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1、 非谓语动词非谓语动词基本知识:1. 英语动词的非谓语动词形式有三种:不定式、动名词和分词。2. 非谓语动词不能再句子中独立作谓语,不受主语人称和数的限定,所以也被称作“非限定动词”。3. 它们除了保留动词的某些特征以外(如自己的宾语、状语等),还具有名词、形容词和副词的某些特征,在句中有广泛的句法作用。另外,它们还有非谓语性的时态、语态变化形式和用法。非限定动词在语法上虽无主语,但可以有自己的逻辑主语。动词不定式一、 不定式的不同形式及常见用法主动形式被动形式意义一般式(not) to do(not) to be done与谓语动词的动作同时或先后发生完成式(not) to have don

2、e(not) to have been done先于谓语动词的动作发生进行式(not) to be doing谓语动词的动作(情况)发生时,不定式表示的动作正在进行完成进行式(not) to have been doing先于谓语动词的动作发生而又延续到谓语动词的动作发生时仍在进行1. Teabings brain attempted to adjust his aim and fire again in rage.2. To be obeyed was natural to her.3. I wanted to have attended the meeting.4. He made up

3、his mind to be a doctor.5. He is believed not to be living in Shenyang.6. There are some problems to be solved at once.7. We knew him to have once been arrested by the police.8. I happened to be standing next to him when he fell down.二、 疑问词+不定式结构疑问词+不定式结构(起名词作用),在句子中作主语,宾语,表语或同位语等。She was at a loss

4、what to do.(同位语)The problem is which to take first.(表语)Who to run to is what she wants to know.(主语)She showed them how to operate the machine.(宾语)注意:疑问词+不定式“常在下列动词后作宾语。advisediscoverforgetseetellaskdiscussknowsettlethink(=consider)considerexplainlearnshowunderstanddecidefind outrememberteachwonder三、

5、 不定式的复合结构不定式的复合结构由“for+名词/代词(宾格)+to do sth.”构成。名词或代词充当不定式的逻辑主语,是不定式动作的发出者。此结构在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语或状语。This is for you to decide.(表语)I stepped aside for her to pass.(状语)For foreigners to study Chinese is difficult.(主语)How would it be for me to look after the machine?(主语)I dont think it advisable for him t

6、o study medicine.(宾语)Wed better find some work for the children to do.(定语)注意: of+名词/代词(宾格)+to do sth.结构中只能充当主语,但不能放在句首充当主语。用“It is +形容词(表人物特征)+of +名词/代词(宾格)+to do sth.”句型中。It was very thoughtful of her to come to see me when I was ill.四、 动词不定式作主语动词不定式作主语的用法To obey the laws is everybodys duty.To see

7、once is better than to hear a hundred times.1. 现代英语中,经常把代词it放在句首作形式主语,而把真正的主语不定式放在句末。It feels good to be out here for a while.It only took us a year to complete the project.It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.2. It is +adj. +for +n./ pron.(宾格)+ to do sth.,形容“客观情况”或叫作“描写人或物的静态特征”beautifu

8、ldangerouseasyimpossibleoldtallbigdifficulthardlongshortwidecommonessentialimportantnecessarysmallyoungIt is necessary for you to go there.It is impossible for her to buy the car with cash.3. It is +adj. +of +n./ pron.(宾格)+to do sth.,形容词描写人或物的特征或品质,或叫做动态形容词。absurd荒唐的cruel残忍的right正确的bold大胆的foolish愚蠢的

9、rude无礼的brave勇敢的good好的silly愚蠢的careful细心的grateful感激的stupid愚蠢的careless粗心的honest诚实的thoughtful考虑周到的clever聪明的kind善良的wicked邪恶的courageous有勇气的nice正派的wise明智的considerate考虑周到的polite有礼貌的wrong错误的It was clever of the little boy to find his way home.It was very nice of you to think so much of us.4. There be句型用作 for

10、 there to be+n. 动词不定式复合结构在句子中作主语。For there to be so few people in the streets was unusual.It is essential for there to be more houses built next year.五、 不定式作宾语不定式作宾语有下列几种情况(一) 下列及物动词常跟不定式作宾语agree同意expect想要pretend假装afford负担得起fail未能promise保证arrange安排forget忘记refuse拒绝ask要求guarantee确保resolve决心attempt试图ho

11、pe希望seek寻求bother麻烦hesitate犹豫send倾向于care愿意learn学会threaten威胁choose选择long渴望trouble麻烦claim声称manage设法try努力consent同意mean打算undertake承担decide决定neglect忽视volunteer志愿demand要求offer提出want想做determine决心plan打算wish希望I didnt expect to find you here.She refused to be photographed at the conference.England failed to wi

12、n a place in the World Cup Finals in Spain.(二)it作形式宾语,不定式(短语)作真正宾语如果不定式作宾语而又跟宾补,这时要用it作形式宾语,而将不定式放在补语的后面。常用it作形式宾语的动词有:believefindjudgeproveseetake(=think)considerguessknowrealizeshowThinkfeelimaginemakereportsupposeunderstandI find it difficult to understand him.We thought it wrong not to tell him.

