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1、医疗保健 在 澳大利亚Healthcare in AustraliaDecember 5, 2012Xxx 卫生行政大师卫生行政大师 Adamm Ferrier RN MHA讲师讲师, 中国卫生项目中国卫生项目Lecturer China Health Program卫生科学与人类生物科学学院卫生科学与人类生物科学学院 School of Public Health & BiosciencesLa Trobe University澳大利亚的系统是怎么不同? What makes the Australian System so different?affordability分配rati

2、oning负担能力 affordability全科医生The General Medical Practitioner3 守守门门人人 Gate keeper 卫生系统该基金会(神“阿特拉斯”) The foundation of our health system (cf the God “Atlas”)守守门门人人Gate Keeper4澳大利亚一目了然Australia at a glance 第六大土地质量 21.5米人2.5的土著 人口密度最低的(2/km2) 气候变化,主要是干 50000岁原住民结算, 从1788年的欧洲殖民 高度城市化 6th largest land mass

3、 21.5 m people 2.5% indigenous lowest population density (2/km2) climate varied, mainly dry 50,000 yrs Aboriginal settlement, European colonisation from 1788 highly urbanisedSource: 2011 Census, ABS 21026.8m people; 0.8m kms2; 8 Area Health Services4.3m people; 1.7m kms2; 21 Health Service Districts

4、0.2m people; 1.3m kms2; 6 Regions2.15m people; 2.5m kms2; 4 Area Health Services1.6m people; 0.89m kms2; 4 Health Regions0.4m people; 0.067m kms2; 3 Major Hospitals5.2m people; 0.2m kms2; 8 Regions澳大利亚一目了然 2Australia at a glance 2 多元化的文化氛围 在其他地方出生的26 20的澳大利亚人有一个父母在海外出生 高GDP($ A50,000元封顶(2011) 失业率为4.

5、6(09) 卫生支出9的国内生产总值(2008-2009年) Culturally diverse 26% born elsewhere 20% of Australians have one parent born overseas High GDP ($A50,000 per cap (2011) Unemployment 4.6% (09) Health expenditure 9% GDP (2008-2009)6Source: ABS 2102澳大利亚一目了然 3Australia at a glance 37Source: 2011 Census, ABS 2012澳大利亚出生时预

6、期寿命在65岁1901年 - 2010年Australian Life Expectancy At Birth and at Age 65 1901 - 20108澳大利亚的人口按年龄和性别Australian population by Age and Sex9Source: ABS As at June 2011澳大利亚 - 死亡年龄Australia Age at Death10Source ABS 2012土著人健康Indigenous Health 较低的预期寿命比非土著澳大利亚人Lower life expectancy than non indigenous Australian

7、s 较差的自评健康状况Poorer self-rated health 在成年期早期和中期的死亡率较高Higher mortality rates in early and middle adult period 肾功能衰竭的主要问题Renal failure a major problem 神话土著人民“生活在内陆地区” Myth that indigenous people “live in the outback”112004-2008年死亡的年龄分布Age distribution of Deaths 2004-2008(NSW, Qld, SA, WA & NT)Source

8、 : AIHW健康问题社健康问题社会决定因素会决定因素Source: AIHWSocial Determinants of Health14政策和策略及干预措施政策和策略及干预措施 POLICIES STRATEGIES & INTERVENTIONS预防和健康促进预防和健康促进Prevention & health promotion早期干预早期干预Early intervention治疗和护理治疗和护理Treatment & care康复康复Rehabilitation缓和治疗缓和治疗Palliation其他政策其他政策Other policies资源,系统和研究资

9、源,系统和研究 Resources, systems and research社会社会 SOCIETAL文化文化 Culture富裕富裕 Affluence社會凝聚力社會凝聚力 Social Cohesion社會包容社會包容 Social inclusion媒體媒體 Media語言語言 Language健康詞彙健康詞彙 Health vocabulary环境因素环境因素 ENVIRONMENTAL自然自然 Natural人造人造 Man made地理位置地理位置 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION偏遠偏遠 Remoteness緯度緯度 Latitude社会经济社会经济 SOCIO-EC

10、ONOMIC教育教育 Education就业就业 Employment收入和財富收入和財富 Income & wealth家庭及街坊家庭及街坊 Family & neighbourhood服務可及性服務可及性 Access to services住房住房 Housing移民移民/難民難民身份身份 Migration/Refugee Status食品安全食品安全 Food security社会角色社会角色 SOCIAL ROLES性别性别 Gender伴侣伴侣 Partner父母父母 Parent照顧者照顧者 Carer朋友朋友 Friend僱員僱員 Employee知识,态度和

