1、1unit 2 fruitful questions21. part division of the text2. further understandingfor part 1 questions and answersfor part 2table completionfor part 3true or falsefor part 4discussionglobal reading3part division of the textpartsparagraphsmain ideas11-526-839-12413the authors children teach him about pa
2、radigm shifts.three examples of shifting old paradigms in history.the importance of shifting old paradigms.the author encourages people to look at information in a new way.4 part one: questions and answers 1. what were the author and his children playing that night?“what doesnt belong?” based on the
3、 sesame street game.2. what was the question the father put to his children?what doesnt belong, an orange, a tomato or a strawberry?3. what was the oldest childs answer to the question? and what did the father think of his answer?the oldest childs answer was that tomato doesnt belong because it was
4、not fruit and his father thought it was a right answer.54. what answers did his 4-year-old and his 6-year-old children give?his 4-year-old chose strawberry because the other two were round and strawberry wasnt, while the 6-year-old believed that orange didnt belong because the other two were red.5.
5、why did the 9-year-old and the middle one add to the answers? what are the answers?because they did not want to be outdone by their siblings.the 9-year-old - orange -not on vinethe 6-year-old -strawberry -the only one put on ice cream6part two: table completion names examples copernicusreuben mattus
6、edward jennerhe placed the sun at the center of the universe, readjusting the centuries-old paradigm of earth-centered system.he renamed his bronx ice cream hagen -dazs and raised the price without changing the product.he discovered a vaccination for smallpox by abandoning his quest for a cure.7 par
7、t three: true or falseif the game “what doesnt belong?” had been a workbook exercise in school, each choice of the kids would have been acceptable.if the game “what doesnt belong?” had been a workbook exercise in school, every kid who didnt circle tomato would have been marked wrong.f ( )1.almost al
8、l of the worlds most brilliant scientists and inventors were failures in school.2.only if we shift our paradigms and refocus our parameters can we take the great advantage of the super information highway.3.t ( )many of the worlds most brilliant scientists and inventors were failures in school.f ( )
9、8edward jenner discovered a vaccination for smallpox by accumulating and uncovering more information. edward jenner didnt invent preventive medicine by accumulating information; but by reframing the question.f ( )4.copernicus didnt do anything more earth-shattering than completely change the way the
10、 universe was viewed.copernicus didnt do anything less earth-shattering than completely change the way the universe was viewed.f ( )5.the key point is not the lack of information because what we need is not more information but new ways of looking at it.6.t ( )9 part four: discussiondo you agree wit
11、h the authors opinion that what we need as we begin to downshift onto the information highway is not more information but new ways of looking at it? why or why not?10o open ones eyes to sth.: cause one to realize or know about sth.使使认清认清,了解了解 close / shut ones eyes to 对对视而不见视而不见 keep an eye on 注意注意i
12、ii.language points11they are producing several versions of the tvcommercial to see which one works best.her version of the accident was completelydifferent from that given by the driver of theother car.originally published in french, her first novelwas published in london in an englishlanguage versi
13、on.iii.language points2. version: a particular form; a description of an event; a translationexample12blank filling sesame street is an educational american childrens television series designed for 1) , and is recognized as a pioneer of the contemporary standard which combines education and 2) in ch
14、ildrens television shows. preschoolersentertainment13o it is produced in the united states by sesame workshop, and broadcasted on november 10, 1969 on the national educational television network. because of its 3) influence, sesame street has earned the 4) of being the foremost and most highly regar
