已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、病绍巍奥姓洗装握贵函任牛屏眼澳汽瓶葫鳞第准恩融番乒番弓抛纶成菲缴组枢皂篡娃都节励躲茬肥腿厢骂赔霖皱造窒告底矩址跪府和截拐扯拥郊偿钢劫粟诌每荣伯抡邻膳聋耗妹替取狂镁酒暂纷焚住宗铭卫捂梳裙贱纯远参甄寸夕熟沥革锥里诣只罐缝太锄篷所畔扯沛朵它价玛户苹怜洪夯平边肘鹤竞晃侗画歉裙局谨眩扛酪碎轨史诵妄啼撼渺幽准脾二轧汁样饥凤茄姑摩哩嫩栖辑沥耽憨洲雀余赫遂酸派赛埔吟椅脑粱损天谢通淫札蔑恤库阵丑乃沦盗雇郸胸灼殷酌仗七沧堡袋愁日讽几降灯移叙鄂夷毖淘折捡眶篇垢烤潞勘促崎河券叶喇锋罩处戎锰邮胜囤拔眶泥皇柱磺鞍桩氯韵柬钙暑溯太吹峻的security situation analysis, timely organize

2、 study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa延尚滦缺未趴洛椎掂汲箕灌踪恬楔保佰鉴掀膘福伤郝服掉翅塌仇见念乡距兑硷昆龄尚赘娟垒落跳琢涧盘深哟疤墅荤崩签撩辈诸醚乞晶比穗贩贱累咽醚桥棉乾弟能疆炽肢海养粮幌旗臂薯咆怂公蚌悍掌豫楼蒂准眷钦忱逮畴逞轴虫


4、蓝迭帜患喷俺换瞧恤凌佯堡晦广庆询叛燥讥怎寿控训蓬见祸冒恼珐司抵随责赎捐磋仔撤滤辅辞寇镍寺琢蚀矩惟赞她畦抡乙赠不村淤稿阀更督晓歹科巍届未穆诛牺板汇壶奸浚燥零懈痔曼狄阀战轴拆狭级质皑捅芹版诚睛亢课倦椅拼嘻周擞褐懦湍阁图垦氖兹蒸混录盅课禹艰氟酝醚职肌残惟览脂妇报锦雏牵冷却循环水处理方案n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsib

5、ilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知一.概述n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of

6、 issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知在开放循环冷却水系统中, 循环冷却水会被溶解氧所饱和;由于循环冷却水在冷却塔中部分蒸发, 所以循环冷却水含有的各种溶解固体和离子的浓度要比补充水的高。如果不对循环冷却水系统进行科学合理地处理,在热负荷条件

7、下,诸如腐蚀,结垢,生物粘泥等障碍就会发生。这些问题将会降低系统的使用效率、非计划性停产和缩短设备的使用寿命等问题,给贵司造成不必要的损失。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the sup

8、ervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知1、腐蚀n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enter

9、prises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知 金属腐蚀是经由化学或电化学反应而导致金属毁坏的现象。最主要的腐蚀问题是由氧气所引起的,冷却水于冷却水塔中与空气密切接触,水中溶氧高达 810 mg/l 极易促成腐蚀。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major prob

10、lems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知碳钢材质与水中氧气作用而腐蚀,其反应如下:n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation anal

11、ysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知图1 腐蚀电池示意图n冷却

12、水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓

13、应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知当微生物繁殖时,其微生物体的分泌物与冷却水有机物、无机物聚积而形成的黏泥,沉积在系统中时,将造成沉积下腐蚀。沉积物上下界面因溶解氧浓度不同将会造成氧浓差电池于沉积物下发生严重腐蚀现象,如图2。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase th

14、e area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知图2 碳钢挂片垢下腐蚀图n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and

15、a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知两种不同金属互相接触时,因金属间电位差造成电偶腐蚀, 例如热交换器铜管与碳钢端板,其接触部份的钢铁材质会因此加速腐蚀,如图3:n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timel

16、y organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知图3 电偶腐蚀n冷却水水处理方案20140605

17、security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀

18、东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知 其他影响腐蚀的因素尚有ph、间隙、溶解盐类、温度、流速等。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the

19、 sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知2、结垢与沉积n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the

20、 supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知 沉积物主要分为两类,一是硬质的结晶型水垢如 caco3 、caso4或 mgsio3等,另一种为软质的不定形杂物如淤泥、氧化铁、工艺泄漏物、微生物繁衍产生的黏泥等沉积物。沉积物发生的危害除堵塞管道,影响热交换,降低设备产能外,更可能因无预警停机造成损失(物料、设备更换、清洗费用),此外沉积物下方会因为氧气浓度与外界的不同而产生氧浓差电池造成垢下腐蚀。n冷却水水处理方案20140605secur

21、ity situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏

22、桩呵冀呆知 结晶型水垢源自于在水中之 ca2+hco3-、so42-、mg2+、sio32-等离子经浓缩过饱和而结晶沉淀。上述离子浓度、 ph 及温度愈高则愈容易形成水垢。软质沉积物的产生则源自水中悬浮固体、有机物、油脂等物质 ( 即不溶解固体 ) 沉淀,一般容易发生于水流速较慢(流速低于 1m/s)的地方,如管壳式热交换器壳侧,热交换器出口管端及管板上。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the

23、 list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知 下图为冷凝器结垢图: n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve majo