13、I feel it an honor to be asked to speak here.I think it better for you to do the work another way.(三)不定式作介词宾语英语中有少数几个介词可以跟不定式(短语)作宾语,如:about, but, except, besides(不常见)等。but, except的含义为“除之外”,如果介词前有实意动词do,介词后的不定式要省略to.The water is about to boil.The child did nothing except weep.The enemy had no choice

14、 but to lay down their arms.I hardly remember what I did besides read.He seldom comes except to look at my pictures.They could do nothing but wait for the doctors to arrive.(四)be, hope, intend, mean, plan, want, wish等动词的过去式及would like, sound lie与动词不定式的完成式连用,表示过去想做而未做的事。I wanted to have attended the

15、meeting.I was to have met her at the station, but I forgot.He would like to have attended the party, but he was ill.I wished to have helped you, but I had no money then.(五) “there be”句型用作“there to be+ n.”的不定式结构在句子中作宾语She was waiting for there to be another interview.The villagers want there to be a

16、bridge over the river.Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the question?注意:动词是let时,there to be省略to,用there be形式。Let there be no mistake about the program.Let there be an end of this misunderstanding.Dont let there be any noise in the room.六、 不定式作表语(一) 表示目的、理由、功能、意图等名词作主语,或want引导的名词性从句作主语时,

17、后面作表语的不定式用来说明其内容。这样的名词有:advice建议idea想法、计划problemam目标intention意图、意向reasonambition志向mistake错误ruledifficulty困难objective目标stepduty任务、责任purpose目的suggestionfunction功能plan计划taskgoal目标principle原则wishHis advice was to stay calm and say nothing.A big problem is how to get rid of these things.My idea is to cli

18、mb the mountain from the north.What I would suggest is to start work at once.Our aim is to build China into a powerful, modern, socialist country.(二)句子的主语和表语都表示动作时,通常二者都用不定式或都用动名词To see is to believe.(Seeing is believing.)To teach is to learn.(Teaching is learning.)To be kind to the enemy is to be c

19、ruel to the people.(三)当主语部分由实义动词do时,作表语的不定式可以省略toWhat he wanted to do was (to) wash his hands of it.All she seems to do is (to) gossip with her neighbours.The only thing you have to do is (to) press the button.(四)不定式to let(出租),to blame(责备)等作表语时,可用主动形式表示被动意义The house is to let. She is to blame.Someth

20、ing is still to find out.(五)“there be”句型作“for there to be+ n.”的不定式结构句子中作表语What John was waiting for was for there to be complete silence.七、 不定式作宾语补足语(一) 有些动词在宾语之后能跟不定式结构作宾语补足语。在这种结构的句子中作表语。常见的可用带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise劝告get使prefer宁愿allow允许instruct指示remind提醒ask要求invite邀请request要求beg请求intend打算要teach教c

21、ause引起lead使有念头tell告诉command指挥leave委托做train训练compel强迫like喜欢tempt引诱encourage鼓励mean意欲urge激励entitle给权利oblige迫使use使用expect期望order命令want想要forbid禁止permit允许warn警告force迫使persuade说服wish希望It was a place she had never allowed me to see before.I didnt mean you to hear it.Ill get someone to repair the recorder fo

22、r you.Ill leave him to solve the problem for himself.They are training these dogs to sniff out drugs.(二)在think, consider, believe, find(= consider), feel(= think), know, declare, guess, prove, suppose, imagine, announce, claim, elect, judge, name, realize, report, understand等动词后,常跟“to be +形容词/名词/反身代

23、词”结构作宾补,但是to be常可以省略We consider him ( to be) a good officer.We thought her ( to be) quite a clever girl.We took your silence to mean that you agreed.Everyone reported him to be the best man for the job.Scientists think laser ( to be) one of the most useful tools in use today.(三)词组动词后跟不定式作宾补arrange f

24、or安排provide for提供、预防、抚养ask for要求prepare for准备call on( upon)访问、请求rely on指望、相信care for喜欢、照料vote for投票count on指望、依赖wait for等待depend on (upon)取决于wish for希求、想要long for渴望I will arrange for you to come.We are longing for the holiday to come.You cant depend on him to come punctually.We cant count on another

