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1、预习导引Communication Worksho二三四一、释义搭配1. extension2. concern3. circumstance4. absurdA. doubtfulB. ridiculousC. being put offD. situation5. scepticalE.worrying about答案:15 CEDBA一 三四I III二、短语互译1. 抢劫某人某物rob sb.of sth.2不时地;间或;有时t times3除之外on top of(还) return to normal4 .恢复正常5. 无论如何;至/lyote for/against6. 投票支持

2、施对7.in the case(若8.to be honest 在任何情况卜9.in any circumstance三、阅读课文SHOULD PEOPLE IN COMAS BE KEPT ON LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES?补 全段落 caseTfecent 1.of an AmericanwotfthfiTerri Schiavo,2.afterhusband won a legal battle to have her3thatoff life support machines 4. she spent 15 years in a coma-like state,has

3、exposed the many sensitive legal and medical issues 5. surround the care of coma patients四、阅读课文SHOULD PEOPLE IN COMASBE KEPT ON LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES?判断正误(T/F)1. Terri? s parents still believed (Eat her coma was only temporary after she spent 15 years in a comalike stale.( )2. Terri fell into a coma

4、 due to the head injuriescausecFby cancer.()3Doctors know how well patients will progress in less sevfe cases.()4. Even with treatment,some patients may neverreturn to nmal.()5. The writer disagrees with the decision of the courts and medical institutions/ )D 2345671. .Terries parents still believed

5、 that her coma was only temporary.特瑞的父母仍然认为她的昏迷只是暂时的。 考点temporary曲/临时的;短暂的Ellen has got a temporary job to meet her household expenses艾伦已经找到了 一份临时工作,以应付家庭开支。 We apologize for the temporary inconvenience caused by these building works1考点群I反 义词:permanent culj.永久的It is hard to find a permanent job nowa

6、days. 如今找到一份永久性的工作是很难的。D 234567活学活用完成句子1)双方达成了临时协议。The two parties reacheda temporary agreement2)我不得不找一你僧时的生狛萍家oI have to findto support my family12345672. .it is generally agreed that a patienfs chances of recovery decline 通常认为病人康复的可能性会降低 剖析本句是一个复合句。that在句中引导主语从 句,it是形式主语。考点decline vi.下降【高考典句】(2015

7、-r东高考)After all,many older people don,t begin to experience physical and mental decline until after age 75.毕竟,很多老年人直到75岁之后才开始经历身体 和精神的衰退。1考点延弟I1) 1 offered to give them a lift but they declined 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们谢绝了。An increase in private cars has resulted in the decline of public transport私家车的增加已经导致了公共交

8、通产业的衰落。 归纳:decline用作动词,还可表示“谢绝”:也可用作 名词,表示“衰落”。2) 相关短语:fall into a decline 开始衰落on the decline在衰退中,走下坡路;在下降活学活用语法填空1) The intense competition from overseas has causedthe cotton induStf to falla decline.2) Thankfully,the smoking of cigarefts is the decline 3. equip vt.使有准备The course is designed to equ

9、ip students for a career in nursingI療点群I1)【高考典句】(2018-全国高考I )A11 riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights 所有夜间骑车观光的游客都配有反光背心和安全 灯。The President is equipped for public speaking 总统具有演说才能。归纳equip还可表示配备tbe equipped with表 示“配有 equip for sth表示为 做准备;活学活用语法填空1) We want our son to have the

10、 education that will eq呻】himlife.with2) The explorers were told to equip themselves everything they would need for the travel.4.at any rate无论如何;至少At any rate,the medicine and food will reach the farmers before the snowstorm无论如何,药品和食物将于暴风雪到来前送到农 民手里。You ought to read an English article every day at-I

11、脅点施伸I_-_-|/j、i以土d狞八欢口人早。相关短语:at any cost无论安口何at this mte照这样下去;在这种情况下语法填空(1) Most people walk at an averagea&te5 kilometres an hour.用rate的相关短语完成句子(2) At any rate(不管怎样)willcall youXt this rate(照此情形),wellsoon be bankrupt.123456 75in favour but with some concerns?支持但有些担忧?考点concern 担心,担忧There is growing

12、concern about violence on television.人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。 That,s no concern of mine那不关我的事。I療点延伸I1)阅读下面的句子,归纳concern的用法。Hes concerned about his mother? s state of health. 他很担心母亲的健康状况。The letter is chiefly concerned in exporting commodities.这封信主要是关于出口商品的。As far as we are concerned,you can go whenever

13、you want.就我们而言,你什么时候去都行。归纳:be concerned about意为为某事担心beconcerned in意为与某事有关,参与某事”;as far as one s concerned意为就而言。活学活用完成句子1)我们大家都担心她的安全。We arealfoncerned about her safety.2)就我孙夹而曾我率同感他的想法。disagree vAffinchildren3)所有涉及儿童的案件均由儿童特别法庭审理。All casesare dealtwith in a special children,s court12345676.1 vote we

14、我表决我们考点vote w表决Today every citizen aged eighteen or over has the right to vote如今,每个年满18周岁或18周岁以上的公民都有 选举权。11Now we will vote on this issue.现在我们就这个问题进行投票。What made you decide to vote for him?是什么使你决定投票选他的?II丨People voted against Mike.人们投票反对迈克。:归纳:vote 20意为就表决”;vote for意为“投票翳亠”,左出“斗几亜匚1考点B#lvote斤投票,表决;

15、选票;选举权A vote on this matter will be taken at the end of the discussio n.在讨论过后,将对这件事进行投票。活学活用语法填空on1) If we can,t agree, we? 11 have to voteit.血2) He promised to take some practical measures toprotect the poor,so let us votehim.12345677.circumstance n情形;情况I know I can trust her in any circumstance. 我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。阅读下面的句子,归纳circumstance的用法。Under the circumstances,it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.在这种情况下,不告诉他 关于这次事故的情况似乎更好。In/Under no circumstances should you lend Paul a


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