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1、重庆市南开中学高2017届高一(上)期末考试英语试题本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第ii卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。一、听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. what do we learn about the man? a. he slept well on the plane. b. he had a long trip c. he had

2、 a meeting2. why will the woman stay home in the evening? a. to wait for a call. b. to watch a ball game on tv. c. to have dinner with a friend.3. what gift will the woman probably get for mary? a. a school bag. b. a record. c. a theatre ticket.4. what does the man mainly do in his spare time? a. le

3、arn a language. b. do some sports. c. play the piano.5.what did the woman like doing when she was young? a. riding a bicycle with friends. b. travelling the country. c. reading alone.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给

4、出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6和第7小题。6. where does the conversation take place? a. ina hotel. b. at a booking office. c. at a friends house.7.what will the man probably do in a few days? a. fly to another country. b. come to the same hotel. c. drive here to visit friends.听第7段材料,回答第8至10小题。8. what did t

5、he man worry about at the beginning of the conversation? a. he might not find everything he wanted. b. he might not have enough money with him. c. he might not be able to carry the shopping.9. how much should the man pay? a. $5. b. $75. c. $75.05.10. what did the woman do in the end? a. she charged

6、the man a little less. b. she asked the man to pay her later. c. she made a mistake in adding up the cost.听第 8段材料,回答第11至 13小题。11. where are the speakers? a. in a classroom. b. in a theatre. c. in an office.12. why does the man plan to leave early? a. he is going on vacation. b. he is going to a perf

7、ormance. c. he is going to the post office.13. what does the woman offer to do? a. clean the office. b. pick up the mans son. c. finish the mans work.听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 17小题。14. how does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation? a. angry. b. surprised. c. sad.15. what size bag does the woman

8、 want? a. a 24-inch bag, b. a 29-inch bag. c. a 32-inch bag.16. when will the woman leave for mexico? a. on thursday. b. on friday. c. on saturday.17. where does the man work? a. at a mail order company. b. at an international travel service. c. at the airport information desk.听第10段材料,回答第18至20小题。18.

9、 why did the woman not go to college? a. she didnt pass the exam. b. she wasnt interested in college. c. she couldnt afford college education.19. what job does the woman say she did? a. she was a bus conductor, b. she was a shop assistant. c. she was a housekeeper.20. what did the woman think of her

10、 friends college life? a. it was busy. b. it was wonderful. c. it was dull.二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。21. -thank you for helping me with english. - . a. anytime b. im glad to hear that c. no, thanks d. thats right22. is known to everybody is that the moon

11、 travels around the earth once every month. a. that b. which c. what d. as23. the banker had his office broken and lost some important documents. a. off b. in c. into d. out24. it is at christmas thousands of young people go skiing in the mountain. a. how b. which c. when d. that25. if you plant gra

12、pe seeds this spring, you fresh grapes next summer. a. eat b. would eat c. have eaten d. will be eating26. around the lab, the visitors were taken to the playground. a. having shown b. having been shown c. being shown d. to be shown27. there were so many strangers around, the parents kept a close ey

13、e on their kids. a. before b. as c. while d. until28. four years later, she became the first woman a degree in agriculture from that famous school. a. receiving b. received c. being received d. to receive29. -what do you think of the painting? -actually i dont like picasso. but i say, this one is am

14、azing. a. must b. need c. dare d. can30. by the end of 2007, about half a million people into the city, making up around 10 percent of its total population. a. flooded b. have flooded c. had flooded d. will flood31. always read the on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. a. ex

15、planations b. instructions c. descriptions d. introductions32. on december 25, 2014, barack obama, president of the usa and his wife made speech to wish americans merry christmas and happy holidays. a. the; a b.; the c. a; a d. a;33. mozarts birthplace and the house he composed the magic flute are b

16、oth museums now. a. where b. when c. there d. which34. the children went home from the grammar school, with their lessons forthe day. a. finishing b. finished c. having finished d. to be finished35. -people should use public transport instead of their own private cars. - . the roads are too crowded

17、as it is. a. make it b. absolutely c. go ahead d. fine三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 请阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。i packed up my stuff preparing for a three-day trip. my mind had been 36 with work. as i got into the car to leave, my thoughts turned to my 37 .id beenp

18、reparing for the 38 for the last few days, and now id be away for a few days.how to keep in touch with your kids when youre busy or far away 39 many fathers. men tend to focus on one thing extremely well for 40 periods, butthis all too often 41 trouble. it isnt always an easy thing to 42 work withyo

