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1、Too Many Choices in ShoppingUnit 5Disscussion1. How often do you go shopping?2. What do you spend most money on?3. Are there too many choices for the item you want to buy? 4. Which kind of shopping do you enjoy most: go to the shopping mall, home shopping on television, online shopping, or mail orde

2、r catalogue shopping?15Having too many choices when shopping is considered by many people to a big problem today. Some experts are beginning to wonder if many varieties of one thing may be too much of a good thing.Reading Skills15choice n.选择选择, 挑选挑选, 抉择抉择 例句: She wouldnt be my choice as Prime Minist

3、er. 她不是我看中做首相的人。她不是我看中做首相的人。 There is no choice between the two. 两者半斤八两。两者半斤八两。 We each had to make a choice. 我们每个人都必须做出选择我们每个人都必须做出选择。15consider v.考虑考虑, 思考思考, 认为认为, 体谅体谅, 注视注视 例句例句: In judging him you should consider his youth. 在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。 He will be considered a weak l

4、eader. 他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。 Your suggestion shall be carefully considered. 你的建议会得到仔细考虑的。你的建议会得到仔细考虑的。15expert n.专家, 能手 She is a reputable expert. 她是个有声望的专家。她是个有声望的专家。 He has no pretensions to being an expert on the subject. 他并不以这方面专家自居。他并不以这方面专家自居。 He is an expert on the worlds mystical

5、religions. 他精通世界上的神秘宗教。他精通世界上的神秘宗教。15variety n.多样多样, 种类种类, 多样化多样化 惯用表达:惯用表达:a variety of = varieties of 多种多样的 例句例句: Variety is the spice of life. 变化是生活的调味品。变化是生活的调味品。 I have a variety of books at home. 我家中有好多书。我家中有好多书。 The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements. 这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。这个旅

6、馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。15译文 购物时可选择的东西太多在许多人看来已购物时可选择的东西太多在许多人看来已是当今的一大问题。是当今的一大问题。 某一样东西品种繁多某一样东西品种繁多是不是一件太好的事,一些专家正开始提是不是一件太好的事,一些专家正开始提出质疑。出质疑。 15Reading Skills15store n.商店商店, 贮藏贮藏, vt.储存储存, 贮藏贮藏, 保存保存 例句例句: He stored foods in his cupboard. 他把食品存放在碗橱里。他把食品存放在碗橱里。 There is a large store in the village. 村

7、里有家大百货店。村里有家大百货店。15dessertdessertbreadsanwicheshamburgerdoughnut炸面圈炸面圈cream puff泡芙泡芙15muffin松饼松饼waffle 华夫饼华夫饼puddingswiss roll瑞士卷瑞士卷15trifle英式冷布丁英式冷布丁salad15-ed vs. -ing -ed : 人感到人感到.样 -ing:物物令人.样 tired tiring interested interesting bored boring excited exciting depressed depressing embarrassed emba

8、rrasing15Its tiring to spend extra time shopping.= People feel tired to spend extra time shoppingThis book is interesting.= He is interested in this book.The history dates are boring.= I am bored by the history dates.15I feel excited to read the news.= It is an exciting news to read.It is depressing

9、 to see so many young people use drugs today.= We feel depressed to see so many young people use drugs today.She was embarrassed when they asked her age.= It was embarrassing to ask a girls age.15译文 最近你有没有去买过早餐食品?找到适合最近你有没有去买过早餐食品?找到适合的食品是不是很难?的食品是不是很难? 有些商店供应有些商店供应40多种多种早餐食品,而更多的品种正在上市。早餐食品,而更多的品种正

10、在上市。 据一据一位专家说,人们可能把一生位专家说,人们可能把一生 的大部分时间的大部分时间都花在决定买什么东西上。都花在决定买什么东西上。 例如,只是出例如,只是出去买点儿黄油、糖和胡萝卜就可能需要花去买点儿黄油、糖和胡萝卜就可能需要花上一整天时间。上一整天时间。 花太多的时间买东西是令花太多的时间买东西是令人厌倦的。人厌倦的。15 3. Some shoppers, of course, dont mind this at all. Anotoly Rosinsky, a Russian who now lives in Los Angeles, recalls, In Russia, i

11、f you want to buy a tin of beer, you stand in line for half an hour. Then you have one choice if they have beer that day. Here, you spend 30 minutes deciding which beer to buy. In the end, you lose about the same amount of time. But this way its much more pleasant.15course n.课程课程, 过程过程, 路线路线, 一道一道(菜

12、菜) Theyre going away on a training course next week. 下个星期他们要出去上实习课。下个星期他们要出去上实习课。 -Where did you get the money? Did you steal it? - Of course not. The Second World War ended, of course (= as you should know), in 1945. 第二次世界大战当然是结束于第二次世界大战当然是结束于1945年。年。 a four-course lunch 四道菜的午餐四道菜的午餐15mind n.头脑;智力;