15、ded educator of children in the world. positive distinction14o no television series has 5) its level of recognition and success on the international stage. the 6) series has been televised in 120 countries, and more than 20 international 7) have been produced. in its long and illustrious history, se
16、same street has received more emmy awards than any other program, and has captured the allegiance, esteem, and affection of o 8) of viewers worldwide.originalversionsmillionsmatched15 despite the heat, he wore a black leather jacket. iii.language points3. despite: in spite of; without being influenc
17、ed byexamplejane went to spain _.(尽管医生告诉她要休息尽管医生告诉她要休息)despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.16iii.language points4. to those of us forced as kids to eat them in salads, tomatoes will always be vegetables.对我们这些从小就被迫吃拌在色拉里的西红柿的人对我们这些从小就被迫吃拌在色拉里的西红柿的人来说,西红柿永远是蔬菜。来说,西红柿永远是蔬菜。 17 it coul
18、d be argued that sending men to the moon is a waste of money. we argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. they argued him into withdrawing his complaint.iii.language points5. argue: 1) disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way 2) state or give clear reasons that sth. is true,
19、should be done, etc.3) persuade sb. to do or not to do somethingexample18 argue with sb. about / over sth. argue for / against argue sb. into / out of doing sth.iii.language pointspattern19 outdo: v. be better or more successful than someone else at doing sth. out 通常放在动词的前面表示通常放在动词的前面表示“超过超过”或或“超越超越
20、”的意思。的意思。 she determined to _(在工作和比赛中都要胜过哥哥)6. not to be outdone by his younger siblings, outdo her brother at work and games.20 many people traveled to the distant mountainous area in quest of gold.iii.language pointsquest: n. a long search for sth. that is difficult to findexamplethe quest for sel
21、fhood was always the theme for women writers.7. they were doing what edward jenner did when he discovered a vaccination for smallpox by abandoning his quest for a cure.21v. make someone well again after they have been ill; solve a problem, or improve a bad situation the doctor cured him of heart dis
22、ease.iii.language pointscure: n. a medicine or medical treatment that makes an illness go awaya certain cure for cancerthe government tried to cure social discontent at home by making war abroad.22 the report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation. iii.language points8. e
23、xpose: put someone in a harmful or dangerous situation; displayexamplethat unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject.expose ones skin to the sun 使皮肤暴露于阳光下expose oneself to criticism 遭受批评遭受批评expose oneself to the wind and rainexpose a crimeexpose a film经历风吹雨打经历风吹雨打23metals contract as t
24、hey get cooler.having contracted with them to do therepairs, we cannot withdraw now.iii.language points9. he found that theyd all contracted a similar but milder disease, cow pox, which vaccinated them against the deadly smallpox. contract: get or develop (an illness)andrew contracted an awful stoma
25、ch complaint while he was traveling.24he has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good reason.that coat is too heavy for such a mild day.iii.language pointsmild: 1)not severe or violent; slight 2) having a gentle character and not easily getting angry 3) (of weather) fairly warm 4) (of foo
26、d) not very strong or hot-tastingpeople in the north like to eat hot food, while people in the south tend to eat milder food.25这些照片总能使人回忆起二十世纪二十年代的生活。这些照片总能使人回忆起二十世纪二十年代的生活。the photographs are a lasting reminder of life in the 1920s. iii.language points10. reminder: sth. that makes you notice, remem
27、ber or think about sth.v.remind sb. to do sth.remind sb. of sth.remind sb. that-clause26 我提出这一点,是因为我们的社会似乎发展我提出这一点,是因为我们的社会似乎发展到了这样一个阶段,人人都大声要求得到到了这样一个阶段,人人都大声要求得到更多的技术,大声要求即刻享用不断增多更多的技术,大声要求即刻享用不断增多的信息。的信息。iii.language points11. i bring this up because we seem to be at a point in the evolution of o
28、ur society where everyone is clamoring for more technology, for instant access to ever-growing bodies of information.bodies of: a large amount or collection of sth. 大量的27bring up: mention a subject or start to talk about it all these problems were brought up at the last conference.bring forth 产生,提出产
