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1、9AU nit3 Teen age problems难点解析Words1. teenage(adj.青少年的 teenager(n.青少年2. mark n.分数 marks(pl.) full marks 满分 high marks 高分 low marks 低分3. mad adj发疯的;生气的drive sb. mad使某人受不了be mad at生的气4. perhaps adv.或许,可能,多用于句首,指有礼貌地提出请求或建议等。5. deal vi. deal-dealt-dealt对付,处理 how to deal with=whatto do with怎样处理6. imagin

2、e vt. vi. 想象; 设想 imagine sth.imagine doing sth.7. worth adj.值得; 值 钱 be (well) worth(doing) something8. suggestion n. 建议用作可数名词many suggestionsadvice也意为 建议”常用作不可数名词 a piece of advice9. strict adj.严格的,严厉的be strict with sb.对某人严厉be strict in sth对某事严格10. silenee n安静;寂静;沉默 不可数名词in silenee安静地keep silenee保持沉

3、默sile nt adj.安静的;沉默的11. worry n.担心的;令人担忧的事,表示具体的令人担忧的事为可数名词。v. worry about adj. be worried about12. reply n.答复,回答 复数为 replies v. reply to13. progress n.进展,进步 不可数名词 make (much) progress14. pronounee v发音 pronunciation n.15. be of sbage与同龄 at the age of在岁时 for ages 多年Welcome to the unit1. What wrong, E

4、ddie?Whatwro ng (with )? =Whatthe matter (with )?e.g.-Whatwrong, Jim? -I left my umbrella on the bus.-Whats wrong with the bus? -It broke n.2. I gmtting fat. (get 为系动词 +adj.)e.g. Its getting hotter and hotter.3. You eat too much.too much 太多,修饰不可数名词too many太多,修饰可数名词much too太,修饰形容词4. Why not eat less

5、and exercise (v.) more?可数名词,意为 “操;习题” do mornin g/eye exercises不可数名词,意为“锻炼”e.g. You can try your best and enjoy the exercise.5. The TV is always on at my home. be on (adv.) 意为“开着的”e.g. Don leave the lights on.畐寸词 on 构成的短语还有 turn on; move on; put on6. The no ise almost drives me mad.noise n.noisy adj

6、. noisiernoisily adv. more noisily固定结构 drive/make sb. mad (drive-drove-driven)Read ing1.1 do not know how I should deal with it. 我不知道我该如何处理它。deal with sth.处理某事物how to deal with .意为“如何处理”,与what to do with意思相近e.g. I don owkhow to deal with the rubbish= I don t know what to do with the rubbish.我不知道如何处理

7、这些垃圾。2. I have a lot homework everyday, and I have no choice but to do it.choice n.作“选择”解时,是不可数。作“供选择的人或事物”解时,是可数。make a choice choose v选择 choose to do sth选择做某事 choose ab. as/to be选某人当choice表示 选择权,选择的可能性”,have no choice but to do意思是 别无选择只 能”e.g. The little girl had no choice but to ask her mother fo

8、r helpfor mother s help. 这个小女孩没有其他办法,只能去找妈妈帮忙。3. I ofte n have to stay up late我经常不得不熬夜到很迟。stay up 熬夜 stay up late 熬夜到很迟stay away from 不要靠近;避开stay out待在户外;(晚上)不回家e.g. I stayed up last ni ght, so I am very tired now.我昨天晚上熬夜了,所以现在很累。4. Then I sometimes find H_hard to stay awake the next day. 然后我有时发现第二天

9、保持清醒很困难。awake adj. 醒着的通常用在系动词be的后面作表语。e.g. My gran dfather was awake all ni ght.我祖父整晚都醒着。作定语时通常放在被修饰词之后。e.g. Mary is the on ly pers on awake now玛丽是现在唯一醒着的人。wake是动词,意为 叫醒”通常与up连用。e.g. It s time for lunch. Go and wake up your fa午餐.时间到了。去叫醒你爸爸。5. I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies like volleyb

