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1、Unit 1Your College Years1. adolescencen. the time,usu. between the ages of 13 to 19, when a young person is developing into an adultn. 青春期;青年期青春期;青年期 1. from adolescence upward. 从青少年时期起 2. early adolescence 青春初期 3. late adolescence 青年春晚期 4.adolescence literature 青少年读物 1.Its a retreat into the adoles

2、cence they never really had.这是对他们从不曾真正拥有的青春时代的回归.2.There was a lot of unhappiness in my adolescence.年少时我经历过很多不愉快。3.At adolescence, muscles go through a growth spurt.在青春期,肌肉会迅猛发育。4.He displayed all the awkwardness of adolescence.他表现出了青春期的各种羞涩不安。5.childhood, adolescence and adulthood童年、青少年及成年2. affirm

3、v.(fml) to state that sth is true and you agree with it or support it, esp. in publicv. 肯定 确认 断言 ,证实 维持 证明 认定 批准形容词: affirmable 副词: affirmably 名词: affirmer 动词过去式: affirmed 过去分词: affirmed 现在分词: affirming 第三人称单数: affirms 1. I affirm I can like it. 我肯定我会喜欢它。 2. We gave them the opportunity to express t

4、heir feelings, to affirm themselves. 我们给了他们一个机会表达自己的感情,他们可以借此挺一挺腰杆。 3. I am not in a position either to contradict or affirm this statement. 我既不能否定这一说法,又不能肯定这一说法。 4. We affirm these statements to be true. 我们肯定这些说法是对的。 3. contributev.to help to cause sth to happenv. 贡献 捐款, 捐献, 捐 捐助, 投稿, 捐赠, 捐输 形容词: c

5、ontributive 副词: contributively 名词: contributiveness 动词过去式: contributed 过去分词: contributed 现在分词: contributing 第三人称单数: contributes 1. A number of factors contribute to this. 对于此总可以归诸于许多因素。 2. contribute effectively to the commercial growth of the country 有效地促进国家的商业的发展 3. Concepts that seem likely to co

6、ntribute to terrestrial agriculture will be identified. 可能对陆生农业作出贡献的一些新概念将得到验证。 4. It doesnt contribute positively to attaining users goals, but keeps negative occurrences from spoiling the effort. 撤销并不直接有助于达到用户的目标,但能防止发生负面情况破坏用户的努力。 4. counselv.(fml) to advicen. 忠告 辩护人 v. 告诫 商榷 动词过去式: counseled/cou

7、nselled 过去分词: counseled/counselled 现在分词: counseling/counselling 第三人称单数: counsels/counsels 1. It will be late to counsel then or pray. 那时已来不及再商量或祈求。 2. Counsel for the defence submitted that his client was clearly innocent. 被告的律师辩称其委托人显然是无辜的. 3. Her counsel pleaded insanity. 她的律师辩护说她的精神不健全。 4. The ge

8、neral counsel shuffled papers. 法律顾问翻动了一叠文件。 5. The court heard counsel for both sides. 法庭听取了双方律师的陈述. 5. ethicaladj. conected with principles of what is right and what is wrong 1.伦理的;道德的 connected with ethics 2.合乎道德的 morally good or right 副词: ethically 合乎道德地 名词: ethicalness +名词ethical conduct 道德行为eth

9、ical culture 伦理教育 用作定语+n.It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept.必须使青年具有高度的道德观念。用作表语S+be+I dont think it is ethical. 我认为那是不合乎道德的。6. evaluatev. to carefully consider sth in order to see how useful or valuable it is vt. 评价,估计,估价 find out or form an idea of the amount or value o

10、f (sb/sth); assess+名词evaluate sbs ability 估计能力evaluate oneself 评价自己evaluate success 评价成就evaluate the old furniture 对旧家具作出估价+副词evaluate fairly 公正地评价evaluate justly 正确地估计+介词evaluate as 把评价为evaluate on(v.+prep.)根据评价某人 assess sb depend on sth evaluate sb on sth Superiors would evaluate a plainclothesman

11、 on his dependability.上级评价一个便衣人员的标准是看他是否忠诚可靠。用作及物动词S+n./pron.I cant evaluate his ability without seeing his work.我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评论他的能力。The school has only been open for six months, so its hard to evaluate its success.该学校仅开办了六个月,现在还很难估计它的成就7. excessiveadj. much more than is reasonable or necessary 过度的

12、,过分的; 极度的 too much; too great +名词excessive charges 过高的索价excessive drinking and smoking 过度抽烟喝酒excessive indulgence 极度放纵同义词 excess, extreme, undue反义词 deficient, inadequate, lacking, wanting用作定语+n. She takes an excessive interest in clothes.她过分注重衣着。Excessive drinking is bad for the health.过度的饮酒有害健康。用作表

