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1、下学期期中联合考试高二英语试卷本试卷共9 页,满分150 分。考试用时120 分钟第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共5 小题 ; 每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man want to do?C. To read the advertisement.C. 6:30.C. Susan.A. To book a room.B. To get a j

2、ob.2. What time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:30.B. 6:10.3. Who answered the phone?A. Tom.B.Alice.4. What do we know about the woman ?A. She has been caught copying a report.B. She is not free at the moment.C. She won t leave till the last moment.5. Where did the woman stay while she was in Changb

3、aishan?A. She stayed in her friend s house.B. She stayed in a hotel with her friends.C. She camped near the mountains.第二节(共15 小题 ;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6、 7 题。6. Where

4、 is the man most likely to be now?A. In a new apartment.B.In a hotel.C. In a department store.7. What s twhoeman?A. She is a servant.B.She is a waitress.C. She is a receptionist.听第 7 段材料,回答第8、 9 题。8. What does the law forbid people to do?A. To walk dogs in the streets. B. To take dogs to parks C. To

5、 treat dogs cruelly.9. What do we know from the woman said?A. Dogs should be kept at home.B. People would remove the dog waste.C. Building a dog park is necessary.听第 8 段材料,回答第10 至 12 题。10. Why is the man at the shop?A. To get cellphone changed.B. To order a cellphone for his wife.C. To have a cellph

6、one repaired .11. What color does the man want?A. Pink.B. Orange.C. Blue.12. What will the man do afterwards?A. Make a phone call.C. Wait until further notice.B. Come again the next day.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where is the man?C. At a travel agency.C. To meet their friends.C. At 7:00pm.C. He is humorou

7、s .C. Controlled and busy.A. At the office.B. At home.14. What are the speakers going to do?A. To go to the theatre. B. To travel abroad15. When will the speakers meet?A. At 3:15pm.B. At 6:15pm.16. What do we know about the man?A. He is sensitive.B. He is dishonest.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What s the p

8、roblem of the university students?A. They dont know what to do with their free time.B. They dont spend all their time on studies.C. They dont have choices for outside class activities.18. How is the students high school life?A. Regular and colorful. B. Active and independent.19. According to the spe

9、aker, whats the role of outside class activities at university?A. To make students healthier.B. To enrich students experiences.C. To improve students test scores.20. What does the speaker advise his students to do?A. Learn to enjoy themselves.B. Learn to develop their potential.C. Learn to be their

10、own master.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)第一节:多项选择(共 10小题;第小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. The survey shows some major publishers, institutions and businesses have begun to make to the new age in order to meet the need of the social and economic charge?A. combination B. presentationC

11、. adjustment D. assessment22. If you my suggestion, what would you really like to do ?1 . set asideB.set offC. cut upD. cut off23 .As a special service, half-price seats are for people with disabilities who are coming to our concert.A. dependable B.availableC. valuableD. suitable24 .The environmenta

12、lists said wild goats on the vast grasslands was a bad indication of the worse environment.A. escapeB.attendanceC. absence D. appearance25 .Her talent and experience her for the key post in the company.A. permittedB. qualifiedC. deservedD. entitled26. He has got to know that it is easy for a boy to

13、habits such as smoking and drinking,which are not so easy to get rid of.A. slide intoB. look intoC.break intoD. knock into27. Being dishonest, Peter usually the negative part when he tells his parents about his studyand life in the school.A. leaves behind B.leave offC. leaves outD. leaves alone28. H

14、e has never done this before; Im not sure how he ll the other employees.A. fit onB. fit inC. fit up withD. fit in with29. We all agree that even it is possible, human cloning should not be allowed in the world forit challenges our value system.A. constantlyB. previouslyC. technicallyD. essentially30

15、. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students financial aid.A. in favor ofB. in honor of C. in face ofD. in need of第二节:完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A young girl just finished shopping with Mom in Carrefour. She looked 6 years old

16、, with a beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of31 . It was 32 outside the market.We all stood there under the awning( 雨棚)inside the door of the Carrefour, waiting, some 33 while others annoyed, because nature 34 their hurried day. I am always 35 by rainfall. I get lost in the sound and sight

17、 of the heavens washing away the dirt of the world.Suddenly a 36 voice was heard, Mom, lets run through the rain. the girl said.No, honey. Well wait until it 37 a bit. Mom replied.This young child waited about another minute and 38 Mom, lets run through the rain. Well get wet if we do. Mom said.No,

18、we wont, Mom. Thats not what you said this morning, the young girl said as she_39at her Moms arm.This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?“Dont you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, Believe in God and we would 40 bad luck!The entir

19、e 41 became dead silent. I swear you could hear nothing but the rain. We all stood silently. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.Some would laugh it off(一笑而过)and 42 her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of 43 in a young childs life,

20、 yo u Hrene44 right.Let s run through ehrain. If wet, maybe we just needed 45 . Mom said. Then off they ran.They held their shopping bags over their heads just 46 . They got wet. 47 they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their own cars. Yes, I ran. I got we

21、t. I needed washing. 48_ or people can take away your 49 possessions, and your health but never take away your precious memories. So, dont 50 to take the opportunities to make memories every day!31. A. strengthB. innocenceC.sadnessD. friendliness32. A. eruptingB. thunderingC. blowingD. pouring33. A.