11、信念知识,态度和信念 KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS健康健康涵养涵养 Health Literacy行为行为 BEHAVIOURAL抽抽煙煙 Tobacco use喝酒喝酒Alcohol consumption體力活動體力活動 Physical activity飲食行為飲食行為 Dietary BehaviourUse of Illicit Drugs吸毒吸毒 性行为性行为 Sexual Practices疫苗接種疫苗接種 Vaccination心理因素心理因素 PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS压力压力 Stress創傷創傷 Trauma虐待虐待 T

12、orture安全因素安全因素 SAFETY FACTORS風險承担風險承担 Risk taking暴力暴力 Violence職業健康與安全職業健康與安全 OH&S生物医学生物医学 BIOMEDICAL出生體重出生體重 Birth weight體重體重 Body weight血壓血壓 Blood pressure血液膽固醇血液膽固醇Blood Cholesterol糖耐量糖耐量 Glucose Tolerance免疫免疫狀態狀態 Immune Status健康幸福的时间推移健康幸福的时间推移 HEALTH & WELLBEING OVER TIME平均壽命平均壽命 Life Ex

13、pectancy死死亡率亡率 Mortality主觀健康主觀健康Subjective health功能性健康功能性健康 Functional health疾病疾病 Illness & disease損傷損傷 Injury個人的身體和心理素質個人的身體和心理素質 INDIVIDUAL PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL QUALITIES遺傳天賦遺傳天賦 Genetic endowment產前環境產前環境 Prenatal environment老齡化老齡化 Ageing生命歷程生命歷程 Life course代際影響代際影響 Intergenerational inf

14、luences医疗保健 在 澳大利亚Healthcare in Australia 州政府管理的公立医院 强大的私人医院系统 医生不是雇员 GP看门人的角色 医学界的力量 联邦系统 联邦和各州 合作与冲突 国民健康保险 除了有私人医疗保险,而不是取代国民健康保险的选项Public hospitals administered by the statesStrong private hospital systemDoctors mainly private practitioners GP gatekeeper roleStrength of medical professionFederal

15、system Commonwealth and states cooperation & conflictNational health insuranceOption to have private health insurance in addition to, not replacing the national health insurance15隐私权 Privacy 提供者和患者之间的直接沟通 由患者决定其他可以知道的人 有严厉的法律规定 Direct communication between provider and patient Patient decides wh

16、o else may know Strict laws in place16初级卫生保健Primary Health Care 综合医疗实践 社区卫生服务 全科医师的诊所, 居家护理, 地方政府 HACC(居家及社区照顾) MCH(孕妇和儿童健康) 社区组织 基层医疗服务合作关系 消费者和自助组织 General practice Community health services generalist centres, domiciliary nursing Local government HACC (Home & Community Care) M&CH (Materna

17、l & Child Health) Community organisations Primary care partnerships Consumer and self-help organisations17Australian Institute for Primary Care18History 历史 Pre 1970s Private insurance Charity centres GPs (private & charity) Hospitals (charity & private) Limited home care Institutions 70年

18、代以前 私立保险 慈善中心 全科医生(私人与慈善机构) 医院(慈善机构与私立) 有限的家庭保健 机构Australian Institute for Primary Care19History 历史 1970s Universalism Medibank (later Medicare) for GPs & Hospitals Community Health Centres Inquiry into home care and welfare services 70年代 普及化 医疗银行(后来成为国民医疗保险),覆盖全科与医院服务 社区卫生中心 探索家庭护理与福利服务Australi

19、an Institute for Primary Care20History 历史 1980s Deinstitutionalisation Disability rights Home & community care Targeted programs Integration of community health program 80年代 非机构化服务 残疾权利 家庭与社区服务 目标项目 整体社区卫生项目Australian Institute for Primary Care21The current system in Victoria维州当前的体制 Approx 5000

20、GPs 41 community health centres 59 integrated community health services Home and community care services Private practitioners 约5000名全科医生 41家社区卫生中心 59个整体社区卫生服务项目 家庭与社区保健服务 私人行医者背景 Features 澳大利亚公民对医疗服务普遍具有非常高的信任的因素和方面 有一个隐含的期望,服务将是高质量的 当事故发生时,更大的关注是,确保“不再发生在别人身上” 医疗纠纷诉讼率低 Australian citizens generall

21、y have a very high trust factor and regard for health services There is an implicit expectation that services will be of high quality When mishaps occur, concern is greater towards ensuring that it “does not happen to someone else” Low levels of medical malpractice litigation22政府和卫生部门1Levels of Gove

