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1、WY英语(必修三)Module 4Sandstorms in Asia经典例文(2015甘肃联考)作为中学生,我们应该如何理解父母对我们的严格要求和爱护呢?下面是三名高中生想对父母说的话,请你就此谈谈自己的看法。想对父母说我需要放松,希望有时候能看看电视,上上网。 我需要朋友,希望能和朋友们一起说笑、玩闹。 我希望得到父母的信任,他们能像朋友一样待我。注意:1可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2词数100左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。In China,children are the centre of each family.范文背诵In China children are the cen

2、tre of each family. All parents wish their children,especially senior high school students,could go to top universities and have a bright future. So all the children are always expected to make full use of their time to study. They are not allowed to watch TY play computer games or go out to play wi

3、th their friends.Some students just complain that their parents are only concerned about their grades and not their other needs. They wish to have their own time to watch TV or surf the Internet. They also hope to chat or play with their friends.In my opinion,our parents are responsible for us.Perha

4、ps out of nothing but love,they are sometimes too strict with us. But I think we should learn to communicate with them,telling them that well work harder and will never let them down. Only by doing this will we earn trust and respect from them.SHUO JI CHU课前预习读教材基/础僦/理、重点单词1. mass _仇伉大量的;大规模的2. campa

5、ign _弘战役;活动3. Process n进程;过程4. forecast .%预报;预告5. ycle认重新利用;再循环6. gent。妙紧急的7.scary _ 色恐怖的;吓人的.absolutelyMe绝对地;完全地9frighteni ng奶吓人的;可怕的f frighten 吓唬;使害怕f fright n.恐惧;害怕10. strength力量;力气-strengthen v.加强f stronga妙强壮的11 chemical.化学药品(at(/化学的f chemistry n.化学12. concerned 仇伉关心的;担心的-concern n.关心13. major _

6、 龙主要的;多数的majority n.大多数 15. protection n 保护protect V保护14. complain勿抱怨;发牢骚 f complaint抱怨二、必备短语1. cutdown2. be caughtin3. one afteranother4. have a bad effect 二砍倒突然遭遇(风暴等)一个接一个地对有坏影响阻止做5. prevent sb. from doing6. wakeup to7 take_in_8. giveout9. a nutshell10. bokthrough认识到,发觉吸收发出,放出 简言之,概括地讲 浏览三、经典句式1

7、They are often _ thick that you cant see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴能见度低以至于看不见太阳,有时风大得能够移 动沙丘。2. 丁 have been caughtin a sandstorm was a terribleexperience.被困于沙尘暴是一次可怕的经历。3 The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thic

8、k dust makes it difficult tosee 沙尘暴有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘 埃降低了能见度。4. To Pent 乳 coming nearer the government is planting trees.为了阻止它来得更近,政府正在植树。5 The garbage is then taken away and, possible 今 recycled.然后垃圾被带走,如果可能的话会进行回收利用。说考点SHUO KAO DIAN拓展延伸串知识知/识/整洽第一讲重点单词1. strength n.强项;长处;力量;强度;实力 build up onef

9、s strength增强实力;增强体力on the strength of 受strengthen v.巩固,加强的鼓舞,依据.whether the work week should strengthen its legallimits or whether it should become moreuflexible, is often debated.工作日是否要增强它的法律约束,还是更富灵活性经常被争论。He does weight-training to build up his (physical) strength.他进行举重训练以增强体力。I bought this dicti

10、onary on the strength of your recommendation.由于你的推荐,我买了这本词典。【易混辨析】strength,energy power 与 forcestrength指固有的潜力。指人时,意为“力气”;指物时,意为“强度” Oenergy主要指人的精力或自然界中的能量、能源。 power主要指做一件事所依靠的能力、功能;也可指人 或机器等潜在的或所能发挥出来的力量;还可指职权、权力 或政权Ofoie主要指自然界的力量、暴力、势力以及法律、道德、感情的力量和军事力量等。即境活用用 strength,energy power, force 的适当形式填空(1

11、) 1 have hardly enough left to move my feet(2) Police officers have the to arrest people.(3) He controlled himself by of will.(4) She put all her into her work.答案(l)strength (2)power (3)force (4)energy2. major姉较大的,较多的;主要的;主修的;较重 要的 几主修课程;主修学生 惋主修,专攻Mahlerfs music was a major influence on the young c