13、想法头脑;智力;想法 I dont think I have a very logical mind. 我认为我的头脑不是十分有逻辑。我认为我的头脑不是十分有逻辑。 I just said the first thing that came into my mind. 我只是说出了最先出现在我脑子的想法。我只是说出了最先出现在我脑子的想法。 v.留心留心, 注意注意, 介意介意 Mind your language(=dont use swear words), young lady? 注意你的语言,年轻的小姐。注意你的语言,年轻的小姐。15tin n.锡锡, 罐头罐头 a tin tray/

14、 whistle 一个锡盘一个锡盘/哨子哨子 a tin of paint 一罐油漆一罐油漆 Do you want coconut milk in a tin or a carton? 15a biscuit / cake tina biscuit / cake tina biscuit tina mooncake tinbiscuit/ cake tins15beerales艾尔啤酒艾尔啤酒(窖藏(窖藏啤酒和黑啤意外啤酒和黑啤意外的任何啤酒)的任何啤酒)lager贮藏陈啤贮藏陈啤(与墨西哥与墨西哥和印度菜及和印度菜及披萨配食)披萨配食)porter黑啤(黑啤(原产地英原产地英格兰,与各类肉

15、格兰,与各类肉餐配食)餐配食)15stout 烈性黑啤烈性黑啤(原产(原产于爱尔兰,有咖于爱尔兰,有咖啡的苦味,常与啡的苦味,常与甜点配食)甜点配食)pilsener比尔森啤酒比尔森啤酒(捷(捷克黄啤酒,可配克黄啤酒,可配送任何食物,口送任何食物,口味比味比lager稍重)稍重)special beer特种啤酒特种啤酒(绿(绿啤,暖啤,奇啤,暖啤,奇异果啤酒,黑异果啤酒,黑加仑啤酒)加仑啤酒)15译文 当然,有些顾客对此一点儿也不介意。当然,有些顾客对此一点儿也不介意。 目目前住在洛杉矶的俄国人阿纳托利前住在洛杉矶的俄国人阿纳托利罗辛斯基罗辛斯基回忆说:回忆说:在俄国,如果你要买一听啤酒,在俄

16、国,如果你要买一听啤酒,你得排半小时的队。你得排半小时的队。 如果那如果那 天有啤酒的话,天有啤酒的话,你也只有一种选择。你也只有一种选择。 在这里,你花在这里,你花30分钟分钟来决定买哪种啤酒。来决定买哪种啤酒。 你最终花费的时间大你最终花费的时间大致是一样的。致是一样的。 但现在这样令人愉快得多。但现在这样令人愉快得多。15 4 Some people, however, think there is a bigger problem than losing time: stress. 5 “You can go into a major shopping area and after o

17、ne hour it feels like your mind is dead. The reason is that there are too many things to pick from,”says an expert. He adds that people nowadays feel they have to consider environmental problems (such as whether the product is harmful to the environment). They also have to condiser health problems (

18、such as whether the product contains harmful materials). Its a very big job, he says, well beyond the level of stress that our parents knew 20 years ago.15stress n.压力压力, 强调强调, 重音重音 I cant bear the stresses and strains of modern life. 我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。 High winds put great stress on th

19、e structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。 v. 强调强调 I must stress that what I say is confidential. 我要强调我说的话是保密的。我要强调我说的话是保密的。15major adj.较多的较多的, 主要的主要的 n.主修主修,专业专业 v.主修主修 Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay. 糖是造成蛀牙的主要原因。糖是造成蛀牙的主要原因。 Her major is French. 她的主修科目是法语。她的主修科目是法语。 She majored in

20、maths and physics at university. 她在大学期间主修数学和物理。她在大学期间主修数学和物理。15pick 拾拾, 捡捡, 挑选挑选, 采摘采摘, 偶然学到偶然学到 He picked her a rose. 他采了一朵玫瑰给她。他采了一朵玫瑰给她。 He picked the shampoo from a lot of varieties. 他从各种品牌中挑选洗发水。他从各种品牌中挑选洗发水。 The students have picked up the language when they studied abroad. 但学生在国外留学的时候,他们学会了当地

21、语言但学生在国外留学的时候,他们学会了当地语言了。了。15environmental 环境的环境的 People are becoming far more aware of environmental issues. 人们现在更多地注意环境问题了。人们现在更多地注意环境问题了。 Their designs, for the most part, correspond to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand. 他们的设计绝大部分符合实际需要和有关他们的设计绝大部分符合实际需要和有关环境要求的条例。环境要求的条例。15har