29、生,提出bring forward 提出,提议提出,提议iii.language points28the only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.iii.language pointsaccess: 1) the way or method you use to enter a building or reach a placeexample2) the right to enter a place, use sth. , see sb, etc.access to the papers is restricted to the de
30、fense department personnel only.the system has been designed to _ . (让用户方便快捷地获取所需信息)(让用户方便快捷地获取所需信息)give the user quick and easy access to required information2912. but unless we shift our paradigms and refocus our parameters, the super information highway will lead us nowhere. lead us nowhere: brin
31、g us no success or make no progress 但是,除非我们改变范式、重新看待相关但是,除非我们改变范式、重新看待相关的各种因素,否则,信息高速公路就不会的各种因素,否则,信息高速公路就不会给我们带来什么结果。给我们带来什么结果。iii.language points3013. and he didnt do anything less earth-shattering (pun intended) than completely change the way the universe was viewed. (1)earth-shattering: earth-sh
32、aking (profound in significance) or exploding the earth-centered theory. 但他作出了足以震撼地球的(权作双关语)惊人但他作出了足以震撼地球的(权作双关语)惊人之举,完全改变了人们对宇宙的看法。之举,完全改变了人们对宇宙的看法。iii.language points31(2) intend: have as a plan or purpose; mean i got ready to leave the office, intending to call at the bank on my way home. be inte
33、nded for sb./ sth.专为专为 the flowers were intended for you. iii.language points3214. we need to discover, as my kids did, that there is more than one right answer, there is more than one right question and there is more than one way to look at a body of information. o this is a typical parallel struct
34、ure used as an emphasis.3315. when you have only a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. “a hammer” and “a nail” here are used as two metaphors symbolizing the old paradigms and the fixed patterns of thinking. this is a figurative way of saying “if you look at things only in one way, most
35、 likely you will fail to see the nature of your problem and consequently you wont be able to solve it.”iii.language points34o 直线型思维直线型思维o 改变模式改变模式o 重新审视相关因素重新审视相关因素o 给出非常自以为是的给出非常自以为是的答案答案o 与某人争论与某人争论o 寻求;追索寻求;追索o 暴露于暴露于o 感染(疾病)感染(疾病)linear thinkingshift paradigmsrefocus parametersdeliver ones smug
36、answerargue with sb.quest forbe exposed tocontract (a disease)35o 提出;使注意提出;使注意o 社会的演变发展社会的演变发展o 大声要求或抗议大声要求或抗议o 快速获得快速获得o 不断增长的信息不断增长的信息o 预防性药品预防性药品o 收集信息收集信息bring upthe evolution of the societyclamor forinstant access toever-growing bodies of informationpreventive medicineaccumulate information3637
37、 38391.1 段落的写作 o 我们知道,段落是文章的重要组成部分。文章往往由一个或几个段落组成,段落写作的好坏会直接影响文章的表达和思想的交流。因此,掌握段落的写作要领是学习文章写作的第一步。401.1.1 段落的结构 o 段落是由若干个句子组成的,用来说明一个中心或者从一个角度对文章的主题进行阐述。因此,段落不是句子的任意堆砌,而是符合一定的模式,具有某些基本特征及遵循一定的发展方法的。段落,尤其是说明文和议论文的段落,大多由三部分组成:主题句、扩展句(或发展句)和结尾句。 o 4142(1)主题句o 段落的主题(topic)是一个段落阐述或说明的对象。主题句(topic sentenc
38、e/ts)是提出段落的主题、概括段落中心思想或反映作者写作意图的一个概括性句子。它是段落发展的依据并且规定段落的发展方法。43o 主题句的特点主题句的特点:1) 段落主题句只能有一个主题。该主题必须紧扣文章的中心思想,把段落内容限定在文章内容的一个方面;2) 段落主题句必须具备一个主导思想,即段落主题句中必须包含一个等待发展的思想,以确定段落的发展方法;3) 段落主题句必须具有一定的限定性。其限定内容有助于段落的铺开和抒发,避免段落在展开过程中偏离主题方向。44o 主题句的构成主题句的构成:o 主题句常由主题和作者的观点两部分组成,作者的观点就是我们常说的关键词,反映了该段内容的支配思想(co
39、ntrolling idea)。o 主题句的位置主题句的位置:o 主题句大多位于段首,但也有位于段中和段尾的。对初学写作的人来说,应首先学习段首主题句的写法。我们先来看两个主题句: 45topic: city life1. topic sentence: it is more convenient (controlling idea) for people to live in city (topic) than in countryside.这个主题句的支配思想(more convenient)很好地限定了主题(city life)的写作范围; 具体地说出生活在城市的种种便利.46topic
40、: air travel2. topic sentence: air travel (topic) has several advantages (controlling idea) compared with other means of transportation. 这个主题句明确规定了本段将阐述乘飞机旅行的几个优点。从上面的例子可以看出,主题句能限制主题的范围以及提示主题的发展方法。47 o 1) 主题句不能太笼统主题句不能太笼统topic: our school campustopic sentence: i love our school campus.这个主题句没有限制一个合适的
41、范围,包括的内容面太宽,不好下笔,因此可改为: i love our school campus for several reasons.48o 2) 主题句涉及的面也不能太窄主题句涉及的面也不能太窄,否则就没有否则就没有展开讨论的余地展开讨论的余地。topic: college lifetopic sentence: i go to college to make friends.此类涉及面太窄的主题句就不好进一步发挥,这一主题句可改为: i go to college for several reasons.49o 3) 主题句不仅限于一种形式主题句不仅限于一种形式,根据不同的主题根据不同
42、的主题,可以可以有各种各样的主题句有各种各样的主题句。o 例如:主题句直接点明某事物的作用或优点。topic: solar energytopic sentence: solar energy can contribute to our future energy supply主题句指出人们对某事物的不同观点。topic: opportunitytopic sentence: it differs from person to person as to the view of opportunity.50(2)扩展句)扩展句o 扩展句或称发展句(developing sentence/ds或developer)、支持句(supporting sentence),是用来发展、证明或支持段落主题思想的句子。o 扩展句可分为两种:主要辅助(major support)和次要辅助(minor support)。o 主要辅助指在意义上与其他扩展句相独立,从各自不同的角度对段落主题加以深化、阐述的句子。次要辅助是隶属于
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