22、rnment & Health 1卫生部门在各级别的政府之间的不同的重点The focus of health provision differs between the levels of Government可以重叠Can overlap可互补Can be complementary不同的州政府之间的司法管辖区可以不同(=冲突!)Can differ between jurisdictions in different States (= conflict!)主要主要责任责任Principal Responsibility例例证证 Example(s)联联邦邦政政府府Federal

23、政策和资金Policy and Funding通过澳大利亚医疗保健协议提供的资金Funding via Australian Healthcare agreements国民医疗保险 Medicare老年保健 Aged care州级State提供个性化的护理或服务的系统Systems that provide individualized care or services公立医院系统Public Hospital System市市政政级级Local提供一般性的护理或服务系统Systems that provide generalized care or services卫生(垃圾收集)Sanit

24、ation (garbage collection)23政府和和卫生部门卫生部门2 Levels of Government & Health 2各级政府之间不同的角色 The relative roles as funder, regulator and provider differ across the levels of governmentLevel资资助者助者 Funder协调控制协调控制 Regulator提供者提供者 Provider联联邦邦Federal领导领导的作用的作用 Leader控制主要的税收是医疗卫生主要资金来源Major source of funding

25、 for all healthcareControls most forms of taxation领导领导的作用的作用 Leader 制定全国性的政策及影响Develops national policy national influence提供一些服务,联邦政府成为一个“买方”Some service provision, but Commonwealth tends to be a “purchaser” of care州级State依赖联邦政府的Dependent upon revenues raised through indirect taxation and grants fro

26、m Commonwealth based on GST revenue在限制范围内协调Regulates within circumscribed areas. 领导领导的作用的作用 Leader对服务的提供和协调Leading role in service provision and coordination of service delivery市市政政级级Local的资金从市政征费Generates funds from rates, and to a lesser extent grants from other levels在限制范围内协调Regulates within circ

27、umscribed areas. 适应地方需求提供服务Service delivery attuned to local needs24卫生系统的资金拨款Funding for health services 所有澳大利亚公民和居民都享有医疗保健,无论有否支付能力 “国民医疗保险” 资金助通过 征收1.5的所得税 一般税收收入 药品受益方案 医院治疗 通过省政府 病例组合 不包括的牙科护理All Australian citizens and residents are entitled to healthcare regardless of ability to pay “Medicare”

28、 Funded through a 1.5% levy on income tax General taxation revenue Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme Hospital care Via State Governments Casemix fundingDental care not covered25“私立医疗系统” The “private system”大多数医生行医不是雇员 服务费;除了公立医院,还有私立医院不是替代 健康服务提供者的选择 选择使用公立或私立医院 辅助医疗 牙科治疗保险社区评分 普通价格 不能否认一个人的保险 无法取消其原先存在

29、的情况Most medical practitioners are not employees Fee for servicePrivate Hospitals in addition to public hospitals not an alternative Choice of health provider Choice of using either a public or private hospital Ancillary health Dental careInsurance Community Rating Common price(s) Cannot deny a perso

30、n insurance Cannot disqualify pre-existing conditions26其他的医疗保健经费来源Other sources of Healthcare Funding 由各州政府管理 交通意外伤害保险 通过年度车辆登记支付的路局保险费 工伤保险 由用人单位缴纳工资总额的比例的保险费 就业“成本” 用者自付 - “自己掏口袋” 个人缴费 非常不得人心 Regulated by each State Transport Accident Insurance Premiums paid via annual vehicle registration Workcov

31、er Premiums paid based on a proportion of payroll paid by employers Employment “on-cost” “Out of pocket” Personal payments Very unpopular27谁埋单? Who pays? 不同付款方法, 不同的风险负担 Each system of funding alters the risks of the burden of ill health28四种对医院资助的方法Four methods of funding hospitals* Capitation payme

32、nt per head of the community served only practical when a population uses one hospital or hospital system used in USA (population = employees of company which arranges insurance) a version of this is used in one state in Australia*Source: Duckett 2001. The Australian Health Care System按人头拨款 按所服务社区的“

33、人头”数拨款 只有某人群只使用一家医院或同一医院系统时才可能 美国使用(人群=与保险达成协议的公司的雇员) 澳州的一个州使用这种方法* 资料来源: Duckett 2001. 澳大利亚的卫生服务系统29第二种方法:历史形成法HistoricalHospitals were charities community gave moneyGovernments gave subsidy sometimesHospitals were deficit funded ie government made up the difference between cost and revenuelevels s

