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1、1-1:The United States Is Unemployment Too Low? Is the Stock Market Too High? Why Has Growth Slowed Down? Why Has Wage Inequality Increased?第1页/共36页How to Look at an economy When we Look at an economy , macroeconomists focus on first three measures: Output, the level of production of the economy as a

2、 whole, and its rate of growth The unemployment rate, the proportion of workers in the economy who are not employed and are looking for a job. The inflation rate, the rate at which the average price of the goods in the economy is increasing over time. 第2页/共36页Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation in t

3、he United State, 1960-1999(in percent)1960-19981997 1998 1999 2000 20012002Output growth rate3. rate6. rate4.第3页/共36页1-2:The European Union How to Reduce High Unemployment? What Will the Euro Do for Europe?第4页/共36页Growth,

4、Unemployment, and Inflation in the European Union, 1960-1999(in percent)1960-199819971998 1999Output growth rate3. rate 6.411.210.510.1Inflation rate5.第5页/共36页1-3:Japan and East Asia 1 What Has Japan Done So Poorly in the 1990s? What Was the Cause of the Asian Crisis

5、of 1997?第6页/共36页Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation in Japan, 1960-1999(in percent)1960-19971997 1998 1999Output growth rate5.80.8-2.8-0.9Unemployment rate1. rate4.80.60.4-0.7第7页/共36页Output Growth in East Asian Countries and Districts,1970-1999(in percent)1970-1997199719981999Hong

6、 Kong7.55.2-5.1-1.3Singapore8.第8页/共36页1-4:China GDP in China 1952-2002 GDP Growth Rate in China 1953-2002 Inflation Rate in China 1978-2002 The Sum

7、 of Trade and Proportion in GDP第9页/共36页Appendix: GDP in China 1952-2002YearGDPYearGDPYearGDPYearGDP195267919651716.119783624.1199121617.819538241966186819794038.2199226638.1195485919671773.919804517.8199334634.4195591019681723.119814826.4199446759.41956102819691937.919825294.7199558478.1195710681970


9、页/共36页Figure:GDP in China 1952-2002195267919538241954859195591019561028195710681958130719591439196014571961122019621149.319631233.31964145419651716.11966186819671773.919681723.119691937.919702252.719712426.419722518.119732720.919742789.9GDP in China 1952-200202000040000600008000010000012000019521957

10、196219671972197719821987199219972002YearGDP系列1第11页/共36页Appendix:GDP Growth Rate in China 1953-2002Yeargrowth rateYeargrowth rateYeargrowth rateYeargrowth rate19521965 171978 11.71991 9.21953 11.51966 10.71979 7.61992 14.21954 4.21967 -5,71980 7.81993 13.51955 6.81968 -4.11981 5.21994 12.61956 151969

11、 16.91982 9.11995 10.51957 5.11970 19.41983 10.91996 9.61958 21.31971 71984 15.21997 8.81959 8.81972 3.81985 13.51998 7.81960 -0.31973 7.91986 8.81999 7.11961 -27.31974 2.31987 11.62000 81962 -5.61975 8.71988 11.32001 7.31963 10.21976 -1.61989 4.12002 81964 18.31977 7.61990 3.8Average:7.9第12页/共36页Fi

12、gure:GDP Growth Rate in China 1953-2002195311.519544.219556.819561519575.1195821.319598.81960-0.31961-27.31962-5.6196310.2196418.3196517196610.71967-5.71968-4.1196916.9197019.41971719723.819737.919742.3GDP Growth Rate in China:1953-2002-30-20-100102030195319571961196519691973197719811985198919931997

13、2001YearGDP Growth Rate系列1第13页/共36页Appendix: Inflation Rate in China 1978-2002YearInflation RateYearInflation RateYearInflation Rate19780.719877.319966.119792198818.519970.819806198917.81998-2.619812.419902.11999-319821.919912.92000-1.519831.519925.42001-0.819842.8199313.22002-1.319858.8199421.7Aver

14、age:5.3419866199514.8第14页/共36页Figure: Inflation Rate in China 1978-200219780.7197921980619812.419821.919831.519842.819858.81986619877.3198818.5198917.819902.119912.919925.4199313.2199421.7199514.819966.1Inflation Rate in China: 1978-2002-100102030197819811984198719901993199619992002YearInflation Rat

15、e第15页/共36页Appendix: The Sum of Trade and Proportion in GDP YearSUM(RMB)ProportionIn GDP(%)YearSUM(RMB)ProportionIn GDP(%)1978355.0 9.81995 23499.9 40.21980570.0 12.6 1996 24133.8 35.619852066.7 23.11997 26967.2 36.219905560.1 30.01998 26857.7 34.319917225.8 33.41999 26896.3 32.819929119.6 34.22000 3