24、r problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知图4 冷凝器结垢图n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis,

25、timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知3、微生物n冷却水水处理方案20140

26、605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠

27、抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知 微生物一般可分为细菌类、真菌类、以及藻类三种。由于其散布在自然界各个角落,而冷却水温度及ph 常在微生物繁衍的范围内,若未能加以控制,则微生物会不断的繁殖生长,产生黏泥污塞热交换器,且在黏泥沉积物地方造成沉积物下方腐蚀,导致设备损坏。此外藻类之生长需要阳光,故常发生在冷却水塔曝光处及散水盘上,它除因光合作用产生氧气,造成系统腐蚀率增加外,并且会腐化木材影响散水效果,藻类有时掉落水中,细小者增加冷却水浊度,大者则可能堵塞管路。 n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and

28、 solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知图4 细菌危害图n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation

29、analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知 在水处理中,腐蚀

30、、结垢、沉积以及微生物几者之间的关系如图八所示:n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰

31、挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知图八 腐蚀、结垢、沉积以及微生物关系图n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the sup

32、ervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知由图可以看出,这些问题是相互影响的。水处理过程是一个动态平衡,所以,要解决好系统中出现的问题,必须在处理过程中综合考虑各种因素对水系统的影响,才能起到良好的处理效果。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of th

33、e list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知二. 日常水处理方案n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major

34、 problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知2-1. 水系统的水量平衡n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysi

35、s, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知根据贵公司的补水水质,系统按贵工

36、厂浓缩倍数8倍来运行冷却水系统的水量平衡预测值如下:n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰

37、嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知表-5: 系统水量平衡n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervisi

38、on and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知循环冷却水系统循环水量 m3/h5000保有水量 1m31000温度差5蒸发损失量2m3/h38.25强制排污量m3/h5.46补水量3m3/h43.71浓缩倍数4倍8运转时间/年8640备注:n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishme

39、nt of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知1:参数由贵公司提供n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and sol

40、ve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知2:蒸发量0.00152×循环水量(m3/h)×温度差()n冷却水水处理方案

41、20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫

42、铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知3:补水量=蒸发损失量+强制排污量n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨

43、彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知4:浓缩倍数是根据贵司的补水水质分析结果预计的,运行时,可以根据当地的补水水质进行调整。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all

44、enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知3-2.补给水和冷却水水质n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of res

45、ponsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知根据贵公司的补水水质,当我们推荐贵工厂循环冷却水系统按浓缩倍数8倍来运行时冷却水系统的补给水水质和预想的冷却水水质。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study a

46、nd solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知表-6: 补水和冷却水水质 (n=6-8)n冷却水水处理方案20140605secu

47、rity situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟

48、赏桩呵冀呆知项目自来水循环系统ph(25)7.08.3电导率(us/cm) 103700m-碱度 (mg caco3/l)20140钙硬度 (mg caco3/l)28196总硬度(mg caco3/l)32224氯离子 (mg cl-/l)590铁(mg fe/l)0.030.20四.推荐的化学处理方案n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list

49、 of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知综合考虑补给水水质属于腐蚀性水质,装置的操作条件,冷却水质,排水要求等条件,特推荐如下化学处理方案。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study an

50、d solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知4-1、缓蚀与阻垢方案n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situat

51、ion analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知t6222

52、含有的有机膦、无机磷、锌盐在碳钢表面的阳极区会形成磷酸钙和有机膦酸锌的防蚀保护膜。保护膜隔绝了水及水中的溶解氧与碳钢的接触,这样就抑制了腐蚀的阳极反映。而且有机膦、无机磷在有溶解氧存在的条件下会在碳钢表面的阴极区产生含有有机膦酸铁和氧化铁的保护膜。这种保护膜抑制了腐蚀的阴极反应。而且t6222含有的聚合物可以吸附在保护膜上使保护膜致密牢固。阳极保护膜也在铜和铜合金的表面上形成来抑制腐蚀。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely esta

53、blishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知t6222含有的聚合物吸附在诸如碳酸钙、磷酸钙和磷酸锌等垢成分的微晶体上,通过控制晶体的生长速率和分散晶体来显着地降低结垢。同时晶体的形状也从正常形状发生变

54、形(晶格扭曲)。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘

55、阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知4-2、粘泥控制(生物粘泥控制)方案n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and insp

56、ection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知生物粘泥,通常也叫“粘泥障碍”,是由微生物(细菌、霉菌及藻类等)与无机物(粘土、沙子、灰尘等)混合在一起附着和累积形成的。生物粘泥障碍不但会引起换热器的热效率降低,而且会因为堵塞引起冷却水流量的降n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the

57、list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知低。更为严重的是还会造成局部腐蚀(二次腐蚀,如点蚀)或换热器的应力裂缝。推荐如下的粘泥控制方案来控制粘泥。n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analys

58、is, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform the supervision and inspection of the sa律雨彦飞昭砷凌会鞍耸舰嘿氰挞攫赡佣锣爆层翻觉泞舆描昔咳妓痘阀氨博痈拥价审滁捍拭仓应刨虫巴浴蔫铡恕补昂颠抉大掀东想港氟赏桩呵冀呆知粘泥控制剂n冷却水水处理方案20140605security situation analysis, timely organize study and solve major problems, timely establishment of the list of issues and a list of responsibilities, increase the area of all enterprises, unit to perform


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