



1、英语小故事 100 字:种子的选择Two grain of grass seeds travel with the wind. When they flew over a farmhouse wall, a seed cannot help but put forward a suggestion : lets stay here, here, stand to look up too far.Another seed said : I cant, our ancestors warned us, only the builders of life on earth will have hap

2、piness.The first seed dont listen to, on the wall. His companions to fly down to wall, in the not far away from the wall a dips wet places under the home, he was determined to stay here and have a good life.On the wall under the rain the seeds grow into a tree swing. He bathed in the spring breeze,

3、accept the abundant sunshine, grow fast, soon, he was long and thin and tall. The seed of the earth, and with many partners around, take root and thrive.The grass on the wall far to see his former partner body is short, the wind breeze to take along some sarcastic words I let you stand on a high wal

4、l, but you wont, you silly! Now, Im on high, people see I looked up to. This is how great glory!The grass of the earth also let the wind ShaoHua answered him I think my life had a steadfast, but I worry about you, you are so high above the, from the support of the earth for you, you will cant afford

5、 to setbacks and tribulations.Pei pei, reed in angry, ranging from wind finish the ground grass words, announced a break with the grass of the earth,he said bitterly: well, to be envious of me. I was soextraordinary excellence forever!In summer, hot day, and not a drop of rain for a long time,the gr

6、ass of the earth is still strong to continue to grow,and that the swing to the proud but stem dead.The grass of the earth as swingers lament: refused to down-to-earth life, live only for the pursuit of vanity, and eventually hurt yourself!两粒小草的种子一起随风旅行。当它们飞过一户农家的墙头时,一粒 种子忍不住提出一个建议:“我们就在这儿住下吧,在这儿,站得高

7、 看得远。”另一粒种子说:“不行啊,咱们的祖先告诫过我们,只有在大地 上踏踏实实地生活才会有幸福。”第一粒种子不听,在墙头上住下了。他的同伴飞下墙去,在离墙 不远的一块低凹湿润的地方安下了家,他决心留在这里好好生活。墙头上的种子在雨水的滋润下长成了一棵墙头草。他沐浴着春风, 接受着充足的阳光,长得很快,不久,他就长得又细又高。地上的那 粒种子,也和身边的很多伙伴一起,生根发芽,茁壮成长。墙头上的草远远看到自己以前的伙伴身子矮矮的,托风儿捎过去一些嘲讽的话语:“我让你站在高高的墙头上吧,可你不肯,你太傻 了!现在,我高高在上,人们看我都要仰起头来。这是多么大的荣耀 啊!”地上的小草也让风儿捎话过去回答他:“我觉得自己现在的生活 过得很踏实,我却替你担心,你这样高高在上,脱离了大地对你的支 持,你会经不起挫折与磨难 ”“呸呸,”墙头草生气了,不等风儿把地上小草的话传完,就宣 布与地上的草绝交,他恨恨地说:


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