12、omposen马勒的音乐极大地影响了那位年轻的作曲家。(1) majouminoF(反义词)(2) major in sth主修major problems 主要问题the major subjects 主修课程play a major role in sth在某事中起重要作用majority n.大多数be in the/a majority占大多数,构成大部分 a/the majority of的大多数by/with a majority of 以多数特别提示(1) majoradj.Q比较级,既不能与than连用,也不能与I1“0连用。I1: ;(2) a/the majority作主语

13、时,谓语动词可用单数,此时强I1I调一个整体;若强调其中各个成员时可用复数。即境活用(majority) in the college. He语法填空History was his teaches history now.答案major3concerned adj.有关的(不用于名词之前);担心的; 关心的;挂念的归纳拓展be concerned that担心be concerned with sth与有关;涉及;关注be concerned in sth牵涉进某事be concerned about/over/for 对担忧/担心而言/来说as far as.be concerned 就Co

14、llege administrators are concerned that they will not have enough aid money to go around.校方担心他们可能不会分配到足够的资助金。The report shows that more and more students are concerned with the roles ordinary people play in society.报道显示,越来越多的学生关注普通人在社会中发挥的作用。Everyone concerned in the incident was questioned by the p

15、olice.所有与这起事件有关的人都受到了警方的盘问。As far as I am concerned,you can do what you like.就我而言,我想干什么就可以干什么。特别提示concerned与不同的介词搭配,其含义不同。试比较以下三个句子:She was concernedabout the matter.她关心这件事。v in the matter.她参与其事。with the matter.她与这件事有关。即境活用完成句子(l)Shethe children may get lostin the mountains.她担心孩子们会在山里迷路。(2)The case

16、other cases.这起案子与其他案子有关。 Theytheir childrens future.他们总是为孩子们的未来担心O 答案 (l)has been concerned that (2)is concerned with(3)are always concerned about4. complain v.抱怨,发牢骚,控诉归纳拓展complain about/of.抱怨complain that抱怨complain to sb.向某人投诉,向某人抱怨make a complaint about/of/against 抱怨;投诉I feel embarrassed that I c

17、omplain about not having enough childfree time to work.我感到尴尬的是我抱怨没有足够的脱离孩子工作的时间。People complain that they dont get enough information. 人们抱怨得不到足够的信息。If you want to make a complaint about that,you should see the manager.如果你要对此投诉,你应该去见经理。即境活用介/副词填空(1)A11 the guests complainedthe noise.(2)Im going to co

18、mplainthe council aboutthis.(3)Tomfs been complaining 答案(l)about (2)to (3)ofchest pains.第二讲必备短语be caught in被困于,遭遇We got caught in a rainstorm on the way here.来这儿的路上我们遇上了暴风雨O(1)be trapped in be stuck in困住be caught doing sth被撞见做某事catch up(常与with连用)赶上 catch hold of抓住,握住即境活用完成句子(1) He the heavy snow las

19、t night.昨天晚上他恰巧赶上了大雪。(2) At the moment our technology is more advanced butother countries are us.目前我们的技术比较先进,不过其他国家正在追赶上来。(3) The child his mother handtightly in the earthquake.地震时,这个孩子紧紧抓住他妈妈的手。 答案 (l)was caught in (2)catching up with(3)caught hold of看去2. look through浏览,快速查看;透过归纳拓展look around 环视,四下

20、张望look back 回顾轻视look down on/upon 看不起,look into朝里看;调查;深入了解 look out当心,注意 look up查找,查出,查阅 look up to尊敬,敬仰Wed better go and look through his luggage.咱们最好去翻翻他的行李。I told the salesman I was looking around ; I hadntdecided what I wanted to buy.我告诉售货员,我先看一看,还未决定要买什么。If theres something you want to experien

21、ce look into it. 如果你想体验某种事情,现在不妨深入了解一下这个。 Look up the word in the dictionary.翻翻辞典查一下这个词。即境活用补全下列look+”Qp./%短语(l)look回头看;回顾(2)look查阅;仰望(3)look调查;窥视(4)look当心,注意,留神(5)look瞧不起(6)look敬仰;尊重答案(l)back(2)up (3)into (4)out(for) (5)downon/upon (6)up to第三讲经典句式1. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in r

22、ecent years as a result of desertification.由于“沙漠化”,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数好像增 加了。此处appear为系动词,无进行时形式,可以用于下列句 型中:(1) sb. appears to do 某人似乎He appears to leave看来他要走了。He appears to have seen me somewhere before. 似乎他以前在哪儿见过我。(2) It appears (to sb.)that看来似乎It appears to me that they are right.我觉得他们似乎是正确的。It appeared that she enjoyed the food very much. 看来她好像很喜欢吃这种食品。(3) There appears to be.好像There appears to have been a mistak


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