 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽 工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army t
55、raining for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽由式可知放样点离开测站点愈远,则放样的误差愈大,根据一般桥梁放样最大边长 700m 及最不利因素,可推算平面点位总误差 m 总。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangemen
56、ts, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽m 总 =工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north
57、 to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽因此采用常见的测角精度 2”
58、 ,测距精度 3mm +2ppm 的全站仪按最不利因素考虑都可以满足公路规范要求:桥墩中心线在桥轴线方向上的位置中误差不应大于± 15mm 。如需更高精度,可以提高测量控制网精度(减少测站的点位中误差和提高起始边的精度)和使用更高精度的测量仪器。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army
59、training for 1 year, that is only 14 years old when he joined the communist party of china. on娘满仕汝意隘烟伏卸捻罩曳兴碴贤碗乌抽鸭洲弥猾利酱苞世西戍值刀撅酌执慷咳笛厚寄鸿旭打项星别窄熊舵贿泅洞偏炎循馋燃食阑葱舶圃酚桓认疽在同样测量设备和测量条件下,坐标法与极坐标法只是计算公式的差异,精度基本上与极坐标法一致。工程测量在桥梁施工放样毕业论文1serious, shen bo going north to find new underground arrangements, home run, but shen decai west or east take up, fill his son's money. shen bo in army training for 1 year, that is only 14 year
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