19、ur family life. and if you dont show your kids that youre 43 thinking aboutthem, they may think that you dont 44 .id started down the road 45 i suddenly stopped the car and turned around.i drove back to my house, found a couple of_46 ,and wrote a short message toeach of my children. i put each in a

20、47 place where i knew theyd find it. when i 48 me next night, they both said 49 ,daddy, i got your card.when did you do that? my heart was 50 at that moment. it was such a small thing. but it had a(n) 51 effect on my kids and was their 52 that i was thinking about them. and itwas 53 i will continue

21、to do the small things that have a big impact. as fathers get busier and work longer_54 ,they are likely to forget theimportance of the little things. dont 55 opportunities to show your kids howimportant they are. take a moment to do this, for it wont seem little to them.36. a. impressedb. equippedc

22、. occupiedd. replaced37. a. children b. parents c. work d. past38. a. job b. project c. trip d. survey39. a. fascinates b. bothers c. disappoints d. amazes40. a. short b. limited c. set d. long41. a. results from b. asks for c. takes away d. leads to42. a. connect b. match c. combine d. compare43. a

23、. actually b. occasionally c. quickly d. carefully44. a. care b. worry c. know d. believe45. a. as b. until c. since d. when46. a. flowers b. cards c. gifts d. albums47. a. distant b. historical c. dangerous d. secret48. a. returned b. questioned c. called d. revised49. a. excitedly b. anxiously c.

24、gracefully d. softly50. a. broken b. stolen c. warmed d. heard51. a. harmful b. big c. immediate d. lasting52. a. evidence b. expectation c. reality d. belief53. a. challenging b. amusing c. encouraging d. distracting54. a. days b. times c. weeks d. hours55. a. miss b. take c. offer d. present四、阅读理解

25、(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、 b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。a here was once a very rich man who lived in a beautiful castle near a village. heloved the people in the village and tried to help them. he planted beautiful trees neartheir houses, and made picnics for their children, and eve

26、ry christmas he gave them achristmas tree. but the people did not love to work. they were very unhappy because they werenot rich like their friend in the castle. one day this man got up very early in the morning, and placed a large stone in theroad that led past their home. then he hid himself behin

27、d a big tree, and waited to seewhat would happen. soon a poor man came along, driving a cow. he scolded because the stone lay inhis path, but he walked around it and went on his way. then a farmer came, on his way to the mill(磨坊).he complained because thestone was there, but he, too, drove around it

28、 and went on his way. so the day passed. everyone who came by scolded about the stone, but nobodytouched it at last, just at nightfall, the millers boy came past. he was hard-working and had been busy at the mill since early morning. seeing the stone, he said to himself, it is almost dark. somebody

29、may fall overthis stone in the night, and perhaps be badly hurt. i will move it out of the way. so he tugged at the heavy stone, it was hard to move, but he pulled, and pushed,and lifted until at last he moved it from its place. to his surprise he found a bag lyingunder it。 he lifted the bag. it was

30、 heavy, for it was filled with gold. upon it was written,this gold belongs to the one who moves the stone. the millers boy went home with a happy heart, and the rich man went back tohis castle. he was glad indeed that he had found someone who was not afraid to dohard things.56. what did the rich man

31、 do to help those poor villagers? a. he made their living environment more beautiful. b. he planted christmas trees around their houses. c. he built a castle for some families. d. he prepared picnics for them.57. nobody moved the stone out of the way because a. they knew the rich man would move it .

32、 b. it was too dark to notice the stone c. they didnt want to do hard things d. it was too heavy to lift58. the writer tries to tell us that . a. no pains, no gains b. accidents will happen c. actions speak louder than words d. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush59. which of the following ca

33、n be the best title for the text? a. the stone in the road b. the rich man in the castle c. the poor men in the village d. the poor village near the castlebwith 365,000 residents and almost a million people in the surrounds, zurich(苏黎世) is the countrys biggest city. although the citys roots go back

34、to 15 bc, itwasnt until 1848 that the districts of switzerland united in confederation(联邦).today, zurich is a world-class, international destination which attracts millions totourists every year. the arrival of immigration has changed the citys face. itscommon to find chinese or lebanese dishes next

