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1、练习书练习书p55过去式过去式 i went to beijing with my parents.i got there by car. i visited my grandpas house. i visited the great wall. i saw lots of old buildings.i ate lots of delicious food. i had a good time. i went to the park with my parents. i got there by car. i played football with my brother. i playe

2、d with toys. i read books. i ate dumplings. i had a good time.a:what was the weather like yestefday?b:it was fine.a:what did you do yesterday?b:i had a picnic in the park.hotsnowyrainywindysunnywarmcoolcoldi took photos.m3u1takehad a funny day;went to a park; went home;took sandwiches;wanted to have

3、 a picnic;there was; there were;started to rain; ran quickly;有个有趣的一天有个有趣的一天have a good time去公园去公园回家回家带着三明治带着三明治想去野餐想去野餐有一个有一个有两个以上有两个以上开始去做某事开始去做某事快速跑快速跑go- ;have- ;has- ;are- ;want- ;start- ;is- ;get- ;rain- ;run- ;take- wenthadhadwerewantedstartedwasgotrainedrantookon saturday;with simon;in the pa

4、rk;lots of;didnt want to get wet;hungry;angry;在星期六在星期六monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday sunday和西蒙和西蒙在公园在公园many ;much;some ;any ;a lot of ;dry scary thirsty beautiful nice cute difficult easy good happy hot cold sunny shy naughty clever snowy warm cool long short delicious special funny heavy

5、new old red yellow orange blue white grey black brown green1)when did they have a funny day?2)where did they go?3)what did they do there?4)what did they take?5)what was the weather like?6)who ate the sandwiches?7)who took some photos?they had a funny day on saturday.they went to a park.they had a pi

6、cnic.they took sandwiches.it was rainy./it rained and rained and rained.the naughty ducks.daming took some photos.用动词正确形式填空用动词正确形式填空册册p64t3miss lidid some shopping and planned her workslept the whole afternoonwang dongstayed at home and watched tv read a bookjackiedid exercisesinvited some friends oversarahtidied her roomstudiedtomdid his homeworkplayed football册p11t5in the morningin the afternoon册p12t2dear peter,i had a funny day on sunday. i went to a park with _my parents. i got there by car.


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