22、 constantlyB. hopelesslyC. patientlyD. accurately34. A. tidied upB. slided intoC. messed upD. squeezed out35. A. fascinatedB. distinguishedC. interruptedD. frightened36. A. sweetB. disturbingC. interestingD. concerned37. A. sweeps downB.speeds upC. keeps upD. slows down38. A. urgedB. screamedC. adde

23、dD. yelled39. A. glaredB. beatC. pulledD.tore40. A. go upB. pass downC. get throughD. fall down41. A. marketB. worldC. streetD. crowd42. A. fooledB. admiredC. scoldedD. encouraged43. A. uncertaintyB. inspirationC. relaxationD. faith44. A. hardlyB mostlyC. partlyD. abso1utely45. A. changingB. reflect

24、ingC. washingD. running46. A. in storeB. in turnC. in placeD. in case47. A. ThereforeB. OtherwiseC. HoweverD. Besides48. A. CircumstancesB. WeatherC. CancerD. Blame49. A. spiritualB.abundantC. materialD. remaining50. A. attemptB. hesitateC. rememberD. expect第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所

25、给各题的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAs a little boy I read a book with a picture showing a man reading while floating in the Dead Sea. What a miracle! How would it feel to lie back in water so thick with salt that it was impossible to sink?Fed by the Jorda n River and smaller streams, the

26、Dead Sea is the lowest point on the earth surface, and its water is ten times saltier than the Mediterranean. As evaporation ( 蒸发 )is its only outlet, salt and other minerals become super-concentrated.Earlier this year, I drove down the long, steep hill to realize my dream. The shoreline was a broad

27、 area of bare salt-mud, but the water edge was out of sight. It seemed as if somebody had pulled the Dead Sea SIpUgX Eli Dior, an Israeli official, explained the probleme DeadSea is drying up. Every year, the surface falls about one meter, and as the water level falls, shallow areas are left high an

28、d dry.”Over the last half-century, the five neighboring countries have used up almost all the water flowing into the Dead Sea to meet human and agriculture needs. Result the Dead Sea is being emptied.With population in the neighbouring countries to double at least in the next 50 years, there is litt

29、le hope of restoring the water being used in this area. No country has a drop to spare for the Dead Sea, where they know it will just evaporate. To dream of opening the dams and restoring natural balance is unrealistic.Yet one ambitious high-tech dream may turn out to be not only the solution to the

30、 Dead Sea but also a ticket to p eace around its shores. The -Dea“d”Redis a proposed $5 billion project to bring sea water some 240 kilometers by pipeline and canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. The Red-Dead may be the only solution, but even if the project is carried out successfully, the Dead

31、Sea will be 10 to 20 meters lower than now and two thirds of its current size.Whatever the future holds, the Dead Sea s magical mix of sun, mud, sea and salt will surelysurvive. Many might complain that the Dead Sea is half empty but for me the Dead sea will always be half full.51. Whats the passage

32、 mainly about ?A. The Dead Sea is a miracle of the world.B. How to save the environment of the Dead Sea.C. Why the Dead Sea is so salty.D. The Dead Sea is slowly becoming smaller.52. According to the passage, ,the Dead Sea is drying up mainly because .A. the water is evaporated in the Dead Sea areaB

33、. nearly no water flows into the Dead SeaC. much water is drawn from the Dead SeaD. there is low annual rainfall in the Dead Sea area53. It can be inferred from the passage that.A. water crisis is a potential threat to the peace of the area around the Dead SeaB. as a result of the project-Dead” “, t

34、RhedDead Sea will be two thirds largerC. the countries around the Dead Sea will join hands to spare water for the SeaD. If the Dead Sea dried up, great natural disasters would happen in the region 54. What is the writers attitude towards the future of the Dead Sea?A. Reserved B. Doubtful C. Optimist

35、ic D. ConcernedBMoving to a new city and state was difficult for me, especially in winter. Little did I know that a Colorado snowstorm would greet me after I had been in my new home for only a week.I just missed home. But more than the old house and the beach, I missed Stacey, my bestfriend. And I m

36、issed our lovely tea. Going to a sweet little tearoom, we had discovered a special treat for us. The place was a Victorian dream, with delicate teacups and tablecloths with flower prints. The hat shelf near the front door swept us back to childhood. Stacey and I became little girls, trying on differ