10、all and music.hardly adv.几乎不 表示否定意义。它常和can, could等连用,在句中位于动词 be、情 态动词或助动词之后、行为动词之前。e.g. I m so tired and I can hardly walk.我太累了,几乎不能走了。hard作困难的”讲时,是形容词;作 努力地;猛烈地”讲时,是副词。e.g. It s hard for me to remember so many new words.(困难的)As a stude nt, you should work hard at your less ons.努力地)6. I often doubt

11、whether it is worth spending so much time on my homework.我常常怀疑花这么多时间做家庭作业是否值得。doubt vt.怀疑doubt+whether/if从句(主句为肯定句)doubt+that从句(主句为否定和疑问句)e.g. We doubt if/whether David told us the truth.我们怀疑戴维是否告诉了我们事情的真相。We never doubt that David is hon est.我们从不怀疑戴维的诚实。短语be worth (doing) something意思是 值得”后面接动词-ing形

12、式或名词。e.g. The Summer Palace is worth a visit.颐和园值得一游。7. However,my love of football has become the cause of my problem.我爱的足球变成了我问题的起因。cause n. 原因 可数名词 the cause of的原因e.g. They are tryi ng to find the cause of the fire他 们试着找至 U起火的原因。cause v.弓I起;造成,可直接跟名词作宾语,也可用于cause sb. / sth. to do sth吉构中。e.g. I m

13、not causing you any real trouble, a我对你没有造成真正的麻烦,是吧?What caused Peter to cha nge his pla n什么引起彼特改变了他的计划?8.1 look forward to your valuable advice. valuable adj. 宝贵的,贵重的value n.意为 价值;有用性” e.g. His work has no value.他的工作没有用。v.表示 珍视,重视” e.g. I valued his advice.我重视他的建议。valuable adj.意为 值钱的;有价值的 ” e.g. Is

14、the watch valuable?这表值钱吗? be valuable for对有用的/ be valuable to sb.对某人有用的9. What about choosing your hobby according to (介词短语,“根据” )the time (先行词)you have(定语从句)?根据你所拥有的时间选择你的爱好怎么样?Grammar1.连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句从句来源连接词备注陈述句that口语或非正式文体中常省略一般疑问句f / whether特殊疑问句连接代词:who; whom; whose; which; what 等在句中担任主、宾、定或表

15、语。连接副词: whe n; where;why; how 等在句中担任状语连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句是由特殊疑问句变化而来,要用陈述句语序。常放在:see, say, tell, ask, answer, know, decide, find out, imagine, suggest, wonder, discover, understand, advise等动词 /组后面。e.g.(1). They haven t decwed will go there.(主语)(2) . I want to know whom/who you are waiting for?(宾语)(3) .

16、 Tell me what book you like to read.定语)(4) . Tell me which book you like to read best of the three.定语)(5) . Have the police discovered whose the special shoes are 表语)(6) . I asked him why he smiled.(7) . Can you tell me where you are(8) . Do you know whe n we will hold the sports meeti ng?(9) . I ca

17、n t imagine how the thief entered my room.Summary宾语从句三要素:1连接词that (陈述句)if/whether (一般疑问句)who; whom; whose; which; what ; when; where; why; how(特殊疑问句)2. 时态主句为一般现在时,从句可以是任何时态(根据句子需要)主句为一般过去时,从句进行相应的变化客观真理,自然现象等不变3. 语序陈述语序提建议的句型Why not=why don you +doLet s/ Shall we+doYoud better+doWhat/How about+do in

18、gPerhaps 也可用于建议。e.g. Perhaps you can park over there.Integrated Skills、Study Skills and Task1.辨析 aloud/loud/loudly词语含义用法aloud副词“出声 地”;“大声 地”1与read, think连用时,表示“出声读”或“把想到 的自言自语地说出来”,不涉及声音的大小。2当aloud与shout, call等词连用时,才表示“大声 地”。它通常放在动词之后,没有比较级和最高级形 式。loud形容词或副 词,表示“高 声的(地),卩向 亮的(地)”。1当它作形容词时,可作表语或定语2当它

19、作副词时,常与speak, talk等词连用,强调状 态和给人的感觉,通常放在动词之后,有比较级和 最高级形式。loudly副词,有时可与loud通用,但比loud更正式些常位于动词之后,有比较级和最咼级形式。e.g. Don read aloud in the read ing room. / She shouted aloud whe n she saw her lost son.The man has a loud voice./The teacher told us to speak a little louder.ThatDon t talk so loudly/ “Listen!