35、 to a swiss restaurant sellingtraditional food. once known as a banking and business center, the city has slowly reinventeditself. the best evidence can be found in zuri west. it used to be an industrial area,and has been transformed into a place of fashionable restaurants, shops andapartments.i par

36、ked my bike at the schiffbau, a former boat-factory that is now one of thehottest places in town. it was still early morning, and i wandered past la sallerestaurant, where people were laying white cloth on the tables. then, i walked overto the former lowenbrau brewery factory, which now houses five

37、art galleries andthree museums. traveling around zurich by bicycle is enjoyable, and its a good idea, sinceparking spaces are hard to come by. there are many bike tracks along the wide, cleanstreets. for a deposit of chf 20 (about us$16), visitors can get a bike for free at thebike station behind th

38、e hauptbahnhof (main train station).the citys best shopping can be found in the area south of the train station, whichoffers plenty of treasures, from high-end designer clothing to the worlds best watches.switzerland is not part of the european union, which contributes to higher prices thanmany othe

39、r places in europe. at times, the prices can be shocking, such as having topay us$11 for two small bottles of water.60. according to the passage, zurich . a. was firstly founded in 1848b. is now a city with many factories c. has food from many parts of the world d. remains unchanged in spite of the

40、arrival of immigrants61. which of the following shows that the city has reinvented itself? a. it attracts tourists from all over the world. b. it is known as a banking and business center. c. travelling around the city by bicycle is enjoyable. d. a former factory is now used to display art works.62.

41、 why are the prices higher in switzerland than in many other parts of europe? a. the goods here are of highest quality. b. it is difficult to find places for shopping. c. people in switzerland are extremely rich. d. switzerland doesnt belong to the european union. .63. where are you most likely to f

42、ind this article? a. in a magazine about fashion. b. in a book about popular science. c. in the geography textbook. d. on a tour website.ca teenage soldier, who was turned into a human fireball in a petrol bomb attackin iraq, has battled back to fitness to complete amazing 126 marathons(马拉松). karlhi

43、nett, 27, has covered more than 6,650 miles across five continents, includingmarathons at both the north and south pole.karl was only 19 when he almost died during an operation in iraq in 2005. he,was inside a tank which was attacked by enemies. an image of him rolling down thefront of the tank cove

44、red in flames as he escaped from the tank made headlinesaround the world. while the other four soldiers in the tank escaped serious injury,karl received 37 percent burns. he underwent five years of painful skin f9rafts (移植)and operations. after being discharged from hospital, he set himself the chal

45、lenge ofrunning an astonishing 200 marathons by the time he turns 30.he started the london marathon in 2007, and after running 126 marathons inseven years, including events in helsinki, miami and tokyo, he looks to be right onfor his target. he has already raised more than $10,000 for the bums unit

46、at the queenelizabeth hospital in the process.he also attempted to climb mount everest with other wounded servicemen,training for the difficult journey with prince harry, though the mission had to becalled off due to avalanche(雪崩) risks. karl said, the hospital gave me life, so iintended to use that

47、 life to give back to them as long as possible.for karl, the most difficult run he has ever done was a seven-day ultra marathonin the amazon rainforest back in 2012. its basically seven marathons in seven days,and by the end my hands and feet were infected, it was so tough, he said.karl has now take

48、n some time out from running to plan his wedding with hisartist fianc6e beth platts, 27.64. what made karl famous when he was in iraq? a. he was caught and put in prison. b. he was seriously burnt in a bomb attack. c. he was almost beaten to death by enemies. d. he was the only one who escaped from

49、the tank.65. why did he decide to run marathons? a. to speed his physical recovery. b. to help pay for the medical fees. c. in memory of those soldiers killed in the war. d. in appreciation of what the hospital had done for him.66. what has karl achieved so far? a. he has succeeded in climbing mount

50、 everest with prince harry. b. he has been honored with an award for his bravery in the war. c. he once finished seven marathons in seven days on end. d. he has run marathons across 7 continents.67. which of the following best describes karl? a. tough and thankful. b. brave and honest. c. determined

51、 and amusing. d. romantic and lively.dafter a full roast turkey lunch, it is traditional to try to work off the calories witha long walk in the great outdoors. now scientists have shown that interacting withnature, even in the middle of winter, improves memory and concentration levels.in fact, just an hour walking through countryside increases the brainsperformance by a fifth. in contrast a walk through busy streets, perhaps shopping forsales bargains, has no improving effect on the brain at all.the research was carried out at the university of michigan. one gro


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