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1、 Simple Introduction of Songshan Geography Songshan is made up of several mountains that rise to 1500 m in the Dengfeng district of Henan Province. It has 72 peaks and stretches 60 kilometers, composed of Taishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain. The slopes rise steeply from the valley and are thickly c

2、lad with trees, giving them an impressive appearance, but the highest peak (Junji) reaches only 1500m in altitude. Religious Structures The mountain is one of the sacred Taoist(道教) mountains of China, and contains important Taoist temples such as the Zhongyue Temple. The mountain also features a sig

3、nificant Buddhist presence.It is home to the Shaolin Temple, traditionally considered the birthplace of Zen Buddhism(禅宗佛教). The mountain and its vicinity are populated with Taoist and especially Buddhist(佛教徒) monasteries. The 6th century Songyue Pagoda(嵩岳寺塔) is also located here, as well as Tang Dyn

4、asty (618907) pagodas within the Fawang Temple(法王寺佛塔). Eight locations at the foot of the mountain in Dengfeng have been a World Heritage Site since 2010. Songshan Stratigraphic Structure(底层构造底层构造) National Geopark(地质公园)(地质公园) The Shaolin Temple is located within the geopark. Three major orogenies(造

5、山带) formed the area: The Songyang Orogeny of 2.5 billion years ago The Zhongyue Orogeny of 1.85 billion years ago The Shaolin Orogeny of 570 million years ago They were named after local attractions in the area. The Songshan Geopark is also called “the textbook of geological history”(地质历史的教科书).景点介绍少

6、林寺Shaolin Temple深山藏古寺,碧溪锁少林少林寺景区位于嵩山西麓的少室山阴 , 由少林寺、塔林、初祖庵、达摩洞、二祖庵、永泰寺、少室阙等著名景点组成。四周群山环抱,溪水潺潺,翠柏奈郁,景致幽雅,是国家旅游局首批公布的4A级景区。少林寺始建于北魏太和十九年少林寺始建于北魏太和十九年(公元公元495年年),因坐落在少室山下的因坐落在少室山下的密林中而得名密林中而得名,是我国佛教禅宗的祖庭是我国佛教禅宗的祖庭,少林武术的发源地。位于少林武术的发源地。位于少林寺西侧的少林寺塔林少林寺西侧的少林寺塔林,占地面积约占地面积约2万平方米万平方米,有唐、宋、金、有唐、宋、金、元、明、清及现代砖石墓

7、元、明、清及现代砖石墓231座座,是我国现存最大的林。是我国现存最大的林。 Shaolin Temple is located at Dengfeng County, Henan Province. It is the birthplace of Buddhisms Chan Zen in China as well as the cradle(发源地)(发源地) of Chinas Shaolin Wushu(martial arts). In 1983, it was designated as one of national key temples in the areas of the

8、 Han nationality. A brief introduction of Shaolin Temple塔林The Pagoda Forest塔林位于少林寺院西约三百米处,因塔散布如林,故称塔林。塔林是少林寺历代住持和有成就、有贡献的僧人的墓群。塔林现存自隋以来各代墓塔共232座。这些塔的造型多姿多彩,按层级分,有单层和多层,最多层级为这些塔的造型多姿多彩,按层级分,有单层和多层,最多层级为七级,即世称七级,即世称“七级浮屠七级浮屠”,最高达,最高达15米;按平面形状分,有正米;按平面形状分,有正方形、长方形、六角形、八角形和圆形等;按型制分,有密檐式、方形、长方形、六角形、八角形和圆

9、形等;按型制分,有密檐式、堵波式和喇嘛式等。大多数是用砖石砌成,亦有用整石凿制而成堵波式和喇嘛式等。大多数是用砖石砌成,亦有用整石凿制而成。 The pagoda forest in Shaolin stands at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain and is one of the largest pagoda forests in China which refers to the 228 stone or brick pagodas built from 791 AD during the Tang Dynasty through the Song Dynas

10、ty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty. It was named a National Scenic Spot in 1996.将军柏将军柏嵩阳书院的将军柏,是中国现存的原始古柏。诗人李觐光诗谓:“翠盖摩天回,盘根拔地雄。赐封来汉代,结种在鸿蒙。”据传说,西汉元封元年(公元前110 年),汉武帝游中岳时,对三株高大茂盛的古柏分别封为“ 大将军”“ 二将军”“三将军”。现在还成活的只有大将军和二将军两株。In the Songyang academy, there are two great cypresses, which are t