20、” he said more loudly than ever.true!2. Don t mention i不客气。mention vt.提及;说起 同样的说法还有:You re welcomeThat s all right(It) my pleasure.3. Many stude nts of our age have this problem.很多和我同龄的学生有这样的问题。介词短语of sbs age是后置定语,意思是“和同龄的”。她需要更多和她同龄的朋友。二、短语呈现Welcome to the unit1. get en ough sleep得到足够的睡眠2. be on (灯

21、、电视等)开着、亮着,上演3. drive sb. mad = make sb. mad使某人受不了,把某人逼疯4. ( go mad 发疯)5. close friends亲密的朋友6. feel lonely感到孤独(主观)-live alone独自居住(客观)7. get low marks in exams 在考试中得低分Read ing8. how deal with =what do wit 怎样处理9. have no choice but to do sth.除了做某事别无选择10. stay up (late) 熬夜11. stay awake保持清醒 awake (作表语、

22、宾语补足语)12. imagine (sb.) doing sth.想象、设想做某事13. I often doubt whether / if it is worth spending so much time on homework14. (doubt 在肯定句中接 if / whether 引导的从句 )15. There is no doubt that you can solve the problem by yourself (doubt 在否定句和疑问句 中接 that 引导的从句 )16. be (well) worth (doing) sth. ( 很 ) 值得做某事 The

23、 Summer Palace is worth a visit 颐和 园值得一游17. 这张图片至少值二十美元 The picture is worth 20 dollars18. 这本书很值得一读。 The book is well worth reading. /Its well worth reading the book.19. so that 以便,为了(引导目的状语从句, 从句中常用情态动词) so + adj. /adv. + that 如 此以至于(引导结果状语从句)20. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 为某人提供某物21. provid

24、e sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb为某人提供某物22. offer sb. some suggestions/ advice= offer some suggestions to me23. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事24. hear from sb.(短) = get/receive a letter from sb.(短)=have a letter from sb.(延)收至U 某人来信25. be crazy about 对 .很着迷26. my love of football 我对足球的热爱27. the cause o

25、f 的原因28. get into trouble 陷入麻烦29. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 被动: Sb. be allowed to do sth.30. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格31. develop our hobbies 培养我们的爱好32. stay out late 呆在外面很晚33. achieve a balanee获得平衡34. valuable advice宝贵的建议(adj.只能修饰物,不能修饰人,value ,n.价值)35. make a list of

26、列一个 .清单36. work out 算出,解决,制定出 .(代词放中间 )37. according to根据(介词短语),据所说38. my advice is worth taking 我的建议值得采纳39. take /follow ones advice 接受 /采纳某人的建议40. It seems/seemed that似乎,好像41. It is better for you to go home earlier你最好早点回家42. = Youd better go home earlier43. forget about sth忘记有关 的事Grammar and Inte

27、grated Skills and Study Skills44. need /keep silence 需要安静/ 保持安静 (silence n. -silent adj. 寂静的)45. n eed some one to share my worries with 需要有人分担我的忧愁46. solve the problem 解决问题47. ask for help 寻求帮助48. youth worker 青少年工作者49. thank you for your reply (n.) 感谢你的回复 There is no reply.50. reply to my letter (

28、v.) = an swer my letter 回复我的信 an swer the door / the teleph one 只 能用 answer)51. laugh at 嘲笑52. make progress取得进步progress (不可数名词)53. call her bookworm 叫她书虫54. make progress( in)(在方面)取得进步55. go over 复习,回顾56. as often as possible尽可能经常地57. read English aloud 大声朗读英语58. pronounce all the words correctly 准

29、确地发所有单词的音( v.)59. learn correct pronunciation 学习正确的发音 (n.)60. Dont mention it 不客气Task61. pay (no) attention to sb. (不)注意某人62. keep your worries to yourself 把担忧留给自己63. be unhappy with 对 不满意64. many students of our age我们这个年龄的许多学生65. care too much about your marks 太在意你的分数66. Whats wrong, Eddie? 怎么了 ,埃迪?67. Perhaps you should man age your time better and


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