34、et by historyEach year, funding based on last year plus growth, minus savings, plus inflation, plus one-offs etcnow formalised in contract or Health Service Agreement between hospital and health department医院作为慈善机构 社区给钱有时政府给予“补贴”对医院实行“赤字”资助 即政府补贴成本与收入的差额以历史额设定资助标准每年的拨款基于上年的数据,加上增长,减去节余,加上物价上涨,加上一次性支出

35、等等现在已经在合同或“卫生服务协议”中正式使用 政府卫生部门和医院之间30第三种方法:按天数为标准3rd Method: Per Diem Latin for by the day Funding based on number of patient days beddays Often tiered - fee steps down for longer stays Often used for nursing homes, rehabilitation services, palliative care Used for private hospitals until recently拉丁

36、语中是“按天”的意思按病人住院天数为标准拨款病床日经常分层次-住院时间越长,每天费用越低主要用于老年护理院,康复中心,缓解痛苦服务直到最近才用于私立医院31第四种方法:按病例数4th Method: Per Case Payment for the number of patients treated Hospital carries risk of inefficient treatment Funder carries risk of higher volumes (USA) Budget is based on number of patients x price per patient

37、 按治疗病人数资助 医院承担治疗效率低的风险 资金支持者承担就诊病人更多的风险(美国) 预算根据病人数与每个病人价格的乘积32病例组合Casemix Funding based on mix of cases Cases weighted average patient = 1 more complex, higher weight weighting based on Diagnostic Related Groups - DRGs Australian version: ARDRG 10.0 根据“病例的混合”拨款 病例的加权指数 一般病人=1 越复杂的病人,加权指数越高 加权指数根据诊断

38、相关组(DRGs)的标准 澳州版本: 诊断相关组澳大利亚修订版10.033Inpatient Funding: DRGs住院服务的资助:诊断相关组DRGs 661 DRGs in 23 Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs), eg: Obstetrics Nervous System Episodes clinically similar + similar costs allows for complications and comorbidities and different complexity 分为661个诊断相关组,23个主要疾病类别,例如: 产科

39、神经系统 相似临床病程+相似成本 考虑到并发症和合并症 不同的复杂程度34诊断相关组的原则:三个两点原则DRG Principles: Three Twos Each Group is: clinically sensible similar costs In total, Groups are: comprehensive mutually exclusive Used as: management tool funding tool 每个诊断相关组具有: 临床灵敏性 费用相近 总体上,各诊断相关组具有: 包容性 相互排斥性 诊断相关组可以用于: 管理工具 决定资金支持的工具35使用诊断相关

40、组加权的案例Using DRG weighted cases Comparing workload of different hospitals or units In Victoria, the average case (casemix weight equal to 1) is called a WIES Hospital A treats 43,500 patients, which convert to 40,000 average cases (or WIES) and Hospital B treats 43,500 cases but they are more complex

41、, and convert to 50,000 WIES Hospital Bs funding will be 125% of Hospital As funding 比较不同医院或科室的工作量 在维多利亚州,平均病例(在病例组合中权重为1)的称为WIES 医院A治疗了43,500名病人,折算为40,000个平均病例(或WIES) 医院B治疗了43,500名病人,但病情比较复杂,因此折算为50,000个WIES 对医院B的资金支持将是医院A的125%36历史 History DRGs developed in USA for government funders in 1980s (aged

42、 and poor - Medicare and Medicaid) Australia began testing in 1985, in Victoria All states use DRGs Private hospitals too 诊断相关组(DRGs)是20世纪80年代美国为政府资助计划开发的办法 (老年人和穷人- 医疗照顾和医疗补助) 澳州于1985年开始在维州试行 现在所有的州均使用DRGs标准 私立医院亦开始使用此方法37为何改变? Why Change? Government carried risk of cost blowouts Little incentive f

43、or hospitals to be efficient Lack of clarity as to what was being funded hospital not service Resource use based on history not current needs 政府承担着费用急剧增加的风险 缺乏提高医院效率的动力 对到底要资助什么不清楚 “医院”而不是“服务” 资源的使用是基于历史而不是现实需要38以及缩减预算And to cut budgets In Australia, Casemix has generally been used to cut budgets Wo

44、rks by artificial price setting ie force price lower get more service for same dollar or same service for fewer dollars 在澳州,病例组合Casemix已经被广泛用于缩减预算 通过人为地制订价格 把价格压的比较低 为得到同样的钱要提供很多的服务 或者同样服务收入较少的钱39按病例组合资助是如何运作的How Casemix funding works Specify types of activity: inpatient outpatient teaching & re

