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1、6.3 翻译动机与翻译观念 苏晓辉苏晓辉翻硕翻硕2班班 6.3 translation motivation and translation conceptionvIn the above, we explored the impact of social, cultural, political and ideological factors on translation.vSometimes, these impacts are direct; sometimes, they are indirect. But in general, we call them external facto

2、rs.vIn all factors that affect the translation, subject factor of the translation is the most active and plays a decisive role.6.3.1 The impact of translation motivation on translation activitiesvIn 1980s, two German translation theorists founded the functional translation theory.vThey put forward A

3、im Theory, emphasizing aim was general principle, and studied translation in the framework of behavioral theory and cross-cultural communication. Aim Theory thought that the purpose of a specific translation task determined the literal translation or free translation to a text, and determined the sp

4、ecific translation strategies. In emphasizing translators objective having a decisive role in translation, Aim Theory proposed the other principle - principles of coherence.vPrinciples of coherence that Aim Theory emphasized, namely, the internal coherence of discourse, which meaned that willings be

5、tween translation works and objective readers in their social and cultural environment had internal consistency. Translation works with such conditions could be regarded as successful translation.vAs a cross-cultural exchange activity, translation has strong purposiveness. To translator who has a hi

6、storical mission, only when he clearly understands the fundamental questionWhy translate can he solve the problem of What translate.vIn this sense, translation motivation of translators has a direct decision role in what text they choose and what strategies they adopt.vLiang Qichao is a Chinas famou

7、s thinker and political activist in modern times,whose translation activities are good examples.vIn his book, he extensivelykstensvl discussed translation. He thought that translating western books could make our country prosperousprsprs. He clearly pointed out: So in terms of todays translation of

8、the western books, we should follow three prinples: First, choose the book that we translate; Second, determine translation rules; Third, train talents for translation. He listed choose the book that we translate as the first. We can say that he grasped the fundament of translation.vChoosing what ki

9、nd of book to translate depends on many factors. And the most important factor is the purpose of translation.vLiang Qichao treated translation as a tool of a powerful country, aiming at the implementation of the Reformationrefmen Movement. Under his initiative ntv, groups of foreign social science b

10、ooks were introduced to China.The starting point of choose the book that we translate aimed to implement Reformation Movement and transform old China.vAlthough Liang Qichao strongly advocated translation of social science books, he did not realize the dream of saving China by learning from western c

11、ountries.Then he turned to the role of the novel, hoping that taking advantage of the novels merits to achieve the improvement of the social and politics to achieve the purpose of social revolution.vFrom Liang Qichaos point of view, traditional Chinese novels were completely useless, the authors wer

12、e mostly vulgar men in the marketplace, and the contents of novels were about stealing and obscenitybsenti, which is the main source of Chinese backwardness.vIn contrast, the Western novel was the real literature, and their authors were all masters of Confucianism and Taoism. They wrote political di

13、scussions that were closely linked to national politics, which was very beneficial to governance of their countries.vIn translation activities, translation motivation and purpose directly affects selection of the works. In different historical periods, translators have a different understanding for

14、the demand of social reality. Because of different motives, they choose different works.vIn the period of social unrest, starting from political motivation, translators often treated translation as a means to realize their political ideals.Therefore, when choosing their works, they particularly emph

15、asized its ideology. For example,choices of Liang Qichao, Hu Shi, Lu Xun proved this point.vIn the period of stable social environment, translators put more eyes on the cultural content of the work, the aesthetici:setk value and artistry:tstri.vTwo monumental works, namely French writer Marcel Prous

16、ts Remembrance of Lost Time and the Irish writer James Joyces Ulysses , were translated and published in China, which could be seen as a full example.vXiao Qian and Wen Jieruo, who were couples, thought that Joyces Ulysses had greatly influenced the 20th-century novels.Disregard of their advanced ag

17、es, they were not afraid of difficulties encountered in translation. They chose to translate this masterpiece, because they believed there was a wide range of value in this masterpiece, which could use for reference for the creation of Chinese novels.vBut it is necessary to point out that, in terms

18、of translators translation motivation, they want to achieve the purpose of the translation and the selection of works, it is likely to conflict with other factors of translation, such as political, social, and cultural factors. This maybe result to missing of language coherent, which affects the spr

19、ead and acceptance of translation.vThere is such an example in the history of Japanese literature: in 1939, the Japanese invaded China. While in Japan, a large number of army families were suffering from the threat of death. At this point, the translators and publishers saw the mentality of citizens

20、 clearly, and timely translated and published the novel death which was written by the French writer Bourget, After a lot of rewriting, this translation became a best-selling novel in Japan in that particular environment .vHowever, later, in the spirit of restoring colors of the original, another tr

21、anslator re-translated the novel again.Unfortunately, because the social and historical environment was already changed,and the Japanese public did not accept this theme. As a result, few people were interested in this more faithful translation.vIt can be said that translators observation for social

22、, historical and cultural environment as well as their translation motivation play a crucial role in the process of entire translation. And to some extent, these factors determine whether a translation can get widely spreaded.vHowever, in todays society, some negative factors affect the translation

23、industry. As we can see, The powerful motivation that uses translation to save the nation has gone. However, translation motivation of seeking fame and profit brings dishonor to the translation industry seriously. Even some translators plagiarizepledraz other people translation. For these problems,

24、we should give full attention.6.3.2 The impact of translation concepts to translation activities Translation concept refers that how translators understand translation, which not only directly reflects translators understanding for translation activities, but also restricts translators value orienta

25、tion :rinten and translation methods. As a translator, how to understand the translation activities is critical to the impact of the translation. But his understanding for translation activities is not static. As socio-cultural context changes, a persons translation theory is constantly changing and

26、 developing.vTranslation concept has a significant impact on the translated texts and translation strategies, and also has a direct impact on the translation methods and disposing principles.vFor example, from the various versions of The Red And The Black, we can see that under the guidance of diffe

27、rent translation concepts, translators took different translation methods, which produced translations with different styles.vTake Xu Yuanchong for example, he had a clear understanding of the translation, and made such a point of view: Translation was the competitionkmptn of two languages, literary

28、 translation was the competition of two cultures. In the process of translating The Red And The Black, he took this view as guidance and thought translation was the competition, and this competition was spreaded on two levels: First, the competition of the language. Second, the competition of the cu

29、lture. He believed that in the competition of the two languages, the translator should give full play to the advantages of the target language.v许渊冲:北京大学教授,翻译家。老先生的名片上写着“书销中外六十本,诗译英法唯一人”。在国内外出版中、英、法文著译六十本,包括诗经、楚辞、西厢记、红与黑、等中外名著,是有史以来将中国历代诗词译成英、法韵文的泰斗级专家。1999年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。v许渊冲说过:理论来自实践,又要受到实践的检验。实践是检验真理的唯一标准。这是我提出创中国学派文学翻译理论的哲学基础。他正是在继承前人学


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