22、mful 有害的有害的 Drunkenness is harmful to our health. 醉酒对我们的身体有害。醉酒对我们的身体有害。 Smoking is harmful to ones health. 吸烟对健康有害。吸烟对健康有害。15beyond prep.超出超出, 远于远于, 除除 . 之外之外 adv.在更远处在更远处, 另外另外 n.远处远处, 来世来世The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。Hes got nothing beyond his state pension. 除

23、了国家发的养老金,他一无所有。除了国家发的养老金,他一无所有。What can we know of the beyond? 我们对来世能知道些什么呢?我们对来世能知道些什么呢?15译文4. 可有些人认为,还有一个问题比消耗时间可有些人认为,还有一个问题比消耗时间更严重:压力。更严重:压力。 5. 你可以到一个大购物区去,一小时后你会你可以到一个大购物区去,一小时后你会觉得大脑像死了一般。觉得大脑像死了一般。 原因是供挑选的东原因是供挑选的东西太多了,西太多了, 一位专家说。一位专家说。 他接着说,如他接着说,如今人们感到需要考虑环境问今人们感到需要考虑环境问 题(比如该产题(比如该产品是否对

24、环境有害),品是否对环境有害), 还要考虑健康问题还要考虑健康问题(比如该产品是不是含有害物质)。(比如该产品是不是含有害物质)。 这可这可不是一件小事,不是一件小事, 他说,他说,远远超过了我们远远超过了我们父母父母20年前所经年前所经 受的压力的程度。受的压力的程度。 15 6 A recent study also shows that having too many choices is one of the reasons why some people buy too many things. One woman in New York has 187 belts in her h

25、ouse, and most of them have never been used or even looked at. A man thinks that only the most expensive exercise bicycle will help improve his body, even though he already owns a lot of body-building equipment that he doesnt use.15belt n.腰带腰带, 带状物带状物, 地带地带, 皮带皮带 vt.用皮带抽打用皮带抽打, 用带系上用带系上 She fastened

26、 her belt tightly round her waist. 她把腰带束紧。她把腰带束紧。 A belt of trees grew between the two fields. 两块田之间有一条树木带。两块田之间有一条树木带。 The police belted up and went out. 警察系上皮带,走了出去。警察系上皮带,走了出去。15bicycle tricycle scooter motorbike三轮车三轮车脚踏车,小电动脚踏车,小电动摩托车摩托车15body-building working out 健身健身 Since you like it, Ill buy

27、 you a piece of bodybuilding facility as a birthday present for you. 既然你喜欢健美,我会给买一件健美器械既然你喜欢健美,我会给买一件健美器械作为生日礼物送给你。作为生日礼物送给你。15译文 最近的一项研究也表明,供选择的东西最近的一项研究也表明,供选择的东西太多是有些人购物太多的原因之一。太多是有些人购物太多的原因之一。 纽约纽约一位女士的家里有一位女士的家里有187条腰带,其中大多数条腰带,其中大多数都没用过,有的连看都没看都没用过,有的连看都没看 过。过。 有位男士有位男士认为,只有最昂贵的运动型单车才能帮助认为,只有最

28、昂贵的运动型单车才能帮助他增强体质,尽管他已经拥有不少他从未他增强体质,尽管他已经拥有不少他从未使用过的健身设备。使用过的健身设备。15 7. Such people cant control their shopping. Some doctors think this problem is as serious and dangerous as using drugs or drinking too much.译文:译文: 这样的人无法控制自己的购物行为。这样的人无法控制自己的购物行为。 一些医生认为,这个问题与吸毒和酗酒一些医生认为,这个问题与吸毒和酗酒等问题同样严重,同样具有危害性。等

29、问题同样严重,同样具有危害性。15drug n. 毒品毒品 He is drug addict. 他是一个瘾君子。他是一个瘾君子。 They were arrested for drug offences. 他们因贩卖毒品罪而被逮捕。他们因贩卖毒品罪而被逮捕。 15 8. They think that owning things makes them feel better, says Dr. Francesca Kress, director of a program in New York City that treats people who shop too much. As the

30、ir lives become more and more terrible, they will buy themselves something they cant afford, Kress says. When material objects are used as a way to make yourself feel better, theres a problem, according to Kress. Rather than deal with the problem, they think that they can go out and buy something to

31、 make themselves feel better, Kress says.15director n. 主管主管,董事,导演董事,导演 She has become the director of the new information centre. 她已成为新信息中心的主管。她已成为新信息中心的主管。 The decision has yet to be approved by the board of directors. 这项决定还有待董事会通过。这项决定还有待董事会通过。 He used to be one of Hollywoods biggest directors. 他曾