16、5368.6 40.1199311271.0 32.52001 38021.3 39.6199420381.9 43.62002 46309.9 45.2第16页/共36页1-5:The Core Content of Macroeconomics The long run economic growth Business cycle Unemployment Inflation International economic The policy of macroeconomic economic 第17页/共36页The long run economic growth To watch t

17、he world, we can discover that there are a big different about citizen life in the different nation. Explain it from macroeconomics, the basic reason that the long run economic growth rate is different in different country. It goes without saying, the increasing of labor forces is a headspring for t

18、he long run economic growth. But the most important headspring for the long run economic growth surely comes from the improving of labor productivity. 第18页/共36页Diagram:The economic growth track in the United States since 1870 第19页/共36页The change of the United Statess labor productivity since 1900 第2

19、0页/共36页Business cycle It is impossible for any a country to keep a changeless economic growth rate. Regarding the United States as the example:In 1929-1933 that the big depressed period, the output level descended near 30%.In the period 1939-1944, because the United States took part in the Second Wo

20、rld War, and the output almost turn over a times. After 1945, the economy of United States run relatively steady, but still undergo decline such as 1973-1975,1981-1982,1990-1991. Macroeconomists use the term of business cycle to describe this kind of sharp expand and contract in short-term economic

21、activities.第21页/共36页The output fluctuation in the United States, 1950-1990 第22页/共36页Unemployed When economy undergo recession, the unemployment rate will increase. The unemployment, economic growth and business cycle all together make up of the core content of macroeconomics 第23页/共36页The change abou

22、t the unemployment rate in the United States, 1890-1990 第24页/共36页Inflation Inflation is a sustained rise in the general level of prices. The inflation rate is the rate at which the price level increases. It is a important task for macroeconomics to discuss about the cause of the inflation emerge and

23、 the effect of inflation第25页/共36页International economy In the open economy, a country macroeconomic surely be affected by the international economic situation. For example, in the circumstance that widespread foreign trade, inflation will be transmit among the state-to-state.The trade surplus and tr

24、ade deficit will surely affect a countrys employ situation and fiscal situation.第26页/共36页Macroeconomic policy It is very important to stabilify macroeconomic running that a series of economic policy took by the government. Among them, the most important policy are fiscal policy and monetary policy.

25、The fiscal policy be constituted by the governments tax policy and expenditure policy The content of monetary policy is that a country how to control and adjust the growth rate of money supply under the National Central Banks control . A good or bad match for fiscal policy and monetary policy will d

26、irectly affect a countrys macroeconomic running. Therefore the macroeconomic policy is also a main content of macroeconomics.第27页/共36页1-6:Looking Ahead 1 What determines expansions and recessions? Why has the Untied States had such a long expansions in the 1990 s? What has been the role of monetary

27、and fiscal policy? How will the Euro affect monetary policy in Europe? What are the interactions between the stock market, the foreign exchange market, and economic activity? Is the U.S. stock market too high? Can the poor performance of Japan in the 1990s be attributed to the sharp decline in the J

28、apanese stock market in the early 1990s? Why is inflation so much lower in the 1990 s than in earlier decades? What is so bad about inflation? Should countries aim for zero inflation, as is now the case in Japan?第28页/共36页1-4:Looking Ahead 2 Could the current U.S.unemployment rate be too low? Why is

29、unemployment so high in Europe ? Why has the Japanese unemployment rate been so low for so many years? Why do growth rates differ so much across countries, even over long periods of time? Why has Japan grown so much faster than the United States and Europe over the last 40 years?What are the factors

30、 behind the Asian miracle ?Why has growth slowed down since the mid-1970s in most rich countries?第29页/共36页1-2:The European Union How to Reduce High Unemployment? What Will the Euro Do for Europe?第30页/共36页Growth, Unemployment, and Inflation in the European Union, 1960-1999(in percent)1960-19981997199

31、8 1999Output growth rate3. rate 6.411.210.510.1Inflation rate5.第31页/共36页Appendix: The Sum of Trade and Proportion in GDP YearSUM(RMB)ProportionIn GDP(%)YearSUM(RMB)ProportionIn GDP(%)1978355.0 9.81995 23499.9 40.21980570.0 12.6 1996 24133.8 35.619852066.7 23.11997 26967.2 36.219905560.1 30.01998 26857.7 34.319917225.8 33.41999 26896.3 32.819929119.6 34.22000 35368.6 40.1199311271.0 32.52001 38021.3 39.6199420381.9 43.62002 46309.9 45.2第32页/共36页Business cycle It is impossible for any a country t


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