11、he oldest in china. As the legend goes, in the year 110B.C., when the emperor Wudi of the Han dynasty visited the central mountain, he was greatly surprised to see such big cypresses here, so he conferred them the title of “the Great General” “the Second General” and “the Third General”. “the Third

12、General” died many years ago. Now, only the other two generals still stand there vibrantly. 这段文章说明了将军柏的高大茂密和古老历史。原文所引用的诗词只是中文习惯用的强调所述内容的一种修辞方法。在译文中虽未出现,但从跨文化交际的角度来看,译文语言简单明白,浅显易懂,符合英语行文习惯,又充分展示了原文诗词的意境,避免了译文的重复,使之更接近英语读者。中岳庙中岳庙中岳庙 道教著名宫观。在河南省登封县嵩山东麓。始建于秦;西汉元封元年(前110)汉武帝游嵩山时下令祠官增其旧制;东汉安帝元初五年(118)增建“太

13、室阙”;南北朝期间曾两迁庙址于嵩山玉案岭、黄盖峰。约在北魏时改为今名,后庙址复有变迁,唐玄宗时复归原址,并有扩建;宋乾德二年(964)增建行廊一百余间,祥符六年(1013)增修崇圣殿及牌楼等八百余间,时雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌,为极盛时期;明代崇祯十七年(1644)毁于大火。现存庙宇为清代重修后的规模。2001年06月25日,中岳庙作为清代古建筑,被国务院批准列入第五批全国重点文物保护单位名 嵩山少林寺Shaolin Temple. 女士们、先生们, 我们今天要去参观的是中国禅宗的发源地少林寺。 少林寺建于北魏年间,因其建于嵩山少室密林之中,故定名“少林寺”。少林寺被称为世界佛教“禅院”,特别是在唐

14、代赢得“世界第一名刹”的美誉。 Ladies and gentlemen, Today we are going to visit the birthplace of Chinese Zen BuddhismShaolin Temple.The Shaolin Temple began construction at Northern WeiPeriod. Because it is located in Shaoshi in the mountain jungle, ShaolinTemple is thus named . Then what on earth does the ancie

15、nt temple look like? please follow mysteps to walk into the Shaolin Temple. Through my explanation will letyou know(you will know) more about Shaolin Temple and ShaolinKungFu . Shaolin Temple is known as the Zen center of Buddhism in the world,and won the fame of the First Ancient Temple in Tang Dyn

16、asty. 少林寺之所以出名有两个原因:就是“禅”和“武”。第一,它是中国佛教禅宗的发源地。禅宗是佛教中的一个重要的派别,它融合了中国本土的宗教和儒家思想的一部分内容而形成的,对中国文化有深远的影响。“禅”,就是安定、排除杂念的意思,尤其它提倡平常心。 少林寺闻名于世的第二个原因就是武术。中国是武术的故乡,具今已有两千多年的历史了,在漫长的历史发展过程中,中国武术形成了南北两大派,内外两家,少林武术是被公认的武术正宗之一。 Shao Lin Temple is famous for two reasons: Zen and Chinese KungFu. Zen is an important

17、 branch of Buddhism. It mingles Chinese native religion and Confucian thought. It has profound effects on Chinese culture. Zen means calmness and a life without desires. It advocates to deal with everything with a quiet attitude (common heart). Chinese Kung Fu is the second reason which makes Shaoli

18、n Temple well known in the world. China is the hometown of Kung Fu, which has a history of over 2,000 years. During the long period of development, Chinese Kung Fu has fallen into two branches: the north branch and the south branch (the north branch and the south branch which also called inside bran

19、ch and outside branch). Shaolin Kung Fu is recognized as the authentic Kung Fu. 我们现在看到是第二进建筑天王殿,天王殿的原建筑于1928年被石友三烧毁。这是1982年重修的,殿门外的两大金刚,传为“哼”、“哈”二将,职责是守护佛法。大殿内侧塑的是四大天王,又称四大金刚,它们的职责是视察众生的善恶行为,扶危济困、降福人间。人们根据四大天王的组合特点,寓意“风调雨顺”。 The Son of Heaven palace we are now seeing is the second row of the constru

20、cts. The original constructs of the Son of Heaven palace was burned down in 1928. This was repaired in 1982 .Outside the palace gate are two big Jingang, named humph, Kazak , whose responsibilities includes (responsibilities include) protecting the Buddhist doctrine. Inside The main hall are the sta

21、tues of the four great heavenly gods, also called The Four big Jingang. Their responsibilities involves inspecting all livings good and evil behavior, helping the distressed and the poor, bringing happiness to the world. The combination of the four great heavenly gods implies the good crop weather.