13、语S+be+ The prices at this hotel are excessive.这家旅馆的价钱贵得过分。8. feminineadj. belonging to or considered typical of women or girls A 1. 有女性气质的,女子气的,适于女子的 of or having the qualities suitable for a woman A 2. 阴性的 for or belonging to the class of words that usually includes most of the words for females +名

14、词feminine noun 阴性名词feminine beauty 女性美1. There are few feminine members of the committee.该委员会的女性成员极少。2. She was a very feminine person. 她是个很有女性气质的人。3. He has a rather feminine voice.他说话带娘娘腔。4. Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.珠宝和花边多数是女性用品。5. The feminine form of actor is actress.actor

15、的阴性形式是actress。9. inheritv. to receive (genetic characters) from your parents vt. & vi. 继承 receive (property, a title, etc.) left by sb who has died +名词inherit a fortune 继承财产inherit ones father (子)承父业inherit sbs job 接某人的班,接替某人的工作+副词inherit legally 合法继承+介词inherit from 从继承,从得到inherit from(v.+prep.)从继承;

16、 从得到 gain sth from sb inherit sth from sb I inherited this ring from my grandmother.我从祖母那里继承了这个戒指。We think that Mary inherits her blue eyes from her father.我们认为玛丽的蓝眼睛是她父亲遗传的。用作不及物动词S+(+A)If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.如果他没有立下遗嘱就去世了,他的至亲将成为其继承人。用作及物动词S+n./pron.He

17、intended that his son should inherit his business.他打算让他的儿子继承他的生意。He mused over what he would do if he were suddenly to inherit a million dollars.他胡思乱想如果他忽然继承了100万美元,他会怎么办。10. interactionn. the act or process of interactingC U 一起活动,合作,配合 interacting; cooperation +介词interaction between 之间的互相影响interact

18、ion of 的配合1.The interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.两个组的相互交流产生了许多好主意。2.There should be a lot more interaction between the social services and local doctors.社会服务机构和当地医生应该加强合作。3.Most people enjoy a drink either for their own sake or for social interactions.大部分人喜欢喝一杯,不是为了自己,就是为了社会交际。

19、11. masculineadj. belonging to or considered typical of men or boys 1.男性的,男子的,男子气概的 having the qualities or appearance thought to be typical of men 2.阳性的 referring to the male gender 同义词 male, manly反义词 femininemasculine作“阳性的”解时,不用于比较等级。masculine还可用作名词,意思是“男子,男孩; 阳性, 阳性词, 男性的东西”。用作定语+n.She has a rath

20、er masculine voice.她的声音有点男性化。“He” and “him” are masculine pronouns.He和him都是阳性代词。用作表语S+be+Some women look more masculine than feminine.有些妇女看起来男性气质多于女性气质。S+be+prep.-phraseHe looks very masculine in his new uniform.他穿上新制服看上去很有阳刚之气。The word for “book” is masculine in French.book这个字在法语里是阳性词。12. peern. sb

21、 of the same age or the same social status as youC 贵族 a member of any of five noble ranks C 同辈; 同龄人 a person of the same age, class 形容词+hereditary peer 英世袭上议院议员 名词+life peer 英终身职的上议院议员 介词+without a peer 无双的Armstrong is a peer.阿姆斯特朗是一个贵族。As peers, we will help each other.作为同龄人,我们应该互相帮助。同义词 v. gaze, g

22、lare, look, stare13. perceivev. to understand or think of sth in a particular wayvt. 感觉; 察觉 become aware of, especially through the eyes or the mind +副词perceive dimlyvaguely 隐约地感觉到perceive distinctlyplainly 清楚地感觉到perceive easily 容易看到perceive gradually 逐渐地感觉到perceive instinctively 直觉感到perceive superf

23、icially 表面地看到perceive tangibly 明确地感觉到perceive tremulously 颤动地感觉到perceive vividly 强烈地感觉到 +介词perceive by the ear 通过耳朵感觉到1.perceive是感官动词,基本意思是“觉察”“理解”“看到”,指通过视觉等各种感官,也指依靠敏锐的观察力很清晰地“感受”外界事物,理解或获得关于该事物的知识。引申表示“心里明白”。2.perceive可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接that从句或疑问词引导的从句。3.perceive所接的that从句表示的是思想上的反映而非生理上的反应,常