25、 country to help us.(四)感官动词或使役动词后作宾补的不定式在表示感觉的动词以及使役动词后面作宾补补足语的不定式要省去to。但如果这些动词用作被动语态,不定式的to不省略。这样的动词有:五看:see,watch, notice, observe, look at两听:hear, listen to一感觉:feel三使役:have, make, letWhat would you have me do?Did you feel the earth move?We were made to wait for two hours.Who did the teacher have

26、do the experiment?Was anybody noticed to come in?find也有此种用法;help后面作宾补的不定式to可以省略。I help mother ( to) do housework.We found some metals melt at the low temperature.Mrs. White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and look very worried.八、 不定式作定语(一) 不定式用在the first, the second, the last, the

27、 only, the next或其他序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词或作定语She was the last to leave the party.He would be the last to agree to the plan.Kate was the only person to escape the accident.(二)不定式和它修饰的词表现为主谓关系,动宾关系,同位关系或动状关系等。I didnt have the energy to open my lips anymore.That will be the only thing to do now.He is not a man

28、 to bow before difficulties.He gave me a week to make up my mind.Soon came the order to start the general attack.We got instructions to leave the city.We are in need of nurses to look after the children.She usually has a lot of meetings to attend in the evenings.注意: 当不定式作定语与修饰的名词有逻辑上的动宾关系时,如果不定式时不及物

29、动词,它后面就应当有必要的介词(介词后不要再跟宾语)She has a lot of things to attend to.There is nothing (for us) to worry about.She is a very nice person to work with.Lets first find a room to put the things in.(三) 有些名词后常可用不定式作定语,常见的名词有:ability能力eagerness渴望resolution决定agreement同意failure失败readiness愿意ambition雄心impatience渴望ri

30、ght权利anxiety焦急intention打算reason理由attempt意图movement运动tendency倾向chance机会need需要threat威胁claim宣称plan计划time时间decision决定promise答应wish希望determine决心refusal拒绝way方法effort努力reluctance不情愿As the day progressed, I considered was to get out of whatever was going down at the Cullen House tonight.The principal announ

31、ced his intention to retire.Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech.They made a decision to put off the meeting until next month.Your ability to analyze the problem really surprises us.(四)“介词+which+不定式”这一结构作定语,which 代替前面的中心词She had no time left in which to pack her things.You have a nu

32、mber of topics from which to choose.Each household has a small farm on which to grow crops.I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people.He has no pencil with which to write.(= He has no pencil to write with.)九、 不定式作状语不定式作状语可以修饰动词,形容词或副词等,表示目的,结果,原因,条件等。(一) 不定式作状语表示原因afraidboreddisapp

33、ointedfuriousluckysorryangrycleverdispleasedgladmadshockedanxiousconsideratedissatisfiedhappyoverjoyedsurprisedastonishedcontenteagerhesitantpleasedthankfulamazedcruelexcitedhorrifiedproudwildashameddelightedfoolishimpatientrudewrongEntering the annex, the boy was surprised to find it deserted.She w

34、as eager to see her friends.Im ashamed to have to trouble you.We are surprised to hear of you failure.Im anxious for there to be plenty of discussion.Im very glad to see her in such good health.注意:在这个句型中,不定式的逻辑主语往往是句子的主语。如果不定式有自己的主语,即句子的主语不是不定式的逻辑主语,就要用“for to do”结构,表语有时可以是名词。例如:She trembled to thin

35、k of it.She wept to see him in such a terrible state.Everybody is anxious for you to accept the position.He was an idiot not to have realized it.(二)不定式作状语表示条件不定式结构表示条件,通常置于句首;否定不定式表示条件多置于句尾。这时谓语常含有will, would, shall, should, can, must等。To be successful, one must do ones best.One would be careless no

36、t to see the mistake.To hear him talk in that manner, you would think hes a foreigner.I should have been sorry to have missed the chance.You will regret one day for your son to marry her.(三)不定式作状语表示目的不定式作目的状语既可放在句首也可放在句尾。为了加强语气,也可以用“in order to do”或”so as to do”结构作目的状语,“in order to do”既可放在句首也可放在句尾。

37、“so as to do”只能放在句尾;其否定形式不能用 “ not to do”,而必须用“in order not to do”或 “so as not +to do”Brown accused Bill of steering state business to the Rose Firm to increase my income.They ran over to welcome the foreign guests.Lets hurry so as not to be late for the meeting.To learn a language well, you must ma

38、ke painstaking efforts.In order to/To draw maps properly, you need a special pen.He shouted and waved his hands to/ in order to/ so as to be noticed.He worked hard in order for his son not to miss the chance of going to college.注意:for there to be结构作目的状语:For there to be life, there must be air and wa

