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1、learning aims of unit five 了解火山、飓风、地震和洪水等自然灾害,认识到人类只有保护自然,才能有效地预防自然灾害并改造和利用自然; 学习有关火山、飓风、地震和洪水等自然灾害的词汇; 学会表达喜悦、恐惧、焦虑和惊奇等情感的日常交际英语; 进一步巩固动词-ing形式作状语的用法; 学习描述一种自然灾害。have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake?can you list some natural disasters?boiling

2、 rock erupts from the crater(火山口火山口); the lava(熔岩熔岩) flows slowly down the mountain.gasliquidsolidlava (熔岩熔岩)vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen (氮氮), sulphur (硫磺硫磺)bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.1. how is a volcano formed?one plate crashes down into another. the fluid rock becomes hotter and hotte

3、r with high pressure. finally it rushes out. thus, a volcano is formed. where is it most possible for a volcano to erupt?joints between the plates.joints between the plates.joints between the plates. often near the oceans.3. what types of volcanoes do you know?extinct volcano (= one that is no longe

4、r active at all)dormant volcano (= one that is not active at the moment)active volcano (= one that may erupt at any time)1. whats the main idea of the article?the writer expressed his _ for his job as a _ and told us one of his unusual _in mount kilauea, hawaii.lovevolcanologistexperiences2. find ou

5、t main ideas for each part.part 1 (para 1-2) part 2 (para 3-4) part 3 (para 5) the writers _ and its _.jobimportancethe writers _of watching the volcanic eruption.experiencethe _ for the writers enthusiasm about his job.reasons why does the writer say that he has the greatest job in the world? 2. wh

6、y is a volcanologists job important?it can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and save many lives.3. where is mount kilauea?in hawaii.4. why is the lava that flows on mount kilauea more dangerous than the actual eruption?no one lives near the crater.the lava flows down the mountain and c

7、an cover up or burn villages in its path.the lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its path. the rocks that erupt from the volcano dont damage anything because no one lives near the crater.5. what caused the writers bedroom to become as bright as day even though it was ni

8、ght? the red-hot rocks gas that erupted from the volcanothe light was caused by the red-hot rocks and gas that erupted from the volcano.6. why did the scientists have to get close to the volcano after it began erupting? samples of the lava study the samplesthe scientists needed to get samples ofthe lava so they could study them.7. why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater? white protective suits special glove helmet special bootsthe author was wearing special clothing that made it difficult to walk. what does the writer find impressive abou


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