37、ent hats until we found the perfect one for our dress-up tea party. We would then choose a lovely table and order our tea. That was a precious time, filled with laughter between scones (煎饼)and sharing our lives between tiny cucumber sandwiches.Springtime descended upon Denver, and the sun lightened

38、my heart. But I still fought loneliness almost every day. I decided to explore the Denver area. While my husband went to the office, I took time to see what our new area had to offer.One day, I was walking along the street when suddenly the words Tea Leaves caught my eye. A tea room? Here, in the la

39、nd of loneliness and pain?I walked through the doors, and tears came to my eyes. It was a beautiful room, not Victorian, but simple and lovely.I sat down and ordered a pot of tea, a cucumber sandwich, and some scones. It felt silly and wonderful - and it felt like home. For the first time since movi

40、ng, I felt as if this new city and state could be, would eventually be, my home. I would come back here and bring new friends. When Stacey visited, we would come here.I lifted my cup and made a silent toast. I toasted Stacey, whom I missed, and I toasted the sweet little tearoom that lessened my pai

41、n.55. The underlined word treat in Paragraph 2 probable means.A. delicious foodB. a kind of tea partyC. serviceD. something pleasant56. Which of the following about Tea Leaves is true? A. It made the author recall her childhood.B. It looks silly and wonderful.C. It touched the author.D. Cucumber san

42、dwiches and scones are its specialties.57. We can infer from the text that the author would probablyA. want to actively adapt to the new environmentB. ask the owner of the teahouse to decorate it like a homeC. open her own teahouseD. go back to her hometown to visit Stacey58. What would be the best

43、title for the passage?A. East and West, Home Is the BestB. A Cup of ComfortD. A Difficult SettlementC. A Friend in Need Is A Friend IndeedIt hurts me more than you“This is for your ownesoodre the sta tements mymother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do h

44、omework.That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was allright not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy for us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopp

45、ed making our children do homework. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past15 years, are realizing we ve made a terrible mistake. One such teac

46、her is Sharon Clomps who saysof her students “ so passive a”nd wonders what has happened. Nothing is demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Clomps, contributes to children s passivity. “ Wegeneration of kids who vet never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it fo

47、r them, instead of saying goand look it up y,ou tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It s time for parents to end their vacaticome back to work. It s time to take the car a-ws;totapbs: 1ay, to turn the TV off, to tell them

48、 it hurts you more than them but it s for their own good. It s s time to start telling them no a59. Children are becoming more inactive in study because A. they watch TV too oftenC. they have to fulfill too many duties60. We learn from the passage that the authorA. learning LatinC. natural developme

49、ntB. they have done too much homeworkD. teachers are too strict with them s mother used to lay emphasis onB. disciplineD. education at school61. By “ permissive period in educationPara.2”) the(La.1u,thor means a time A. when children are allowed to do what they wish toB. when everything can be taugh

50、t at schoolC. when every child can be educatedD. when children are permitted to receive education62. The main idea of the passage is that .A. parents should leave their children aloneB. kids should have more activities at schoolC. it s time to be more strict woituhr kidsD. parents should always set

51、a good example to their kidsDAs computers become all the more popular in China, Chinese people are increasingly depending on computer keyboards to input Chinese characters. But if they use the computer too much, they may end up forgetting the exact strokes ( 笔画)of each Chinese character when writing

52、 on paper. Experts suggest people, especially students, write by hand more.Do you write by hand more or type more? In Beijing, students start using a computer as early as primary school. And computer dependence is more widely spread among university students. Almost all their assignment and essays a

53、re typed on a computer.All the students interviewed say they usually use a computer.It faster and easier to correct if using a computer. And that why computers are being applied more and more often to modern education. But when people are taking stock in computers increasingly, problems appear.“When

54、 I m writing with a pen, I find I often can t rememberacter , tthouith a chaI feel I m familiar with it. ”I m not in the mood to write when faced with a pen and paper.”Many students don t feel this is something to worry about. Now that it s more convenieiefficient to write on a computer, why bother

55、to handwrite?Many educators think differently. Shi Liwei, headmaster of a famous primary school in the capital said, “Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic (审美的)value. But those characters typed with computer keyboards only maintain their practical value. All the artistic beauty of t

56、he characters is lost. And handwriting contains the writer emotion. Through one s handwriting, people can get to know one s thinking and personality. Beautiful writing will givepeople a better first impression of th em.”To encourage students to handwrite more, many primary schools in Beijing have ma

57、de writing classes compulsory (必修的) and in universities, some professors are asking students to turn in their homework and essays written by hand.63. The underlined express ion “taking stock in in paragraph 4 probably means.A. getting bored with B. getting dependent onC. becoming crazy aboutD. getting curious about64. The students interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly because.A. computers have become a trend and fashion in C


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