22、大雄宝殿是全寺的中心建筑,是僧人进行佛事活动的重要场所。殿内正中供奉的为现世佛释迦牟尼如来佛,左为过去佛东方净琉璃世界的药师佛,右为未来佛-西方极乐世界的阿弥陀佛另外,在该殿中间有两根大柱下还有麒麟雕像,预示了禅宗佛教是完全汉化的中国式的佛教。 游客朋友们今天我们参观了少林寺,您是否领悟到禅并且欣赏到少林武术的精彩了呢?我们都知道武术能强身健体,希望您能将少林功夫带回家乡,希望您及家人有一个强壮的身体。 The Great Buddha Hall is the center building of the constructs. It is the main place for monks t

23、o perform Buddhism ceremonies. Enshrined in the centre is Siddhartha, on the left is The Medicine Buddha, and on the right is Amitabha (阿弥陀佛). Besides, below the poles of the hall are the statues of Kylins, which indicate the Zen Buddhism is one of the Chinese Style (of totally Chinese Style). We ha

24、ve visited Shao Lin temple today. Have you understood the true meaning of Zen and appreciated the excellence of Kung Fu? As we all know, kung fu can keep fit. I hope that you can take Chinese Kung Fu back to your hometown and I hope your friends and family to have a strong body.达摩洞Dharma Cave我们接着参观的

25、洞为达摩洞。就是在这个洞里,达摩面壁冥思达九年,终成正果,首传禅宗。达摩洞位于少林寺西北的五乳峰上,石洞深约7米(约为23英尺),高3米(约为9.8英尺),宽3.5米(约为11.5英尺)。洞两旁山岩上有历代名人留下的多处石刻。洞中有一块冥思石。据称由于达摩长时间面壁沉思,其背影反射并被镌刻在石头上。可惜,这块石头已毁于战火。 The cave we see next is the Dharma Cave. In this cave Dharma patiently faced the wall and meditated for 9 yearsFinally, he reached the i

26、mmortal spiritual state and created the Buddhist Zen (broadcasted the Buddhist Zen for the first time)The cave is seven meters deep (about 23 feet) , three meters high (about 9.8 feet) and 3.5 meters wide (about 11.5 feet) . Many stone inscriptions are carved on both of its sidesThere is a Meditatin

27、g Stone in the caveIt is said Dharmas shadow was reflected upon the stone and embedded on it, due to his long period of meditating (he had been meditating for so long) in the cave.Unfortunately the stone was ruined during wars.十方禅院Shifang Chanyuan 穿过达摩洞,我们来参观行脚僧人住宿的十方禅院。十方禅院位于少林寺对面少溪河南岸,始建于明朝的1512年,

28、清时得到重修。十方禅院设计精巧,古朴典雅。原院已于1958年倒塌,于1993年得到重修。 After passing the Dharma Cave, we come to the Buddhist Living Quarters for transient monks, which were called“Shifang Chanyuan”It is on the south bank of the Shaoxi River opposite the templeFirst built in 1512 of the Ming Dynasty, it was renovated during

29、the Qing DynastyThe quarters are noted for the simple and distinctive design. It collapsed in 1958 and then was repaired in 1993.塔林Pagoda Forest 现在,我们来到了塔林。少林寺塔林是历代少林寺高僧的坟茔,总面积1400余平方米,1996年被国务院公布为国家级重点文物保护单位。塔林现存唐、宋、金、元、明、清各代砖石墓塔240余座,其中唐塔2座、宋塔2座、金塔10座、元塔46座、明塔148座,其余为清塔和年代不详的塔。(省译了) Now, we come t

30、o the Pagoda Forest,the Temples graveyard for Buddhist dignitaries through the agesIts total (gross) area is (about) 14,000 square metersIn 1996, the State Council included it in Chinas national cultural relic preservation programThere are 240 towers made in bricks and stones in the Pagoda Forest da

31、ting back to the Tang,Song,Jin,Yuan, and Ming Dynasties 少林寺塔林是我国现存古塔群中规模最大、数量最多的古塔群,这里的塔高一般在15米以下。塔的高低、大小、层级、形制是根据和尚生前在佛教的地位、佛学造诣、佛徒数量、威望高低、经济状况及历史条件而定的。 The Shaolin Temples Pagoda Forest is the oldest and largest one in ChinaOn average, the pagodas are less than 15 meters (about 49 feet) high(The height and the size) The layer and the shape of a pagoda depend on many factors,such as ones Buddhist status, a


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