45、search Specify inpatient price and volume Specify outpatient price and volume Specify teaching and research outputs & price 确定不同类型的工作 住院病人 门诊病人 教学与科研 确定住院病人的价格和数量 确定门诊病人的价格和数量 确定教学和科研的成果和价格40Artist unknown source http:/www.mind- 不要紧,你有多少资源,如果你不知道如何使用,然后It doesnt matter how many resources you hav

46、e if you dont know how to use them的病人的决定Patients options无论支付能力Regardless of ability to pay根据需要治疗Treatment according to needGP由医疗保险GP funded by Medicare由州政府资助的公立医院Public hospitals funded via state governments 42基层医疗 Primary Care43小学及中学护理Primary & Secondary Care44小学及中学护理2Primary & Secondary Ca

47、re 245受规管回扣(医疗保险)Medicare scheduled fees 受规管回扣(医疗保险) Scheduled fee 直接支付direct payment or “bulk bill” 可能比原定费收取更多的费用some charge more than the scheduled fee GP的人次在2009/2010年的79.5由联邦政府直接支付79.5% of GP attendances in 2009/2010 were bulk billed46Source: Medicare Australia 2102计划录取到公立医院Admission to public h

48、ospital47计划录取到民营医院 Admission to private hospital4849卫生保健提供者 Providers政府 Government消费者 Consumers政策 Policy规Regulation学问Information服侍 Service基金Funding基金Funding中国呢China50卫生保健提供者 Providers政府 Government消费者 Consumers合规性Compliance专业机构Professional Bodies医生Medical护理Nursing专职医疗人员Allied Health政策 Policy规Regulati

49、on基金Funding学问Information标准Standards考证Research审计Audit鼓吹Advocacy投诉Complaints服侍 Service澳大利亚亚 Australia媒體 Media媒體 Media“水平”规例“Horizontal” Regulation51RACGP - 自我调节RACGP - Self Regulation525354战略规划体系 Strategic Planning Systems 我们的愿景是什么?(冲击)What is our vision (impact?) 我们朝哪发展(使命) Where are we going? (missi

50、on) 我们如何到达目的地(战略) How do we get there? (strategies) 行动蓝图是什么(预算) What is our blueprint for action? (budgets) 我们怎么知道是否走对了(控制) How do we know if we are on track? (control)budgetplanorganisestaffreportcoordinatedirectevaluate报告评估计划预算组织员工协调主导愿景 : 以病人为中心的护理The Vision : Patient-centred care 护理的目的是满足个性化需求的病

51、人 Care is designed to meet the individual needs of the patient56愿景 : 以病人为中心的护理The Vision : Patient-centred care 护理的目的是满足个性化需求的病人 Care is designed to meet the individual needs of the patient57预计的澳大利亚年龄人口Projected Australian Age Demographic58Source: AIHW 2008老年保健 Aged Care 一般健康服务(全科医生,专科医生,医院等) 居家及社区护

52、理方案(HACC) 有监督的独立单元房,特殊的住宿房屋,旅馆,养老院 General health services (GPs, specialists, hospitals, etc) Home and community care programs (HACC) Supervised self-contained units, special accommodation houses, hostels, nursing homes59老年保健 Aged Care 老年护理是一个被低估的区域医疗卫生服务 地位低 低下 强体力工作 出现问题时被引起注意 Aged care is an unde

53、rvalued area of health delivery Low status Low profile Hard physical work Only noticed when it goes wrong60老年护理提供者 Aged Care Providers 大多是“非盈利为目的” 以宗教或服务为背景 政府“购买”服务 Most are “not for profit” Religious or service backgrounds Government “buys” services61维多利亚州政府的老年护理床Victorian Government Aged Care Bed

54、s (2012)62老年护理的资金Funding for Aged Care63低和高护理 Low & High Care64维多利亚州政府的老年护理床Victorian Government Aged Care Beds65老年保健 Aged Care66财政上的限制财政上的限制Fiscal constraints国家医疗保健协议National Healthcare Agreement做好预防做好预防 - 澳大利亚人出生并保持健康基本和社区保健基本和社区保健 - 澳大利亚人得到合适的高品质及实惠的基本和社区保健服务医院和相关的护理医院和相关的护理:澳大利亚人获得合适的高品质,价格合理的医院和医院有关的护理老年护理老年护理:澳大利亚老年人得到适当的高品质,负担得起的医疗和老年服务病人的经验病人的经验:澳大利亚人有很好的保健和老年护理经验,并考虑个别情况及护理需求社会包容性和土著人健康社会包容性和土著人健康:澳大利亚保健制度促进社会包容性并减少不利性,特别是对澳大利亚土著人可持续发展可持续发展:澳大


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