24、译为“意识到”“明白”。4.perceive还可接以动词不定式或动名词充当补足语的复合宾语。动词不定式通常不带to,但在被动结构中to不可省略。5.perceive有时还可接“to be+n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。6.perceive后可接so或not替代前面提到的肯定式或否定式的宾语。用作及物动词S+n./pron.She has perceived the danger.她已觉察到那危险了。They perceived the faults of their own children.他们知道了他们自己儿女的过失。I cant perceive any difference b

25、etween these coins.我看不出这些硬币的区别。S+that-clauseThey perceived that they were unwelcome and left.他们意识到他们是不受欢迎的,于是就离开了。I perceived that I could not make him change his mind.我意识到我不能使他改变主意。They perceived that the enemy was trying to wear down their resistance.他们明白敌人是想用消耗的办法来制服他们的抵抗。用作宾补动词虽然从广义讲来, perceive可

26、指通过任何感官“感受”外界事物,但在实际应用中,一般只指视觉。例如:他听见噪音。误:He perceived a noise.正:He heard a noise.医生试摸他的脉搏。误:The doctor perceived his pulse.正:The doctor felt his pulse.14. projectv. to show other people (what your future role will be as a man/ woman)vt. 规划 planvt. & vi. 伸出,突出; 表达特点 (cause to) stick out beyond an ed

27、ge or surface; make known the characteristics ofvt. 抛; 投; 射 throw; ject用作名词是“计划”的意思,转化为动词则作“规划”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。2.project作“伸出,突出”解时,可用作不及物动词,常与from连用; 也可用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。3.project还可作“投射”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。宾语后常接介词into, onto,意为“将投影于上”。引申可作“设想自己处身于”“将某事归罪于某人”解。+名词project dress 设计衣服pr

28、oject house 设计房屋project machine 设计机器project scheme 设计计划project works 设计工厂 +副词project far 突出很远project distinctly 清晰地规划project fantastically 完美地规划project infinitesimally 极微小地规划project naively 幼稚地规划project obtrusively 强加于人地设想project ruggedly 粗糙地规划project sharply 清晰地规划 +介词project from 从突出来,伸出来project on

29、eself into the future world 设想自己处于未来的世界project onto 将投影于; 将某事归罪于某人project onto the grass 投影于草地上project onto a screen 投影于银幕上project from(v.+prep.)从突出来,伸出来 stick out; stand out beyond the surface nearbyproject from sth The fireplace projects from the wall rather too far into the room, taking up a lot

30、of space.壁炉伸出墙外太远,占去了屋里不少地方。I caught my coat on a loose brick projecting from the wall.我把大衣挂在突出于墙外的一块松动的砖头上。project onto(v.+prep.)project sth onto sb/sth 1.将投影于 cause a shadow, an outline, etc. to fall on a surface, etc.The tree projects a shadow onto the grass.树投影于草地上。2.I had no screen, so I projec

31、ted the slides onto an old white sheet.我没有幕布,所以我把幻灯片投射到一块旧的白床单上。15. rebelv. to oppose or fight against sb in a position of authorityvi. 武装反抗; 反叛 take up arms to fight against the government1.rebel的基本意思是用武力反抗权威、政权、既定秩序等,企图把它们推翻,这个词的贬褒要看说者的立场。引申可表示对事物心生“嫌恶,反感”。2.rebel只用作不及物动词,常接against表示“反对,反抗”; 接介词at

32、表示“对产生对抗情绪”。+副词rebel blindly 盲目地反抗rebel hopelessly 没有希望地反抗rebel mutely 默默地反抗+介词rebel against sth 反对某事rebel against the government 反叛政府rebel against too much homework 强烈反对家庭作业过多rebel at the idea 对这种想法反感 rebel against(v.+prep.)反对; 反抗 oppose; fight againstrebel against sb/sth/v-ingThey rebelled against

33、 an increase in prices.他们强烈反对提高物价。The nurses rebelled against an increase in their hours of work.对增加工作时间护士们抗命不从。The children rebelled against having to do three hours homework each evening.孩子们强烈反对每天晚上要做三个小时的家庭作业。rebel at(v.+prep.)对产生对抗情绪 feel angry and unwilling because of sth or doing sthrebel at s

34、th/v-ingI know I have to get up every morning, but my mind rebels at the thought.我也知道我每天早上必须得起床,但一想到这儿,心里就很不情愿。He rebelled at the very idea of going home.他一想到要回家就心烦。They rebelled at having to stay in on so fine a day.他们对于这么好的天气呆在家里不能外出而感到反感。16. resentmentn. a feeling of anger beacause sth has happened that you think is unfair n. 怨恨,愤恨 1. She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker. 她表达了对被一位社工采访的愤恨。 2. This issue has arou


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