39、ter.(四)不定式作状语表示结果1.too+adj./adv.+ to do,太而不能,too 后面的形容词或副词多表示性质或特征,起一种消极作用,主语可用人或物。The boy was trembling, his eyes closed as if he was too frightened to watch death coming closer every second.It was too late for there to be any buses.The doctor was too busy to answer the telephone.The problem was to

40、o complicated for us to solve.Ive come too late to prevent him from going there.His eyesight is too poor to read such small letters.We found the room too small to hold so many people.注意:1)下列句子中的too to,不表示结果,也无否定意义,而表示“非常,很,实在,太”。表示“乐意、愿意、容易”等,不定式表示原因。这样的形容词有:eager, easy, glad, happy, kind, pleased,

41、ready, willing等。这些形容词在句中常起积极作用,too前可以有all, but, only等副词修饰,句中主语多为人。I shall be only too pleased to get home.Its too kind of you to have told me that.We are all too willing to help you.We are but too glad to meet you.You are too ready to find fault with others.( You are very fond of finding fault with

42、others.)2)not too to表示肯定,含义为“不太可以;并不太所以能”Chinese is not too difficult to learn.We are never too old to learn.He is not too weak to go to work.3)too not to含义为“太不能不”,表示双重否定。He was too angry not to say that.He is too wise not to solve the problem.2.adj/adv.+ enough +to do,意为“足以”The sound disturbed me,

43、but not enough to stop my advance.The ice is thick enough to walk on.That looks almost good enough to eat.She spoke slowly enough to make us hear her clearly.We found the newly-built hall big enough to hold 2000 people.3.(only)+ to+不定式(短语)表示未曾料到的或不愉快的结果。She woke early (only) to find it was raining.S

44、he awoke to find herself locked in a room.He earned a lot of money only for his son to squander.He got to the station only to be told the train had gone.注意:to do有时也可表示愉快的结果He went home to find his old friend George waiting for him.5. so+adj./adv.+ as to do, 或such+ n.+as to do含义为“如此以致”表示结果His illness

45、 is not such as to cause anxiety.Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle?She spoke so quickly as to make us not understand what she expressed.There is such a rapid increase in population as to cause a food sthortage.十、 不带to 的不定式不带to 的不定式有下列几种情况:(一) 在感官动词:see, watch, observe, look at, notice,

46、 hear, listen to, feel以及使役动词let, make, have等后面作宾补的不定式要省略to。如果这些动词用作被动语态,不定式的to不省略。I felt the house shake.Look at the teacher do the experiment.He was made to leave school by his fathers death.(二)当介词but, except, besides的前边有实义动词to时,其后边作介词宾语的不定式可以省略toHe will do anything except lend you money.There was

47、nothing for them to do but remain silent.What do you like to do besides climb mountains?They had no choice except/but to give up the plan.(三)当主句部分由实义动词do时,作表语的不定式省略toWhat we can do is (to) continue to wait.The thing for them to do is (to) manage to raise enough money for the project.注意:当作表语的不定式(短语)放

48、在句首时,to必须省略。Get back to the worksite was the only thing he could do.(四)在cannot but, cannot help but, cant choose but, had better, would rather, would sooner, had best, would rather than, would sooner than, might/may (just) as well等表示“与其不如,宁愿而不;最好”等短语后用不带to的不定式。Harry couldnt help but smile.Hadnt you

49、better take an umbrella?I would sooner resign than work under that boss.She cannot help but weep at the painful news.You may just as well as tell us what you really want to do.Lets finish the work now rather than leave it off till tomorrow.We had best sum up our past experiences before going on.(五)在

50、用and, rather than, or, than等连接两个不定式并且作用相同时,常省略第二个不定式toShe started to shout and cry.I decided to write rather than telephone.Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later?I would rather/sooner stay at home than go out with them.(六)省略to的固定词组。如:let fall(放开), let go( 放开), make do(凑合), make believe(假装

51、), hear say/ hear tell(听说)等He made believe he was rich.I hear tell youre getting married.Can you make do with canned food tonight?(七)why和why not 后常接不带to的不定式构成问句。这种结构的肯定式表示不满或委婉的批评,否定式则表示建议Why not do it right now?Why worry about such trifles?Why leave the door open?Why give up the plan?Why not come and see me tomorrow?十一、不定式的主动形式表示被动意义(一) 不定式与它修饰的名词有动宾关系并与该句主语有主谓关系时,不定式用主动语态。I want a book to read.They have many difficulties to overcome.注意:如果不定式与主语没有逻辑上的主、谓关系,不定式用被动。Ill go to Shenyang. D


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