32、是好莱坞名气最大的一位导演。他曾是好莱坞名气最大的一位导演。15afford v. 买得起,承担得起,提供买得起,承担得起,提供 I cant afford a holiday this summer. 今年夏天我无法度假。今年夏天我无法度假。 You cant afford to miss that film.(=It is so good/ important that you should see it.) 你不能不看那部电影。你不能不看那部电影。 These trees afford a pleasant shade. 这些树提供了荫凉。这些树提供了荫凉。15object n. 物品物

33、品,目的目的 Various objects were on the table. 桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。 The object of their expedition was to discover the source of the River Nile. 他们探险的目的是寻找尼罗河的源头。他们探险的目的是寻找尼罗河的源头。 v. 反对反对 Some people objected that the new tax law was unfair. 一些人反对说,新税法不公平。一些人反对说,新税法不公平。15deal with 处理,对付处理,对付 How do

34、 you intend to deal with this problem? 你准备怎么处理这个问题?你准备怎么处理这个问题? One of our secretaries deals with customers complaints. 我们中的一位秘书专门处理顾客们的意见。我们中的一位秘书专门处理顾客们的意见。15译文 他们认为拥有东西会使他们感觉好一些,他们认为拥有东西会使他们感觉好一些, 纽约市一个治疗购物狂的项目的负责人弗纽约市一个治疗购物狂的项目的负责人弗朗西斯卡朗西斯卡克雷斯博士说,克雷斯博士说, 他们的生活变他们的生活变得越糟,他们就越会去买一得越糟,他们就越会去买一 些他们买

35、不起些他们买不起的东西。的东西。克雷斯认为,克雷斯认为, 当物质产品被用当物质产品被用来使自己感觉好一些时,就会出问题。来使自己感觉好一些时,就会出问题。 他们不是去解决问题,而是认为出去买东他们不是去解决问题,而是认为出去买东西可以改善自我感西可以改善自我感 觉,觉,克雷斯说。克雷斯说。15 9 Kresss program helps patients to change their spending habits and also tries to get to the root of the patients problem.译文:译文: 克雷斯的项目就是要帮助病人改变消克雷斯的项目就

36、是要帮助病人改变消费习惯,并试图探究病人问题的根源。费习惯,并试图探究病人问题的根源。 15patient adj. 耐心耐心 Dinner will be ready in half an hour just be patient! 晚饭再过半个小时就好了, 耐心点! n. 病人病人 Sometimes the patient cried for the pain. 有时这个病人疼得哭起来。15root n. 植物的根植物的根 The girl carefully pulled up the weed by its roots n. 根源根源 Unhappiness is the root

37、cause of his illness. 不开心是他生病的根源。11Para(s).Para(s). TopicTopic 1 Having too many choices when shopping is a _ today. 2-3 Problem one: _. 4-5 Problem two: _. 6-9 Problem three: _.The Topic of Each PartThe Topic of Each PartText StudyUnderstandingbig problemspending too much timestressbuying too many

38、things15Exercise 1. Besides reading and writing, speaking is also _ important as a basic skill. 2. If the parents can _ it, each child should have his or her own bedroom. 3. We need to buy some important _ for the research work.consideredaffordequipments15 4. How many _ do you plan to take this year

39、? 5. Im not hungry, but I dont _ having some cakes. 6. Stephen took the view that his headache was caused by _.coursesmindstress15 7. The _ part of the plan is to prevent the farmers from cutting down the trees. 8. The development of agriculture in this area has reached a new _ in the last few years

40、. majorlevel15preposition and adverb 1. _ cours, these suggestions may not be perfect, but we have to take them seriously. 2. I dont like eating out because usually we have to wait _ line. 3. Apples picked _ the same variety of tree wouldnt have the same taste when grown in various areas.Ofinfrom15

41、4. It was good to sit down with a family for dinner _ though I didnt understand everything the Frenchman and his wife were talking about. 5. You must accept this fact and try to find out how to deal _ the problems when they come out. 6. She felt disappointed, because she didnt get _ the point of wha

42、t her parents had said.evenwithto 15 7. He thought for a long time and _ the end he decided to take the job. 8. The girl had nothing to eat, as there was only a tin _ coffee left in the room.inof 15Translation from C to E1.一些顾客认为同样的东西品种繁多是件令一些顾客认为同样的东西品种繁多是件令人愉快的事。人愉快的事。(consider) Many customers con

43、sider many varieties of one thing to be a good thing. 2. 他妻子花了太多的时间购物,可他并不介他妻子花了太多的时间购物,可他并不介意。意。(spend . doing sth.) His wife spends too much time shopping, yet he does not mind it. 153. 如今人们购物时不得不考虑环境问题,比如某一如今人们购物时不得不考虑环境问题,比如某一产品是否对环境有害。产品是否对环境有害。(such as) Nowadays people have to consider environmental problems w


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